• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA design shows growing applications in synthetic biology and therapeutics, driven by the crucial role of RNA in various biological processes. A fundamental challenge is to find functional RNA sequences that satisfy given structural constraints, known as the inverse folding problem. Computational approaches have emerged to address this problem based on secondary structures. However, designing RNA sequences directly from 3D structures is still challenging, due to the scarcity of data, the nonunique structure-sequence mapping, and the flexibility of RNA conformation.
    RESULTS: In this study, we propose RiboDiffusion, a generative diffusion model for RNA inverse folding that can learn the conditional distribution of RNA sequences given 3D backbone structures. Our model consists of a graph neural network-based structure module and a Transformer-based sequence module, which iteratively transforms random sequences into desired sequences. By tuning the sampling weight, our model allows for a trade-off between sequence recovery and diversity to explore more candidates. We split test sets based on RNA clustering with different cut-offs for sequence or structure similarity. Our model outperforms baselines in sequence recovery, with an average relative improvement of 11% for sequence similarity splits and 16% for structure similarity splits. Moreover, RiboDiffusion performs consistently well across various RNA length categories and RNA types. We also apply in silico folding to validate whether the generated sequences can fold into the given 3D RNA backbones. Our method could be a powerful tool for RNA design that explores the vast sequence space and finds novel solutions to 3D structural constraints.
    METHODS: The source code is available at https://github.com/ml4bio/RiboDiffusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA design is a key technique to achieve new functionality in fields like synthetic biology or biotechnology. Computational tools could help to find such RNA sequences but they are often limited in their formulation of the search space.
    RESULTS: In this work, we propose partial RNA design, a novel RNA design paradigm that addresses the limitations of current RNA design formulations. Partial RNA design describes the problem of designing RNAs from arbitrary RNA sequences and structure motifs with multiple design goals. By separating the design space from the objectives, our formulation enables the design of RNAs with variable lengths and desired properties, while still allowing precise control over sequence and structure constraints at individual positions. Based on this formulation, we introduce a new algorithm, libLEARNA, capable of efficiently solving different constraint RNA design tasks. A comprehensive analysis of various problems, including a realistic riboswitch design task, reveals the outstanding performance of libLEARNA and its robustness.
    METHODS: libLEARNA is open-source and publicly available at: https://github.com/automl/learna_tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous group of membrane-enclosed structures produced by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. EVs carry a range of biological cargoes, including RNA, protein, and lipids, which may have both metabolic significance and signalling potential. EV release has been suggested to play a critical role in maintaining intracellular homeostasis by eliminating unnecessary biological material from EV producing cells, and as a delivery system to enable cellular communication between both neighbouring and distant cells without physical contact. In this review, we give an overview of what is known about the relative enrichment of the different types of RNA that have been associated with EVs in the most recent research efforts. We then examine the selective and non-selective incorporation of these different RNA biotypes into EVs, the molecular systems of RNA sorting into EVs that have been elucidated so far, and the role of this process in EV-producing cells. Finally, we also discuss the model systems providing evidence for EV-mediated delivery of RNA to recipient cells, and the implications of this evidence for the relevance of this RNA delivery process in both physiological and pathological scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been proposed to play dual roles in cellular homeostasis, functioning both to remove unwanted intracellular molecules, and to enable communication between cells as a means of modulating cellular responses in different physiological and pathological scenarios. EVs contain a broad range of cargoes, including multiple biotypes of RNA, which can vary depending on the cell status, and may function as signalling molecules. In this study, we carried out comparative transcriptomic analysis of Drosophila EVs and cells, demonstrating that the RNA profile of EVs is distinct from cells and shows dose-dependent changes in response to oxidative stress. We identified a high abundance of snoRNAs in EVs, alongside an enrichment of intronic and untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNAs under stress. We also observed an increase in the relative abundance of either aberrant or modified mRNAs under stress. These findings suggest that EVs may function both for the elimination of specific cellular RNAs, and for the incorporation of RNAs that may hold signalling potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-read RNA sequencing is essential to produce accurate and exhaustive annotation of eukaryotic genomes. Despite advancements in throughput and accuracy, achieving reliable end-to-end identification of RNA transcripts remains a challenge for long-read sequencing methods. To address this limitation, we develop CapTrap-seq, a cDNA library preparation method, which combines the Cap-trapping strategy with oligo(dT) priming to detect 5\' capped, full-length transcripts. In our study, we evaluate the performance of CapTrap-seq alongside other widely used RNA-seq library preparation protocols in human and mouse tissues, employing both ONT and PacBio sequencing technologies. To explore the quantitative capabilities of CapTrap-seq and its accuracy in reconstructing full-length RNA molecules, we implement a capping strategy for synthetic RNA spike-in sequences that mimics the natural 5\'cap formation. Our benchmarks, incorporating the Long-read RNA-seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project (LRGASP) data, demonstrate that CapTrap-seq is a competitive, platform-agnostic RNA library preparation method for generating full-length transcript sequences.






  • 文章类型: News
    Insecticides made of RNA could offer a safer and more targeted weapon against crop pests.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extrinsic, experimental information can be incorporated into thermodynamics-based RNA folding algorithms in the form of pseudo-energies. Evolutionary conservation of RNA secondary structure elements is detectable in alignments of phylogenetically related sequences and provides evidence for the presence of certain base pairs that can also be converted into pseudo-energy contributions. We show that the centroid base pairs computed from a consensus folding model such as RNAalifold result in a substantial improvement of the prediction accuracy for single sequences. Evidence for specific base pairs turns out to be more informative than a position-wise profile for the conservation of the pairing status. A comparison with chemical probing data, furthermore, strongly suggests that phylogenetic base pairing data are more informative than position-specific data on (un)pairedness as obtained from chemical probing experiments. In this context we demonstrate, in addition, that the conversion of signal from probing data into pseudo-energies is possible using thermodynamic structure predictions as a reference instead of known RNA structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Divalent magnesium ions (Mg2+) serve a vital role in defining the structural and catalytic chemistry of a wide array of RNA molecules. The body of structural information on RNA motifs continues to expand and, in turn, the functional importance of Mg2+ is revealed. A combination of prior work on the structural characterization of magnesium binding ligands with inner- and outer-sphere coordination modes, with recorded experimental binding energies for inner- and outer-sphere contacts, demonstrates the relative affinity and thermodynamic hierarchy for these sites. In turn, these can be correlated with cellular concentrations of free available magnesium ions, allowing the prioritization of populating important functional sites and a correlation with physiological function. This paper summarizes some of the key results of that analysis and provides predictive rules for the affinity and role of newly identified Mg binding sites on complex RNA structures. The influence of crystal packing on magnesium binding to RNA motifs, relative to their solution form, is addressed and caveats made.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prebiotic pre-Darwinian reactions continued throughout biochemical or Darwinian evolution. Early chemical processes could have occurred on Earth between 4.5 and 3.6 billion years ago when cellular life was about to come into being. Pre-Darwinian evolution assumes the development of hereditary elements but does not regard them as self-organizing processes. The presence of biochemical self-organization after the pre-Darwinian evolution did not justify distinguishing between different types of evolution. From the many possible solutions, evolution selected from among those stable reactions that led to catalytic networks, and under gradually changing external conditions produced a reproducible, yet constantly evolving and adaptable, living system. Major abiotic factors included sunlight, precipitation, air, minerals, soil and the Earth\'s atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Abiotic sources of chemicals contributed to the formation of prebiotic RNA, the development of genetic RNA, the RNA World and the initial life forms on Earth and the transition of genRNA to the DNA Empire, and eventually to the multitude of life forms today. The transition from the RNA World to the DNA Empire generated new processes such as oxygenic photosynthesis and the hierarchical arrangement of processes involved in the transfer of genetic information. The objective of this work is to unite earlier work dealing with the formose, the origin and synthesis of ribose and RNA reactions that were published as a series of independent reactions. These reactions are now regarded as the first metabolic pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paraformaldehyde (PFA) fixation is the preferred method for preserving tissue architecture for anatomical and pathological observations. Meanwhile, PFA reacts with the amine groups of biomolecules to form chemical cross-linking, which preserves RNA within the tissue. This has great prospects for RNA sequencing to characterize the molecular underpinnings after anatomical and pathological observations. However, RNA is inaccessible due to cross-linked adducts forming between RNA and other biomolecules in prolonged PFA-fixed tissue. It is also difficult to perform reverse transcription and PCR, resulting in low sequencing sensitivity and reduced reproducibility. Here, we developed a method to perform RNA sequencing in PFA-fixed tissue, which is easy to use, cost-effective, and allows efficient sample multiplexing. We employ cross-link reversal to recover RNA and library construction using random primers without artificial fragmentation. The yield and quality of recovered RNA significantly increased through our method, and sequencing quality metrics and detected genes did not show any major differences compared with matched fresh samples. Moreover, we applied our method for gene expression analysis in different regions of the mouse brain and identified unique gene expression profiles with varied functional implications. We also find significant dysregulation of genes involved in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) pathogenesis within the medial septum (MS)/vertical diagonal band of Broca (VDB) of the 5×FAD mouse brain. Our method can thus increase the performance of high-throughput RNA sequencing with PFA-fixed samples and allows longitudinal studies of small tissue regions isolated by their in situ context.





