RNA recombination

RNA 重组
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China has the largest pig herd in the world which accounts for more than 50% of the global pig population. Over the past three decades, the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has caused significant economic loss to the Chinese swine industry. Currently, the prevalent PRRSV strains in the field are extremely complicated, and the NADC30-like strains, NADC34-like strains, and novel recombinant viruses have become a great concern to PRRS control in China. In this study, a novel NADC30-like PRRSV, named GS2022, was isolated from the lung of a dead pig collected from a farm that experienced a PRRS outbreak. The complete genome of GS2022 shares the highest identity with the NADC30 strain and contains a discontinuous deletion of 131 aa in nsp2. Novel deletion and insertion have been identified in ORF7 and 3\'UTR. Recombination analysis revealed that the GS2022 is a potential recombinant of NADC30-like and JXA1-like strains. Both inter-lineage and intra-lineage recombination events were predicted to be involved in the generation of the GS2022. An infectious cDNA clone of GS2022 was assembled to generate the isogenic GS2022 (rGS2022). The growth kinetics of rGS2022 were almost identical to those of GS2022. The pathogenicity of the GS2022 and rGS2022 was evaluated using a nursery piglet model. In the infection groups, the piglets exhibited mild clinical symptoms, including short periods of fever and respiratory diseases. Both gross lesions and histopathological lesions were observed in the lungs and lymph nodes of the infected piglets. Therefore, we reported a novel recombinant NADC30-like PRRSV strain with moderate pathogenicity in piglets. These results provide new information on the genomic characteristics and pathogenicity of the NADC30-like PRRSV in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV), an RNA virus with two forms of the delta antigen (HDAg), relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV) for envelope proteins essential for hepatocyte entry. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks third in global cancer deaths, yet HDV\'s involvement remains uncertain. Among 300 HBV-associated HCC serum samples from Taiwan\'s National Health Research Institutes, 2.7% (8/300) tested anti-HDV positive, with 62.7% (5/8) of these also HDV RNA positive. Genotyping revealed HDV-2 in one sample, HDV-4 in two, and two samples showed mixed HDV-2/HDV-4 infection with RNA recombination. A mixed-genotype infection revealed novel mutations at the polyadenylation signal, coinciding with the ochre termination codon for the L-HDAg. To delve deeper into the possible oncogenic properties of HDV-2, the predominant genotype in Taiwan, which was previously thought to be less associated with severe disease outcomes, an HDV-2 cDNA clone was isolated from HCC for study. It demonstrated a replication level reaching up to 74% of that observed for a widely used HDV-1 strain in transfected cultured cells. Surprisingly, both forms of HDV-2 HDAg promoted cell migration and invasion, affecting the rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton and the expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers. In summary, this study underscores the prevalence of HDV-2, HDV-4, and their mixed infections in HCC, highlighting the genetic diversity in HCC as well as the potential role of both forms of the HDAg in HCC oncogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-amplifying mRNA (SAM) vaccines can be rapidly deployed in the event of disease outbreaks. A legitimate safety concern is the potential for recombination between alphavirus-based SAM vaccines and circulating viruses. This theoretical risk needs to be assessed in the regulatory process for SAM vaccine approval. Herein, we undertake extensive in vitro and in vivo assessments to explore recombination between SAM vaccine and a wide selection of alphaviruses and a coronavirus. SAM vaccines were found to effectively limit alphavirus co-infection through superinfection exclusion, although some co-replication was still possible. Using sensitive cell-based assays, replication-competent alphavirus chimeras were generated in vitro as a result of rare, but reproducible, RNA recombination events. The chimeras displayed no increased fitness in cell culture. Viable alphavirus chimeras were not detected in vivo in C57BL/6J, Rag1-/- and Ifnar-/- mice, in which high levels of SAM vaccine and alphavirus co-replicated in the same tissue. Furthermore, recombination between a SAM-spike vaccine and a swine coronavirus was not observed. In conclusion we state that although the ability of SAM vaccines to recombine with alphaviruses might be viewed as an environmental safety concern, several key factors substantially mitigate against in vivo emergence of chimeric viruses from SAM vaccine recipients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronaviruses contain a very large RNA genome, which undergoes recombination at a very high frequency of nearly 25% for the entire genome. Recombination has been demonstrated to occur between viral genomes and between defective-interfering (DI) RNAs and viral RNA. It provides an evolutionary tool for both viral RNAs and DI RNA and may account for the diversity in the genomic structure of coronaviruses. The capacity of coronaviruses to undergo recombination may be related to its mRNA transcription mechanism, which involves discontinuous RNA synthesis, suggesting the nonprocessive nature of the viral polymerase. Recombination is used as a tool for the mutagenesis of viral genomic RNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previously, we described the RNA recombinants accumulating in tissues infected with the bromoviruses BMV (Brome mosaic virus) and CCMV (Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus). In this work, we characterize the recombinants encapsidated inside the purified virion particles of BMV and CCMV. By using a tool called the Viral Recombination Mapper (ViReMa) that detects recombination junctions, we analyzed a high number of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) short RNA sequence reads. Over 28% of BMV or CCMV RNA reads did not perfectly map to the viral genomes. ViReMa identified 1.40% and 1.83% of these unmapped reads as the RNA recombinants, respectively, in BMV and CCMV. Intra-segmental crosses were more frequent than the inter-segmental ones. Most intra-segmental junctions carried short insertions/deletions (indels) and caused frameshift mutations. The mutation hotspots clustered mainly within the open reading frames. Substitutions of various lengths were also identified, whereas a small fraction of crosses occurred between viral and their host RNAs. Our data reveal that the virions can package detectable amounts of multivariate recombinant RNAs, contributing to the flexible nature of the viral genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recombination creates mosaic genomes containing regions with mixed ancestry, and the accumulation of such events over time can complicate greatly many aspects of evolutionary inference. Here, we developed a sliding window bootstrap (SWB) method to generate genomic bootstrap (GB) barcodes to highlight the regions supporting phylogenetic relationships. The method was applied to an alignment of 56 sarbecoviruses, including SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the SARS epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. The SWB analyses were also used to construct a consensus tree showing the most reliable relationships and better interpret hidden phylogenetic signals. Our results revealed that most relationships were supported by just a few genomic regions and confirmed that three divergent lineages could be found in bats from Yunnan: SCoVrC, which groups SARS-CoV related coronaviruses from China; SCoV2rC, which includes SARS-CoV-2 related coronaviruses from Southeast Asia and Yunnan; and YunSar, which contains a few highly divergent viruses recently described in Yunnan. The GB barcodes showed evidence for ancient recombination between SCoV2rC and YunSar genomes, as well as more recent recombination events between SCoVrC and SCoV2rC genomes. The recombination and phylogeographic patterns suggest a strong host-dependent selection of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 appears as a mosaic genome composed of regions sharing recent ancestry with three bat SCoV2rCs from Yunnan (RmYN02, RpYN06, and RaTG13) or related to more ancient ancestors in bats from Yunnan and Southeast Asia. Finally, our results suggest that viral circular RNAs may be key molecules for the mechanism of recombination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have characterized a homodimeric tRNA endonuclease from the euryarchaeota Ferroplasma acidarmanus (FERAC), a facultative anaerobe which can grow at temperatures ranging from 35 to 42 °C. This enzyme, contrary to the eukaryal tRNA endonucleases and the homotetrameric Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (METJA) homologs, is able to cleave minimal BHB (bulge-helix-bulge) substrates at 30 °C. The expression of this enzyme in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (SCHPO) enables the use of its properties as effectors by inserting BHB motif introns into hairpin loops normally seen in mRNA transcripts. In addition, the FERAC endonuclease can create proteins with new functionalities through the recombination of protein domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), causing a global pandemic with devastating effects on healthcare and social-economic systems, has no special antiviral therapies available for human coronaviruses (CoVs). The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) possesses a nonstructural protein (nsp14), with amino-terminal domain coding for proofreading exoribonuclease (ExoN) that is required for high-fidelity replication. The ability of CoVs during genome replication and transcription to proofread and exclude mismatched nucleotides has long hindered the development of anti-CoV drugs. The resistance of SARS-CoV-2 to antivirals, especially nucleoside analogs (NAs), shows the need to identify new CoV inhibition targets. Therefore, this review highlights the importance of nsp14-ExoN as a target for inhibition. Also, nucleoside analogs could be used in combination with existing anti-CoV therapeutics to target the proofreading mechanism.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of multiple basic amino acids in the protease cleavage site of the hemagglutinin (HA) protein is the main molecular determinant of virulence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses. Recombination of HA RNA with other RNA molecules of host or virus origin is a dominant mechanism of multibasic cleavage site (MBCS) acquisition for H7 subtype HA. Using alignments of HA RNA sequences from documented cases of MBCS insertion due to recombination, we show that such recombination with host RNAs is most likely to occur at particular hotspots in ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), transfer RNAs (tRNAs), and viral RNAs. The locations of these hotspots in highly abundant RNAs indicate that RNA recombination is facilitated by the binding of small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) near the recombination points.






