
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In 2019, a regional survey of potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP) of psychotropic drugs in elderly psychiatric inpatients was carried out highlighting their inappropriate use in this population. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical relevance - defined as the provision of an appropriate and necessary treatment, chosen from other alternatives as being the most likely to produce the expected results for a given patient - of these prescriptions considered inappropriate according to current established criteria.
    METHODS: Patients aged over 75, or 64 to 75 and polypathological with at least one PIP of psychotropic drugs or drugs with a high anticholinergic burden, identified by an audit grid established on the basis of STOPP/STARTv2 criteria and the Laroche list on the prescription at 48h of hospitalization, were included. The weighing of the inappropriateness nature of the prescription (resistance to treatment, period of crisis, comorbidities…) was established by a pharmacist-psychiatrist pair on the entire computerized record of the current episode. The clinical relevance of the PIP and the overall prescription was rated as 0 (irrelevant), 1 (partially relevant) or 2 (relevant).
    RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were included. One hundred and twenty-five PIP of psychotropic drugs were noted: 50.4% concerned benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines anxiolytics (BZD/Z), 25.6% neuroleptics (NL), 12% antidepressants (ATD) and 12% drugs with a high anticholinergic burden. On one hand, 49.2% of PIP of BZD/Z, 50% of PIP of NL and 20% of PIP of ATD were considered irrelevant. On the other hand, 49.2% of PIP of BZD/Z, 31.3% of PIP of NL and 13.3% of PIP of ATD were considered partially relevant. Furthermore, 1.6% of PIP of BZD/Z, 18.8% of PIP of NL and 66.7% of PIP of ATD were considered relevant. For PIPs of drugs with a high anticholinergic burden, 80% were deemed irrelevant, 13.3% partially relevant and 6.7% relevant. In all, of the 34 drug prescriptions studied, three (8.8%) were considered irrelevant, 11 (32.4%) partially relevant and 20 (58.8%) clinically relevant.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted the clinical relevance of more than half the prescriptions considered inappropriate according to current PPI criteria in the elderly. It underlines the interest of a new PPI detection tool for elderly patients with psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Constipation is more common in patients with mental disorders than in the general population. However, its frequency in hospitalized patients, its association with drugs and how teams become aware of it and take care of it are not fully identified.
    METHODS: The retrospective study included 141 male and 127 female new patients admitted for routine treatment at France\'s largest psychiatric hospital between November 15 and December 11, 2017. A physician reviewed electronic medical records to diagnose constipation and record variables of interest: socio-demographic factors, diagnosis, drugs prescribed and taken. We calculated an anticholinergic impregnation score (AIS) for each patient by using a validated French scale. Patients were then classified into two groups by state of constipation defined by the physician. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to study the frequency of constipation, factors associated with it and its management.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of constipation was 38% (95% CI 32-44). Associated factors were taking antipsychotics and the burden of anticholinergic treatment. On multiple regression analysis, the only remaining factor was anticholinergic treatment: AIS≥5 was associated with constipation (odds ratio 1.80 [95% CI 1.07-3.14], P=0.027). Only 44.0% of patients were prescribed a preventive laxative, systematically in half of the cases. Above all, only 11.2% were administered this laxative (i.e., 25% of that prescribed). Digestive transit was poorly recorded in the table of constants (34.7%). We found one case of sub-occlusion as a severe case.
    CONCLUSIONS: Constipation is common in psychiatric inpatients. The more the patient is prescribed drugs with a pronounced anticholinergic effect, the greater the risk. Alongside the preventive measures common to all psychiatric patients which must be promoted (concerning diet, physical activity, etc.), polymedication with this type of anticholinergic must be better monitored to prevent complications: prescription and administration of a preventive laxative, monitoring transit in the table of constants. Thus, a better knowledge of the subject and specific training are essential.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Drug-induced hypersalivation is a frequent drug adverse event of psychotropic drugs. This excess salivary pooling in the mouth can cause an impairment of a patient\'s quality of life leading to low rates of medication adherence. The optimal management of hypersalivation is thus crucial to improve patient care. To date, no recommendations for limiting drug-induced hypersalivation have been published. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to investigate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing drug-induced hypersalivation.
    METHODS: Treatment of drug-induced sialorrhea based on case reports and clinical studies were sought in May 2021 from PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Direct (keywords : « treatment », « hypersalivation », « induced », « drug », « clozapine »). Articles published between 1966 to May 2021 on the treatment of drug-induced hypersalivation were included in this study.
    RESULTS: Sixty-seven articles were selected in this narrative review. First, patient education associated with non-drug related management are essential to improve the compliance to drugs inducing hypersalivation. The non-drug related management should be initiated with an increase in the frequency of swallowing with chewing gum. In the case of ineffectiveness, the dosage of drug responsive of sialorrhea can be adjusted according to the patient\'s response and his/her medical history (i.e. reducing the dose or splitting the daily dose). Finally, if the problem persists, a symptomatic treatment can be added according to the type of sialorrhea (diurnal or nocturnal), preferred galenic by patient, tolerance and availability of drugs. Several drugs have been tested to reduce hypersalivation induced by clozapine (61/67), risperidone (3/67), quetiapine (2/67) and aripiprazole (2/67). Among the 63 articles targeting a specific corrective treatment, anticholinergic agents were most described in the literature (41 cases out of 63) with atropine, glycopyrrolate and scopolamine (6/41 each). Other agents were described as clinically effective on hypersalivation: dopamine antagonists (9/63) with amisulpride (5/9), alpha-2-adrenergic agonists (5/63) with clonidine (3/5), botulinic toxin (4/63), and terazosine, moclobemide, bupropion and N-acetylcysteine (for each 1/63).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the case of drug-induced hypersalivation, after failure of non-drug therapies and dosage optimization of the causative treatment, an anticholinergic drug can be initiated. In case of insufficient response, the different treatments presented can be used depending on the galenic form, tolerance and access to those medications. The assessment of the risk-benefit balance should be systematic. The heterogeneity of the studies, the little knowledge about the pharmacological mechanism of saliva flow modulation and the unavailability of corrective drugs are different factors contributing to the complexity of therapeutic optimization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Psychotropic drugs remain frequently prescribed in elderly people. Some of them are classified as « inappropriate » because they could increase the risk of adverse drug reactions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of exposure to potentialy inappropriate psychotropic drugs (PIPs) in the elderly living in nursing home residents (EHPAD) in West Occitanie area.
    METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study on the cohort of PAAPI program (Personne âgée et amélioration des prescriptions inappropriées) participating in PAAPI program set up in West Occitanie in 2016 including 3095 patients during 2 years. PIPs were identified by the list EU(7)PIM and completed with the guidelines mailed by the National Drug Safety Agency. We measured the prevalence of exposure to PIPs in this population.
    RESULTS: The majority of the residents (n=2301, 74.4%) were female of the average age was 87.1±8.1 years and. The prevalence of exposure to psychotropic drugs was about 77.5% with an average of 1.6 prescription lines per patient (±1,1). We found antidepressants (36.5% of PIP) with mainly paroxetine (37.3% of antidepressants PIP), followed by venlafaxine (32.8%), hypnotics and sedatives (26.6% of PIP) with zopiclone with inappropriate dose (59.4% of hypnotics PIP), anxiolytics (25.8% of PIP) with alprazolam (37.9% of anxiolytics PIP), followed by bromazepam (16%) and antipsychotics (11.2% of PIP) with cyamemazine (100% of inappropriate prescription) followed by aripiprazole and haloperidol (respectively 100% and 14.7% of inappropriate prescription).
    CONCLUSIONS: According to our data, third of elderly people in Nursing Homes were exposed to a PIP suggesting that guidelines about psychotropic drugs prescription are not well followed. Then, information campaign of healthcare professionnals could be useful to improve psychotropic drug prescription in the elderly population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of psychotropics during the COVID-19 pandemic has raised two questions, in order of importance: first, what changes should be made to pharmacological treatments prescribed to mental health patients? Secondly, are there any positive side effects of these substances against SARS-CoV-2? Our aim was to analyze usage safety of psychotropics during COVID-19; therefore, herein, we have studied: (i) the risk of symptomatic complications of COVID-19 associated with the use of these drugs, notably central nervous system activity depression, QTc interval enlargement and infectious and thromboembolic complications; (ii) the risk of mistaking the iatrogenic impact of psychotropics with COVID-19 symptoms, causing diagnostic error. Moreover, we provided a summary of the different information available today for these risks, categorized by mental health disorder, for the following: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, ADHD, sleep disorders and suicidal risk. The matter of psychoactive substance use during the pandemic is also analyzed in this paper, and guideline websites and publications for psychotropic treatments in the context of COVID-19 are referenced during the text, so that changes on those guidelines and eventual interaction between psychotropics and COVID-19 treatment medication can be reported and studied. Finally, we also provide a literature review of the latest known antiviral properties of psychotropics against SARS-CoV-2 as complementary information.







  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The objective was to describe the trends in the consumption of narcotic drugs, substances related to narcotic drugs (SAS) and psychotropic drugs between a French hospital and a Quebec hospital between 2013 and 2017.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective descriptive study. The consumption data was obtained from the pharmacy management software and was extracted by financial year (January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2017 for the French hospital and April 1st, 2013 to March 31st, 2018 for the Quebec hospital). For each drug considered to be narcotics, SAS and psychotropic drugs in France or subject to the legislation on designated substances in Quebec, we identified the quantities consumed from 2013 to 2017. The data werepresented according to the following therapeutic classes: opioids (N02A), other analgesics (N02B), anxiolytics (N05B), hypnotics and sedatives (N05C), general anesthetics (N01A), psychostimulants (N06B), androgens (G03B) and antagonists peripheral opioid receptors (A06A). The data were expressed as a defined daily dose (DDJ) for 1000 patient-days (PDs).
    RESULTS: In the French hospital, the consumption of narcotics, SAS and psychotropic drugs varied from 676 to 560 DDJ per 1000 PDs between 2013 and 2017. While it varied from 1019 to 756 DDJ per 1000 PDs between 2013 and 2017 in the Quebec hospital. In 2017, the most widely used therapeutic classes in French hospitals were, in decreasing order, anxiolytics (211 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. alprazolam), opioids (205 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. tramadol, morphine injectable) and hypnotics and sedatives (64 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. midazolam injectable). In Quebec hospitals, the three therapeutic classes the most used in 2017 were, in decreasing order, opioids (314 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. hydromorphone injectable, morphine injectable), anxiolytics (221 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. clobazam) and hypnotics and sedatives (108 DDJ per 1000 PDs) (i.e. midazolam injectable).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study notes a decrease in the consumption of opioids and other substances in both the French and Quebec establishments between 2013-2017. More work is needed to better describe the differences observed between the profile of each establishment. This is why monitoring consumption trends, therapeutic indications and preventive measures are essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychiatric signs and symptoms occur frequently in individuals with central nervous system diseases. Inadequately treated, these comorbid conditions affect patient rehabilitation, compliance with treatment and quality of life. Their management poses a major challenge given the variable efficacy and safety profiles of available psychotropic drugs and increased risk of drug interaction. This review aims to summarize the existing literature on the prescription of psychotropic drugs for management of psychiatric disorders among persons with central nervous system\'s diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has dramatic consequences on populations in terms of morbidity and mortality and in social terms, the general confinement of almost half of the world\'s population being a situation unprecedented in history, which is difficult today to measure the impact at the individual and collective levels. More specifically, it affects people with various risk factors, which are more frequent in patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. Psychiatrists need to know: (i) how to identify, the risks associated with the prescription of psychotropic drugs and which can prove to be counterproductive in their association with COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), (ii) how to assess in terms of benefit/risk ratio, the implication of any hasty and brutal modification on psychotropic drugs that can induce confusion for a differential diagnosis with the evolution of COVID-19. We carried out a review of the literature aimed at assessing the specific benefit/risk ratio of psychotropic treatments in patients suffering from COVID-19. Clinically, symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (fever, cough, dyspnea, digestive signs) can be caused by various psychotropic drugs and require vigilance to avoid false negatives and false positives. In infected patients, psychotropic drugs should be used with caution, especially in the elderly, considering the pulmonary risk. Lithium and Clozapine, which are the reference drugs in bipolar disorder and resistant schizophrenia, warrant specific attention. For these two treatments the possibility of a reduction in the dosage - in case of minimal infectious signs and in a situation, which does not allow rapid control - should ideally be considered taking into account the clinical response (even biological; plasma concentrations) observed in the face of previous dose reductions. Tobacco is well identified for its effects as an inducer of CYP1A2 enzyme. In a COVID+ patient, the consequences of an abrupt cessation of smoking, particularly related with the appearance of respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea), must therefore be anticipated for patients receiving psychotropics metabolized by CYP1A2. Plasma concentrations of these drugs are expected to decrease and can be related to an increase risk of relapse. The symptomatic treatments used in COVID-19 have frequent interactions with the most used psychotropics. If there is no curative treatment for infection to SARS-CoV-2, the interactions of the various molecules currently tested with several classes of psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics) are important to consider because of the risk of changes in cardiac conduction. Specific knowledge on COVID-19 remains poor today, but we must recommend rigor in this context in the use of psychotropic drugs, to avoid adding, in patients suffering from psychiatric disorders, potentially vulnerable in the epidemic context, an iatrogenic risk or loss of efficiency.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    French recommendations have been proposed for psychotropics use and possible adaptations during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. Between uncertainties linked to the lack of data and speculations about possible benefits of psychotropics against the coronavirus, we propose here elements allowing to base the pharmacotherapeutic decisions potentially useful in Covid+ patients with psychiatric disorders.







  • 文章类型: Letter





