
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective To analyze the research progress and hot topics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from 2018 to 2022.Methods The publications in the field of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from January 1,2018 to December 31,2022 were retrieved from Web of Science core collection database and included for a bibliometric analysis.Results A total of 6355 publications were included,with an average citation frequency of 7 times.The year 2021 witnessed the most publications (1406).The analysis with VOSviewer showed that the research on sudden death related to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,especially the predictive value of late gadolinium-enhanced cardiac MRI in sudden death,was a hot topic.In addition,gene detection and the new drug mavacamten became hot research topics.The United States was the country with the largest number of publications and the highest citation frequency in this field.Chinese scholars produced the second largest number of publications,which,however,included few high-quality research results.Conclusions Risk stratification and prevention of sudden death is still an important and hot research content in the field of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Chinese scholars should carry out multi-center cooperation in the future to improve the research results.
    目的 分析2018至2022年肥厚型心肌病的研究进展和热点话题。方法 检索Web of Science核心合集数据库,纳入2018年1月1日至2022年12月31日发表的肥厚型心肌病相关文献,进行文献计量学分析。结果 共纳入6355篇文献,平均被引频次7次,2021年出版文献最多,为1406篇。VOSviewer软件分析显示,肥厚型心肌病相关的猝死研究,特别是磁共振心肌延迟强化对猝死的预测价值是目前的热点话题,此外基因检测和新药mavacamten研究也成为一大热点。美国是目前肥厚型心肌病发文量和文献被引频次最多的国家,中国学者发文量位居第2位,但高质量的研究成果较少。结论 猝死危险分层和预防仍是目前肥厚型心肌病领域重要和热点研究内容。国内学者应开展多中心合作,以提高研究成果的水平。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research on gender inequality is crucial as it unveils the pervasive disparities that persist across various domains, shedding light on societal imbalances and providing a foundation for informed policy-making.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate gender differences in scientometric indices among faculty members in dental schools across Iran. This included overall data and speciality-specific data.
    METHODS: The publication profiles of academic staff in all dental schools were examined using the Iranian Scientometric Information Database (ISID, Variables analyzed were working field, academic degree, the total number of papers, papers per year, total number of citations, percentage of self-citation, h-index, g-index, citations per paper, gender, university type, number of years publishing, proportion of international papers, first-author papers, and corresponding-author papers. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric tests were used to analyze the relationship between background characteristics and scientometric indicators. The extracted data were analyzed using R v4.0.1.
    RESULTS: The database included 1850 faculty members, of which about 60% (1104 of 1850) were women. Men (n = 746) had a higher number of papers (6583 vs. 6255) and citations (60410 vs. 39559) compared with women; 234 of the 376 faculty members with no papers were women. Almost half of the women (N = 517 of 1104) were in Type 2 universities, and nearly half of the men (N = 361 of the 746) were faculty members at Type 1 universities (Type 1 universities ranking higher than Type 2 and 3 universities). The medians of scientometric indices were higher in men, except for self-citation percentage (0 (IQR = 2) vs. 0 (IQR = 3), P = 0.083), international papers percentage (0 (IQR = 7.5) vs. 0 (IQR = 16.7), P<0.001). The proportion of corresponding-author papers was more than 62% higher in women (25 (IQR = 50) vs. 15.4 (IQR = 40), P<0.001). Men had a two-fold higher median h-index (2 (IQR = 4) vs. 1 (IQR = 3), P<0.001). Restorative dentistry and pediatric dentistry had the highest men-to-women ratios (1.5 for both). Dental materials and oral and maxillofacial surgery showed the lowest men-to-women ratios (0.42 and 0.5, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: Women made up the majority of dental faculty members in Iran. Nevertheless, men showed better scientometric results in several significant indices. Having identified scientometric information reflecting differences across faculty members, further research is now needed to better understand the drivers of these differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Tropical Andes, one of the world\'s most biodiverse regions, is vital for ecological research and conservation. However, while researchers in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru contribute significantly to scientific knowledge, their publication rates in academic journals have historically lagged behind neighboring nations. A multifaceted strategy was employed to understand and address the publication divide in the Tropical Andes region. This approach focused on regional researchers and consisted of a three-day workshop to improve scientific writing skills, offer publication insights, and equip researchers with tools to overcome obstacles. A series of surveys were also conducted to explore the challenges faced by local researchers and their proposed solutions, covering topics such as participant demographics, factors contributing to lower publication rates, personal barriers, proposed strategies for improving publications, specific topics of interest, participant satisfaction, most valuable workshop topics, and future recommendations. The workshop had an overwhelming response, with over 500 interested participants registering in just a few days, mostly experienced professionals, highlighting the need for such initiatives in the region. About two-thirds had ready-to-publish materials, highlighting the potential impact of targeted interventions on unlocking untapped knowledge. The surveys revealed the challenges contributing to the publication divide, including insufficient training, cultural emphasis on economic development, language barriers, limited resource access, lack of institutional support, high publishing costs, and time and financial constraints. The most common personal barriers were insufficient knowledge and experience in the publication process, lack of self-confidence, and fears of rejection. Proposed solutions include conducting training workshops, fostering collaborative networks, improving resource accessibility, and an institutional and cultural shift that encourages publishing. Addressing challenges faced by experienced professionals in the Tropical Andes by understanding individual needs, fostering support, and demystifying the publication process offers a promising path to closing the publication divide and unlocking the region\'s valuable scientific contributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Peer-reviewed literature is commonly used to assess academic progress and research excellency. However, representation in authorship of global health publications is biased and unfair. In order to shed light on current gaps towards attaining gender equality in scientific production and shift power asymmetries in global health research, we conducted an assessment of authorship trends from 1972 to 2021 with a focus on gender and geographic representation in scientific articles authored or co-authored by researchers affiliated with UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP).
    METHODS: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and HRP public reports for publications where at least one author was affiliated with HRP. Our main outcome measures were author gender and location of author affiliation, classified by region and country income group. We used descriptive statistics to characterize the publications under analysis as well as the total number of authors from the included papers. We applied a logistic regression model to explore associations between author gender and other characteristics of published articles and a time series analysis to assess how time can influence the inclusion of women as authors in a publication. Python and R were used for all analyses.
    RESULTS: A total of 1,484 publications with 14,424 listed authors representing 5,950 unique authors were included in our analysis: 42.5% were female, 35.1% male, and 22.4% unknown (p<0.0001). First authorship was more likely female (56.9%) and from a high-income country (74.6%, p<0.0001) while last authorship was mostly male (53.7%) also from a high-income country (82.5%, p<0.0001). Females more frequently published papers using qualitative data (61.4%) and reviews/estimates (59.4%) while men published more case control (70.7%) and randomised controlled studies (53.0%), p<0.0001. The adjusted odds of there being a female author increased 4% for every additional year that passed.
    CONCLUSIONS: While there are more females authoring articles as compared to the past, they are still lagging behind with regards to seniority and prestige. Likewise, female representation is closely tied to what institution they are affiliated with and where that institution is located. Global health research institutions need to actively promote change by ensuring women are included in research and research outputs, giving them opportunities to lead.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, university medical centres (UMCs) bear primary responsibility for conducting medical research and delivering highly specialized care. The TopCare program was a policy experiment lasting 4 years in which three non-academic hospitals received funding from the Dutch Ministry of Health to also conduct medical research and deliver highly specialized care in specific domains. This study investigates research collaboration outcomes for all Dutch UMCs and non-academic hospitals in general and, more specifically, for the domains in the non-academic hospitals participating in the TopCare program. Additionally, it explores the organizational boundary work employed by these hospitals to foster productive research collaborations.
    METHODS: A mixed method research design was employed combining quantitative bibliometric analysis of publications and citations across all Dutch UMCs and non-academic hospitals and the TopCare domains with geographical distances, document analysis and ethnographic interviews with actors in the TopCare program.
    RESULTS: Quantitative analysis shows that, over the period of study, international collaboration increased among all hospitals while national collaboration and single institution research declined slightly. Collaborative efforts correlated with higher impact scores, and international collaboration scored higher than national collaboration. A total of 60% of all non-academic hospitals\' publications were produced in collaboration with UMCs, whereas almost 30% of the UMCs\' publications were the result of such collaboration. Non-academic hospitals showed a higher rate of collaboration with the UMC that was nearest geographically, whereas TopCare hospitals prioritized expertise over geographical proximity within their specialized domains. Boundary work mechanisms adopted by TopCare hospitals included aligning research activities with organizational mindset (identity), bolstering research infrastructure (competence) and finding and mobilizing strategic partnerships with academic partners (power). These efforts aimed to establish credibility and attractiveness as collaboration partners.
    CONCLUSIONS: Research collaboration between non-academic hospitals and UMCs, particularly where this also involves international collaboration, pays off in terms of publications and impact. The TopCare hospitals used the program\'s resources to perform boundary work aimed at becoming an attractive and credible collaboration partner for academia. Local factors such as research history, strategic domain focus, in-house expertise, patient flows, infrastructure and network relationships influenced collaboration dynamics within TopCare hospitals and between them and UMCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Large language models (LLMs) that can efficiently screen and identify studies meeting specific criteria would streamline literature reviews. Additionally, those capable of extracting data from publications would enhance knowledge discovery by reducing the burden on human reviewers.
    METHODS: We created an automated pipeline utilizing OpenAI GPT-4 32 K API version \"2023-05-15\" to evaluate the accuracy of the LLM GPT-4 responses to queries about published papers on HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) with and without an instruction sheet. The instruction sheet contained specialized knowledge designed to assist a person trying to answer questions about an HIVDR paper. We designed 60 questions pertaining to HIVDR and created markdown versions of 60 published HIVDR papers in PubMed. We presented the 60 papers to GPT-4 in four configurations: (1) all 60 questions simultaneously; (2) all 60 questions simultaneously with the instruction sheet; (3) each of the 60 questions individually; and (4) each of the 60 questions individually with the instruction sheet.
    RESULTS: GPT-4 achieved a mean accuracy of 86.9% - 24.0% higher than when the answers to papers were permuted. The overall recall and precision were 72.5% and 87.4%, respectively. The standard deviation of three replicates for the 60 questions ranged from 0 to 5.3% with a median of 1.2%. The instruction sheet did not significantly increase GPT-4\'s accuracy, recall, or precision. GPT-4 was more likely to provide false positive answers when the 60 questions were submitted individually compared to when they were submitted together.
    CONCLUSIONS: GPT-4 reproducibly answered 3600 questions about 60 papers on HIVDR with moderately high accuracy, recall, and precision. The instruction sheet\'s failure to improve these metrics suggests that more sophisticated approaches are necessary. Either enhanced prompt engineering or finetuning an open-source model could further improve an LLM\'s ability to answer questions about highly specialized HIVDR papers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus is the controlled vocabulary used to index articles in MEDLINE. MeSH were mainly manually selected until June 2022 when an automated algorithm, the Medical Text Indexer (MTI) automated was fully implemented. A selection of automated indexed articles is then reviewed (curated) by human indexers to ensure the quality of the process.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the association of MEDLINE indexing methods (i.e., manual, automated, and automated + curated) on the MeSH assignment in pharmacy practice journals compared with medical journals.
    METHODS: Original research articles published between 2016 and 2023 in two groups of journals (i.e., the Big-five general medicine and three pharmacy practice journals) were selected from PubMed using journal-specific search strategies. Metadata of the articles, including MeSH terms and indexing method, was extracted. A list of pharmacy-specific MeSH terms had been compiled from previously published studies, and their presence in pharmacy practice journal records was investigated. Using bivariate and multivariate analyses, as well as effect size measures, the number of MeSH per article was compared between journal groups, geographic origin of the journal, and indexing method.
    RESULTS: A total of 8479 original research articles was retrieved: 6254 from the medical journals and 2225 from pharmacy practice journals. The number of articles indexed by the various methods was disproportionate; 77.8 % of medical and 50.5 % of pharmacy manually indexed. Among those indexed using the automated system, 51.1 % medical and 10.9 % pharmacy practice articles were then curated to ensure the indexing quality. Number of MeSH per article varied among the three indexing methods for medical and pharmacy journals, with 15.5 vs. 13.0 in manually indexed, 9.4 vs. 7.4 in automated indexed, and 12.1 vs. 7.8 in automated and then curated, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed significant effect of indexing method and journal group in the number of MeSH attributed, but not the geographical origin of the journal.
    CONCLUSIONS: Articles indexed using automated MTI have less MeSH than manually indexed articles. Articles published in pharmacy practice journals were indexed with fewer number of MeSH compared with general medical journal articles regardless of the indexing method used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article aims to analyze the clarity and engagement measures of publications on oral cancer in the Instagram profiles of official health agencies in Brazil. An infodemiological study was conducted with 81 profiles. Data collected concerned content classification, account and media, manner of addressing the topic, number of posts, likes, comments, views and hashtags. The clarity of the educational publications was assessed with the Brazilian version of the Clear Communication Index (BR-CDC-CCI). Data analysis involved Spearman\'s correlation and the Mann-Whitney test (α = 5%). A total of 775 publications on oral cancer were found. The average BR-CDC-CCI score was 69.8 (SD = 15.5). The clarity of the information was adequate in 9.5% of the educational publications. Positive correlations were found between the number of likes and engagement (comments [r = 0.49], views [r = 0.96]), number of hashtags (r = 0.13) and year of publication (r = 0.21). Publications from the Health Ministry had a significantly higher BR-CDC-CCI score compared to the other profiles. Publications on oral cancer were correlated with engagement, year of publication and number of hashtags. Public agencies increased publications to reach the population, but the clarity of the content was low.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Retraction of publications is critical to maintaining scientific integrity, yet there is a lack of research on its occurrence in Otolaryngology. This study investigates characteristics, trends, and reasons for retraction of publications in otolaryngology journals.
    UNASSIGNED: Bibliometric analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science.
    UNASSIGNED: A PubMed search for publications retracted during 1990 to 2022 from the top 60 journals with the subject \"Otorhinolaryngology\" using Scopus\' CiteScore was performed. Publications were excluded if they were not in English, had missing information or did not have available abstracts or full-text. Publication and retraction dates, journal, country of origin, citation counts, journal impact factor (JIF), topic, and reason for retraction were recorded. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to identify potential associations in the data.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-three publications were included. The 2020s had the highest number of retractions per year (4.33), with publications being retracted on average, 35 months after initial publication. The most common retracted topic and country of origin were head and neck (26.4%) and China (17.0%), respectively. Most publications were retracted because of plagiarism or duplicate publication (52.8%). Mean citation count was 6.92 ± 8.32 and mean JIF was 2.80 ± 1.35. Citation count was positively associated with months until retraction (r = .432, P = .001). There was no significant correlation between months to retraction and JIF (r = .022, P = .878).
    UNASSIGNED: The most cited reasons for retraction were plagiarism and duplicate publication. An understanding of the reasons for retraction can better position journals to enforce more meticulous review standards and reduce such publications from being published.
    UNASSIGNED: Level 4.





