Pulp Capping and Pulpectomy Agents

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to evaluate the compressive strength, solubility, radiopacity, and flow of Bromelain (BR)-modified Biodentine (BD) for direct pulp capping (DPC). This is suggested to determine the impact of BR on the physical properties of BD.
    METHODS: Eighty samples were prepared according to the ISO and ADA specifications and evaluated for compressive strength, solubility, radiopacity, and flow. The compressive strength was evaluated at 24 h and 21 days via a universal testing machine. The solubility was determined by weight loss after 24-hours immersion in deionized water. Radiopacity was assessed via X-ray with aluminum step-wedges, and flow was measured by the diameter of the discs under a standard weight. Independent sample t-tests were used to statistically assess the data. A significance level of 5% was considered.
    RESULTS: The compressive strength was 41.08 ± 1.84 MPa for BD and 40.92 ± 1.80 MPa for BR + BD after 24 h, and 88.93 ± 3.39 MPa for BD and 87.92 ± 3.76 MPa for BR + BD after 21 days, with no significant differences. Solubility was slightly greater in the BR + BD (2.75 ± 0.10%) compared to BD (2.62 ± 0.25%), but not significantly different. The radiopacity was similar between BD (2.82 ± 0.11 mm) and BR + BD (2.73 ± 0.10 mm). BR + BD resulted in significantly greater flow (9.99 ± 0.18 mm) than did BD (9.65 ± 0.27 mm) (p ≤ 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: BR-modified BD maintains BD\'s physical properties, with improved flow, making it a promising DPC agent that warrants further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Azathioprine is one of the earliest immunosuppressants prescribed for several autoimmune diseases. Yet there is a lack of research on the impact of azathioprine on pulp healing following the pulp capping procedure.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to investigate the effect of azathioprine on the healing ability of mechanically exposed dogs\' dental pulps following direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), bio-aggregates (BA), and Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).
    UNASSIGNED: Four mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to two groups (two dogs/30 teeth in each group): immunosuppressed (group I) and control (group II). Group I received azathioprine for two months before surgical treatments and until the dogs were euthanized. Fifteen class V buccal cavities were performed in each dog. Each group was randomly divided into three subgroups (10 teeth each) based on the pulp capping substance. The pulps in subgroups A, B, and C were immediately capped with MTA, BA, and Ca(OH)2, respectively. Inflammation and dentine bridge development were histopathologically evaluated and scored at one and two months. The data were statistically analyzed.
    UNASSIGNED: The immunosuppressed group exhibited statistically greater inflammatory cell count and decreased dentine bridge thickness, compared to the control group in all subgroups (p < 0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: Azathioprine has an adverse effect on the healing of exposed dogs\' dental pulp following direct pulp capping with MTA, BA, and Ca(OH)2. Therefore, patients using azathioprine as an immunosuppressive medication may experience delayed healing of mechanically exposed pulps following capping with MTA, BA, or Ca(OH)2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vital pulp therapy (VPT) has gained prominence with the increasing trends towards conservative dental treatment with specific indications for preserving tooth vitality by selectively removing the inflamed tissue instead of the entire dental pulp. Although VPT has shown high success rates in long-term follow-up, adverse effects have been reported due to the calcification of tooth canals by mineral trioxide aggregates (MTAs), which are commonly used in VPT. Canal calcification poses challenges for accessing instruments during retreatment procedures. To address this issue, this study evaluated the mechanical properties of dural substitute intended to alleviate intra-pulp pressure caused by inflammation, along with assessing the biological responses of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), both of which play crucial roles in dental pulp. The study examined the application of dural substitutes as pulp capping materials, replacing MTA. This assessment was conducted using a microfluidic flow device model that replicated the blood flow environment within the dental pulp. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were employed to ensure that the fluid flow velocity within the microfluidic flow device matched the actual blood flow velocity within the dental pulp. Furthermore, the dural substitutes (Biodesign; BD and Neuro-Patch; NP) exhibited resistance to penetration by 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HEMA) released from the upper restorative materials and bonding agents. Finally, while MTA increased the expression of angiogenesis-related and hard tissue-related genes in HUVEC and hDPSCS, respectively, BD and NP did not alter gene expression and preserved the original characteristics of both cell types. Hence, dural substitutes have emerged as promising alternatives for VPT owing to their resistance to HEMA penetration and the maintenance of stemness. Moreover, the microfluidic flow device model closely replicated the cellular responses observed in live pulp chambers, thereby indicating its potential use as anin vivotesting platform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to elucidate the clinical efficacy of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Bioceramic Materials in pulpotomy procedures for early-stage chronic pulpitis in deciduous teeth. The clinical data of 100 children with early chronic pulpitis in deciduous teeth treated at our institution between January 2021 and January 2023 were included retrospectively, which were divided into an experimental group (n = 50) and a control group (n = 50) according to the treatment methods. Experimental group received pulpotomy with Thera Cal LC as bioceramic pulp-capping material versus control group with MTA as pulp-capping agent. Comparative studies were conducted to assess the clinical effectiveness and differences between both pulp-capping techniques. At 12 months postoperatively, the experimental group showed a significantly higher success rate than the control group (96.00% vs. 80.00%, p < 0.05). Post-treatment inflammatory markers (Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Interleukin-8 (IL-8)) were substantially lower in the experimental group (p < 0.05). Furthermore, significantly lower pain scores and higher comfort and satisfaction scores were obtained in the experimental group (p < 0.05). Experimental group adverse reactions were also lower in the experimental group (p < 0.05). TheraCal LC bioceramic material treats early chronic pulpitis in deciduous teeth effectively. Clinically, it is an excellent therapeutic option for emergence of permanent dentition, pain relief, comfort and improvement of patient satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In situations where pulp degeneration and carious lesions may coexist, pulp therapy is a regularly employed method. Mineral trioxide aggregate, a material that is now utilized for indirect pulp treatment (IPT), is nontoxic and nonmutagenic. There is proof that the restoration margin can be sealed to manage the caries lesion. In terms of the clinical and radiological outcome, it has been demonstrated that IPT is more effective and secure than direct pulp capping and pulpotomy. The pulp capping treatment\'s goal is to protect the pulp from microorganisms as well as from thermal, electrical, chemical, and physical stimulation. There is evidence that suggests targeted caries clearance and composite restoration may stop caries lesions more effectively than full dentin removal. Various pulp capping materials that are available in the market were highlighted in this review, and the discussion of each material was expanded to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. Articles were specifically selected and discussed for the materials used for the IPT in the primary teeth as very few studies have been done so far in relation to this subject. A literature search in various libraries, including PubMed, Cochrane, ResearchGate, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and other libraries, was done for several available materials that have been used for the IPT procedure in primary dentition in the last 20 years.
    RésuméDans les situations où une dégénérescence pulpaire et des lésions carieuses peuvent coexister, la thérapie pulpaire est une méthode régulièrement employée. Agrégat de trioxyde minéral, un matériau qui est maintenant utilisé pour le traitement indirect de la pulpe (IPT), est non toxique et non mutagène. Il est prouvé que la marge de restauration peutêtre scellé pour gérer la lésion carieuse. En termes de résultats cliniques et radiologiques, il a été démontré que le TPI est plus efficace et plus sûr que le coiffage pulpaire direct et la pulpotomie. Le but du traitement de coiffage pulpaire est de protéger la pulpe des micro-organismes ainsi que des stimulation thermique, électrique, chimique et physique. Il existe des preuves suggérant que l’élimination ciblée des caries et la restauration composite peuventarrêter les lésions carieuses plus efficacement que l’ablation complète de la dentine. Divers matériaux de bouchage pulpaire disponibles sur le marché ont été mis en avantdans cette revue, et la discussion de chaque matériau a été élargie pour démontrer son efficacité clinique. Les articles ont été spécifiquement sélectionnés etdiscuté pour les matériaux utilisés pour l’IPT dans les dents de lait, car très peu d’études ont été réalisées jusqu’à présent sur ce sujet. Littérature une recherche dans diverses bibliothèques, notamment PubMed, Cochrane, ResearchGate, Scopus, ScienceDirect et d’autres bibliothèques, a été effectuée pour plusieurs matériaux disponibles qui ont été utilisés pour la procédure IPT en dentition primaire au cours des 20 dernières années.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the outcome of elective full pulpotomy, using calcium silicate-based cements (CSBC), after 2 years, in symptomatic mature permanent teeth with carious lesions, diagnosed as irreversible pulpitis, and analyse the capacity of Wolters et al. (2017) classification to predict the likelihood of treatment failure.
    METHODS: The treatment records of 56 patients with symptomatic mature teeth with carious lesions, diagnosed as irreversible pulpitis and treated by elective full pulpotomy, using CSBCs as pulp capping materials, were reviewed. Thirteen teeth were excluded. The remaining 43 teeth were evaluated retrospectively at 24 months. Fisher`s exact test with the Lancaster\'s mid-P adjustment was used to assess different outcomes amongst the diagnostic categories.
    RESULTS: Four of the cases failed before 24 months and required root canal treatment (RCT). Overall success rate at 2 years was 90.7% (39 of 43). An inverse, but non-significant, correlation was observed between the severity of pulpitis according to the Wolters classification and the treatment success rate (p > 0.05). The type of CSBC used was associated to the success rate (OR = 10.5; 95% C.I. = 0.5 - 207.4; p = 0.027), being 82% with Endosequence and 100% with Biodentine. Postoperative pain associated significantly to lower success rate (66.7%) (Odds ratio = 8.0; 95% C.I. = 0.7 - 95.9; p = 0.047).
    CONCLUSIONS: Elective full pulpotomy using a CSBC was a successful choice for the treatment of mature permanent teeth with symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis. There were no significant differences between the success rate of mild, moderate and severe pulpitis. Postoperative pain could be considered a risk marker for failure of full pulpotomy. The term \"irreversible pulpitis\" should be re-signified to indicate the need for access to the pulp chamber, rather than an indication for extraction or RCT.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the factors that determine the success of direct pulp capping (DPC) in permanent teeth with pulp exposure due to dental caries.
    METHODS: A comprehensive electronic search from 1980 to 2023 across PubMed, Scopus, and ISI Web databases was conducted using specific keywords and MeSH terms in Q1 or Q2 journals. Only prospective/retrospective clinical studies in English on 15 or more human permanent teeth with carious pulpal exposure treated with DPC agents-mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Biodentine, or calcium hydroxide with a rubber dam and minimum 1-year follow-up, were considered. The factors retrieved and analyzed were based on study design, patient age, sample size, type of cavity, exposure size and location, pulp diagnosis, solutions to achieve hemostasis, hemostasis time, capping material, restoration type, follow-up period, methods of evaluation, and overall success.
    RESULTS: Out of 680 articles, only 16 articles were selected for the present systematic review on application of the selection criteria. A wide age range of patients from 6 to 88 years were considered among these studies with sample sizes ranging from 15 to 245 teeth with reversible pulpitis being the predominant diagnosis of the cases. Mineral trioxide aggregate as a capping material was evaluated in 4 studies as a lone agent, while compared with other capping agents such as biodentine or calcium hydroxide in 7 studies. The follow-up period ranged from 9 days to nearly 80 months. While both clinical and radiographic evaluation was carried out in all studies, cold testing dominated the clinical tests while IOPR was the common radiograph considered. Mineral trioxide aggregate success rate was higher and similar to biodentine than calcium hydroxide.
    CONCLUSIONS: Direct pulp capping has a high and predictable success rate in permanent teeth with carious exposure to reversible and irreversible pulpitis. Currently, mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine have better long-term results in DPC than calcium hydroxide, hence, they should be used as an alternative to calcium hydroxide. Definitive restoration within a short period improves long-term prognosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The significance of this review lies in its provision of evidence-based information on the effectiveness of DPC and the factors that influence its success. By considering these factors, clinicians can optimize treatment outcomes and improve the long-term prognosis of the treated teeth. This systematic review serves as a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers in the field of endodontics. How to cite this article: Gomez-Sosa JF, Granone-Ricella M, Rosciano-Alvarez M, et al. Determining Factors in the Success of Direct Pulp Capping: A Systematic Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(4):392-401.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This investigation aimed to observe the effects of Dycal, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and TheraCal LC, as indirect pulp-capping materials in primary molars.
    METHODS: About 75 children with lower primary molars aged between 4 and 7 years suggested for IPC were selected and randomly allocated into: Group I - Dycal, group II - MTA, and group III - TheraCal LC. An immediate postoperative radiograph was taken after the procedure. Recall examination was done after 3 and 6 months for clinical and radiographic assessment. The radiographs were digitized, and the amount of thickness of dentin was assessed using Corel Draw software. The values were tabulated and subjected to paired t-tests and independent t-tests for intra and intergroup analysis, respectively. The p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
    RESULTS: There was a statistically significant increase in dentin thickness in the first 3 months compared to the 6-month follow-up. At the end of the research phase, TheraCal LC had more tertiary dentin deposited than MTA, followed by Dycal.
    CONCLUSIONS: TheraCal LC can be a reliable indirect pulp-capping agent in primary teeth.
    CONCLUSIONS: Indirect pulp capping (IPC) is a very extensively employed treatment regimen to manage extensive caries. For many decades, calcium hydroxide has been regarded as the benchmark of pulp capping materials. With several advancements in materials for restoration, TheraCal LC a resin-modified, light-cured calcium silicate-filled liner serves as a pulp-capping agent and dentin protector, promoting pulp healing and preserving vitality as an obstacle cum protector of the dental pulp complex. How to cite this article: Thomas NA, Jobe J, Thimmaiah C, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Effectiveness of Calcium Hydroxide, MTA, and TheraCal LC in Indirect Pulp Capping in Primary Molars: In Vivo Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(4):365-371.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate a new light-cured material with better properties for vital pulp therapy.
    METHODS: Light-cured resin materials consisted of polyethylene glycol (600) diacrylate mixed with different ratios of TCP to HA. In addition to the temperature change (n = 5 for each subgroup) were tested, cell viability and Alizarin Red Staining (ARS) assay were also tested in vitro on human dental pulp cells (n = 6 for each subgroup). Lastly, the material was then compared with Biodentine and control groups in the molars of Wistar rats in vivo for histology assessment.
    RESULTS: The temperature change for the new materials were under 5 degrees Celsius. For the in vitro assessments, there was no significant difference on day 3 and day 7 for cell viability test. ARS assay showed significantly higher mineralized nodule formation when treated without induction medium for Group D and Biodentine on day 10 compared to Group C and control. On the contrary, Biodentine and control groups treated with induction medium showed significant higher mineralization than the new materials. Histology assessments demonstrated higher mineralized content in Group D and Biodentine on week 3 and week 6. The inflammatory cells in the dental pulp complex of the Biodentine group resolved on week 6 while the inflammation resolved in Group D on week 3.
    CONCLUSIONS: The new material exhibits low heat production, low cytotoxicity, and good calcium ion release capability. Compared to traditional materials, it has shorter setting time and better aesthetic outcomes, making it highly suitable for use in vital pulp therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Quality control testing of dental materials requires a standard to enable the generation of reproducible and comparable data. Currently there are no standards for testing materials used for vital pulp therapy. The aim of this study was to develop a new standard to evaluate solubility of pulp preservation materials.
    METHODS: The solubility of three materials used for vital pulp therapy: Biodentine, TheraCal and Activa was evaluated using two international standards for dental materials ISO 4049:2019 (S1) and ISO 6876:2012 (S2). For both standards, a modified methodology was evaluated. This included changing the volume of the solution used (S1M, S2M), using Dulbecco\'s modified eagle medium (DMEM) as an alternative to water (S1D, S2D) and periodic solution change for the ISO 4049 method (S1P, S1MP). Materials were characterised before and after completion of solubility test using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
    RESULTS: The test materials exhibited different solubility values depending on the methodology used. Biodentine exhibited significantly lower solubility when lower volumes of solution were used when tested using both ISO methods (p ≤ 0.05). TheraCal and Activa showed negative solubility values after desiccation when tested using ISO 4049:2019. The Biodentine exhibited changes in its microstructure which was dependent on the method used to test solubility.
    CONCLUSIONS: The solubility values obtained were dependent on the method used. It is thus important to use methods that replicate the clinical environment for meaningful evaluations.





