RNA structure

RNA 结构
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Riboswitches are structured ribonucleic acid (RNA) segments that act as specific sensors for small molecules in bacterial metabolism. Due to the flexible nature of these highly charged macromolecules, molecular dynamics simulations are instrumental to investigating the mechanistic details of their regulatory function. In the present study, the guanidine-I riboswitch serves as an example of how atomistic simulations can shed light on the effect of ions on the structure and dynamics of RNA and on ligand binding. Relying on two orthologous crystal structures from different bacterial species, it is demonstrated how the ion setup crucially determines whether the simulation yields meaningful insights into the conformational stability of the RNA, functionally relevant residues and RNA-ligand interactions. The ion setup in this context includes diffuse ions in solution and bound ions associated directly with the RNA, in particular a triad of 2 Mg2+ ions and a K+ ion in close proximity to the guanidinium binding site. A detailed investigation of the binding pocket reveals that the K+ from the ion triad plays a decisive role in stabilizing the ligand binding by stabilizing important localized interactions, which in turn contribute to the overall shape of the folded state of the RNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas13d system was adapted as a powerful tool for targeting viral RNA sequences, making it a promising approach for antiviral strategies. Understanding the influence of template RNA structure on Cas13d binding and cleavage efficiency is crucial for optimizing its therapeutic potential. In this study, we investigated the effect of local RNA secondary structure on Cas13d activity. To do so, we varied the stability of a hairpin structure containing the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) target sequence, allowing us to determine the threshold RNA stability at which Cas13d activity is affected. Our results demonstrate that Cas13d possesses the ability to effectively bind and cleave highly stable RNA structures. Notably, we only observed a decrease in Cas13d activity in the case of exceptionally stable RNA hairpins with completely base-paired stems, which are rarely encountered in natural RNA molecules. A comparison of Cas13d and RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated cleavage of the same RNA targets demonstrated that RNAi is more sensitive for local target RNA structures than Cas13d. These results underscore the suitability of the CRISPR-Cas13d system for targeting viruses with highly structured RNA genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flaviviruses, such as West Nile and Dengue Virus, pose a significant and growing threat to global health. Central to the flavivirus life cycle are highly structured 5\'- and 3\'-untranslated regions (UTRs), which harbor conserved cis-acting RNA elements critical for viral replication and host adaptation. Despite their essential roles, detailed molecular insights into these RNA elements have been limited. By employing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in conjunction with SAXS experiments, we determined the three-dimensional structure of the West Nile Virus (WNV) 3\'-terminal stem-loop core, a highly conserved element critical for viral genome cyclization and replication. Single nucleotide mutations at several sites within this RNA abolish the ability of the virus to replicate. These critical sites are located within a short 18-nucleotide hairpin stem, a substructure notable for its conformational flexibility, while the adjoining main stem-loop adopts a well-defined extended helix interrupted by three non-Watson-Crick pairs. This study enhances our understanding of several metastable RNA structures that play key roles in regulating the flavivirus lifecycle, and thereby also opens up potential new avenues for the development of antivirals targeting these conserved RNA structures. In particular, the structure we observe suggests that the plastic junction between the small hairpin and the tail of the longer stem-loop could provide a binding pocket for small molecules, for example potentially stabilizing the RNA in a conformation which hinders the conformational rearrangements critical for viral replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyzed the impact of nine previously identified missense PKD1 variants from our studies, including c.6928G > A p.G2310R, c.8809G > A p.E2937K, c.2899 T > C p.W967R, c.6284A > G p.D2095G, c.6644G > A p.R2215Q, c.7810G > A p.D2604N, c.11249G > C p.R3750P, c.1001C > T p.T334M, and c.3101A > G p.N1034S on RNA structures and PC1 protein structure dynamics utilizing computational tools. RNA structure analysis was done using short RNA snippets of 41 nucleotides with the variant position at the 21st nucleotide, ensuring 20 bases on both sides. The secondary structures of these RNA snippets were predicted using RNAstructure. Structural changes of the mutants compared to the wild type were analyzed using the MutaRNA webserver. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of PC1 wild-type and mutant protein regions were performed using GROMACS 2018 (GROMOS96 54a7 force field). Findings revealed that five variants including c.8809G > A (p.E2937K), c.11249G > C (p.R3750P), c.3101A > G (p.N1034S), c.6928G > A (p.G2310R), c.6644G > A (p.R2215Q) exhibited major alterations in RNA structures and thereby their interactions with other proteins or RNAs affecting protein structure dynamics. While certain variants have minimal impact on RNA conformations, their observed alterations in MD simulations indicate impact on protein structure dynamics highlighting the importance of evaluating the functional consequences of genetic variants by considering both RNA and protein levels. The study also emphasizes that each missense variant exerts a unique impact on RNA stability, and protein structure dynamics, potentially contributing to the heterogeneous clinical manifestations and progression observed in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) patients offering a novel perspective in this direction. Thus, the utility of studying the structure dynamics through computational tools can help in prioritizing the variants for their functional implications, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying variability in ADPKD presentation and developing targeted therapeutic interventions.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-024-04057-9.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA structure is crucial to a wide range of cellular processes. The intimate relationship between macromolecular structure and function necessitates the determination of high-resolution structures of functional RNA molecules. X-ray crystallography is the predominant technique used for macromolecular structure determination; however, solving RNA structures has been more challenging than their protein counterparts, as reflected in their poor representation in the Protein Data Bank (<1%). Antibody-assisted RNA crystallography is a relatively new technique that promises to accelerate RNA structure determination by employing synthetic antibodies (Fabs) as crystallization chaperones that are specifically raised against target RNAs. Antibody chaperones facilitate the formation of ordered crystal lattices by minimizing RNA flexibility and replacing unfavorable RNA-RNA contacts with contacts between chaperone molecules. Atomic coordinates of these antibody fragments can also be used as search models to obtain phase information during structure determination. Antibody-assisted RNA crystallography has enabled the structure determination of 15 unique RNA targets, including 11 in the last 6 years. In this review, I cover the historical development of antibody fragments as crystallization chaperones and their application to diverse RNA targets. I discuss how the first structures of antibody-RNA complexes informed the design of second-generation antibodies and led to the development of portable crystallization modules that have greatly reduced the uncertainties associated with RNA crystallography. Finally, I outline unexplored avenues that can increase the impact of this technology in structural biology research and discuss potential applications of antibodies as affinity reagents for interrogating RNA biology outside of their use in crystallography. This article is categorized under: RNA Structure and Dynamics > RNA Structure, Dynamics and Chemistry RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > Protein-RNA Recognition RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > RNA-Protein Complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Binding of the bacterial Rho helicase to nascent transcripts triggers Rho-dependent transcription termination (RDTT) in response to cellular signals that modulate mRNA structure and accessibility of Rho utilization (Rut) sites. Despite the impact of temperature on RNA structure, RDTT was never linked to the bacterial response to temperature shifts. We show that Rho is a central player in the cold-shock response (CSR), challenging the current view that CSR is primarily a posttranscriptional program. We identify Rut sites in 5\'-untranslated regions of key CSR genes/operons (cspA, cspB, cspG, and nsrR-rnr-yjfHI) that trigger premature RDTT at 37°C but not at 15°C. High concentrations of RNA chaperone CspA or nucleotide changes in the cspA mRNA leader reduce RDTT efficiency, revealing how RNA restructuring directs Rho to activate CSR genes during the cold shock and to silence them during cold acclimation. These findings establish a paradigm for how RNA thermosensors can modulate gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two transesterification reactions of pre-mRNA splicing require highly complex yet well-controlled rearrangements of small nuclear RNAs and proteins (snRNP) in the spliceosome. The efficiency and accuracy of these reactions are critical for gene expression, as almost all human genes pass through pre-mRNA splicing. Key parameters that determine the splicing outcome are the length of the intron, the strengths of its splicing signals and gaps between them, and the presence of splicing controlling elements. In particular, the gap between the branchpoint (BP) and the 3\' splice site (ss) of introns is a major determinant of the splicing efficiency. This distance falls within a small range across the introns of an organism. The constraints exist possibly because BP and 3\'ss are recognized by BP-binding proteins, U2 snRNP and U2 accessory factors (U2AF) in a coordinated manner. Furthermore, varying distances between the two signals may also affect the second transesterification reaction since the intervening RNA needs to be accurately positioned within the complex RNP machinery. Splicing such pre-mRNAs requires cis-acting elements in the RNA and many trans-acting splicing regulators. Regulated pre-mRNA splicing with BP-distant 3\'ss adds another layer of control to gene expression and promotes alternative splicing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How CRISPR-Cas systems defend bacteria and archaea against invading genetic elements is well understood, but less is known about their regulation. In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the expression of one of the three different CRISPR-Cas systems responds to changes in environmental conditions. The cas operon promoter of this system is controlled by the light- and redox-responsive transcription factor RpaB binding to an HLR1 motif, resulting in transcriptional activation at low light intensities. However, the strong promoter that drives transcription of the cognate repeat-spacer array is not controlled by RpaB. Instead, the leader transcript is bound by the redox-sensitive RNA helicase CrhR. Crosslinking coupled with mass spectrometry analysis and site-directed mutagenesis revealed six residues involved in the CrhR-RNA interaction, with C371 being critically important. Thus, the expression of a type III-Dv CRISPR-Cas system is linked to the redox status of the photosynthetic cell at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA thermometers are temperature-sensing non-coding RNAs that regulate the expression of downstream genes. A well-characterized RNA thermometer motif discovered in bacteria is the ROSE-like element (repression of heat shock gene expression). ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are a superfamily of transmembrane proteins that harness ATP hydrolysis to facilitate the export and import of substrates across cellular membranes. Through structure-guided bioinformatics, we discovered that ROSE-like RNA thermometers are widespread upstream of ABC transporter genes in bacteria. X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, and cellular assays indicate that these RNA thermometers are functional regulatory elements. This study expands the known biological role of RNA thermometers to these key membrane transporters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type I toxin-antitoxin systems (T1TAs) are bipartite bacterial loci encoding a growth-inhibitory toxin and an antitoxin small RNA (sRNA). In many of these systems, the transcribed toxin mRNA is translationally inactive, but becomes translation-competent upon ribonucleolytic processing. The antitoxin sRNA targets the processed mRNA to inhibit its translation. This two-level control mechanism prevents cotranscriptional translation of the toxin and allows its synthesis only when the antitoxin is absent. Contrary to this, we found that the timP mRNA of the timPR T1TA locus does not undergo enzymatic processing. Instead, the full-length timP transcript is both translationally active and can be targeted by the antitoxin TimR. Thus, tight control in this system relies on a noncanonical mechanism. Based on the results from in vitro binding assays, RNA structure probing, and cell-free translation experiments, we suggest that timP mRNA adopts mutually exclusive structural conformations. The active form uniquely possesses an RNA pseudoknot structure which is essential for translation initiation. TimR preferentially binds to the active conformation, which leads to pseudoknot destabilization and inhibited translation. Based on this, we propose a model in which \"structural processing\" of timP mRNA enables tight inhibition by TimR in nonpermissive conditions, and TimP synthesis only upon TimR depletion.





