
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Protists are diverse single-celled eukaryotes found in various habitats. They exhibit a wide range of forms and functions, representing a significant portion of the eukaryotic tree of life, which also includes animals, plants, and fungi. Due to their high sensitivity to environmental changes, these organisms are widely used as biological indicators of organic pollution.
    RESULTS: We investigated the molecular diversity of ciliate protists at seven strategic points along the Sapucaí River (Itajubá, Minas Gerais State, Brazil), to assess the impact of urban pollution on the richness, abundance, and diversity indexes of these communities. For each sampling point, values of physicochemical parameters were also recorded. DNA sequences were obtained by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and analyzed using the V4 18S-rRNA molecular marker, employing the DNA metabarcoding method. We recorded 125 ciliate taxonomic units (OTUs), with nearly 80% corresponding to the classes Spirotrichea, Oligohymenophorea, and Litostomatea. At the genus level, 54 OTUs (43.2%) were identified, spanning 28 genera.
    CONCLUSIONS: The composition of ciliates varied significantly along the river\'s course, from upstream to downstream of Itajubá city. Samples collected from the urban area displayed the lowest richness and diversity, corroborating the influence of the pollution gradient on these communities. The physicochemical parameters showed little variation among the samples and were not linked to the observed changes in ciliate communities, revealing that these organisms are strongly affected by environmental changes and respond more sensitively to these disturbances than physicochemical parameters, emphasizing their potential as bioindicators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi not only play a crucial role in acquiring nutrients for plants but also serve as a habitat for soil microbes. Recent studies observed that AM fungal hyphae are colonized by specific bacterial communities. However, so far it has not been explored whether fungal hyphae and mycorrhizal networks also harbor specific communities of protists, a key group of microbes in the soil microbiome. Here, we characterized protist communities in soil in a compartment with plant roots and on hyphae collected from hyphal compartments without plant roots. We detected specific protist communities on fungal hyphae. Fourteen protistan amplicon sequences variants (ASVs) were significantly associated with fungal hyphae, half of which belonged to the Cercozoa group. This research, for the first-time detected specific protist ASVs directly associated with abundant AM fungus hyphae, highlighting the complexity of the hyphal food web.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The relationships among microelements and soil microbial communities are essential for understanding the maintenance of soil\'s ecological functions and their effects on fruit quality in orchards. However, these relationships have not been adequately studied, despite the importance of microelements for the growth of microorganisms and plants.
    UNASSIGNED: To address this research gap, we investigated the relationships among microelements (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu), the diversity and composition of soil microbiomes, and fruit quality in loquat orchards.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that microelements explained more variations in microbial community structures than geographic position, basic soil properties, and macroelements, with 19.6-42.6% of bacterial, 4.3-27.7% of fungal, and 5.9-18.8% of protistan genera significantly correlated with microelements. Among the microelements, AMg and ACu were the most influential in determining the soil microbiome. The soil microbes exhibited varied threshold values for environmental breadth among the microelements, with the broadest range for AMg and the narrowest for AZn. Additionally, the microbes showed significant phylogenetic signals for all microelements, with an increasing divergence of soil microelements. The dominant community assembly shifted from homogeneous selection to stochastic, and then to heterogeneous selection. Moreover, microelements and the microbiome were the top two factors individually explaining 11.0 and 11.4% of fruit quality variation, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: These results highlight the importance of microelement fertilization in orchard management and provide scientific guidance for improving fruit quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metamonads are a large and exclusively anaerobic group of protists. Additionally, they are one of the three clades proposed to ancestrally possess an \"excavate\" cell morphology, with a conspicuous ventral groove accompanied by a posterior flagellum with a vane. Here, we cultivate and characterize four anaerobic bacterivorous flagellates from hypersaline and alkaline soda lake environments, which represent a novel clade. Small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene phylogenies support recent phylogenomic analyses in placing them as the sister of barthelonids, a group that is itself sister to or deeply branching within Fornicata (Metamonada). The new isolates have a distinctive morphology: the hunchbacked cell body is traversed by a narrow ventral groove ending in a large opening to a conspicuous recurrent cytopharynx. The right margin of the groove is defined by a thin \"lip.\" The posterior flagellum bears a wide ventral-facing vane. The narrow ventral groove and elongate cytopharynx are shared with barthelonids. We describe one isolate as Skoliomonas litria, gen. et sp. nov. Further investigation of their mitochondrial-related organelles (MROs) and detailed ultrastructural studies would be important to understanding the adaptation to anaerobic conditions in Metamonads-especially fornicates-as well as the evolution of the \"excavate\" cell architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rising instances of flash droughts are contributing to notable variability in soil moisture across terrestrial ecosystems. These phenomena challenge urban ecosystem services, yet the reaction of soil ecological functions (SEFs) to such events is poorly understood. This study investigates the responses of SEFs (about nutrient metabolism capacity and potential) and the microbiome under two specific scenarios: a flooding-drought sequence and a direct drought condition. Using quantitative microbial element cycling analysis, high-throughput sequencing, and enzyme activity measurements, we found that unlike in forests, the microbial composition in urban soils remained unchanged during flash drought conditions. However, SEFs were affected in both settings. Correlation analysis and Mantel test showed that forest soils exhibited more complex interactions among soil moisture, properties, and microbial communities. Positive linear correlation revealed that bacteria were the sole drivers of SEFs. Interestingly, while multi-threshold results suggested bacterial α diversity impeded the maximization of SEFs in urban soils, fungi and protists had a beneficial impact. Cross-domain network of urban soils had higher number of nodes and edges, but lower average degree and robustness than forest soils. Mantel test revealed that fungi and protist had significant correlations with bacterial composition in forest soils, but not in urban soils. In the urban network, the degree and eigenvector centrality of bacterial, fungal and protistan ASVs were significantly lower compared to those in the forest. These results suggest that the lower robustness of the microbial network in urban soils is attributed to limited interactions among fungi, consumer protists, and bacteria, contributing to the failure of microbial-driven ecological functions. Overall, our findings emphasize the critical role of fungi and protists in shielding urban soils from drought-induced disturbances and in enhancing the resistance of urban ecological functions amidst environmental changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the environmental and biological mechanisms shaping latitudinal patterns in microbial diversity is challenging in the field of ecology. Although multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain these patterns, a consensus has rarely been reached. Here, we conducted a large-scale field survey and microcosm experiments to investigate how environmental heterogeneity and putative trophic interactions (exerted by protist-bacteria associations and T4-like virus-bacteria associations) affect soil bacterial communities along a latitudinal gradient. We found that the microbial latitudinal diversity was kingdom dependent, showing decreasing, clumped, and increasing trends in bacteria, protists, and T4-like viruses, respectively. Climatic and edaphic drivers played predominant roles in structuring the bacterial communities; the intensity of the climatic effect increased sharply from 30°N to 32°N, whereas the intensity of the edaphic effect remained stable. Biotic associations were also essential in shaping the bacterial communities, with protist-bacteria associations showing a quadratic distribution, whereas virus-bacteria associations were significant only at high latitudes. The microcosm experiments further revealed that the temperature component, which is affiliated with climate conditions, is the primary regulator of trophic associations along the latitudinal gradient. Overall, our study highlights a previously underestimated mechanism of how the putative biotic interactions influence bacterial communities and their response to environmental gradients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioindication, evaluating biological responses to environmental disturbances, is crucial for assessing the ecological status of an ecosystem. While historical bioindication relied on macroscopic organisms, the introduction of environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques allows the application of protists without the necessity of morphological identification. In this study, we propose a novel bioindication methodology utilizing Arcellinida, a group of top predators among protists, as bioindicators of freshwater ecosystems. For that purpose, we first characterized the Arcellinida diversity over 1 year at three different points of Lake Sanabria, an ancient glacier lake known to be subjected to anthropogenic disturbances. We compared this diversity with an undisturbed control site. Second, we characterized the Arcellinida diversity in other ecosystems to generate the ecological background to test the connectivity between them. Results indicate limited connectivity between the different ecosystems and an edge effect between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Disturbed freshwater ecosystems exhibited reduced Arcellinida diversity at both specific and infraspecific levels, providing valuable insight into recent disturbances. Arcellinida-based bioindication provides a sensitive, accurate and easy-to-interpret protocol for monitoring disturbances in freshwater ecosystems. It represents a valuable tool for environmental assessments and conservation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial communities, which include prokaryotes and protists, play an important role in aquatic ecosystems and influence ecological processes. To understand these communities, metabarcoding provides a powerful tool to assess their taxonomic composition and track spatio-temporal dynamics in both marine and freshwater environments. While marine ecosystems have been extensively studied, there is a notable research gap in understanding eukaryotic microbial communities in temperate lakes. Our study addresses this gap by investigating the free-living bacteria and small protist communities in Lake Roś (Poland), a dimictic temperate lake. Metabarcoding analysis revealed that both the bacterial and protist communities exhibit distinct seasonal patterns that are not necessarily shaped by dominant taxa. Furthermore, machine learning and statistical methods identified crucial amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) specific to each season. In addition, we identified a distinct community in the anoxic hypolimnion. We have also shown that the key factors shaping the composition of analysed community are temperature, oxygen, and silicon concentration. Understanding these community structures and the underlying factors is important in the context of climate change potentially impacting mixing patterns and leading to prolonged stratification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria, fungi, and protists occupy a pivotal position in maintaining soil ecology. Despite limited knowledge on their responses to managed vegetation restoration strategies in karst regions, we aimed to study the essential microbial communities involved in the process of vegetation restoration. We compared microbial characteristics in four land use types: planted forests (PF), forage grass (FG), a mixture of plantation forest and forage grass (FF), and cropland (CR) as a reference. Our findings revealed that the richness of bacteria and protists was higher in FF compared to PF, while fungal richness was lower in both PF and FF than in CR. Additionally, the bacterial Shannon index in FF was higher than that in CR and PF, while the fungal and protist Shannon indices were similar across all four land use types. Significant differences were observed in the compositions of bacterial, fungal, and protist communities between FF and the other three land use types, whereas bacterial, fungal, and protist communities were relatively similar in PF and FG. In FF, the relative abundance of bacterial taxa Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and Gemmatimonadetes was significantly higher than in PF and CR. Fungal communities were dominated by Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, with the relative abundance of Ascomycota significantly higher in FF compared to other land use types. Regarding protistan taxa, the relative abundance of Chlorophyta was higher in FF compared to CR, PF, and FG, while the relative abundance of Apicomplexa was higher in CR compared to FF. Importantly, ammonium nitrogen, total phosphorus, and microbial biomass nitrogen were identified as key soil properties predicting changes in the diversity of bacteria, fungi, and protists. Our results suggest that the microbial community under FF exhibits greater sensitivity to vegetation restoration compared to PF and FG. This sensitivity may stem from differences in soil properties, the formation of biological crusts and root systems, and management activities, resulting in variations in bacterial, fungal, and protist diversity and taxa in PF. As a result, employing a combination restoration strategy involving plantation forest and forage grass proves to be an effective approach to enhance the microbial community and thereby improve ecosystem functionality in ecologically fragile areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms interact with plant roots through colonization of the root surface, i.e., the rhizoplane or the surrounding soil, i.e., the rhizosphere. Beneficial rhizosphere bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. can promote plant growth and protect against pathogens by producing a range of bioactive compounds, including specialized metabolites like cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) known for their biosurfactant and antimicrobial activities. However, the role of CLPs in natural soil systems during bacteria-plant interactions is underexplored. Here, Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, producing the CLP viscosin, was used to study the impact of viscosin on bacterial root colonization and microbiome assembly in two cultivars of winter wheat (Heerup and Sheriff). We inoculated germinated wheat seeds with SBW25 wild type or a viscosin-deficient mutant and grew the plants in agricultural soil. After 2 weeks, enhanced root colonization of SBW25 wild type compared to the viscosin-deficient mutant was observed, while no differences were observed between wheat cultivars. In contrast, the impact on root-associated microbial community structure was plant-genotype-specific, and SBW25 wild type specifically reduced the relative abundance of an unclassified oomycete and Phytophthora in Sheriff and Heerup, respectively. This study provides new insights into the natural role of viscosin and specifically highlights the importance of viscosin in wheat root colonization under natural soil conditions and in shaping the root microbial communities associated with different wheat cultivars. Furthermore, it pinpoints the significance of microbial microdiversity, plant genotype, and microbe-microbe interactions when studying colonization of plant roots.
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding parameters governing microbiome assembly on plant roots is critical for successfully exploiting beneficial plant-microbe interactions for improved plant growth under low-input conditions. While it is well-known from in vitro studies that specialized metabolites are important for plant-microbe interactions, e.g., root colonization, studies on the ecological role under natural soil conditions are limited. This might explain the often-low translational power from laboratory testing to field performance of microbial inoculants. Here, we showed that viscosin synthesis potential results in a differential impact on the microbiome assembly dependent on wheat cultivar, unlinked to colonization potential. Overall, our study provides novel insights into factors governing microbial assembly on plant roots, and how this has a derived but differential effect on the bacterial and protist communities.





