
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on supergenes, non-recombining genomic regions housing tightly linked genes that control complex phenotypes, has recently gained prominence in genomics. Heterostyly, a floral heteromorphism promoting outcrossing in several angiosperm families, is controlled by the S-locus supergene. The S-locus has been studied primarily in closely related Primula species and, more recently, in other groups that independently evolved heterostyly. However, it remains unknown whether genetic architecture and composition of the S-locus are maintained among species that share a common origin of heterostyly and subsequently diverged across larger time scales. To address this research gap, we present a chromosome-scale genome assembly of Primula edelbergii, a species that shares the same origin of heterostyly with Primula veris (whose S-locus has been characterized) but diverged from it 18 million years ago. Comparative genomic analyses between these two species allowed us to show, for the first time, that the S-locus can \'jump\' (i.e. translocate) between chromosomes maintaining its function in controlling heterostyly. Additionally, we found that four S-locus genes were conserved but reshuffled within the supergene, seemingly without affecting their expression, thus we could not detect changes explaining the lack of self-incompatibility in P. edelbergii. Furthermore, we confirmed that the S-locus is not undergoing genetic degeneration. Finally, we investigated P. edelbergii evolutionary history within Ericales in terms of whole genome duplications and transposable element accumulation. In summary, our work provides a valuable resource for comparative analyses aimed at investigating the genetics of heterostyly and the pivotal role of supergenes in shaping the evolution of complex phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we describe and illustrate a new species, Primulaweiliei L.S.Yang, Z.K.Wu & G.W.Hu, from the Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province in Central China. It is morphologically assigned to Primulasect.Aleuritia based on its dwarf and hairless habit, long petiole, fruits longer than calyx and covered by farina on the scape. This new species is similar to P.gemmifera and P.munroisubsp.yargongensis in the same section, but it can be distinguished by its smaller calyxes, homostylous flowers, corolla tube throat without annular appendage and only 1-2 flowers in each inflorescence. Based on the assessment conducted according to the IUCN Red List criteria, we propose that P.weiliei be classified as a Critically Endangered (CR) species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mountain biota survived the Quaternary cold stages most probably in peripheral refugia and/or ice-free peaks within ice-sheets (nunataks). While survival in peripheral refugia has been broadly demonstrated, evidence for nunatak refugia is still scarce. We generated RADseq data from three mountain plant species occurring at different elevations in the southeastern European Alps to investigate the role of different glacial refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We tested the following hypotheses. (i) The deep Piave Valley forms the deepest genetic split in the species distributed across it, delimiting two peripheral refugia. (ii) The montane to alpine species Campanula morettiana and Primula tyrolensis survived the LGM in peripheral refugia, while high-alpine to subnival Saxifraga facchinii likely survived in several nunatak refugia. (iii) The lower elevation species suffered a strong population decline during the LGM. By contrast, the higher elevation species shows long-term stability of population sizes due to survival on permanently ice-free peaks and small population sizes at present. We found peripheral refugia on both sides of the Piave Valley, which acted as a major genetic barrier. Demographic modelling confirmed nunatak survival not only for S. facchinii but also for montane to alpine C. morettiana. Altitudinal segregation influenced the species\' demographic fluctuations, with the lower elevation species showing a significant population increase at the end of the LGM, and the higher elevation species either showing decrease towards the present or stable population sizes with a short bottleneck. Our results highlight the role of nunatak survival and species ecology in the demographic history of mountain species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primula secundiflora is an insect-pollinated, perennial herb belonging to the section Proliferae (Primulaceae) that exhibits considerable variation in its mating system, with predominantly outcrossing populations comprising long-styled and short-styled floral morphs and selfing populations comprising only homostyles. To facilitate future investigations of the population genetics and mating patterns of this species, we developed 25 microsatellite markers from P. secundiflora using next-generation sequencing and measured polymorphism and genetic diversity in a sample of 30 individuals from three natural populations. The markers displayed high polymorphism, with the number of observed alleles per locus ranging from three to 16 (mean = 8.36). The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.100 to 1.000 and 0.145 to 0.843, respectively. Twenty-one of the loci were also successfully amplified in P. denticulata. These microsatellite markers should provide powerful tools for investigating patterns of population genetic diversity and the evolutionary relationships between distyly and homostyly in P. secundiflora.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distyly, a floral dimorphism that promotes outcrossing, is controlled by a hemizygous genomic region known as the S-locus. Disruptions of genes within the S-locus are responsible for the loss of distyly and the emergence of homostyly, a floral monomorphism that favors selfing. Using whole-genome resequencing data of distylous and homostylous individuals from populations of Primula vulgaris and leveraging high-quality reference genomes of Primula we tested, for the first time, predictions about the evolutionary consequences of transitions to selfing on S-genes. Our results reveal a previously undetected structural rearrangement in CYPᵀ associated with the shift to homostyly and confirm previously reported, homostyle-specific, loss-of-function mutations in the exons of the S-gene CYPᵀ. We also discovered that the promoter and intronic regions of CYPᵀ in distylous and homostylous individuals are conserved, suggesting that down-regulation of CYPᵀ via mutations in its promoter and intronic regions is not a cause of the shift to homostyly. Furthermore, we found that hemizygosity is associated with reduced genetic diversity in S-genes compared with their paralogs outside the S-locus. Additionally, the shift to homostyly lowers genetic diversity in both the S-genes and their paralogs, as expected in primarily selfing plants. Finally, we tested, for the first time, long-standing theoretical models of changes in S-locus genotypes during early stages of the transition to homostyly, supporting the assumption that two copies of the S-locus might reduce homostyle fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease among patients with severe mental illness in England is a major preventable contributor to premature mortality. To address this, a nurse and peer-coach delivered service (Primrose-A) was implemented in three London general practices from 2019 (implementation continued during COVID-19). This study aimed to conduct interviews with patient and staff to determine the acceptability of, and experiences with, Primrose-A.
    METHODS: Semi-structured audio-recorded interviews with eight patients who had received Primrose-A, and 3 nurses, 1 GP, and 1 peer-coach who had delivered Primrose-A in three London-based GP surgeries were conducted. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the transcribed interviews.
    RESULTS: Overall, Primrose-A was viewed positively by patients and staff, with participants describing success in improving patients\' mental health, isolation, motivation, and physical health. Therapeutic relationships between staff and patients, and long regular appointments were important facilitators of patient engagement and acceptance of the intervention. Several barriers to the implementation of Primrose-A were identified, including training, administrative and communication issues, burden of time and resources, and COVID-19.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intervention acceptability could be enhanced by providing longer-term continuity of care paired with more peer-coaching sessions to build positive relationships and facilitate sustained health behaviour change. Future implementation of Primrose-A or similar interventions should consider: (1) training sufficiency (covering physical and mental health, including addiction), (2) adequate staffing to deliver the intervention, (3) facilitation of clear communication pathways between staff, and (4) supporting administrative processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing in flowering plants have convergent morphological and genomic signatures and can involve parallel evolution within related lineages. Adaptive evolution of morphological traits is often assumed to evolve faster than nonadaptive features of the genomic selfing syndrome. We investigated phenotypic and genomic changes associated with transitions from distyly to homostyly in the Primula oreodoxa complex. We determined whether the transition to selfing occurred more than once and investigated stages in the evolution of morphological and genomic selfing syndromes using 22 floral traits and both nuclear and plastid genomic data from 25 populations. Two independent transitions were detected representing an earlier and a more recently derived selfing lineage. The older lineage exhibited classic features of the morphological and genomic selfing syndrome. Although features of both selfing syndromes were less developed in the younger selfing lineage, they exhibited parallel development with the older selfing lineage. This finding contrasts with the prediction that some genomic changes should lag behind adaptive changes to morphological traits. Our findings highlight the value of comparative studies on the timing and extent of transitions from outcrossing to selfing between related lineages for investigating the tempo of morphological and molecular evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Style dimorphism is one of the polymorphic characteristics of flowers in heterostylous plants, which have two types of flowers: the pin morph, with long styles and shorter anthers, and the thrum morph, with short styles and longer anthers. The formation of dimorphic styles has received attention in the plant world. Previous studies showed that CYP734A50 in Primula determined style length and limited style elongation and that the brassinosteroid metabolic pathway was involved in regulation of style length. However, it is unknown whether there are other factors affecting the style length of Primula.
    METHODS: Differentially expressed genes highly expressed in pin morph styles were screened based on Primula forbesii transcriptome data. Virus-induced gene silencing was used to silence these genes, and the style length and anatomical changes were observed 20 days after injection.
    RESULTS: PfPIN5 was highly expressed in pin morph styles. When PfPIN5 was silenced, the style length was shortened in pin and long-homostyle plants by shortening the length of style cells. Moreover, silencing CYP734A50 in thrum morph plants increased the expression level of PfPIN5 significantly, and the style length increased. The results indicated that PfPIN5, an auxin efflux transporter gene, contributed to regulation of style elongation in P. forbesii.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results implied that the auxin pathway might also be involved in the formation of styles of P. forbesii, providing a new pathway for elucidating the molecular mechanism of style elongation in P. forbesii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introgression is an important source of genetic variation that can determine species adaptation to environmental conditions. Yet, definitive evidence of the genomic and adaptive implications of introgression in nature remains scarce. The widespread hybrid zones of Darwin\'s primroses (Primula elatior, Primula veris, and Primula vulgaris) provide a unique natural laboratory for studying introgression in flowering plants and the varying permeability of species boundaries. Through analysis of 650 genomes, we provide evidence of an introgressed genomic region likely to confer adaptive advantage in conditions of soil toxicity. We also document unequivocal evidence of chloroplast introgression, an important precursor to species-wide chloroplast capture. Finally, we provide the first evidence that the S-locus supergene, which controls heterostyly in primroses, does not introgress in this clade. Our results contribute novel insights into the adaptive role of introgression and demonstrate the importance of extensive genomic and geographical sampling for illuminating the complex nature of species boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distyly has evolved independently in numerous animal-pollinated angiosperm lineages. Understanding of its molecular basis has been restricted to a few species, primarily Primula. Here, we investigate the genetic architecture of the single diallelic locus (S-locus) supergene, a linkage group of functionally associated genes, and explore how it may have evolved in distylous Nymphoides indica, a lineage of flowering plants not previously investigated. We assembled haplotype-resolved genomes, used read-coverage-based genome-wide association study (rb-GWAS) to locate the S-locus supergene, co-expression network analysis to explore gene networks underpinning the development of distyly, and comparative genomic analyses to investigate the origins of the S-locus supergene. We identified three linked candidate S-locus genes - NinBAS1, NinKHZ2, and NinS1 - that were only evident in the short-styled morph and were hemizygous. Co-expression network analysis suggested that brassinosteroids contribute to dimorphic sex organs in the short-styled morph. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that the S-locus supergene likely evolved via stepwise duplications and has been affected by transposable element activities. Our study provides novel insight into the structure, regulation, and evolution of the supergene governing distyly in N. indica. It also provides high-quality genomic resources for future research on the molecular mechanisms underlying the striking evolutionary convergence in form and function across heterostylous taxa.





