Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Functional seizures (FS) account for 20%-25% of referrals to specialist epilepsy clinics. They are associated with major disability, increased mortality, and frequent and costly health care use. Current guidelines emphasize the importance of implementing clinical pathways to coordinate and deliver effective treatment, but there are few targeted evidence-based interventions that reliably improve patient outcomes, and treatment resources are limited. We conducted a retrospective evaluation of Re-PROGRAM, a novel, brief intervention for functional seizure patients, to assess its feasibility in an outpatient setting.
    METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with FS undertook Re-PROGRAM between August 2020 and January 2022 at the Alfred Hospital Functional Seizures Clinic, Melbourne, Australia. The intervention comprised five 60-90-min consecutive weekly appointments via telehealth, where psychologists engaged patients in a structured program of seizure management skills, lifestyle modification, and behavioral activation strategies. Following the intervention, patient feedback was collected in routine clinical follow-up as well as with a 24-item self-report pre-/postintervention comparison questionnaire.
    RESULTS: All 29 patients who enrolled in Re-PROGRAM completed the scheduled sessions. Of those who returned the postintervention questionnaire (n = 16), 15 reported a reduction in seizure frequency. Four patients were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining nine, eight reported seizure frequency reduction during clinical follow-up. Qualitative analysis of the feedback revealed the majority of patients reported reduced seizure duration, intensity, and bothersomeness, and patients felt improvements in their sense of control over seizures, confidence to use seizure control strategies, assertive communication, problem solving, coping skills, relationships with others, and their day-to-day functioning.
    CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective evaluation demonstrates the feasibility and acceptability of Re-PROGRAM as a brief intervention for individuals diagnosed with FS delivered in a clinical outpatient setting and warrants further investigation in larger scale, randomized controlled studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated perceived invalidating environment during childhood and stress-coping strategies in patients with; functional dissociative seizures (FDS, n=26), drug-resistant epilepsy patients with no psychiatric comorbidity (DREnc, n=23), and drug-resistant epilepsy patients with psychiatric comorbidity (DREpc, n=34).
    METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study. Patients underwent Video Electroencephalography to confirm the diagnosis and completed a psychiatric assessment supported by clinical instruments. Invalidating environment and stress coping were studied through the ICES and CAE questionaries, respectively. A series of multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed with the explored variables.
    RESULTS: The maternal negative response model predicted a higher probability of FDS condition. A chaotic family type increased the likelihood of DREpc instead of FDS. DREpc and FDS patients displayed many different behaviors to cope with stress other than trying to solve the problem, the most used strategy in the DREnc group. Parental invalidation was higher in DREpc than in FDS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results deepen the data provided by previous studies indicating that multiple variables of biosocial origin have significant effects on these groups of patients. The presence of an invalidating environment may predict FDS but also the presence of psychiatric disorders among DRE. Psychotherapeutic strategies to enhance these variables might be necessary for this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Up to 30% of patients referred to epilepsy centres for drug-resistant epilepsy turn out to have psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). Patients with PNES are a very heterogeneous population with large differences in regard to underlying causes, seizures severity, and impact on quality of life. There is limited knowledge regarding the long-term seizure prognosis of youth with PNES and its influential factors.
    We have performed a retrospective study on adolescents diagnosed with PNES who were receiving inpatient care at our hospital for 2-4 weeks in the period of 2012-2020. They all attended psychoeducational courses to educate them about PNES, coping with the seizures, and possible contributors to seizure susceptibility. There were 258 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We contacted them by text messages, through which they received brief information about the study and an invitation to participate. There were 62 patients (24 %) who agreed and participated in structured telephone interviews. We excluded 10 patients due to concomitant epilepsy. The mean age of the remaining 52 participants was 20.9 years (16-28 years), and 45 (87 %) were women.
    After a mean of 4.7 years (2-9 years) since discharge from our hospital, 28 patients (54 %) had been free of seizures in the last 6 months. There were 16 patients (31 %) who had better situations in regard to seizures but were not completely seizure free, while 8 patients (15 %) were either unchanged (3 patients) or worse (5 patients). There were 39 patients (75 %) who had received conversation therapy, and 37 patients (71 %) had been treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. There were 10 patients (19 %) who had dropped out of school or work, and the percentage increased with age. There were 42 patients (80 %) who perceived their health as good or very good.
    Patients had a relatively favourable seizure prognosis as 54% were free of seizures and 31% had a better seizure situation, at the time of this study. However, the fact that 19% had dropped out of school or work was worrying. Young age and satisfaction with treatment were associated with being employed or receiving education. Satisfaction with perceived treatment was significantly associated with personal experience of good health. This emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, adapted interventional measures, and long-term follow-up by healthcare for young people with PNES.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present study sought to assess the effects of racial and socioeconomic status in the United States on time to treatment and diagnosis of pediatric functional seizures (FS).
    METHODS: Eighty adolescents and their parent/guardian completed a demographics questionnaire and reported date of FS onset, diagnosis, and treatment. Paired samples t-tests compared time between FS onset and diagnosis, onset and treatment, and diagnosis and treatment based on race (White vs racial minority), annual household income (≤$79,999 vs ≥$80,000), maternal and paternal education (≤Associate\'s Degree vs Bachelor\'s Degree), and combined parental education (≤Post-graduate training vs Graduate degree).
    RESULTS: Adolescents with lower annual household income began treatment >6 months later than adolescents with greater annual household income (p = 0.049). Adolescents with lower maternal and paternal education (≤Associate\'s Degree vs Bachelor\'s Degree) began treatment >4 and ∼8.5 months later than adolescents with greater maternal and paternal education (p = 0.04; p = 0.03), respectively. Adolescents with lower maternal education also received a diagnosis >5 months later (p = 0.03). Adolescents without a mother or father with a graduate degree received a diagnosis and began treatment∼3 and >11 months later (p = 0.03; p = 0.01) than adolescents whose mother or father received a graduate degree, respectively. No racial differences were found.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with lower annual household income and/or parental education experienced increased duration between FS onset and treatment and diagnosis. Research is needed to clarify the mechanisms underlying this relationship, and action is needed to reduce these disparities given FS duration is associated with poorer prognosis and greater effects on the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with functional/dissociative seizures (FDS) are at elevated suicidality risk.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors for suicidality in FDS or epilepsy.
    METHODS: Retrospective cohort study from the UK\'s largest tertiary mental healthcare provider, with linked national admission data from the Hospital Episode Statistics. Participants were 2383 people with a primary or secondary diagnosis of FDS or epilepsy attending between 01 January 2007 and 18 June 2021. Outcomes were a first report of suicidal ideation and a first hospital admission for suicide attempt (International Classification of Diseases, version 10: X60-X84). Demographic and clinical risk factors were assessed using multivariable bias-reduced binomial-response generalised linear models.
    RESULTS: In both groups, ethnic minorities had significantly reduced odds of hospitalisation following suicide attempt (OR: 0.45-0.49). Disorder-specific risk factors were gender, age and comorbidity profile. In FDS, both genders had similar suicidality risk; younger age was a risk factor for both outcomes (OR: 0.16-1.91). A diagnosis of depression or personality disorders was associated with higher odds of suicidal ideation (OR: 1.91-3.01). In epilepsy, females had higher odds of suicide attempt-related hospitalisation (OR: 1.64). Age had a quadratic association with both outcomes (OR: 0.88-1.06). A substance abuse disorder was associated with higher suicidal ideation (OR: 2.67). Developmental disorders lowered the risk (OR: 0.16-0.24).
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study systematically reporting risk factors for suicidality in people with FDS. Results for the large epilepsy cohort complement previous studies and will be useful in future meta-analyses.
    CONCLUSIONS: Risk factors identified will help identify higher-risk groups in clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional seizures (FS) are a symptom of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), the second most common neurological diagnosis made worldwide. Childhood trauma is associated with the development of FS, but more research is needed to truly understand the effects of trauma on FS onset. A sample of 256 responses by adults with FS to the Childhood Traumatic Events Scale were analyzed using a Cox proportional hazard model. When investigating each unique childhood traumatic exposure and its associated self-reported severity together, experiencing death of a loved one and experiencing violence were significantly associated with FS onset, suggesting reduced time from trauma exposure to first FS. Death of a loved one in childhood is often overlooked as an influential risk factor for future development of serious mental illnesses such as FS. In this study we show death of a loved one in childhood should be considered as an influential traumatic experience and recommend FND researchers examine its prevalence in patient histories and the potential effects on attachment-related processes and clinical treatment formulations. We recommend future studies incorporate loss of a loved one during childhood (before age 18) in both quantitative and qualitative assessments of persons with FND.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizure (PNES) who fail performance validity testing (PVT) may appear to produce non-valid cognitive profiles. Consequently, they may not get referred to treatment and events persist, with worsening disability and high resource utilization. As a result, we report pre- and post-treatment neuropsychological evaluation findings in a 59-year-old woman with a confirmed diagnosis of PNES established using video-EEG monitoring. At pre-treatment baseline neuropsychological evaluation, PNES events occurred weekly to daily. Performance was impaired across PVTs and across multiple cognitive domains. After behavioral intervention specific to PNES, these events substantially reduced in frequency to rare stress-induced flares. Post-treatment neuropsychological evaluation revealed marked improvement of most cognitive and behavioral scores from baseline, and valid PVT scores. We review predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors for PNES and cognitive impairment in this case and discuss the patient\'s outcome from treatment. Effectively managing PNES events and dissociative tendencies while reducing unnecessary pharmacological interventions appears to have allowed this patient to function closer to her optimal state. This case illustrates the complexity of Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND) clinical presentation and challenges the assumption that suboptimal neuropsychological performance predicts poor treatment engagement and outcome. We showcase the reversibility of PNES and cognitive manifestations of FND using targeted psychotherapeutic interventions, which resulted in reduced disability and associated healthcare costs, as well as re-engagement in life.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Coexistence of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures has rarely been reported. Herein, we report a case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy triggered by psychogenic nonepileptic seizures.
    UNASSIGNED: A 50-year-old woman with a 22-year history of dissociative and panic disorders and a 7-year history of seizures increasing in frequency was admitted due to cardiogenic shock. Based on the left ventriculography and electroencephalography findings, she was diagnosed with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Seizures were controlled using antipsychotic agents, resulting in improved cardiac function, and she was discharged. However, she died of cardiopulmonary arrest 9 days after discharge.
    UNASSIGNED: Since controlling psychogenic epileptic seizures is difficult, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy triggered by psychogenic nonepileptic seizures may have poor prognosis, requiring careful management and close monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional seizures (FS) can be debilitating and negatively impact quality of life. Yet intervention research for FS is limited, especially for youth. This study examined clinical characteristics and outcomes of youth with FS (13-23 years) presenting to a pediatric intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment (IIPT) program in the midwestern United States. Sixty youth (mean age = 16.5 years; 83.3 % female) met inclusion criteria. At intake, comorbid chronic pain, somatic symptoms, autonomic dysfunction, eating and weight disturbances, and mental health concerns were common. Despite this high symptom burden, youth with FS reported significant improvements in functioning measured with the Functional Disability Inventory, t(53) = 9.80, p <.001, d = 1.32; depression measured with the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression Scale for Children, t(53) = 6.76, p <.001, d = 0.91; anxiety measured with the Spence Children\'s Anxiety Scale, t(53) = 3.97, p < .001, d = 0.53; and catastrophizing measured with the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Children, t(53) = 6.44, p <.001, d = 0.86, following completion of the program, suggesting that IIPT may be an effective treatment option for highly disabled and emotionally distressed youth with FS. Future research is needed to continue to refine best practices for youth with FS to reduce suffering and improve outcomes.





