
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimates suggest that the amount of plastic litter discarded in the ocean is several times greater than what remains floating at the sea surface, raising questions about the fate of this marine debris. Fouling-induced sinking of plastic litter is one of the proposed mechanisms responsible for this mass difference. While some of this \'missing\' plastic mass may be explained by the effects of fouling, it has also been hypothesized that sinking litter may return to the surface after benthic organisms consume the biofouling. However, this hypothesis has never been tested. The present study evaluated the structure and biomass of the fouling community in response to benthic predation in both summer and winter seasons. Floating PVC plates were installed during winter and summer in central Chile (36°S) until the growing biofouling community caused them to sink. Plates were then moved to the seabed, where they were exposed to benthic predation, while control plates were maintained in a mesh cage impeding predator access. In summer, all plates recovered their buoyancy, while in the winter only 60 % recovered buoyancy. All caged control samples remained on the bottom in both seasons. The community structure differed both in the treatments and across the seasons, with plates that recovered buoyancy initially being dominated by Ulva sp. and Ciona robusta. Conversely, plates that did not refloat were mainly covered by species resistant to predation such as Pyura chilensis, Austromegabalanus psittacus, and Balanus laevis. Thus, fouling community structure influences how predation facilitates buoyancy recovery, because not all epibionts can be consumed by predators. While previous studies had shown how fouling organisms cause sinking of floating litter, this is the first study to provide experimental evidence that predation can reverse this process and allow litter to resurface and become again available as dispersal vectors for native and invasive species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThe sub-Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems survive on isolated oceanic islands in the path of circumpolar currents and winds that have raged for more than 30 million years and are shaped by climatic cycles that surpass the tolerance limits of many species. Surprisingly little is known about how these ecosystems assembled their native terrestrial fauna and how such processes have changed over time. Here, we demonstrate the patterns and timing of colonization and speciation in the largest and dominant arthropod predators in the eastern sub-Antarctic: spiders of the genus Myro. Our results indicate that this lineage originated from Australia before the Plio-Pleistocenic glacial cycles and underwent an adaptive radiation on the Crozet archipelago, from where one native species colonized multiple remote archipelagos via the Antarctic circumpolar current across thousands of kilometers. The results indicate limited natural connectivity between terrestrial macroinvertebrate faunas in the eastern sub-Antarctic and partial survival of repeated glaciations in the Plio-Pleistocene. Furthermore, our findings highlight that by integrating arthropod taxa from multiple continents, the climatically more stable volcanic Crozet archipelago played a critical role in the evolution and distribution of arthropod life in the sub-Antarctic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The knowledge of the long-distance dispersal mechanisms of meiofauna is still limited. Rafting is considered as the main mechanism of dispersal of the meiofauna. The recent events of the Sargassum spp. arrival in the Caribbean provides the opportunity to explore long distance mechanisms. Four samples of floating Sargassum spp. were collected from the water column in Xcalak, Quintana Roo, which arrived at the Reef lagoon and Mangrove fringe. A total of 425 organisms were present, 388 nematodes, 36 tardigrades, and a single acarus. Tardigrades were represented by three species, whereas nematodes were represented by 16 morphotypes. The population of both tardigrades and nematodes was composed of mature and juvenile specimens. One tardigrade was collected during their ecdysis process. Our results suggest that not only the nematodes, but also tardigrades and acari can reach the floating Sargassum spp., maintaining in the algae, growing, and reproducing, while they are transported in the sea. We can conclude that in the Caribbean Sea, the floating Sargassum spp. floating is a dispersal mechanism of nematodes and tardigrades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Today, the world is increasingly concerned about marine litter and its interaction with marine biodiversity. However, knowledge concerning the fouling organisms associated with marine litter is very limited in many of the world\'s marine environments. In this survey, we investigated biofouling on different types of marine litter washed up on all the coasts of the central Atlantic of Morocco. The findings revealed 21 fouling species belonging to 9 phyla (Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Annelida, Bryozoa, Porifera, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, and Ascomycota). More specifically, frequently observed fouling species include Mytilus galloprovincialis, Balanus laevis, Megabalanus coccopoma, and Pollicipes pollicipes species. Large marine litter items recorded the highest colonization of marine organisms in comparison to small ones. The frequency of occurrence (FO) of the species most commonly fouled on all coasts was Perforatus perforatus (FO = 48.60), followed by Mytilus galloprovincialis (FO = 45.80), Balanus trigonus (FO = 32.05), Balanus laevis (FO = 30.25), Megabalanus coccopoma (FO = 25.25), Bryozoa species (FO = 19.40), Spirobranchus triqueter (FO = 18.18), Lepas pectinata (FO = 14.45), and Pollicipes pollicipes (FO = 13.05). The majority of the species registered in this study are sessile. Substrate coverage by fouling taxa was significantly different between plastic substrate and other types of marine litter. Likewise, this study revealed that the proportion of fouling organisms is higher on rough surfaces. Overall, this research could be crucial to understanding the little-known subject of marine litter and its colonization by marine biota. Given that these marine litters can act as vectors and cause ecological, biogeographical, and conservation issues in the marine environment, minimizing the quantity of anthropogenic litter reaching the Moroccan Atlantic could significantly reduce its accumulation on the sea surface and seabed, thereby reducing the risk of invasion by non-indigenous species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We provide the first report of the role of marine debris in transporting native and introduced species in the temperate Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Plastic was the most frequent biofouled material. Thirty-three attached species (five non-native) were found on rafted debris, 16 of which have not been previously reported as rafters. Forty-six percent of the attached invertebrate rafters (including three of the introduced species, the bryozoans Fenestrulina delicia and Tricellaria inopinata and the spirorbid Janua heterostropha) detected in this study reproduce by either direct development or produce larvae of short-term planktonic existence, suggesting that rafting on long-term, non-biodegradable debris may enhance their dispersal potential. We suggest that a prominent non-native species, the green alga Codium fragile fragile, may play a previously undetected role in the transport of marine debris and associated biofouling. Marine debris may further be a potentially significant source of biodiversity records; we detected two bryozoan species in our study region that were either previously unknown or had not been found for >75 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The existence of floating marine litter in marine environments enhances the potential for the transport of fouling organisms using these substrates as vectors. In this study, we examined the fouling organisms on different types of litter stranded on two beaches of the Moroccan Mediterranean. The study revealed 13 fouling species belonging to 8 phyla (Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Annelida, Mollusca, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Chlorophyta, and Ochrophyta) on marine litter. Rafting vectors were almost exclusively made up of plastics and could mainly be attributed to land-based sources. The most common fouling species were the crustacean Lepas pectinata, Lepas anatifera, Perforatus perforatus, and bryozoan species. More taxa were found on large litter than on small litter. Relative substratum coverage was highest for bryozoan sp. (31.0 %), green algae (29.0 %), Lepas anatifera (21.42 %), Lepas pectinata (17.8 %), and Perforatus perforatus (17.46 %). Our results suggest that the growing generation of plastic litter may enhance the probability of the introduction of non-native species into the Moroccan Mediterranean. Therefore, monitoring efforts are needed to identify vectors and the arrival of novel invasive species in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than six million people participate in whitewater kayaking and rafting in the United States each year. Unfortunately, with these six million whitewater participants come 50 deaths annually, making it one of the highest fatality rates of all sports. As the popularity in whitewater activities grows, the number of injuries, including concussions, also increases. The objective of this study was to create a new rating system for whitewater helmets by evaluating the biomechanical performance and risk of head injury of whitewater helmets using the Summation of Tests for the Analysis of Risk (STAR) system. All watersport helmets that passed the EN: 1385: 2012 standard and that were clearly marketed for whitewater use were selected for this study. Two samples of each helmet model were tested on a custom pendulum impactor under conditions known to be associated with the highest risk of head injury and death. A 50th percentile male NOCSAE headform instrumented with three linear accelerometers and a triaxial angular rate sensor coupled with a Hybrid III 50th percentile neck were used for data collection. A total of 126 tests were performed using six different configurations. These included impacts to the front, side, and rear using two speeds of 3.1 and 4.9 m/s that modeled whitewater river flow rates. Each helmet\'s STAR score was calculated using the combination of exposure and injury risk that was determined from the linear and rotational head accelerations. The resulting head impact accelerations predicted a very high risk of concussion for all impact locations at the 4.9 m/s speed. The STAR score varied between helmets indicating that some helmets provide better protection than others. Overall, these results show a clear need for improvement in whitewater helmets, and the methodologies developed in this research project should provide manufacturers a design tool for improving these products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present work demonstrates a technique for the hot forging of metal surfaces in water at 1000 °C or higher, termed energy-intensive multifunctional cavitation (EI-MFC). In this process, the energy of cavitation bubbles is maximized, following which these bubbles collide with the metal surface. This technique will be employed to improve the surface structure of CM186LC/DS, a Ni-based columnar crystalline superalloy used to manufacture the rotor blades of jet engines and gas turbines that are exposed to high-temperature oxidizing environments, with the aim of improving creep strength. EI-MFC processing induces compressive residual stress in the metal that prevents the occurrence of surface cracks and also increases surface hardness, improves corrosion resistance, and increases the coefficient of friction. The latter effect can enhance the adhesion of thermal barrier coatings applied to Ni-based superalloys by thermal spraying. The technology demonstrated herein can be applied to present-day jet engine and gas turbine components and also to the production of hydrogen combustion turbines operating at 1700 °C with higher combustion efficiency than the current 1500 °C class gas turbines. In addition, the high processing energy obtained using the EI-MFC technique has the potential to flatten rough surfaces resulting from the stacking pitches of various metals manufactured using three-dimensional printers, and so improve surface strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major ecological disturbance events can provide opportunities to assess multispecies responses to upheaval. In particular, catastrophic disturbances that regionally extirpate habitat-forming species can potentially influence the genetic diversity of large numbers of codistributed taxa. However, due to the rarity of such disturbance events over ecological timeframes, the genetic dynamics of multispecies recolonization processes have remained little understood. Here, we use single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from multiple coastal species to track the dynamics of cocolonization events in response to ancient earthquake disturbance in southern New Zealand. Specifically, we use a comparative phylogeographic approach to understand the extent to which epifauna (with varying ecological associations with their macroalgal hosts) share comparable spatial and temporal recolonization patterns. Our study reveals concordant disturbance-related phylogeographic breaks in two intertidal macroalgal species along with two associated epibiotic species (a chiton and an isopod). By contrast, two codistributed species, one of which is an epibiotic amphipod and the other a subtidal macroalga, show few, if any, genetic effects of palaeoseismic coastal uplift. Phylogeographic model selection reveals similar post-uplift recolonization routes for the epibiotic chiton and isopod and their macroalgal hosts. Additionally, codemographic analyses support synchronous population expansions of these four phylogeographically similar taxa. Our findings indicate that coastal paleoseismic activity has driven concordant impacts on multiple codistributed species, with concerted recolonization events probably facilitated by macroalgal rafting. These results highlight that high-resolution comparative genomic data can help reconstruct concerted multispecies responses to recent ecological disturbance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine litter, such as plastic bags, bottles, fabrics, or fishing gear, serve as a shelter for many marine organisms that are likely to colonize artificial substrata. Such assemblages can potentially turn marine litter into vectors of alien invasive species (AIS). Here, we report the abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates inhabiting marine litter in Peruvian beaches. Results indicate that most of the fouled items found came from land-based sources (81.5%) and Bivalvia was the most abundant class (53.5%), mainly composed of the mussel Semimytilus algosus. No significant differences were found in the abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates (class level) among sampling sites or sources of litter. Polypropylene and low-density polyethylene items were most frequently found with fouled biota. Although none of the identified species were non-native to the coast of Peru, we discuss marine litter as a potential source of AIS in this region.





