ROS accumulation

ROS 积累
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lesion mimic mutants (LMMs) refer to the spontaneous formation of disease-like spots on leaves without any obvious pathogen infection. The LMM genes can regulate plant immunity, thus promoting the defense of crops against pathogens. However, there is a lack of systematic understanding of the regulatory mechanism of LMMs in wheat. This study identified a wheat LMM TaCAT2, a homolog of the Arabidopsis CAT2. The prediction of the cis-regulatory element revealed that TaCAT2 was involved in the response of plants to various hormones and stresses. RT-qPCR analysis indicated that TaCAT2 was significantly up-regulated by NaCl, drought, and Fusarium graminearum infection. Fluorescence microscopy showed that the TaCAT2 was localized to the peroxisome. Overexpression of TaCAT2 enhanced plant resistance to Phytophthora infestation and F. graminearum by constitutionally activating SA and JA pathways. VIGS of TaCAT2 enhanced the sensitivity of wheat to F. graminearum. Further, TaCAT2 enhanced stress resistance by scavenging the excessive ROS and increasing the activities of antioxidative enzymes. This study lays the basis for the functional identification of TaCAT2 and its applicability in the disease resistance of wheat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study we investigate the role of Zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) in high glucose-induced vascular injury, focusing on its interaction with STAT5A and its effects on p53 and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) expression. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) are cultured under normal (5 mM) and high (25 mM) glucose conditions. Protein and gene expression levels are assessed by western blot analysis and qPCR respectively, while ROS levels are measured via flow cytometry. ZIPK expression is manipulated using overexpression plasmids, siRNAs, and shRNAs. The effects of the ZIPK inhibitor TC-DAPK6 are evaluated in a diabetic rat model. Our results show that high glucose significantly upregulates ZIPK, STAT5A, p53, and NOS2 expressions in HUVECs, thus increasing oxidative stress. Silencing of STAT5A reduces p53 and NOS2 expressions and reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation. ZIPK is essential for high glucose-induced p53 expression and ROS accumulation, while silencing of ZIPK reverses these effects. Overexpression of ZIPK combined with STAT5A silencing attenuates glucose-induced alterations in p53 and NOS2 expression, thereby preventing cell damage. Coimmunoprecipitation reveals a direct interaction between ZIPK and STAT5A in the nucleus under high-glucose condition. In diabetic rats, TC-DAPK6 treatment significantly decreases ZIPK, p53, and NOS2 expressions. Our findings suggest that ZIPK plays a critical role in high glucose-induced vascular injury via STAT5A-mediated pathways, proposing that ZIPK is a potential therapeutic target for diabetic vascular complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peanut production is threatened by climate change. Damage to seedlings from low temperatures in early spring can limit yield. Plant adaptations to chilling stress remain unclear in peanut seedlings. It is essential to understand how peanut acquires chilling tolerance. We evaluated effects of chilling stress on growth and recovery of peanut seedlings. We compared and analysed biological characteristics, antioxidants, photosynthesis, biochemical and physiological responses, and nutrient absorption at varying levels of chilling. Compared with chilling-sensitive FH18, the reduced impact of chilling stress on chilling-tolerant NH5 was associated with reduced ROS accumulation, higher ascorbate peroxidase activity and soluble sugar content, lower soluble protein content, and smaller reductions in nutrient content during stress. After removal of chilling stress, FH18 had significant accumulation of O2 •- and H2O2, which decreased photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, and transport. ROS-scavenging reduced damage from chilling stress, allowed remobilization of nutrients, improved chilling tolerance, and restored plant functioning after chilling stress removal. These findings provide a reference for targeted research on peanut seedling tolerance to chilling and lay the foundation for bioinformatics-based research on peanut chilling tolerance mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bisphenol S (BPS) is an emerging environmental endocrine disruptor capable of crossing the placental barrier, resulting in widespread exposure to pregnant women due to its extensive usage. However, the impact of perinatal maternal exposure to BPS on reproductive health in offspring and the underlying molecular mechanism remain underexplored. In this study, gestational ICR mice were provided with drinking water containing 3.33 mg/L BPS to mimic possible human exposure in some countries. Results demonstrated that BPS accelerated the breakdown of germ-cell cysts and the assembly of primordial follicles in neonates, leading to oocyte over-loss. Furthermore, the expression levels of folliculogenesis-related genes (Kit, Nobox, Gdf9, Sohlh2, Kitl, Bmp15, Lhx8, Figla, and Tgfb1) decreased, thus compromising oocyte quality and disrupting early folliculogenesis dynamics. BPS also disrupted other aspects of offspring reproduction, including advancing puberty onset, disrupting the estrus cycle, and impairing fertility. Further investigation found that BPS exposure inhibited the activities and expression levels of antioxidant-related enzymes in neonatal ovaries, leading to the substantial accumulation of MDA and ROS. The increased oxidative burden exacerbated the intracellular apoptotic signaling, manifested by increased expression levels of pro-apoptotic markers (Bax, Caspase 3, and Caspase 9) and decreased expression levels of anti-apoptotic marker (Bcl2). Concurrently, BPS inhibited autophagy by increasing p-mTOR/mTOR and decreasing p-ULK1/ULK1, subsequently down-regulating autophagy flux-related biomarkers (LC3b/LC3a and Beclin-1) and impeding the degradation of autophagy substrate p62. However, the imbalanced crosstalk between autophagy, apoptosis and oxidative stress homeostasis was restored after rapamycin treatment. Collectively, the findings demonstrated that BPS exposure induced reproductive disorders in offspring by perturbing the mTOR/autophagy axis, and such autophagic dysfunction exacerbated redox imbalance and promoted excessive apoptosis. These results provide novel mechanistic insights into the role of autophagy in mitigating BPS-induced intergenerational reproductive dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sulforaphane (SFN) is one of the hydrolysates of glucosinolates (GSLs), primarily derived from Brassica vegetables like broccoli. In clinical therapy, SFN has been proven to display antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the antimicrobial effects and mechanism of SFN against plant pathogens need to be further elucidated, which limits its application in agriculture. In this study, the genetic factors involved in SFN biosynthesis in 33 B. oleracea varieties were explored. The finding showed that besides the genetic background of different B. oleracea varieties, myrosinase and ESP genes play important roles in affecting SFN content. Subsequently, the molecular identification cards of these 33 B. oleracea varieties were constructed to rapidly assess their SFN biosynthetic ability. Furthermore, an optimized protocol for SFN extraction using low-cost broccoli curds was established, yielding SFN-enriched extracts (SFN-ee) containing up to 628.44 μg/g DW of SFN. The antimicrobial activity assay confirmed that SFN-ee obtained here remarkably inhibit the proliferation of nine tested microorganisms including four plant pathogens by destroying their membrane integrity. Additionally, the data demonstrated that exogenous application of SFN-ee could also induce ROS accumulation in broccoli leaves. These results indicated that SFN-ee should play a dual role in defense against plant pathogens by directly killing pathogenic cells and activating the ROS signaling pathway. These findings provide new evidence for the antimicrobial effect and mechanism of SFN against plant pathogens, and suggest that SFN-ee can be used as a natural plant antimicrobial agent for crop protection and food preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aluminum toxicity poses a significant constraint on crop production in acidic soils. While phytohormones are recognized for their pivotal role in mediating plant responses to aluminum stress, the specific involvement of gibberellin (GA) in regulating aluminum tolerance remains unexplored. In this study, we demonstrate that external GA exacerbates the inhibitory impact of aluminum stress on root growth of rice seedlings, concurrently promoting reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation. Furthermore, rice plants overexpressing the GA synthesis gene SD1 exhibit enhanced sensitivity to aluminum stress. In contrast, the slr1 gain-of-function mutant, characterized by impeded GA signaling, displays enhanced tolerance to aluminum stress, suggesting the negative regulatory role of GA in rice resistance to aluminum-induced toxicity. We also reveal that GA application suppresses the expression of crucial aluminum tolerance genes in rice, including Al resistance transcription factor 1 (ART1), Nramp aluminum transporter 1 (OsNramp4), and Sensitive to Aluminum 1 (SAL1). Conversely, the slr1 mutant exhibits up-regulated expression of these genes compared to the wild type. In summary, our results shed light on the inhibitory effect of GA in rice resistance to aluminum stress, contributing to a theoretical foundation for unraveling the intricate mechanisms of plant hormones in regulating aluminum tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osimertinib resistance is regarded as a major obstacle limiting survival benefits for patients undergoing treatment of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, the underlying mechanisms of acquired resistance remain unclear. In this study, we report that estrogen receptor β (ERβ) is highly expressed in osimertinib-resistant NSCLC and plays a pivotal role in promoting osimertinib resistance. We further identified ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) as a critical binding partner that deubiquitinates and upregulates ERβ in NSCLC. ERβ promotes osimertinib resistance by mitigating reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation. We found that ERβ mechanistically suppresses peroxiredoxin 3 (PRDX3) SUMOylation and thus confers osimertinib resistance onto NSCLC. Furthermore, we provide evidence showing that depletion of ERβ induces ROS accumulation and reverses osimertinib resistance in NSCLC both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our results demonstrate that USP7-mediated ERβ stabilization suppresses PRDX3 SUMOylation to mitigate ROS accumulation and promote osimertinib resistance, suggesting that targeting ERβ may be an effective therapeutic strategy to overcome osimertinib resistance in NSCLC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dendritic cells (DCs), professional antigen-presenting cells, play an important role in pathologies by controlling adaptive immune responses. However, their adaptation to and functionality in hypercholesterolemia, a driving factor in disease onset and progression of atherosclerosis remains to be established.
    In this study, we addressed the immediate impact of high fat diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in low-density lipoprotein receptor deficient (Ldlr-/-) mice on separate DC subsets, their compartmentalization and functionality.
    While hypercholesterolemia induced a significant rise in bone marrow myeloid and dendritic cell progenitor (MDP) frequency and proliferation rate after high fat diet feeding, it did not affect DC subset numbers in lymphoid tissue. Hypercholesterolemia led to almost immediate and persistent augmentation in granularity of conventional DCs (cDCs), in particular cDC2, reflecting progressive lipid accumulation by these subsets. Plasmacytoid DCs were only marginally and transiently affected. Lipid loading increased co-stimulatory molecule expression and ROS accumulation by cDC2. Despite this hyperactivation, lipid-laden cDC2 displayed a profoundly reduced capacity to stimulate naïve CD4+ T cells.
    Our data provide evidence that in hypercholesterolemic conditions, peripheral cDC2 subsets engulf lipids in situ, leading to a more activated status characterized by cellular ROS accumulation while, paradoxically, compromising their T cell priming ability. These findings will have repercussions not only for lipid driven cardiometabolic disorders like atherosclerosis, but also for adaptive immune responses to pathogens and/or endogenous (neo) antigens under conditions of hyperlipidemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding proteins are encoded by nucleus genes and widely involve in capturing light energy, transferring energy, and responding to various stresses. However, their roles in wheat photosynthesis and stress tolerance are largely unknown. Here, Triticum aestivumlight-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein TaLhc2 was identified. It showed subcellular localization in chloroplast, contained light responsive cis-elements, and highly expressed in green tissues and down-regulated by multiple stresses. TaLhc2 promoted the colonization of hemi-biotrophic pathogen; further analysis showed that TaLhc2 strengthened BAX-induced cell death, enhanced the ROS accumulation, and up-regulated pathogenesis-related genes; those results suggested that TaLhc2 has adverse influence on host immunity and function as a susceptible gene, thus host decreased its expression when faced with pathogen infection. RT-qPCR results showed that TaLhc2 was down-regulated by drought and salt stresses, while TaLhc2 improved the ROS accumulation under the two stresses, suggesting TaLhc2 may participate in wheat responding to abiotic stress. Additionally, TaLhc2 can increase the content of total chlorophyll and carotenoid by 1.3 % and 2.9 %, increase the net photosynthetic rate by 18 %, thus promote plant photosynthesis. Conclusively, we preliminarily deciphered the function of TaLhc2 in biotic/abiotic stresses and photosynthesis, which laid foundation for its usage in wheat breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MYB transcription factors are one of the largest TF families involved in plant growth and development as well as biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, we report the identification and functional characterization of a stress-responsive MYB gene (GhMYB3) from drought stress related transcriptome of upland cotton. GhMYB3, belonging to the R2R3-type, has high sequence similarity with AtMYB3 and was localized in the nucleus. Silence of GhMYB3 enhanced the drought tolerance of cotton seedlings and plants, reduced the water loss rate, and enhanced stomatal closure. In addition, GhMYB3i lines exhibited less ROS accumulation, as well as higher antioxidant enzyme activity and increased content of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins than WT plants after drought stress. The expression level of flavonoid biosynthesis- and stress-related genes were up-regulated in GhMYB3i lines under drought stress condition. These results demonstrated that GhMYB3 acted as a negative regulator in upland cotton response to drought stress by regulating stomatal closure and ROS accumulation.





