Protein storage vacuoles

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Edible plant seeds provide a relatively inexpensive source of protein and make up a large part of nutrients for humans. Plant seeds accumulate storage proteins during seed development. Seed storage proteins act as a reserve of nutrition for seed germination and seedling growth. However, seed storage proteins may be allergenic, and the prevalence of food allergy has increased rapidly in recent years. The 11S globulins account for a significant number of known major food allergens. They are of interest to the public and the agricultural industry because of food safety concerns and the need for crop enhancement. We sought to determine the crystal structure of Cor a 9, the 11 S storage protein of hazelnut and a food allergen. The structure was refined to 1.92 Å, and the R and Rfree for the refined structure are 17.6% and 22.5%, respectively. The structure of Cor a 9 showed a hetero hexamer of an 11S seed storage protein for the first time. The hexamer was two trimers associated back-to-back. Two long alpha helixes at the C-terminal end of the acidic domain of one of the Cor a 9 isoforms lay at the trimer-trimer interface\'s groove. These data provided much-needed information about the allergenicity of the 11S seed proteins. The information may also facilitate a better understanding of the folding and transportation of 11S seed storage proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In legumes, the seed storage proteins accumulate within specialized organelles called protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). In several plant species, PSVs are differentiated into subdomains that accumulate different kinds of proteins. Even though the existence of subdomains is common in cereals and legumes, it has not been reported in soybean PSVs. The two most abundant seed proteins of soybean, 7S and 11S globulins, have different temporal accumulation patterns and exhibit considerable solubility differences that could result in differential accretion of these proteins within the PSVs. Here, we employed confocal fluorescent microscopy to examine the presence or absence of subdomains within the soybean PSVs. Eosin-stained sections of FAA-fixed paraffin embedded soybean seeds, when viewed by confocal fluorescence microscopy, revealed the presence of intricate subdomains within the PSVs. However, fluorescence immunolabeling studies demonstrated that the 7S and 11S globulins were evenly distributed within the PSVs and failed to corroborate the existence of subdomains within the PSVs. Similarly, confocal scanning microscopy examination of free-hand, vibratome and cryostat sections also failed to demonstrate the existence of subdomains within PSVs. The subdomains, which were prominently seen in PSVs of FAA-fixed soybean seeds, were not observed when the seeds were fixed either in glutaraldehyde/paraformaldehyde or glutaraldehyde. Our studies demonstrate that the apparent subdomains observed in FAA-fixed seeds may be a fixation artifact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High growth temperatures negatively affect soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) yields and seed quality. Soybean plants, heat stressed during seed development, produce seed that exhibit wrinkling, discoloration, poor seed germination, and have an increased potential for incidence of pathogen infection and an overall decrease in economic value. Soybean breeders have identified a heat stress tolerant exotic landrace genotype, which has been used in traditional hybridization to generate experimental genotypes, with improved seed yield and heat tolerance. Here, we have investigated the seed protein composition and ultrastructure of cotyledonary parenchyma cells of soybean genotypes that are either susceptible or tolerant to high growth temperatures. Biochemical analyses of seed proteins isolated from heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive genotypes produced under 28/22 °C (control), 36/24 °C (moderate), and 42/26 °C (extreme) day/night temperatures revealed that the accumulation in soybean seeds of lipoxygenase, the β-subunit of β-conglycinin, sucrose binding protein and Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor were negatively impacted by extreme heat stress in both genotypes, but these effects were less pronounced in the heat-tolerant genotype. Western blot analysis showed elevated accumulation of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and HSP17.6) in both lines in response to elevated temperatures during seed fill. Transmission electron microscopy showed that heat stress caused dramatic structural changes in the storage parenchyma cells. Extreme heat stress disrupted the structure and the membrane integrity of protein storage vacuoles, organelles that accumulate seed storage proteins. The detachment of the plasma membrane from the cell wall (plasmolysis) was commonly observed in the cells of the sensitive line. In contrast, these structural changes were less pronounced in the tolerant genotype, even under extreme heat stress, cells, for the most part, retained their structural integrity. The results of our study demonstrate the contrasting effects of heat stress on the seed protein composition and ultrastructural alterations that contribute to the tolerant genotype\'s ability to tolerate high temperatures during seed development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cost-effective production of high-quality and biologically active recombinant molecules especially proteins is extremely desirable. Seed-based recombinant protein production platforms are considered as superior choice owing to lack of human/animal pathogenic organisms, lack of cold chain requirements for transportation and long-term storage, easy scalability and development of edible biopharmaceuticals in plants with objective to be used in purified or partially processed form is desirable. This review article summarizes the exceptional features of seed-based biopharming and highlights the needs of exploiting it for commercial purposes. Plant seeds offer a perfect production platform for high-value molecules of industrial as well as therapeutic nature owing to lower water contents, high protein storage capacity, weak protease activity and long-term storage ability at ambient temperature. Exploiting extraordinarily high protein accumulation potential, vaccine antigens, antibodies and other therapeutic proteins can be stored without effecting their stability and functionality up to years in seeds. Moreover, ability of direct oral consumption and post-harvest stabilizing effect of seeds offer unique feature of oral delivery of pharmaceutical proteins and vaccine antigens for immunization and disease treatment through mucosal as well as oral route.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane trafficking to the protein storage vacuole (PSV) is a specialized process in seed plants. However, this trafficking mechanism to PSV is poorly understood. Here, we show that three types of Beige and Chediak-Higashi (BEACH)-domain proteins contribute to both vacuolar protein transport and effector-triggered immunity (ETI). We screened a green fluorescent seed (GFS) library of Arabidopsis mutants with defects in vesicle trafficking and isolated two allelic mutants gfs3 and gfs12 with a defect in seed protein transport to PSV. The gene responsible for the mutant phenotype was found to encode a putative protein belonging to group D of BEACH-domain proteins, which possess kinase domains. Disruption of other BEACH-encoding loci in the gfs12 mutant showed that BEACH homologs acted in a cascading manner for PSV trafficking. The epistatic genetic interactions observed among BEACH homologs were also found in the ETI responses of the gfs12 and gfs12 bchb-1 mutants, which showed elevated avirulent bacterial growth. The GFS12 kinase domain interacted specifically with the pleckstrin homology domain of BchC1. These results suggest that a cascade of multiple BEACH-domain proteins contributes to vacuolar protein transport and plant defense.





