
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of Black women with hypertension in the United States have smartphones or tablets and use social media, and many use wearable activity trackers and health or wellness apps, digital tools that can be used to support lifestyle changes and medication adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze the patient-reported-outcomes obtained after trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) bilateral implantation in Japanese patients using three different validated questionnaires.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-three patients implanted with the FineVision HP IOLs (Beaver-Visitec International, Inc. USA) were enrolled in this prospective-study. At 3-months, refraction (spherical equivalent [SE] and cylinder), logMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) were obtained. Specifically, patient-reported-outcomes were evaluated using the NEI VFQ-25, the Catquest-9SF, and the PRSIQ questionnaires.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean SE and refractive cylinder were 0.00±0.22D and -0.07±0.23D, respectively. A 98.11% of eyes were within ±0.50D and 100% were within ±1.00D of the SE. A 93.40% of the eyes showed equal or less than 0.50D of astigmatism and 100% of eyes equal or less than 1.00D. The mean value for monocular UDVA was -0.05±0.07 logMAR and the mean value for monocular CDVA was -0.07±0.06 logMAR. 87.74% and 92.45% of the eyes showed 20/20 or better monocular UDVA and CDVA, respectively, with 97.17% and 98.11% showing 20/25 or better for UDVA and CDVA, respectively. The NEI VFQ-25 outcomes showed very high scores across all categories, with mean general vision, distance and near activities values of 86.70±6.35, 96.23±7.72 and 92.14±10.74, respectively. The outcomes for the Catquest-9SF questionnaire showed that 90.57% of patients did not report difficulty in their everyday-life with their sight, and 100% of them were \"very or quite satisfied\" with their sight at present. The PRSIQ outcomes revealed that 100%, 98.11% and 98.11% of patients did not need glasses or contacts for far, intermediate and near vision, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of the patient-reported-outcomes questionnaires indicated that patients implanted bilaterally with the FineVision HP IOL have high vision and health related quality-of-life scores, with a high spectacle independence rate and high patient satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of a newly developed questionnaire for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). The aim was to contribute to future standardisation of screening methods for symptoms and comorbidity, as well as the measurement of symptom severity, daily life impairment, and treatment effectiveness in individuals diagnosed with PANDAS/PANS.
    METHODS: 27 items from the PANDAS/PANS questionnaire concerning symptoms and comorbidities associated with PANDAS/PANS were divided into ten domains. To assess the external validity, 119 PANDAS/PANS questionnaires from a cohort of 65 children with PANDAS/PANS were correlated with three well-known validated questionnaires: the Children\'s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale (ADHD-RS), and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The internal validity of the PANDAS/PANS questionnaire was assessed by correlating the PANDAS/PANS items with the domains.
    RESULTS: Internal consistency of the PANDAS/PANS questionnaire was high, measuring moderate to very strong correlations. The external correlations for the PANDAS/PANS questionnaire showed a higher correlation with the ADHD-RS and CY-BOCS (rs ≥ 0.60) than with the SDQ (rs < 0.40).
    CONCLUSIONS: The validity and clinical feasibility of the PANDAS/PANS questionnaire were confirmed as an effective tool for screening symptoms, assessing symptom severity, and evaluating comorbidity and daily life impairment in individuals with PANDAS/PANS. These findings can potentially enhance the management of PANDAS/PANS patients in both clinical and research settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted various containment strategies, such as work-from-home policies and reduced social contact, which significantly altered people\'s sleep routines. While previous studies have highlighted the negative impacts of these restrictions on sleep, they often lack a comprehensive perspective that considers other factors, such as seasonal variations and physical activity (PA), which can also influence sleep.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to longitudinally examine the detailed changes in sleep patterns among working adults during the COVID-19 pandemic using a combination of repeated questionnaires and high-resolution passive measurements from wearable sensors. We investigate the association between sleep and 5 sets of variables: (1) demographics; (2) sleep-related habits; (3) PA behaviors; and external factors, including (4) pandemic-specific constraints and (5) seasonal variations during the study period.
    METHODS: We recruited working adults in Finland for a 1-year study (June 2021-June 2022) conducted during the late stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. We collected multisensor data from fitness trackers worn by participants, as well as work and sleep-related measures through monthly questionnaires. Additionally, we used the Stringency Index for Finland at various points in time to estimate the degree of pandemic-related lockdown restrictions during the study period. We applied linear mixed models to examine changes in sleep patterns during this late stage of the pandemic and their association with the 5 sets of variables.
    RESULTS: The sleep patterns of 27,350 nights from 112 working adults were analyzed. Stricter pandemic measures were associated with an increase in total sleep time (TST) (β=.003, 95% CI 0.001-0.005; P<.001) and a delay in midsleep (MS) (β=.02, 95% CI 0.02-0.03; P<.001). Individuals who tend to snooze exhibited greater variability in both TST (β=.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.27; P=.006) and MS (β=.17, 95% CI 0.03-0.31; P=.01). Occupational differences in sleep pattern were observed, with service staff experiencing longer TST (β=.37, 95% CI 0.14-0.61; P=.004) and lower variability in TST (β=-.15, 95% CI -0.27 to -0.05; P<.001). Engaging in PA later in the day was associated with longer TST (β=.03, 95% CI 0.02-0.04; P<.001) and less variability in TST (β=-.01, 95% CI -0.02 to 0.00; P=.02). Higher intradaily variability in rest activity rhythm was associated with shorter TST (β=-.26, 95% CI -0.29 to -0.23; P<.001), earlier MS (β=-.29, 95% CI -0.33 to -0.26; P<.001), and reduced variability in TST (β=-.16, 95% CI -0.23 to -0.09; P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provided a comprehensive view of the factors affecting sleep patterns during the late stage of the pandemic. As we navigate the future of work after the pandemic, understanding how work arrangements, lifestyle choices, and sleep quality interact will be crucial for optimizing well-being and performance in the workforce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of a four-item questionnaire using a face rating scale to measure dental trait anxiety (DTA), dental trait fear (DTF), dental state anxiety (DSA), and dental state fear (DSF).
    METHODS: Participants were consecutively selected from patients undergoing scaling (S-group; n = 47) and implant placement (I-group; n = 25). The S-group completed the questionnaire both before initial and second scaling, whereas the I-group responded on the pre-surgery day (Pre-day), the day of implant placement (Imp-day), and the day of suture removal (Post-day).
    RESULTS: The reliability in the S-group was evaluated using the test-retest method, showing a weighted kappa value of DTA, 0.61; DTF, 0.46; DSA, 0.67; DSF, 0.52. Criterion-related validity, assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory\'s trait anxiety and state anxiety, revealed positive correlations between trait anxiety and DTA/DTF (DTA, ρ = 0.30; DTF, ρ = 0.27, ρ: correlation coefficient) and between state anxiety and all four items (DTA, ρ = 0.41; DTF, ρ = 0.32; DSA, ρ = 0.25; DSF, ρ = 0.25). Known-group validity was assessed using the initial data and Imp-day data from the S-group and I-group, respectively, revealing significantly higher DSA and DSF scores in the I-group than in the S-group. Responsiveness was gauged using I-group data, showing significantly lower DSA and DSF scores on post-day compared to other days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed questionnaire has acceptable reliability and validity for clinical use, suggesting its usefulness for research on dental anxiety and fear and for providing patient-specific dental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Persons with multiple chronic conditions face complex medical regimens and clinicians may not focus on what matters most to these patients who vary widely in their health priorities. Patient Priorities Care is a facilitator-led process designed to identify patients\' priorities and align decision-making and care, but the need for a facilitator has limited its widespread adoption.
    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study are to design and test mechanisms for patients to complete a self-directed process for identifying priorities and providing their priorities to clinicians.
    METHODS: The study involved patients of at least 65 years of age at 2 family medicine practices with 5 physicians each. We first tested 2 versions of an interactive website and asked patients to bring their results to their visit. We then tested an Epic previsit questionnaire derived from the website\'s questions and included standard previsit materials. We completed postintervention phone interviews and an online survey with participating patients and collected informal feedback and conducted a focus group with participating physicians.
    RESULTS: In the test of the first website version, 17.3% (35/202) of invited patients went to the website, 11.4% (23/202) completed all of the questions, 2.5% (5/202) brought results to their visits, and the median session time was 43.0 (IQR 28.0) minutes. Patients expressed confusion about bringing results to the visit. After clarifying that issue in the second version, 15.1% (32/212) of patients went to the website, 14.6% (31/212) completed the questions, 1.9% (4/212) brought results to the visit, and the median session time was 35.0 (IQR 35.0) minutes. In the test of the Epic questionnaire, 26.4% (198/750) of patients completed the questionnaire before at least 1 visit, and the median completion time was 14.0 (IQR 23.0) minutes. The 8 main questions were answered 62.9% (129/205) to 95.6% (196/205) of the time. Patients who completed questionnaires were younger than those who did not (72.3 vs 76.1 years) and were more likely to complete at least 1 of their other assigned questionnaires (99.5%, 197/198) than those who did not (10.3%, 57/552). A total of 140 of 198 (70.7%) patients responded to a survey, and 86 remembered completing the questionnaire; 78 (90.7%) did not remember having difficulty answering the questions and 57 (68.7%) agreed or somewhat agreed that it helped them and their clinicians to understand their priorities. Doctors noted that the sickest patients did not complete the questionnaire and that the discussion provided a good segue into end-of-life care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Embedding questionnaires assaying patient priorities into patient portals holds promise for expanding access to priorities-concordant care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major depressive disorder (MDD) and obesity have a complex bidirectional relationship. However, most studies do not assess increased appetite or weight as a depressive symptom due to limitations in rating scales. Here we aimed to analyze frequently employed depressive-symptom scales and discuss the relevance of weight and appetite assessment items. To elaborate this perspective, we searched for validated questionnaires and scales evaluating depressive symptoms in English. We analyzed appetite and weight items from 20 depressive-symptoms rating scales. Only 8 of 20 rating scales assessed for increased weight or appetite. The scales reported in the literature as the most employed in antidepressants efficacy trials do not assess increased appetite or weight. The current use of rating scales limits our understanding of the relationship between MDD, antidepressants, and obesity. It is necessary to improve our weight and appetite measurements in MDD to clarify the respective impact of depressive symptoms and antidepressants on weight change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Croatian Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ-Cro) as part of the Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool 1 (SMHAT-1) validation. We assessed the reliability and applicability of the APSQ-Cro among Croatian athletes. The international sports community is increasingly focused on mental health issues in athletes, highlighting the need for early detection tools like the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ) and SMHAT-1. We included 869 Croatian competing athletes across 54 sports who received a link to access the WEB-based questionnaire. The Croatian Olympic Board helped in distributing the questionnaires, aiming to reach as many and as diverse a group of registered competing athletes in Croatia as possible. Results showed a Cronbach\'s alpha of 0.75 for the entire questionnaire, indicating acceptable reliability. An exploratory strategy of factor analysis was used to determine the underlying structure of the APSQ-Cro. For this purpose, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test and Bartlett\'s test for sphericity were performed to ensure the suitability of the data. The KMO test ensured sampling adequacy, with a measure of 0.77 indicating suitability for factor analysis, while Bartlett\'s test confirmed significant correlations among variables (χ2 = 2779.155, df = 45, p < 0.001), validating the dataset\'s appropriateness for data reduction techniques. The factor analysis, together with the Cattell scree test and varimax rotation, resulted in a two-factor structure for the APSQ-Cro. Factor 1 included items related to internal psychological struggles, while Factor 2 included items related to external pressures from the athletic environment. These two factors explained 53% of the variability, with Cronbach\'s alphas of 0.75 and 0.88 for the respective factors. The APSQ-Cro is a valid and reliable tool for assessing distress in Croatian athletes. Croatian athletes\' sporting experience will be improved with the broad adoption of the APSQ-Cro, which can help detect early signs of psychological distress and subsequently improve mental health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Childhood mental health issues concern a large amount of children worldwide and represent a major public health challenge. The lack of knowledge among parents and caregivers in this area hinders effective management. Empowering families enhances their ability to address their children\'s difficulties, boosts health literacy, and promotes positive changes. However, seeking reliable mental health information remains challenging due to fear, stigma, and mistrust of the sources of information.
    UNASSIGNED: This study evaluates the acceptance of a website, CléPsy, designed to provide reliable information and practical tools for families concerned about child mental health and parenting.
    UNASSIGNED: This study examines user characteristics and assesses ease of use, usefulness, trustworthiness, and attitude toward using the website. Platform users were given access to a self-administered questionnaire by means of mailing lists, social networks, and posters between May and July 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings indicate that the wide majority of the 317 responders agreed or somewhat agreed that the website made discussions about mental health easier with professionals (n=264, 83.3%) or with their relatives (n=260, 82.1%). According to the ANOVA, there was a significant effect between educational level and perceived trust (F6=3.03; P=.007) and between frequency of use and perceived usefulness (F2=4.85; P=.008).
    UNASSIGNED: The study underlines the importance of user experience and design in web-based health information dissemination and emphasizes the need for accessible and evidence-based information. Although the study has limitations, it provides preliminary support for the acceptability and usefulness of the website. Future efforts should focus on inclusive co-construction with users and addressing the information needs of families from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost-effectiveness of using cheaper-but-noisier outcome measures, such as a short questionnaire, for large simple clinical trials.
    BACKGROUND: To detect associations reliably, trials must avoid bias and random error. To reduce random error, we can increase the size of the trial and increase the accuracy of the outcome measurement process. However, with fixed resources, there is a trade-off between the number of participants a trial can enrol and the amount of information that can be collected on each participant during data collection.
    METHODS: To consider the effect on measurement error of using outcome scales with varying numbers of categories, we define and calculate the variance from categorisation that would be expected from using a category midpoint; define the analytic conditions under which such a measure is cost-effective; use meta-regression to estimate the impact of participant burden, defined as questionnaire length, on response rates; and develop an interactive web-app to allow researchers to explore the cost-effectiveness of using such a measure under plausible assumptions.
    RESULTS: An outcome scale with only a few categories greatly reduced the variance of non-measurement. For example, a scale with five categories reduced the variance of non-measurement by 96% for a uniform distribution. We show that a simple measure will be more cost-effective than a gold-standard measure if the relative increase in variance due to using it is less than the relative increase in cost from the gold standard, assuming it does not introduce bias in the measurement. We found an inverse power law relationship between participant burden and response rates such that a doubling the burden on participants reduces the response rate by around one third. Finally, we created an interactive web-app ( ) to allow exploration of when using a cheap-but-noisy measure will be more cost-effective using realistic parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cheaper-but-noisier questionnaires containing just a few questions can be a cost-effective way of maximising power. However, their use requires a judgement on the trade-off between the potential increase in risk of information bias and the reduction in the potential of selection bias due to the expected higher response rates.





