Rabbit Cornea

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With a possibility for the use of chemical weapons in battlefield or in terrorist activities, effective therapies against the devastating ocular injuries, from their exposure, are needed. Oxygen plays a vital role in ocular tissue preservation and wound repair. We tested the efficacy of supersaturated oxygen emulsion (SSOE) in reducing ex vivo corneal and keratocyte injury from chloropicrin (CP). CP, currently used as a pesticide, is a chemical threat agent like the vesicating mustard agents and causes severe corneal injury. Since our previous study in human corneal epithelial cells showed the treatment potential of SSOE (55 %), we further tested its efficacy in an ex vivo CP-induced rabbit corneal injury model. Corneas were exposed to CP (700 nmol) for 2 h, washed and cultured with or without SSOE for 24 h or 96 h. At 96 h post CP exposure, SSOE treatment presented a healing tendency of the corneal epithelial layer, and abrogated the CP-induced epithelial apoptotic cell death. SSOE treatment also reduced the CP induced DNA damage (H2A.X phosphorylation) and inflammatory markers (e.g. MMP9, IL-21, MIP-1β, TNFα). Further examination of the treatment efficacy of SSOE alone or in combination with other therapies in in vivo cornea injury models for CP and vesicants, is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rabbit and porcine corneas have been used in scientific research due to their structural similarity to the human cornea. Currently, there are no studies that have compared corneal collagen fibrillar diameter, interfibrillar distance and interlamellar distance between human and animal models. Ten pairs of porcine, rabbit, and human corneas were used. These were analysed using light and Transmission Electron microscopy. The collagen fibrillar diameter, interfibrillar distance and interlamellar distance were statistically compared between porcine, rabbit and human corneas. The human, porcine and rabbit; mean collagen fibrillar diameters were: 24.52 ± 2.09 nm; 32.87 ± 0.87 nm; and 33.67 ± 1.97 nm. The mean interfibrillar distances were: 46.10 ± 2.44 nm; 53.33 ± 2.24 nm; and 52.87 ± 2.73 nm, respectively. The collagen fibrillar diameter and interfibrillar distance of porcine and rabbit corneas were significantly different (p < 0.001) to the human corneal values but not form each other. The interlamellar distance of human, porcine and rabbit corneas was: 2190 ± 820 nm; 6460 ± 1180 nm; and 4410 ± 1330 nm, respectively. All the comparisons were statistically different, in porcine versus rabbit at the p < 0.01 level and both porcine and rabbit versus human at the p < 0.001 level. Histologically, all five layers (epithelium, Bowman\'s layer, stroma, Descemet membrane and endothelium) of the cornea were visible in all the three species. While neither animal model was structurally identical to the human cornea, they are both relatively close to being used as models to study the biomechanical effects of external insults/treatments to be extrapolated to the human cornea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two-photon microscopy (TPM) is a three dimensional (3D) microscopic technique based on nonlinear two-photon fluorescence, which has been tested as an alternative to reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) for detecting fungal keratitis via optical imaging. Although TPM provided images with better contrast than RCM for fungal keratitis, its imaging speed was relatively low because of weak intrinsic signal. Moxifloxacin, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antibiotic, was recently used as a cell-labeling agent for TPM. In this study, moxifloxacin was used to label fungal cells for TPM imaging of fungal keratitis models. Fungal cell suspensions and ex vivo fungal keratitis-affected rabbit corneas were prepared using two types of fungal pathogens, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans, and TPM imaging was performed both with and without moxifloxacin treatment. Fungal cells with enhanced fluorescence were clearly visible by TPM of moxifloxacin-treated fungal cell suspensions. TPM of moxifloxacin-treated fungal keratitis rabbit corneas revealed both the infecting fungal cells and corneal cells similar to those observed in TPM without moxifloxacin treatment, albeit with approximately 10-times enhanced fluorescence. Fungal cells were distinguished from corneal cells on the basis of their distinct morphologies. Thus, TPM with moxifloxacin labeling might be useful for the detection of fungal keratitis at the improved imaging speed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study we tried to develop a new approach to suppress inflammation and neovascularization in the alkali-injured rabbit cornea. For this reason Cyclosporine A (CsA)-loaded electrospun nanofibers were transferred onto the ocular surface injured with alkali (0.25 N NaOH). Damaged corneas were divided into the following groups: untreated, treated with CsA eye drops, treated with nanofibers drug-free and treated with CsA-loaded nanofibers. Healthy rabbit corneas served as controls. Drug-free nanofibers and CsA-loaded nanofibers were transferred onto the damaged corneal surface immediately after the injury and sutured to conjunctiva. On day five after the injury the nanofibers were removed. The animals from all groups were sacrificed on day twelve after the injury. The extent of the inflammatory reaction and corneal healing were examined macroscopically, immunohistochemically and biochemically. The central corneal thickness was measured using an ultrasonic pachymeter. When compared with untreated injured corneas, injured corneas treated with drug-free nanofibers or injured corneas treated with CsA eye drops, the number of CD3-positive cells (T lymphocytes) and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines were strongly reduced in corneas treated with CsA-loaded nanofibers, which was associated with the significantly decreased expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9, inducible nitric oxide synthase, vascular endothelial growth factor and active caspase-3. CsA-loaded nanofibers effectively suppressed corneal inflammation and corneal neovascularization. Central corneal thickness restored to levels before injury only in corneas treated with CsA-loaded nanofibers. Corneal transparency was highly restored in these corneas. It is suggested that the beneficial effect of CsA-loaded nanofibers was associated with the continuous release of CsA from nanofibers and continuous affection of damaged cornea by CsA. The suture of nanofibers to conjunctiva and the closed eyes contributed to beneficial corneal healing. This is in contrast to CsA eye drops, which are quickly washed from the ocular surface and the contact of CsA with the damaged cornea was limited. In conclusion, the approach with CsA-loaded nanofibers could represent an effective alternative mode of therapy for corneal chemical burns.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) effectively decrease alkali-induced oxidative stress in the rabbit cornea. The alkali (0.15 N NaOH) was applied on the corneas of the right eyes and then rinsed with tap water. In the first group of rabbits the injured corneas remained untreated. In the second group MSCs were applied on the injured corneal surface immediately after the injury and eyelids sutured for two days. Then the sutures were removed. In the third group nanofiber scaffolds seeded with MSCs (and in the fourth group nanofibers alone) were transferred onto the corneas immediately after the injury and the eyelids sutured. Two days later the eyelid sutures were removed together with the nanofiber scaffolds. The rabbits were sacrificed on days four, ten or fifteen after the injury, and the corneas were examined immunohistochemically, morphologically, for the central corneal thickness (taken as an index of corneal hydration) using an ultrasonic pachymeter and by real-time PCR. Results show that in untreated injured corneas the expression of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrotyrosine (NT) (important markers of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress) appeared in the epithelium. The antioxidant aldehyde dehydrogenase 3A1 (ALDH3A1) decreased in the corneal epithelium, particularly in superficial parts, where apoptotic cell death (detected by active caspase-3) was high. (In control corneal epithelium MDA and NT are absent and ALDH3A1 highly present in all layers of the epithelium. Cell apoptosis are sporadic). In injured untreated cornea further corneal disturbances developed: The expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) and proinflammatory cytokines, were high. At the end of experiment (on day 15) the injured untreated corneas were vascularized and numerous inflammatory cells were present in the corneal stroma. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and number of macrophages were high. The results obtained in injured corneas covered with nanofiber scaffolds alone (without MSCs) or in injured corneas treated with MSCs only (transferred without scaffolds) did not significantly differ from the results found in untreated injured corneas. In contrast, in the injured corneas treated with MSCs on nanofiber scaffolds, ALDH3A1 expression remained high in the epithelium (as in the control cornea) and positive expression of the other immunohistochemical markers employed was very low (MMP9) or absent (NT, MDA, proinflammatory cytokines), also similarly as in the control cornea. Corneal neovascularization and the infiltration of the corneal stroma with inflammatory cells were significantly suppressed in the injured corneas treated with MSCs compared to the untreated injured ones. The increased central corneal thickness together with corneal opalescency appearing after alkali injury returned to normal levels over the course of ten days only in the injured corneas treated with MSCs on nanofiber scaffolds. The expression of genes for the proinflammatory cytokines corresponded with their immunohistochemical expression. In conclusion, MSCs on nanofiber scaffolds protected the formation of toxic peroxynitrite (detected by NT residues), lowered apoptotic cell death and decreased matrix metalloproteinase and pro-inflammatory cytokine production. This resulted in reduced corneal inflammation as well as neovascularization and significantly accelerated corneal healing.





