• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogen (H) atoms are abundant in macromolecules and often play critical roles in enzyme catalysis, ligand-recognition processes and protein-protein interactions. However, their direct visualization by diffraction techniques is challenging. Macromolecular X-ray crystallography affords the localization of only the most ordered H atoms at (sub-)atomic resolution (around 1.2 Å or higher). However, many H atoms of biochemical significance remain undetectable by this method. In contrast, neutron diffraction methods enable the visualization of most H atoms, typically in the form of deuterium (2H) atoms, at much more common resolution values (better than 2.5 Å). Thus, neutron crystallography, although technically demanding, is often the method of choice when direct information on protonation states is sought. REFMAC5 from the Collaborative Computational Project No. 4 (CCP4) is a program for the refinement of macromolecular models against X-ray crystallographic and cryo-EM data. This contribution describes its extension to include the refinement of structural models obtained from neutron crystallographic data. Stereochemical restraints with accurate bond distances between H atoms and their parent atom nuclei are now part of the CCP4 Monomer Library, the source of prior chemical information used in the refinement. One new feature for neutron data analysis in REFMAC5 is refinement of the protium/deuterium (1H/2H) fraction. This parameter describes the relative 1H/2H contribution to neutron scattering for hydrogen isotopes. The newly developed REFMAC5 algorithms were tested by performing the (re-)refinement of several entries available in the PDB and of one novel structure (FutA) using either (i) neutron data only or (ii) neutron data supplemented by external restraints to a reference X-ray crystallographic structure. Re-refinement with REFMAC5 afforded models characterized by R-factor values that are consistent with, and in some cases better than, the originally deposited values. The use of external reference structure restraints during refinement has been observed to be a valuable strategy, especially for structures at medium-low resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macromolecular refinement uses experimental data together with prior chemical knowledge (usually digested into geometrical restraints) to optimally fit an atomic structural model into experimental data, while ensuring that the model is chemically plausible. In the CCP4 suite this chemical knowledge is stored in a Monomer Library, which comprises a set of restraint dictionaries. To use restraints in refinement, the model is analysed and template restraints from the dictionary are used to infer (i) restraints between concrete atoms and (ii) the positions of riding hydrogen atoms. Recently, this mundane process has been overhauled. This was also an opportunity to enhance the Monomer Library with new features, resulting in a small improvement in REFMAC5 refinement. Importantly, the overhaul of this part of CCP4 has increased flexibility and eased experimentation, opening up new possibilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2020, cryo-EM single-particle analysis achieved true atomic resolution thanks to technological developments in hardware and software. The number of high-resolution reconstructions continues to grow, increasing the importance of the accurate determination of atomic coordinates. Here, a new Python package and program called Servalcat is presented that is designed to facilitate atomic model refinement. Servalcat implements a refinement pipeline using the program REFMAC5 from the CCP4 package. After the refinement, Servalcat calculates a weighted Fo - Fc difference map, which is derived from Bayesian statistics. This map helps manual and automatic model building in real space, as is common practice in crystallography. The Fo - Fc map helps in the visualization of weak features including hydrogen densities. Although hydrogen densities are weak, they are stronger than in the electron-density maps produced by X-ray crystallography, and some H atoms are even visible at ∼1.8 Å resolution. Servalcat also facilitates atomic model refinement under symmetry constraints. If point-group symmetry has been applied to the map during reconstruction, the asymmetric unit model is refined with the appropriate symmetry constraints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noncrystallographic symmetry (NCS) averaging following molecular-replacement phasing is generally the major technique used to solve a structure with several molecules in one asymmetric unit, such as a spherical icosahedral viral particle. As an alternative method to NCS averaging, a new approach to optimize or to refine the electron density directly under NCS constraints is proposed. This method has the same effect as the conventional NCS-averaging method but does not include the process of Fourier synthesis to generate the electron density from amplitudes and the corresponding phases. It has great merit for the solution of structures with limited data that are either twinned or incomplete at low resolution. This method was applied to the case of the T = 1 shell-domain subviral particle of Penaeus vannamei nodavirus with data affected by twinning using the REFMAC5 refinement software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in instrumentation and software have resulted in cryo-EM rapidly becoming the method of choice for structural biologists, especially for those studying the three-dimensional structures of very large macromolecular complexes. In this contribution, the tools available for macromolecular structure refinement into cryo-EM reconstructions that are available via CCP-EM are reviewed, specifically focusing on REFMAC5 and related tools. Whilst originally designed with a view to refinement against X-ray diffraction data, some of these tools have been able to be repurposed for cryo-EM owing to the same principles being applicable to refinement against cryo-EM maps. Since both techniques are used to elucidate macromolecular structures, tools encapsulating prior knowledge about macromolecules can easily be transferred. However, there are some significant qualitative differences that must be acknowledged and accounted for; relevant differences between these techniques are highlighted. The importance of phases is considered and the potential utility of replacing inaccurate amplitudes with their expectations is justified. More pragmatically, an upper bound on the correlation between observed and calculated Fourier coefficients, expressed in terms of the Fourier shell correlation between half-maps, is demonstrated. The importance of selecting appropriate levels of map blurring/sharpening is emphasized, which may be facilitated by considering the behaviour of the average map amplitude at different resolutions, as well as the utility of simultaneously viewing multiple blurred/sharpened maps. Features that are important for the purposes of computational efficiency are discussed, notably the Divide and Conquer pipeline for the parallel refinement of large macromolecular complexes. Techniques that have recently been developed or improved in Coot to facilitate and expedite the building, fitting and refinement of atomic models into cryo-EM maps are summarized. Finally, a tool for symmetry identification from a given map or coordinate set, ProSHADE, which can identify the point group of a map and thus may be used during deposition as well as during molecular visualization, is introduced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Refinement is a process that involves bringing into agreement the structural model, available prior knowledge and experimental data. To achieve this, the refinement procedure optimizes a posterior conditional probability distribution of model parameters, including atomic coordinates, atomic displacement parameters (B factors), scale factors, parameters of the solvent model and twin fractions in the case of twinned crystals, given observed data such as observed amplitudes or intensities of structure factors. A library of chemical restraints is typically used to ensure consistency between the model and the prior knowledge of stereochemistry. If the observation-to-parameter ratio is small, for example when diffraction data only extend to low resolution, the Bayesian framework implemented in REFMAC5 uses external restraints to inject additional information extracted from structures of homologous proteins, prior knowledge about secondary-structure formation and even data obtained using different experimental methods, for example NMR. The refinement procedure also generates the `best\' weighted electron-density maps, which are useful for further model (re)building. Here, the refinement of macromolecular structures using REFMAC5 and related tools distributed as part of the CCP4 suite is discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the ratio of the number of observations to adjustable parameters is small at low resolution, it is necessary to use complementary information for the analysis of such data. ProSMART is a program that can generate restraints for macromolecules using homologous structures, as well as generic restraints for the stabilization of secondary structures. These restraints are used by REFMAC5 to stabilize the refinement of an atomic model. However, the optimal refinement protocol varies from case to case, and it is not always obvious how to select appropriate homologous structure(s), or other sources of prior information, for restraint generation. After running extensive tests on a large data set of low-resolution models, the best-performing refinement protocols and strategies for the selection of homologous structures have been identified. These strategies and protocols have been implemented in the Low-Resolution Structure Refinement (LORESTR) pipeline. The pipeline performs auto-detection of twinning and selects the optimal scaling method and solvent parameters. LORESTR can either use user-supplied homologous structures, or run an automated BLAST search and download homologues from the PDB. The pipeline executes multiple model-refinement instances using different parameters in order to find the best protocol. Tests show that the automated pipeline improves R factors, geometry and Ramachandran statistics for 94% of the low-resolution cases from the PDB included in the test set.






