Protocol development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Intravenous lipid emulsion is recognised as a therapy for rescue in cases of local anaesthetic toxicity, but its use in reversing overdose or toxicity related to other drugs remains the subject of debate. This in vitro study sought to expand our understanding of the importance of partitioning in determining the impact of intravenous lipid emulsion on aqueous free drug concentrations.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-seven drugs and associated metabolites were screened for the ability of intravenous lipid emulsion to reduce the amount of free drug in the aqueous phase, using specialised cassettes designed for this purpose. The relative amount of drug equilibrating across the membrane from plasma to phosphate-buffered saline was measured, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, at a 6 h timepoint in plasma samples treated with intravenous lipid emulsion and paired, untreated controls.
    UNASSIGNED: The data obtained were plotted against measures of partition (LogP and cLogD7.4) and with log-transformed non-protein bound drug. There were significant inverse correlations between the capacity for intravenous lipid emulsion to reduce drug detected in the phosphate-buffered saline compartment and LogP and cLogD7.4, and a direct association with log [non-protein-bound drug]. However, a number of drugs showed substantial variance between different plasma samples.
    UNASSIGNED: Modulation of free drug in the aqueous compartment is broadly predictable by the partition coefficient, although ramipril was identified to be an outlier in this regard. Further mechanistic and clinical exploration is merited to establish a standardised protocol for lipid emulsion therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delays in research protocol development may be a single factor that hinders the career progression of academic faculty. Structured educational guidance during this phase proves crucial in mitigating setbacks in Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and expediting trial implementation. To address this, the Protocol-in-a-Day (PIAD) workshop, a comprehensive 1-day event involving members from six critical facets of RO clinical trial implementation, was established, offering significant input to individual protocols. Efficacy and satisfaction of the PIAD workshop were assessed through a 5-question survey and the average time from submission to IRB initial approval. The normality of the data was analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. Nonparametric data was analyzed using a Mann-Whitney U test for significance. A total of 18 protocols that went through the PIAD workshop were activated. The mean time to IRB approval for protocols that went through PIAD was 39.8 days compared to 58.4 days for those that did not go through the PIAD workshop. Based on survey results, 100% of PIAD participants said the PIAD workshop was useful and 94% of participants stated that the PIAD workshop improved the overall quality of their protocol. Participant surveys further highlighted substantial improvements in trial quality, language, and statistical design and revealed that all participants found the workshop helpful. Therefore, both junior and senior faculty benefitted from this educational program during protocol development, as both groups demonstrated shorter times to IRB approval than non-participants. This acceleration not only fosters efficient trial implementation but also supports academic faculty in their career development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Critically ill surgical patients pose one of the greatest challenges in achieving nutritional goals. Several published papers have demonstrated clear benefits when nutrition support (NS) is managed by a multidisciplinary nutrition support team (NST). We hypothesized that implementing a NST in a surgical intensive care unit (ICU) would increase the number of patients achieving their nutritional goals.
    METHODS: Multicenter \"BEFORE & AFTER\" study. In the BEFORE phase, an audit of the previous state of NS was conducted in three ICUs without a NST.
    METHODS: Implementation of a NST and protocol. In the AFTER phase, a new audit of NS was conducted. Continuous variables (presented as mean ± SD or median Q1-Q3) were tested using the t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical variables (presented as frequencies and percentages) were assessed using the chi-square test. A binomial logistic regression model was performed, with independent variables introduced using a stepwise forward method. A difference was considered to be significant with a two-sided P-value <0.05. Statistical analysis was conducted using IBM-SPSS 26.
    RESULTS: A total of 83 patients were included in the BEFORE phase, and 85 in the AFTER phase. The latter group showed a higher frequency of nutritional risk and malnutrition (SGA B+C odds ratio 2.314, 95% CI 1.164-4.600). Laparoscopy was more frequently utilized as a surgical technique in the AFTER phase. No differences were observed in ICU and hospital LOS or 90 days\' survival rates. Two variables remained independent factors to predict NS achievement: NST implementation (odds ratio 3.582, 95% CI 1.733-7.404), and surgical technique (odds ratio 3.231, 95% CI 1.312-7.959).
    CONCLUSIONS: NST positively impacts the chance of achieving NS goals in critically ill surgical patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EFSA Strategy 2027 outlines the need for fit-for-purpose protocols for EFSA generic scientific assessments to aid in delivering trustworthy scientific advice. This EFSA Scientific Committee guidance document helps address this need by providing a harmonised and flexible framework for developing protocols for EFSA generic assessments. The guidance replaces the \'Draft framework for protocol development for EFSA\'s scientific assessments\' published in 2020. The two main steps in protocol development are described. The first is problem formulation, which illustrates the objectives of the assessment. Here a new approach to translating the mandated Terms of Reference into scientifically answerable assessment questions and sub-questions is proposed: the \'APRIO\' paradigm (Agent, Pathway, Receptor, Intervention and Output). Owing to its cross-cutting nature, this paradigm is considered adaptable and broadly applicable within and across the various EFSA domains and, if applied using the definitions given in this guidance, is expected to help harmonise the problem formulation process and outputs and foster consistency in protocol development. APRIO may also overcome the difficulty of implementing some existing frameworks across the multiple EFSA disciplines, e.g. the PICO/PECO approach (Population, Intervention/Exposure, Comparator, Outcome). Therefore, although not mandatory, APRIO is recommended. The second step in protocol development is the specification of the evidence needs and the methods that will be applied for answering the assessment questions and sub-questions, including uncertainty analysis. Five possible approaches to answering individual (sub-)questions are outlined: using evidence from scientific literature and study reports; using data from databases other than bibliographic; using expert judgement informally collected or elicited via semi-formal or formal expert knowledge elicitation processes; using mathematical/statistical models; and - not covered in this guidance - generating empirical evidence ex novo. The guidance is complemented by a standalone \'template\' for EFSA protocols that guides the users step by step through the process of planning an EFSA scientific assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of high-resolution respirometry (HRR) has greatly expanded the analytical scope to study mitochondrial respiratory control relative to specific tissue/cell types across various metabolic states. Specifically, the Oroboros Oxygraph 2000 (O2k) is a common tool for measuring rates of mitochondrial respiration and is the focus of this perspective. The O2k platform is amenable for answering numerous bioenergetic questions. However, inherent variability with HRR-derived data, both within and amongst users, can impede progress in bioenergetics research. Therefore, we advocate for several vital considerations when planning and conducting O2k experiments to ultimately enhance transparency and reproducibility across laboratories. In this perspective, we offer guidance for best practices of mitochondrial preparation, protocol selection, and measures to increase reproducibility. The goal of this perspective is to propagate the use of the O2k, enhance reliability and validity for both new and experienced O2k users, and provide a reference for peer reviewers.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    To successfully and efficiently initiate clinical research studies, it is critical to develop a strong, feasible, and well-written study protocol early in the start-up phase. The University of Minnesota\'s Clinical Research Support Center designed and implemented a structured Feasibility Review process in 2018 that addresses common start-up challenges such as poor study design, inappropriate outcomes, and limited resources. This process has been shown to turn an unfeasible study into a well-designed protocol that is IRB-approved with few protocol-related stipulations and well prepared for execution. It has also educated study teams on how to write better quality and more robust protocols for subsequent studies. Once a draft protocol is available, the entire process takes just six working days and is free of charge to investigators, study teams, and departments. From 2018-2021, one hundred sixteen Feasibility Reviews (n=116) have been completed across eight schools or colleges. Mean satisfaction scores for study team members who responded were high (N=126, M=4.71 ± 0.5) on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Most respondents (96%) indicated that they planned to modify their protocol based on reviewer feedback. Open ended/qualitative feedback was highly positive with most responses centered around the helpfulness of feasibility review, the high level of expertise, and fast turnaround time. The Feasibility Review is a valuable and multifunctional program providing timely expert guidance to study teams to efficiently and successfully launch and execute clinical research studies. It can be easily replicated, adapted, and implemented at other institutions to increase the quality and efficacy of academic research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The isolation of RNA from trees is challenging due to the interference of polyphenols and polysaccharides with downstream processes. Furthermore, many RNA extraction protocols are time consuming and involve hazardous chemicals. To address these issues, we aimed to develop a safe protocol for high-quality RNA extraction from diverse Metrosideros taxa representing a broad range of leaf toughness, pubescence, and secondary metabolites.
    UNASSIGNED: We tested popular RNA isolation kits and protocols that were effective on other recalcitrant trees, including a broad range of optimization and purification steps. We optimized a protocol involving two silica-membrane column-based kits that yielded high-quantity RNA with an RNA integrity number >7 and without DNA contamination. All RNA samples were used successfully in a follow-on RNA-Seq experiment.
    UNASSIGNED: We present an optimized high-throughput RNA extraction protocol that yielded high-quality and high-quantity RNA from three contrasting leaf phenotypes within a hyperdiverse woody species complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collaborative relationships between academic oncology and industry (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, \"omic,\" and medical device companies) are essential for therapeutic development in oncology; however, limited research on engagement in and perceptions of these relationships has been done.
    Survey questions were developed to evaluate relationships between academic oncology and industry. An electronic survey was delivered to 1000 randomly selected members of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a professional organization for oncologists, eliciting respondents\' views around oncology-industry collaborations. The responses were analyzed according to prespecified plans.
    There were 225 survey respondents. Most were from the United States (70.0%), worked at an academic institution (60.1%), worked in medical oncology (81.2%), and had an active relationship with industry (85.8%). One quarter (26.7%) of respondents reported difficulty establishing a relationship with industry collaborators, and most respondents (75%) did not report having had mentorship in developing these relationships. The majority (85.3%) of respondents considered these collaborations important to their careers. Respondents generally thought that scientific integrity was preserved (92%), and most respondents (95%) had little concern over the quality of the collaborative product. Many (60%) shared concerns over potential conflict of interest if an individual with a compensated relationship promoted an industry product for clinical care/research, yet most respondents (67%) stated these relationships did not shape their interactions with patients.
    This study provides novel data characterizing the nature of collaborative relationships between clinicians, researchers, and industry in oncology. Although respondents considered these collaborations an important part of clinical and academic oncology, formal education or mentorship around these relationships was rare. Conflicting findings around conflict of interest highlight the importance of more dedicated research in this area.
    Business enterprises in health care play a central role in cancer research and care, driving the development of new medical testing, drugs, and devices. Effective working relationships among clinicians, researchers, and these industry partners can promote innovative research and enhance patient care. Study of these collaborations has been limited to date. Through distribution of a questionnaire to cancer clinicians and researchers, we found that most participants consider these relationships valuable, though they find establishing such relationships challenging partly because of gaps in educational programs in this area. Our findings also highlight the need for further policy around the potential bias these relationships can introduce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Intraoperative adverse events (iAEs) occur and have the potential to impact the postoperative course. However, iAEs are underreported and are not routinely collected in the contemporary surgical literature. There is no widely utilized system for the collection of essential aspects of iAEs, and there is no established database for the standardization and dissemination of this data that likely have implications for outcomes and patient safety. The Intraoperative Complication Assessment and Reporting with Universal Standards (ICARUS) Global Surgical Collaboration initiated a global effort to address these shortcomings, and the establishment of an adverse event data collection system is an essential step. In this study, we present the core-set variables for collecting iAEs that were based on the globally validated ICARUS criteria for surgical/interventional and anesthesiologic intraoperative adverse event collection and reporting.
    UNASSIGNED: This article includes three tools to capture the essential aspects of iAEs. The core-set variables were developed from the globally validated ICARUS criteria for reporting iAEs (item 1). Next, the summary table was developed to guide researchers in summarizing the accumulated iAE data in item 1 (item 2). Finally, this article includes examples of the method and results sections to include in a manuscript reporting iAE data (item 3). Then, 5 scenarios demonstrating best practices for completing items 1-3 were presented both in prose and in a video produced by the ICARUS collaboration.
    UNASSIGNED: This article provides the surgical community with the tools for collecting essential iAE data. The ICARUS collaboration has already published the 13 criteria for reporting surgical adverse events, but this article is unique and essential as it actually provides the tools for iAE collection. The study team plans to collect feedback for future directions of adverse event collection and reporting.
    UNASSIGNED: This article represents a novel, fully-encompassing system for the data collection of intraoperative adverse events.The presented core-set variables for reporting intraoperative adverse events are not based solely on our opinion, but rather are synthesized from the globally validated ICARUS criteria for reporting intraoperative adverse events.Together, the included text, figures, and ICARUS collaboration-produced video should equip any surgeon, anesthesiologist, or nurse with the tools to properly collect intraoperative adverse event data.Future directions include translation of this article to allow for the widest possible adoption of this important collection system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





