Protein synthesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs is a serious threat to public health in malaria-endemic areas. Compounds that target core cellular processes like translation are highly desirable, as they should be capable of killing parasites in their liver and blood stage forms, regardless of molecular target or mechanism. Assays that can identify these compounds are thus needed. Recently, specific quantification of native Plasmodium berghei liver stage protein synthesis, as well as that of the hepatoma cells supporting parasite growth, was achieved via automated confocal feedback microscopy of the o-propargyl puromycin (OPP)-labeled nascent proteome, but this imaging modality is limited in throughput. Here, we developed and validated a miniaturized high content imaging (HCI) version of the OPP assay that increases throughput, before deploying this approach to screen the Pathogen Box. We identified only two hits; both of which are parasite-specific quinoline-4-carboxamides, and analogs of the clinical candidate and known inhibitor of blood and liver stage protein synthesis, DDD107498/cabamiquine. We further show that these compounds have strikingly distinct relationships between their antiplasmodial and translation inhibition efficacies. These results demonstrate the utility and reliability of the P. berghei liver stage OPP HCI assay for the specific, single-well quantification of Plasmodium and human protein synthesis in the native cellular context, allowing the identification of selective Plasmodium translation inhibitors with the highest potential for multistage activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolism and mRNA translation represent critical steps involved in modulating gene expression and cellular physiology. Being the most energy-consuming process in the cell, mRNA translation is strictly linked to cellular metabolism and in synchrony with it. Indeed, several mRNAs for metabolic pathways are regulated at the translational level, resulting in translation being a coordinator of metabolism. On the other hand, there is a growing appreciation for how metabolism impacts several aspects of RNA biology. For example, metabolic pathways and metabolites directly control the selectivity and efficiency of the translational machinery, as well as post-transcriptional modifications of RNA to fine-tune protein synthesis. Consistently, alterations in the intricate interplay between translational control and cellular metabolism have emerged as a critical axis underlying human diseases. A better understanding of such events will foresee innovative therapeutic strategies in human disease states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation initiation is a highly regulated, multi-step process which is critical for efficient and accurate protein synthesis. In bacteria, initiation begins when mRNA, initiation factors, and a dedicated initiator fMet-tRNAfMet bind the small (30S) ribosomal subunit. Specific binding of fMet-tRNAfMet in the peptidyl (P) site is mediated by the inspection of the fMet moiety by initiation factor IF2 and of three conserved G-C base pairs in the tRNA anticodon stem by the 30S head domain. Tandem A-minor interactions form between 16S ribosomal RNA nucleotides A1339 and G1338 and tRNA base pairs G30-C40 and G29-C41, respectively. Swapping the G30-C40 pair of tRNAfMet with C-G reduces discrimination against the noncanonical start codon CUG in vitro, suggesting crosstalk between gripping of the anticodon stem and recognition of the start codon. Here, we solved electron cryomicroscopy structures of E. coli 70S initiation complexes containing an fMet-tRNAfMet G30-C40 variant paired to noncanonical CUG start codon, in the presence or absence of IF2 and the non-hydrolyzable GTP analog GDPCP, alongside structures of 70S initiation complexes containing this tRNAfMet variant paired to the canonical bacterial start codons AUG, GUG, and UUG. We find that the M1 mutation weakens A-minor interactions between tRNAfMet and 16S nucleotides A1339 and G1338, with IF2 strengthening the interaction of G1338 with the tRNA minor groove. These structures suggest how even slight changes to the recognition of the fMet-tRNAfMet anticodon stem by the ribosome can impact start codon selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise involves various phenotypic changes that enhance the metabolic and contractile functions. One key regulator of these adaptive responses is the activation of AMPK, which is influenced by exercise intensity. However, the mechanistic understanding of AMPK activation during exercise remains incomplete. In this study, we utilized an in vitro model to investigate the effects of mechanical loading on AMPK activation and its interaction with the mTOR signaling pathway. Proteomic analysis of muscle cells subjected to static loading (SL) revealed distinct quantitative protein alterations associated with RNA metabolism, with 10% SL inducing the most pronounced response compared to lower intensities of 5% and 2% as well as the control. Additionally, 10% SL suppressed RNA and protein synthesis while activating AMPK and inhibiting the mTOR pathway. We also found that SRSF2, necessary for pre-mRNA splicing, is regulated by AMPK and mTOR signaling, which, in turn, is regulated in an intensity-dependent manner by SL with the highest expression in 2% SL. Further examination showed that the ADP/ATP ratio was increased after 10% SL compared to the control and that SL induced changes in mitochondrial biogenesis. Furthermore, Seahorse assay results indicate that 10% SL enhances mitochondrial respiration. These findings provide novel insights into the cellular responses to mechanical loading and shed light on the intricate AMPK-mTOR regulatory network in muscle cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caenorhabditis elegans is an important model organism for human health and disease, with foundational contributions to the understanding of gene expression and tissue patterning in animals. An invaluable tool in modern gene expression research is the presence of a high-resolution ribosome structure, though no such structure exists for C. elegans. Here we present a high-resolution single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM) reconstruction and molecular model of a C. elegans ribosome, revealing a significantly streamlined animal ribosome. Many facets of ribosome structure are conserved in C. elegans, including overall ribosomal architecture and the mechanism of cycloheximide, while other facets such as expansion segments and eL28 are rapidly evolving. We identify uL5 and uL23 as two instances of tissue-specific ribosomal protein paralog expression conserved in Caenorhabditis, suggesting that C. elegans ribosomes vary across tissues. The C. elegans ribosome structure will provide a basis for future structural, biochemical, and genetic studies of translation in this important animal system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the centrality of posttranscriptional modifications to RNA biology has long been acknowledged, the function of the vast majority of modified sites remains to be discovered. Illustrative of this, there is not yet a discrete biological role assigned for one of the most highly conserved modifications, 5-methyluridine at position 54 in tRNAs (m5U54). Here, we uncover contributions of m5U54 to both tRNA maturation and protein synthesis. Our mass spectrometry analyses demonstrate that cells lacking the enzyme that installs m5U in the T-loop (TrmA in Escherichia coli, Trm2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) exhibit altered tRNA modification patterns. Furthermore, m5U54-deficient tRNAs are desensitized to small molecules that prevent translocation in vitro. This finding is consistent with our observations that relative to wild-type cells, trm2Δ cell growth and transcriptome-wide gene expression are less perturbed by translocation inhibitors. Together our data suggest a model in which m5U54 acts as an important modulator of tRNA maturation and translocation of the ribosome during protein synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transfer RNAs (tRNA) are essential small non-coding RNAs that enable the translation of genomic information into proteins in all life forms. The principal function of tRNAs is to bring amino acid building blocks to the ribosomes for protein synthesis. In the ribosome, tRNAs interact with messenger RNA (mRNA) to mediate the incorporation of amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain following the rules of the genetic code. Accurate interpretation of the genetic code requires tRNAs to carry amino acids matching their anticodon identity and decode the correct codon on mRNAs. Errors in these steps cause the translation of codons with the wrong amino acids (mistranslation), compromising the accurate flow of information from DNA to proteins. Accumulation of mutant proteins due to mistranslation jeopardizes proteostasis and cellular viability. However, the concept of mistranslation is evolving, with increasing evidence indicating that mistranslation can be used as a mechanism for survival and acclimatization to environmental conditions. In this review, we discuss the central role of tRNAs in modulating translational fidelity through their dynamic and complex interplay with translation factors. We summarize recent discoveries of mistranslating tRNAs and describe the underlying molecular mechanisms and the specific conditions and environments that enable and promote mistranslation.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to present a unique perspective that emphasizes the intricate interplay between energy, dietary proteins, and amino acid composition, underscoring their mutual dependence for health-related considerations. Energy and protein synthesis are fundamental to biological processes, crucial for the sustenance of life and the growth of organisms.
    RESULTS: We explore the intricate relationship between energy metabolism, protein synthesis, regulatory mechanisms, protein sources, amino acid availability, and autophagy in order to elucidate how these elements collectively maintain cellular homeostasis. We underscore the vital role this dynamic interplay has in preserving cell life.
    CONCLUSIONS: A deeper understanding of the link between energy and protein synthesis is essential to comprehend fundamental cellular processes. This insight could have a wide-ranging impact in several medical fields, such as nutrition, metabolism, and disease management.





