Procyon lotor

Procion lotor
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are currently the most common method to control rats in cities, but these compounds also cause morbidity and mortality in non-target wildlife. Little attention has been focused on AR exposure among mesopredators despite their ecological role as scavengers and prey for larger carnivores, thus serving as an important bridge in the biomagnification of rodenticides in food webs. In this study, we sampled liver tissue from raccoons (Procyon lotor; n = 37), skunks (Mephitis mephitis; n = 15), and Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana; n = 45) euthanized by pest professionals and brown rats (Rattus norvegicus; n = 101) trapped in alleys in Chicago, USA to evaluate how often these species are exposed to ARs. We tested whether mesopredators had a higher prevalence of ARs and to more AR compounds compared to rats and calculated biomagnification factors (mean concentration in mesopredators/rats) as indicators of biomagnification. Of 93 sampled mesopredators, 100 % were exposed to at least one AR compound, mainly brodifacoum (≥80 %), and 79 % were exposed to multiple AR compounds. We also documented teal stomach contents consistent with the consumption of rat bait and altricial young tested positive to the same AR as their mother, suggesting mammary transfer. Of the 101 rats, 74 % tested positive to at least one AR compound and 32 % were exposed to multiple AR compounds. All mesopredator species had biomagnification factors exceeding 1.00 for brodifacoum (6.57-29.07) and bromadiolone (1.08-4.31). Our results suggest widespread exposure to ARs among urban mesopredators and biomagnification of ARs in mesopredators compared to rats. Policies that limit AR availability to non-target species, such as restricting the sale and use of ARs to licensed professionals in indoor settings, education on alternatives, and more emphasis on waste management may reduce health risks for urban wildlife and people in cities around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to lack of apex predators in human-dominated landscapes, mesopredator relationships are complex and spatiotemporal niche partitioning strategies can vary, especially when seasonal shifts in resource availability occur. Our objective was to understand spatiotemporal niche overlap across seasons among mesopredators inhabiting a barrier island complex. We placed 19 unbaited cameras throughout Fort De Soto County Park, Florida, USA between February 2021 and July 2023. Of six mesopredator species detected, three species had >75 detections during both the wet and dry seasons (coyote, Canis latrans; Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana; and raccoon, Procyon lotor). Using general linear mixed models, we determined that during the wet season coyote-raccoon and raccoon-opossum detections were positively associated with each other (p < 0.05). During the dry season, raccoon-opossum detections were positively associated, and opossums were more likely to be detected around mangroves. After calculating coefficients of overlap, we found all three species varied their temporal activity between seasons. During the dry season exclusively, all three mesopredators occupied different temporal niches. The park\'s isolated but developed nature has potentially led to a destabilized mesopredator community. Understanding seasonal mesopredator dynamics of Fort De Soto is particularly important because this park supports a high number of nesting shorebirds and sea turtles, which are known food sources for mesopredators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mansonella ozzardi, a filarioid parasite, causes human mansonellosis in the Americas. We identified raccoons (Procyon lotor) as wildlife reservoirs of M. ozzardi in Costa Rica. Noting the sympatry of free-ranging raccoons and humans, we conclude that mansonellosis is a considerable public health risk in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intracellular protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is distributed worldwide and infects many species of warm-blooded animals. Most mammals, including humans, can serve as intermediate hosts. This pathogen, with its zoonotic potential, causes toxoplasmosis, a condition that can range from subclinical to fatal in humans. It is therefore important to assess the occurrence of the pathogen, even if only indirectly through the detection of antibodies. Epidemiological data on the seroprevalence in wild animals, including invasive species, are rare in Poland. Therefore, we tested 197 wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) and 89 raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from Zgorzelec County, southwestern Poland, for the presence of antibodies. Samples were collected between January 2019 and December 2020 and analysed using a commercial indirect modified agglutination test (MAT, cut-off 1:25). The statistical analysis revealed significant differences in seroprevalence between the two predatory species. Of the 197 surveyed raccoons, 96 (48.73%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 41.73-55.73%) tested positive, while 25 of the 89 raccoon dogs (28.09%; 95% CI: 18.70-37.48%) were positive. Regarding risk factors, body weight and sex influenced the presence of T. gondii antibodies in both the species, with a higher likelihood of seropositivity among heavier animals and females, respectively. For raccoon dogs, juveniles were more likely to be seropositive than adults at a given weight. Our results suggest that T. gondii infection is widespread in the regional raccoon and raccoon dog populations, indicating a high level of parasite circulation in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The raccoon (Procyon lotor) variant of the rabies virus (RRV) is enzootic in the eastern United States and oral rabies vaccination (ORV) is the primary strategy to prevent and control landscape spread. Breaches of ORV management zones occasionally occur, and emergency \"contingency\" actions may be implemented to enhance local control. Contingency actions are an integral part of landscape-scale wildlife rabies management but can be very costly and routinely involve enhanced rabies surveillance (ERS) around the index case. We investigated two contingency actions in Ohio (2017-2019 and 2018-2021) and one in Virginia (2017-2019) using a dynamic, multi-method occupancy approach to examine relationships between specific management actions and RRV occurrence, including whether ERS was sufficient around the index case. The RRV occupancy was assessed seasonally at 100-km2 grids and we examined relationships across three spatial scales (regional management zone, RRV free regions, and local contingency areas). The location of a grid relative to the ORV management zone was the strongest predictor of RRV occupancy at the regional scale. In RRV free regions, the neighbor effect and temporal variability were most important in influencing RRV occupancy. Parenteral (hand) vaccination of raccoons was important across all three contingency action areas, but more influential in the Ohio contingency action areas where more raccoons were hand vaccinated. In the Virginia contingency action area, ORV strategies were as important in reducing RRV occupancy as a hand vaccination strategy. The management action to trap, euthanize, and test (TET) raccoons was an important method to increase ERS, yet the impacts of TET on RRV occupancy are not clear. The probability of detecting additional cases of RRV was exceptionally high (>0.95) during the season the index case occurred. The probability of detecting RRV through ERS declined in the seasons following initial TET efforts but remained higher after the contingency action compared to the ERS detection probabilities prior to index case incidence. Local RRV cases were contained within one year and eliminated within 2-3 years of each contingency action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The raccoon Procyon lotor (Carnivora: Procyonidae) is an invasive species of growing importance for the introduction of alien pathogens or as additional hosts for autochthonous pathogens in Europe, including zoonotic parasites. As the population is steadily increasing and outcompeting the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Germany, the consumption of raccoon meat raises concerns about pathogens they may transmit. Therefore the presence of Trichinella larvae was here investigated in muscle samples (n = 904) of raccoons from northern Germany. No Trichinella larvae were found, thus confirming the general low occurrence of this parasite in Germany. However, Spirocerca lupi (n = 12) and an unidentified Trichinella-like nematode (n = 1) were accidently detected in the examined samples. The first is not a zoonotic parasite but has a high veterinary relevance as it can cause severe diseases in dogs. It is the first documented autochthonous infection of this nematode in Germany. The larvae of an unidentified Trichinella-like nematode were found in high abundance in all examined muscles of one raccoon, though they could not be identified to species level. Histological investigation revealed intramuscular cystic structures. This is the largest study investigating muscular parasites of raccoons in Europe so far, which suggests that this invasive animal species is infected by S. lupi and by a yet unknown Trichinella -like parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    North America is recognized for the exceptional richness of rabies virus (RV) wildlife reservoir species. Management of RV is accomplished through vaccination targeting mesocarnivore reservoir populations, such as the raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Eastern North America. Raccoons are a common generalist species, and populations may reach high densities in developed areas, which can result in contact with humans and pets with potential exposures to the raccoon variant of RV throughout the eastern United States. Understanding the spatial movement of RV by raccoon populations is important for monitoring and refining strategies supporting the landscape-level control and local elimination of this lethal zoonosis. We developed a high-throughput genotyping panel for raccoons based on hundreds of microhaplotypes to identify population structure and genetic diversity relevant to rabies management programs. Throughout the eastern United States, we identified hierarchical population genetic structure with clusters that were connected through isolation-by-distance. We also illustrate that this genotyping approach can be used to support real-time management priorities by identifying the geographic origin of a rabid raccoon that was collected in an area of the United States that had been raccoon RV-free for 8 years. The results from this study and the utility of the microhaplotype panel and genotyping method will provide managers with information on raccoon ecology that can be incorporated into future management decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anaplasma phagocytophilum is characterized by a worldwide distribution and distinguished from other Anaplasmataceae by the broadest range of mammalian hosts and high genetic diversity. The role carnivores play in the life cycle of A. phagocytophilum in Europe is uncertain. Currently, only the red fox is considered a suitable reservoir host. In this study, we focused on native and invasive medium-sized carnivore species that live in sympatry and represent the most abundant species of wild carnivores in Poland.
    METHODS: A total of 275 individual spleen samples from six carnivore species (Vulpes vulpes, Meles meles, Procyon lotor, Nyctereutes procyonoides and Martes spp.) were screened combining nested PCR and sequencing for A. phagocytophilum targeting a partial groEL gene with subsequent phylogenetic analysis inferred by the maximum likelihood method.
    RESULTS: The DNA of A. phagocytophilum was detected in 16 of 275 individuals (5.8%). Eight unique genetic variants of A. phagocytophilum were obtained. All detected haplotypes clustered in the clade representing European ecotype I. Three variants belonged to the subclade with European human cases together with strains from dogs, foxes, cats, and wild boars.
    CONCLUSIONS: While carnivores might have a restricted role in the dissemination of A. phagocytophilum due to their relatively low to moderate infection rates, they hold significance as hosts for ticks. Consequently, they could contribute to the transmission of tick-borne infections to humans indirectly, primarily through tick infection. This underscores the potential risk of urbanization for the A. phagocytophilum life cycle, further emphasizing the need for comprehensive understanding of its ecological dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Europe, raccoons are invasive neozoons with their largest population in Germany. Globally, this mesocarnivore acts as a wildlife reservoir for many (non-)zoonotic (re-)emerging pathogens, but very little epidemiological data is available for southwest Germany. This exploratory study aimed to screen free-ranging raccoons in Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW, Germany) for the occurrence of selected pathogens with One Health relevance. Organ tissue and blood samples collected from 102 animals, obtained by hunters in 2019 and 2020, were subsequently analysed for two bacterial and four viral pathogens using a qPCR approach. Single samples were positive for the carnivore protoparvovirus-1 (7.8%, n = 8), canine distemper virus (6.9%, n = 7), pathogenic Leptospira spp. (3.9%, n = 4) and Anaplasma phagocytophilum (15.7%, n = 16). West Nile virus and influenza A virus were not detected. Due to their invasive behaviour and synanthropic habit, raccoons may increase the risk of infections for wildlife, domestic animals, zoo animals and humans by acting as a link between them. Therefore, further studies should be initiated to evaluate these risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Important information on movement pathways and introduction routes of invasive parasites can be obtained by comparing the genetic makeup of an invader with its spatial genetic structure in other distribution areas. Sometimes, the population genetic structure of the host might be more informative than that of the parasite itself, and it is important to collect tissue samples of both host and parasite. However, host tissue samples are frequently not available for analysis. We aimed to test whether it is possible to generate reliable microsatellite profiles of host individuals by amplifying DNA extracted from a nematode parasite, using the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a test case.
    METHODS: Between 2020 and 2021, we collected tissue as well as a single roundworm each from 12 raccoons from central Germany. Both the raccoon and the roundworm DNA extracts were genotyped using 17 raccoon-specific microsatellite loci. For each roundworm DNA extract, we performed at least eight amplification reactions per microsatellite locus.
    RESULTS: We extracted amplifiable raccoon DNA from all 12 roundworms. We obtained at least two amplification products for 186 of the 204 possible genotypes. Altogether 1077 of the 1106 genotypes (97.4%) matched the host-DNA derived reference genotypes and thus did not contain genotyping errors. Nine of the 12 roundworm-derived genetic profiles matched the reference profiles from the raccoon hosts, with one additional genetic profile containing genotyping errors at a single locus. The remaining two genetic profiles were deemed unsuitable for downstream analysis because of genotyping errors and/or a high proportion of missing data.
    CONCLUSIONS: We showed that reliable microsatellite-based genetic profiles of host individuals can be obtained by amplifying DNA extracted from a parasitic nematode. Specifically, the approach can be applied to reconstruct invasion pathways of roundworms when samples of the raccoon hosts are lacking. Further research should assess whether this method can be replicated in smaller species of parasitic nematodes and other phyla of parasites more generally.





