• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic NMEs/NDP kinases are a family of 10 multifunctional proteins that occur in different cellular compartments and interact with various cellular components (proteins, membranes, and DNA). In contrast to the well-studied Group I NMEs (NME1-4), little is known about the more divergent Group II NMEs (NME5-9). Three recent publications now shed new light on NME6. First, NME6 is a third mitochondrial NME, largely localized in the matrix space, associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane. Second, while its monomeric form is inactive, NME6 gains NDP kinase activity through interaction with mitochondrial RCC1L. This challenges the current notion that mammalian NMEs require the formation of hexamers to become active. The formation of complexes between NME6 and RCC1L, likely heterodimers, seemingly obviates the necessity for hexamer formation, stabilizing a NDP kinase-competent conformation. Third, NME6 is involved in mitochondrial gene maintenance and expression by providing (d)NTPs for replication and transcription (in particular the pyrimidine nucleotides) and by a less characterized mechanism that supports mitoribosome function. This review offers an overview of NME evolution and structure and highlights the new insight into NME6. The new findings position NME6 as the most comprehensively studied protein in NME Group II and may even suggest it as a new paradigm for related family members.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to both idiopathic and familial forms of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). We have previously identified RCC1-like (RCC1L) as a protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane important to mitochondrial fusion. Herein, to test whether deficits in RCC1L mitochondrial function might be involved in PD pathology, we have selectively ablated the Rcc1l gene in the dopaminergic (DA) neurons of mice. A PD-like phenotype resulted that includes progressive movement abnormalities, paralleled by progressive degeneration of the nigrostriatal tract. Experimental and control groups were examined at 2, 3-4, and 5-6 months of age. Animals were tested in the open field task to quantify anxiety, exploratory drive, locomotion, and immobility; and in the cylinder test to quantify rearing behavior. Beginning at 3-4 months, both female and male Rcc1l knockout mice show rigid muscles and resting tremor, kyphosis and a growth deficit compared with heterozygous or wild type littermate controls. Rcc1l knockout mice begin showing locomotor impairments at 3-4 months, which progress until 5-6 months of age, at which age the Rcc1l knockout mice die. The progressive motor impairments were associated with progressive and significantly reduced tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), and dramatic loss of nigral DA projections in the striatum. Dystrophic spherical mitochondria are apparent in the soma of SNc neurons in Rcc1l knockout mice as early as 1.5-2.5 months of age and become progressively more pronounced until 5-6 months. Together, the results reveal the RCC1L protein to be essential to in vivo mitochondrial function in DA neurons. Further characterization of this mouse model will determine whether it represents a new model for in vivo study of PD, and the putative role of the human RCC1L gene as a risk factor that might increase PD occurrence and severity in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: NME6 is a member of the nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK/NME/Nm23) family which has key roles in nucleotide homeostasis, signal transduction, membrane remodeling and metastasis suppression. The well-studied NME1-NME4 proteins are hexameric and catalyze, via a phospho-histidine intermediate, the transfer of the terminal phosphate from (d)NTPs to (d)NDPs (NDP kinase) or proteins (protein histidine kinase). For the NME6, a gene/protein that emerged early in eukaryotic evolution, only scarce and partially inconsistent data are available. Here we aim to clarify and extend our knowledge on the human NME6.
    RESULTS: We show that NME6 is mostly expressed as a 186 amino acid protein, but that a second albeit much less abundant isoform exists. The recombinant NME6 remains monomeric, and does not assemble into homo-oligomers or hetero-oligomers with NME1-NME4. Consequently, NME6 is unable to catalyze phosphotransfer: it does not generate the phospho-histidine intermediate, and no NDPK activity can be detected. In cells, we could resolve and extend existing contradictory reports by localizing NME6 within mitochondria, largely associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix space. Overexpressing NME6 reduces ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration and complex III abundance, thus linking NME6 to dysfunctional oxidative phosphorylation. However, it did not alter mitochondrial membrane potential, mass, or network characteristics. Our screen for NME6 protein partners revealed its association with NME4 and OPA1, but a direct interaction was observed only with RCC1L, a protein involved in mitochondrial ribosome assembly and mitochondrial translation, and identified as essential for oxidative phosphorylation.
    CONCLUSIONS: NME6, RCC1L and mitoribosomes localize together at the inner membrane/matrix space where NME6, in concert with RCC1L, may be involved in regulation of the mitochondrial translation of essential oxidative phosphorylation subunits. Our findings suggest new functions for NME6, independent of the classical phosphotransfer activity associated with NME proteins.





