• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoreceptors are sensory neurons that capture light within their outer segment, a narrow cylindrical organelle stacked with disc-shaped membranes housing the visual pigment. Photoreceptors are the most abundant neurons in the retina and are tightly packed to maximize the capture of incoming light. As a result, it is challenging to visualize an individual cell within a crowded photoreceptor population. To address this limitation, we developed a rod-specific mouse model that expresses tamoxifen-inducible cre recombinase under the control of the Nrl promoter. We characterized this mouse using a farnyslated GFP (GFPf) reporter mouse and found mosaic rod expression throughout the retina. The number of GFPf-expressing rods stabilized within 3 days post tamoxifen injection. At that time, the GFPf reporter began to accumulate in basal disc membranes. Using this new reporter mouse, we attempted to quantify the time course of photoreceptor disc renewal in WT and Rd9 mice, a model of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa previously proposed to have a reduced disc renewal rate. We measured GFPf accumulation in individual outer segments at 3 and 6 days post-induction and found that basal accumulation of the GFPf reporter was unchanged between WT and Rd9 mice. However, rates of renewal based on the GFPf measurements were inconsistent with historical calculations from radiolabeled pulse-chase experiments. By extending GFPf reporter accumulation to 10 and 13 days we found that this reporter had an unexpected distribution pattern that preferentially labeled the basal region of the outer segment. For these reasons the GFPf reporter cannot be used for measuring rates of disc renewal. Therefore, we used an alternative method that labels newly forming discs with a fluorescent dye to measure disc renewal rates directly in the Rd9 model and found it was not significantly different from WT. Our study finds that the Rd9 mouse has normal rates of disc renewal and introduces a novel Nrl:CreERT2 mouse for gene manipulation of individual rods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is predominantly an airborne disease. However, quantitative and qualitative analysis of bio-aerosols containing the aetiological agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), has proven very challenging. Our objective is to sample bio-aerosols from newly diagnosed TB patients for detection and enumeration of Mtb bacilli. Methods: We monitored each of 35 newly diagnosed, GeneXpert sputum-positive, TB patients during 1 hour confinement in a custom-built Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber (RASC). The RASC (a small clean-room of 1.4m ) incorporates aerodynamic particle size detection, viable and non-viable sampling devices, real-time CO 2 monitoring, and cough sound-recording. Microbiological culture and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) were used to detect Mtb in each of the bio-aerosol collection devices. Results:  Mtb was detected in 27/35 (77.1%) of aerosol samples; 15/35 (42.8%) samples were positive by mycobacterial culture and 25/27 (92.96%) were positive by ddPCR. Culturability of collected bacilli was not predicted by radiographic evidence of pulmonary cavitation, sputum smear positivity. A correlation was found between cough rate and culturable bioaerosol.  Mtb was detected on all viable cascade impactor stages with a peak at aerosol sizes 2.0-3.5μm. This suggests a median of 0.09 CFU/litre of exhaled air (IQR: 0.07 to 0.3 CFU/l) for the aerosol culture positives and an estimated median concentration of 4.5x10 CFU/ml (IQR: 2.9x10 -5.6x10 ) of exhaled particulate bio-aerosol. Conclusions:  Mtb was identified in bio-aerosols exhaled by the majority of untreated TB patients using the RASC. Molecular detection was more sensitive than mycobacterial culture on solid media, suggesting that further studies are required to determine whether this reflects a significant proportion of differentially detectable bacilli in these samples.





