Radioactive Hazard Release

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Incidents involving ionizing radiation pose a risk of immediate and long-term clinical consequences for both victims and responders in the event of secondary contamination. Rapid identification of the problem and a coordinated response are crucial. This article summarizes the key challenges related to the emergency management of a single patient or multiple victims, addressing the importance of recognizing such a case, radioprotection measures, decontamination, and available treatments.
    Les incidents impliquant des rayonnements ionisants représentent un risque aux conséquences cliniques immédiates et à long terme, tant pour les victimes que pour les intervenants en cas de contamination secondaire. L’identification rapide de la problématique et une réponse coordonnée sont cruciales. Cet article résume les principaux enjeux liés à la prise en charge en urgence d’un patient unique ou de plusieurs victimes, en abordant l’importance de la reconnaissance d’un tel cas, des mesures de radioprotection, de la décontamination et des traitements disponibles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear and radiological accidents can occur due to poor management, in transportation, radiation therapy and nuclear wards in hospitals, leading to extreme radiation exposure and serious consequences for human health. Additionally, in many of previous radiological accidents, skin damage was observed in patients and survivors due to the high radiation exposure. However, as part of a medical countermeasures in a nuclear/radiological emergency, it is critical to plan for the treatment of radiation-induced skin damage. Hence, the new, non-invasive technology of photodynamic therapy (PDT) is projected to be more effectively used for treating skin damage caused by high-dose radiation. PDT plays an important role in treating, repairing skin damage and promoting wound healing as evidenced by research. This review, highlighted and recommended potential impacts of PDT to repair and decrease radiation-induced skin tissue damage. Moreover, we have suggested some photosensitizer (PS) agent as radio-mitigator drugs to decrease radiobiological effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retention or trapping of cesium, one of the radiologically important fission products, in the nuclear reactor becomes a great concern as the occurrence may affect radioactivity in the long term or its environmental fate. Herein the chemical compound of cesium that had been largely trapped on the nuclear reactor structural material of (calcium silicate) thermal insulator in a simulated nuclear accident condition was investigated. A combined pre- and post-water dissolution analysis through infrared (IR) spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was explored to resolve the characterization difficulty encountered in conventional X-ray diffraction analysis reported in the previous works. This method allowed us to identify for the first time the related large amount of water-soluble cesium in the calcium silicate material after a high-temperature chemical reaction as cesium metasilicate (Cs2SiO3). It was evidenced by similar vibrational characteristics of the material to that in the synthesized Cs2SiO3 as well as based on the dissolved Cs and Si in the leaching water having a molar ratio of 2.16 ± 0.33. The corresponding 79-98% of the retained cesium in calcium silicate materials in the case study of 700 and 800 °C reactions was of this compound, emphasizing its significance once formed. Thermodynamic considerations further corroborated the higher stability of Cs2SiO3 in the cesium-calcium silicate reaction than other cesium silicates such as Cs2Si4O9, Cs2Si2O5, or Cs6Si2O7. This clearly poses a high environmental risk due to the volatility of cesium metasilicate as it may spread out further through the water leak path from a damaged nuclear reactor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dosimetry of different minerals is carried out to investigate the dose received by the population in case of a nuclear accident. Retrospective dosimetry is a field where there is a continuous search to find new materials. Beach sand minerals, namely quartz and zircon, were exposed to beta and gamma radiation and studied separately. A comparison of the thermoluminescence (TL) output of different peaks of quartz for beta and gamma was studied. Comparison of quartz peaks with the TL output of zircon peaks was carried out. TL output for a constant dose of gamma is always higher compared to the TL output received due to beta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiological science and nuclear technology have made great strides in the twenty-first century, with wide-ranging applications in various fields, including energy, medicine, and industry. However, those developments have been accompanied by the inherent risks of exposure to nuclear radiation, which is a source of concern owing to its potentially adverse effects on human health and safety and which is of particular relevance to medical personnel who may be exposed to certain cancers associated with low-dose radiation in their working environment. While medical radiation workers have seen a decrease in their occupational exposure since the 1950s thanks to improved measures for radiation protection, a concerning lack of understanding and awareness persists among medical professionals regarding these potential hazards and the required safety precautions. This issue is further compounded by insufficient capabilities in emergency response. This highlights the urgent need to strengthen radiation safety education and training to ensure the well-being of medical staff who play a critical role in radiological and nuclear emergencies. This review examines the health hazards of nuclear radiation to healthcare workers and the awareness and willingness and education of healthcare workers on radiation protection, calling for improved training programs and emergency response skills to mitigate the risks of radiation exposure in the occupational environment, providing a catalyst for future enhancement of radiation safety protocols and fostering of a culture of safety in the medical community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This research examines the cognitive frameworks used by HAZMAT technicians when responding to incidents involving Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs), which are conventional explosive devices with radioactive materials incorporated. The objective is to introduce the Expected Mental Model State (EMMS) as a comprehensive evaluation tool for assessing and enhancing the expertise and situational awareness of emergency responders dealing with radiation crises. Through a series of expert focus group sessions using the well-established qualitative methodology of grounded theory, an Expected Mental Model State (EMMS) was developed. The methodology used an influence diagram architecture to conceptually capture and codify key areas relevant to effective emergency response. The research identifies fourteen EMMS key conceptual domains, further elaborated into 301 subtopics, providing a multi-dimensional structure for the proposed mental model framework. Three pivotal notions of mental model emerged within the EMMS framework: Knowledge Topology, Envisioning (Belief), and Response and Operability. These notions were found to align with previous theories of mental models and are vital for understanding how HAZMAT technicians conceptualize and respond to RDD incidents. The study emphasizes the critical role of mental models in enhancing preparedness and effective response strategies during radiation emergencies. The EMMS framework offers a versatile methodology that can be adapted across various kinds of emergency responders and high-risk situations, including the broader Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) spectrum. Using this EMMS framework to develop an EMMS Diagnostic Matrix can provide a roadmap for identifying areas for the development of specialized training modules that have the potential to significantly elevate both the quality and efficacy of responder training and preparation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An accident at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) would result in a significant radionuclide release into the semi-closed marine environment. In this research, the released radionuclide distribution pattern and dose rate in the Persian/Arabian (Gulf) were calculated using a combined hydrodynamic/radiobiological model. Simulations of the dispersion of artificial radionuclide concentrations were conducted using a HYSPLIT model. To assess prospective hazards in case of an incident, environmental risk from ionizing contaminants: assessment and management (ERICA) tools were used. Using the Fukushima nuclear power accident as a model, the scenario source term profile was developed. The volumetric concentrations levels of pollutants ranged between 1 × 104 mBq m-3 to 1 × 1010 mBq m-3 in the radius of 200 km after 48 h. Based on the dose rates of the various marine biotas, Polychaete worms, and Pelagic fish, they had the highest and lowest dose contribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This paper discusses the various analyses of the Trinity Nuclear Test, including how they might apply to the issue of infant mortality. This paper was first drafted as a response to a letter by Rice, who commented on my earlier letter on that issue. My earlier letter commented on the National Cancer Institute\'s 2020 series of papers in the October Issue of Health Physics on the impact of the Trinity Nuclear Test that was conducted on unoccupied government lands on 16 July 1945. The Journal editors requested that my response to Rice be edited and submitted as a paper to ensure adequate technical review and suggested that the article also add material summarizing the series of exchanges that were published in the Journal. This article suggests that significant differences exist between various summaries of the offsite impact of the Trinity Nuclear Test and offers that Trinity might be the largest nuclear accident in terms of the impact on uninvolved civilians who were downwind following the test. It suggests areas for further study to resolve these significant differences. It also asserts that until the estimated exposures of downwind residents are resolved and an appropriate study is made of infant deaths following the Trinity Nuclear Test, the issue of infant mortality remains an unanswered, 80-y-old question.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When environmental impact and risks associated with radioactive contamination of ecosystems are assessed, the source term and deposition must be linked to ecosystem transfer, biological uptake and effects in exposed organisms. Thus, a well-defined source term is the starting point for transport, dose, impact and risk models. After the Chornobyl accident, 3-4 tons of spent nuclear fuel were released and radioactive particles were important ingrediencies of the actual source term. As Chornobyl particles were observed in many European countries, some scientists suggested that radioactive particles were \"a peculiarity of the Chornobyl accident.\" In contrast, research over the years has shown that a major fraction of refractory elements such as uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) released to the environment has been released as particles following a series of past events such as nuclear weapons tests, non-criticality accidents involving nuclear weapons, military use of depleted uranium ammunition, and nuclear reactor accidents. Radioactive particles and colloids have also been observed in discharges from nuclear installations to rivers or to regional seas and are associated with nuclear waste dumped at sea. Furthermore, radioactive particles have been identified at uranium mining and tailing sites as well as at other NORM sites such as phosphate or oil and gas industrial facilities. Research has also demonstrated that particle characteristics such as elemental composition depend on the emitting source, while characteristics such as size distribution, structure, and oxidation state influencing ecosystem transfer will also depend on the release scenarios. Thus, access to advanced particle characteristic techniques is essential within radioecology. After deposition, localized heterogeneities such as particles will be unevenly distributed in the environment. Thus, inventories can be underestimated, and impact and risk assessments of particle contaminated areas may suffer from unacceptable large uncertainties if radioactive particles are ignored. The present paper will focus on key sources contributing to the release of radioactive particles to the environments, as well as linking particle characteristics to ecosystem behavior and potential biological effects.





