
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parliament has imposed duties on the government and NHS in England aimed at reducing health inequalities. AIM: to understand the effect on inequalities of government policies, which require the NHS in England to outsource elective surgery to the private sector. We analysed the numbers of admissions for hip and knee replacement surgery from the least and most deprived population quintiles in three time periods: before the introduction of the policies (1997/98-2002/03); following the implementation of the independent sector treatment centre programme (2003/04-2006/07); and after the extension of \'choice at referral\' (2007/08-2018/19). RESULTS: despite admission rates doubling and trebling for hip and knee replacements, respectively, between 1997/98 and 2018/19, inequality grew to the detriment of the most deprived. Inequality grew at the fastest rate during period 3; admission rates to the NHS fell while admissions to the private sector continued to rise. By 2018/19 almost a third of NHS funded procedures were provided privately. In 1997/98, for every 10 patients admitted for hip and knee surgery from the most deprived quintile, 13 and 9, respectively were admitted from the least deprived, by 2018/19 the gap had widened to 19 and 15, respectively. Socio-economic inequalities for hip and knee replacement have widened as outsourcing of NHS treatment to the private sector has increased. The NHS must rebuild in-house capacity and provision instead of outsourcing care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the trends in the nature of general practices in Scotland between 2014/15 and 2023.
    METHODS: Descriptive ecological study.
    METHODS: We obtained data from Public Health Scotland and used general practitioner (GP) practice codes, practice names, and the General Medical Council (GMC) numbers of their listed GPs to describe trends in practice characteristics and to identify individual practices that were likely to be operating as a single entity.
    RESULTS: Defining practice entities is difficult because different GP practice codes are often retained when GPs are performing across multiple practices. If GP practice codes alone are used, the median practice list size increased from 5094 to 5881, and the mean from 5588 to 6289, between 2013/14 and 2020/21. There was one outlier practice that grew to have over 45,000 patients registered by 2020/21. However, this underestimates the extent of this new mega-practice phenomenon. Using the GMC numbers of GPs listed as performers to identify where the same GPs are working across multiple GP practice codes, we identified a series of mega-practices that span across health board areas and which have experienced a dramatic increase in their list size (with the two largest having list sizes of over 101,000 and 77,000 patients, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: Further research is needed to better understand: how mega-practices provide services and whether this differs from other practices; where financial rewards accumulate within mega-practices; differences in staffing between mega-practices and other models; and the impacts mega-practices have on the quality and continuity of care and on health and inequality outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and surgery is currently predicted to be very promising. However, AI has the potential to change the doctor\'s role and the doctor-patient relationship. It has the potential to support people\'s desires for health, along with the potential to nudge or push people to behave in a certain way. To understand these potentials, we must see AI in the light of social developments that have brought about changes in how medicine\'s role, in a given society, is understood. The trends of \'privatisation of medicine\' and \'public-healthisation of the private\' are proposed as a contextual backdrop to explain why AI raises ethical concerns different from those previously caused by new medical technologies, and which therefore need to be addressed specifically for AI.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Historically in Australia, all levels of government created collective wealth by owning and operating infrastructure, and managing natural assets, key public goods and essential services while being answerable to the public. This strong state tradition was challenged in the 1980s when privatisation became a widespread government approach globally. Privatisation involves displacing the public sector through modes of financing, ownership, management and product or service delivery. The Australian literature shows that negative effects from privatisation are not spread equitably, and the health and equity impacts appear to be under-researched. This narrative overview aims to address a gap in the literature by answering research questions on what evidence exists for positive and negative outcomes of privatisation; how well societal impacts are evaluated, and the implications for health and equity.
    METHODS: Database and grey literature were searched by keywords, with inclusion criteria of items limited to Australia, published between 1990 and 2022, relating to any industry or government sector, including an evaluative aspect, or identifying positive or negative aspects from privatisation, contracting out, or outsourcing. Thematic analysis was aided by NVivo qualitative data software and guided by an a-priori coding frame.
    RESULTS: No items explicitly reflected on the relationship between privatisation and health. Main themes identified were the public cost of privatisation, loss of government control and expertise, lack of accountability and transparency, constraints to accessing social determinants of health, and benefits accruing to the private sector.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results supported the view that privatisation is more than asset-stripping the public sector. It is a comprehensive strategy for restructuring public services in the interests of capital, with privatisation therefore both a political and commercial determinant of health. There is growing discussion on the need for re-nationalisation of certain public assets, including by the Victorian government.
    CONCLUSIONS: Privatisation of public services is likely to have had an adverse impact on population health and contributed to the increase in inequities. This review suggests that there is little evidence for the benefits of privatisation, with a need for greater attention to political and commercial determinants of health in policy formation and in research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Airport privatisation is a controversial yet growing trend that has been accompanied by an expanding quantity of related research. However there has been very little attempt to synthesise this research and identify overarching findings that single studies do not produce. Hence it is the aim here to apply a systematic review of all the results in the academic literature. Both the objectives and outcomes of privatisation are considered although the literature appears surprisingly lacking in assessing whether these are closely aligned. A need for improvements in efficiency, coupled with a requirement for greater investment, appear to be the key drivers of privatisation but the evidence, as to whether there are actually performance benefits, is inconclusive. Improvements need to be made to the methods used, but given that the range of airport privatisation models has now become so diverse, more focus on governance and institutional structures may also yield useful conclusions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Britain has a reputation for having a stock market-oriented corporate economy and there is an extensive literature maintaining that laws affording substantial protection to outside investors are needed for a thriving stock market. Historically, however, UK equity markets have not always flourished and, when they have, law\'s contribution has been open to question. This article considers the uneasy match between law and Britain\'s stock market development from when shares first began to trade publicly through to the present day, offering in so doing insights into the relationship between law and equity markets and current reforms intended to revive a flagging UK stock exchange.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    England\'s NHS is experiencing rising privatisation as services are increasingly being delivered by private healthcare providers. This has led to concerns about the supposed benefit of this process on healthcare quality but the reasons for the increase - and whether processes prioritise quality - are not well understood. In-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 people involved in the commissioning process, sampled from 3 commissioning sites (regional health boards) are thematically analysed. Four key themes of reasons for outsourcing were identified: unmet need; the \"choice agenda\"; appetite for change amongst key individuals working at the commissioning body; and the impact of financial pressures. The study concludes that the experience of commissioners navigating the provision of healthcare with worsening social determinants of health and financial austerity means that decisions to use private providers based on anticipated quality are sometimes but not always possible - sometimes they constitute \'accidents\', sometimes \'emergencies\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous research on commercial determinants of health has primarily focused on their impact on non-communicable diseases. However, they also impact on infectious diseases and on the broader preconditions for health. We describe, through case studies in 16 countries, how commercial determinants of health were visible during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they may have influenced national responses and health outcomes. We use a comparative qualitative case study design in selected low- middle- and high-income countries that performed differently in COVID-19 health outcomes, and for which we had country experts to lead local analysis. We created a data collection framework and developed detailed case studies, including extensive grey and peer-reviewed literature. Themes were identified and explored using iterative rapid literature reviews. We found evidence of the influence of commercial determinants of health in the spread of COVID-19. This occurred through working conditions that exacerbated spread, including precarious, low-paid employment, use of migrant workers, procurement practices that limited the availability of protective goods and services such as personal protective equipment, and commercial actors lobbying against public health measures. Commercial determinants also influenced health outcomes by influencing vaccine availability and the health system response to COVID-19. Our findings contribute to determining the appropriate role of governments in governing for health, wellbeing, and equity, and regulating and addressing negative commercial determinants of health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most residential children\'s social care services in England, including children\'s homes, are operated by for-profit companies, but the implications of this development are not well understood. This paper aims to address this gap by undertaking the first longitudinal and comprehensive evaluation of the associations between for-profit outsourcing and quality of service provision among English local authorities and children\'s homes. To enable investigation of the implications of outsourcing children\'s residential social care services, we create and analyse a novel and longitudinal dataset covering more than 13,000 children\'s home inspections by Ofsted (the independent regulator of children\'s social care in England) over a period of 7 years (2014-2021). We also investigate the association between Ofsted local authority (LA) ratings and the reliance of LAs on for-profit and third sector outsourcing of children in care placements. Our analysis shows that for-profit providers are statistically significantly more likely to be rated of lower quality than both public and third sector services. For-profit children\'s homes also violate a greater number of requirements and receive more recommendations compared to other ownership types. These findings are robust to model specification and consistent over the full analysed period. At LA level, we find provisional evidence that LA Ofsted ratings are negatively correlated with the percentage of for-profit outsourcing, suggesting that LAs which outsource a greater amount of their children in care placements perform less well than those which do not. These findings are of significant concern given the focus of these services on society\'s most vulnerable service users. However, caution is needed in terms of regulating the sector going forward, as the role of for-profit provision cannot be replaced without substantial coordination and long-term planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate how the profession of audiology was represented in the media in Australia and how the increased privatisation of the profession may have shaped this representation.
    METHODS: A systematic search of English language media records was conducted from 1 January 2000 to 17 July 2020 using ANZ News Stream, TV News, Google News and INFORMIT. Twenty-four of 1056 originally identified articles were retained. The findings were extracted and synthesised.
    RESULTS: Context and content analyses were preformed, revealing a predominantly negative portrayal of Audiology as a profession in 21 (87.5%) of 24 articles. Predominant themes included: sales driven by incentives; predatory strategies and malpractice; non-regulation and privatisation of the hearing care industry; and conflict of interest.
    CONCLUSIONS: The media was found to highlight consumer mistrust in the profession in recent years. Increased regulation of the profession of audiology is recommended to protect the population against exploitative practices and to renew faith in the profession by the public.





