Primary education

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye tracking technology is a high-potential tool for different mathematic cognition research areas. Moreover, there is a dire need for more studies that provide detailed information on the quality of registered eye data. This study aimed to illustrate the applicability of eye tracking in the examination of mathematical cognition, focusing specifically on primary school students completing a computerized mental arithmetic task. Results suggested that the eye tracking device effectively captured high-quality eye movement data when primary school children engaged in this specific task. Furthermore, significant negative correlations have been found between task performance and number of eye fixations. Finally, eye movements distinctions between \"Areas of Interest\" have been found, indicating different visual tracking associated with different components of arithmetic calculations. This study underscores the extensive possibilities for future research employing eye tracking devices during computerized calculation tasks as assessment tools to explore the complex visual and cognitive processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to test the effectiveness of cognitive interventions based on modern board games in school settings to improve memory outcomes and math skills. A parallel, quasi-experimental study was carried out with children (n = 234) into third and fourth grades (8-10 years old). School centres were allocated into a general domain intervention (playing memory board games), a specific domain intervention (playing mathematical board games) or a control group (regular classes without playing). Teachers carried out bi-weekly sessions during the last 30 min of mathematical lessons (8 weeks, 15 sessions). Before and after intervention, we individually measured verbal and visuospatial memory outcomes (short-term memory and working memory updating) and mathematical skills (number operations, number ranking, number production and problem solving). The results showed significant transfer effects of both memory and math trainings. In third grade, we found that playing math games showed medium-large effect sizes in visuospatial short-term memory and updating memory, number operations and number ranking compared to the control group. In fourth grade, we found that playing memory games showed significant small effect sizes in problem solving compared to the control group. Playing board games could be a methodology that enhances cognitive and mathematical development in children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: The main goals of this study were to describe the physical activity (PA) and sleep habits of 8-12-year-old children according to their gender and to evaluate the relationship between PA and sleep habits (i.e., duration and timing). (2) Methods: A total of 236 children (114 boys and 122 girls) completed the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) and an ad hoc sleep habits questionnaire. (3) Results: Boys were more physically active than girls (2.62 ± 0.51 vs. 2.46 ± 0.48, p = 0.026) and enacted higher PA levels in school recess (3.82 ± 1.36 vs. 3.56 ± 1.38, p = 0.003), during the afternoon (3.37 ± 1.20 vs. 2.89 ± 1.12, p = 0.003), and during weekends (3.54 ± 1.20 vs. 3.18 ± 0.48, p = 0.009). Per sleep habits, boys had a significantly later bedtime (21:53 ± 2:08 vs. 21:34 ± 2:14, p = 0.009) and a significantly smaller total sleep duration (9.64 ± 0.86 vs. 9.89 ± 0.87 h, p = 0.023) than girls. No significant correlations between PA and sleep habits were found. (4) Conclusions: We found differences in the PA and sleep habits between school-age boys and girls. Institutions and entities should consider designing specific interventions to improve PA and sleep habits according to gender.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: This update outlines amendments to the CHAMPION2/STRIPES2 cluster randomised trial protocol primarily made due to the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown in India in 2020. These amendments were in line with national guidelines for health research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: We did not change the original trial design, eligibility, and outcomes. Amendments were introduced to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission and ensure safety and wellbeing of trial staff, participants, and other villagers. CHAMPION2 intervention: participatory learning and action (PLA) and fixed day service (FDS) meeting were revised to incorporate social distancing and hygiene precautions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, PLA participation was limited to pregnant women and birthing partners. STRIPES2 intervention: before/after-school classes were halted for a period and then modified temporarily (reducing class sizes, and/or changing meeting places) with hygiene and safe distancing practices introduced.
    METHODS: The research team gathered as much information as possible from participants by telephone. If the participant had no telephone or could not be contacted by telephone, data were collected in person. COVID-19 precautions: trial teams were trained on COVID-19 precautions and used personal protective equipment whilst in the villages for trial-related activities. After restarting the trial between June and September 2020 in a phased manner, some trial activities were suspended again in all the trial villages from April to June 2021 due to the second wave of COVID-19 cases and lockdown imposed in Satna, Madhya Pradesh. Trial timelines were also revised, with outcomes measured later than originally planned.
    BACKGROUND: Clinical Trial Registry of India CTRI/2019/05/019296. Registered 23 May 2019. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Investment in mobile devices to support primary or elementary education is increasing and must be informed by robust evidence to demonstrate impact. This systematic review of randomised controlled trials sought to identify the overall impact of mobile devices to support literacy and numeracy outcomes in mainstream primary classrooms.
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this systematic review was to understand how mobile devices are used in primary/elementary education around the world, and in particular, determine how activities undertaken using mobile devices in the primary classroom might impact literacy and numeracy attainment for the pupils involved. Within this context, mobile devices are defined as tablets (including iPads and other branded devices), smartphones (usually those with a touchscreen interface and internet connectivity) and handheld games consoles (again usually with touchscreen and internet-enabled). The interventions of interest were those aimed at improving literacy and/or numeracy for children aged 4-12 within the primary/elementary school (or equivalent) classroom.Specifically, the review aimed to answer the following research questions: -What is the effect of mobile device integration in the primary school classroom on children\'s literacy and numeracy outcomes?-Are there specific devices which are more effective in supporting literacy and numeracy? (Tablets, smartphones, or handheld games consoles)-Are there specific classroom integration activities which moderate effectiveness in supporting literacy and numeracy?-Are there specific groups of children for whom mobile devices are more effective in supporting literacy and numeracy? (Across age group and gender).-Do the benefits of mobile devices for learning last for any time beyond the study?-What is the quality of available evidence on the use of mobile devices in primary/elementary education, and where is further research needed in this regard? An Expert Advisory Group supported the review process at key stages to ensure relevance to current practice.
    UNASSIGNED: The search strategy was designed to retrieve both published and unpublished literature, and incorporated relevant journal and other databases with a focus on education and social sciences. Robust electronic database searches were undertaken (12 databases, including APA PsychInfo, Web of Science, ERIC, British Education Index and others, and relevant government and other websites), as well as a hand-search of relevant journals and conference proceedings. Contact was also made with prominent authors in the field to identify any ongoing or unpublished research. All searches and author contact took place between October and November 2020. The review team acknowledges that new studies will likely have emerged since and are not captured at this time. A further update to the review in the future is important and would build on the evidence reflected here.
    UNASSIGNED: The review included children within mainstream primary/elementary/kindergarten education settings in any country (aged 4-12), and interventions or activities initiated within the primary school classroom (or global equivalent) that used mobile devices (including tablets, smartphones, or hand-held gaming devices) to intentionally support literacy or numeracy learning. In terms of study design, only Randomised Controlled Trials were included in the review.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 668 references were identified through a robust search strategy including published and unpublished literature. Following duplicate screening, 18 relevant studies, including 11,126 participants, 14 unique interventions, and 46 relevant outcome measures were synthesised using Robust Variance Estimation and a random effects meta-analysis model. Risk of Bias assessment was undertaken by three reviewers using the ROB2 tool to assess the quality of studies, with 13 studies rated as having some concerns, and 5 as having high risk of bias. Qualitative data was also extracted and analysed in relation to the types of interventions included to allow a comparison of the key elements of each.
    UNASSIGNED: A positive, statistically significant combined effect was found (Cohen\'s d = 0.24, CI 0.0707 to 0.409, p < 0.01), demonstrating that in the studies and interventions included, children undertaking maths or literacy interventions using mobile devices achieved higher numeracy or literacy outcomes than those using an alternative device (e.g., a laptop or desktop computer) or no device (class activities as usual). However these results should be interpreted with caution given the risk of bias assessment noted above (5 studies rated high risk of bias and 13 rated as having some concerns). As the interventions and classroom circumstances differed quite widely, further research is needed to understand any potential impact more fully.Sensitivity analysis aimed to identify moderating factors including age or gender, screen size, frequency/dosage of intervention exposure, and programme implementation features/activities (based on Puentedura\'s [2009] SAMR model of technology integration). There were too few studies identified to support quantitative analysis of sufficient power to draw robust conclusions on moderating factors, and insufficient data to determine impact beyond immediate post-test period. Sensitivty analysis was also undertaken to exclude the five studies identified as having a high risk of bias, to identify any impact they may have on overall findings.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, this review demonstrates that for the specific interventions and studies included, mobile device use in the classroom led to a significant, positive effect on literacy and numeracy outcomes for the children involved, bringing positive implications for their continued use in primary education. However given the concerns on risk of bias assessment reported above, the differing circumstances, interventions and treatment conditions and intensities, the findings must be interpreted with caution. The review also supports the need for further robust research to better understand what works, under what circumstances, and for whom, in the use of mobile devices to support learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, there has been a growing interest in emotional wellbeing, even from the early stages of education. In order to work wellbeing among the students it is essential to analyze the wellbeing of the teachers who are teaching and working with the children. This study examines psychological wellbeing in early childhood (0-6 years) and primary school teachers (6-12 years). The study comprised 236 early childhood and primary school teachers - 76 men (32.2%) and 160 women (67.8%) - with ages ranging from 25 to 61 years (average 37.69 years - s.d.=2.47). The study examined psychological wellbeing (happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction) and several sociodemographic variables (gender, age, years in the job, type of contract, and educational stage). Participants answered an ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and subjective happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction standard questionnaires. Early childhood schoolteachers yielded higher wellbeing-related scores. All the wellbeing-related variables were found to be correlated with one another, except for happiness and self-esteem. Teachers working in different educational stages were found to yield significantly different wellbeing-related scores. For the first time, network analysis revealed differences in the associations of the variables under study among Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers. Thus, while happiness and satisfaction with life were found to be correlated in both groups, stronger correlations between self-esteem and eudaimonic wellbeing were found in early childhood education teachers, while in primary education teachers the correlation was with satisfaction with life, which indicates that early childhood teachers present greater spiritual and existential understanding, leading to eudaimonic wellbeing. These differences between educational stages are considered greatly significant. It was concluded that more research is needed, ideally with broader and longitudinal studies, to understand and describe the relationship between personal and even structural variables and wellbeing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Students with a refugee background are a vulnerable group in education. Adverse experiences and unsafe circumstances that they encounter prior, during and after their flight can place a great burden on their mental health and psychological well-being. Little is known about the psychological well-being of young refugee students in kindergarten and early years of primary school. The current study examined the psychological well-being of 4- to 8-year-old students with a refugee background residing in the Netherlands (n = 136), compared to Dutch peers without a refugee background (n = 406). Primary school teachers completed three questionnaires which assessed multiple indicators of their students\' psychological well-being: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Social-Emotional Questionnaire (SEV) and Risk and Protective factors Trauma Observation School Situations (RaPTOSS). In line with the hypothesis, results showed overall lower psychological well-being among refugee students compared to non-refugee students. Teachers observed more total difficulties in socio-emotional functioning, anxious and mood disturbing behavior, ADHD symptoms, problematic social behavior and post-traumatic stress symptoms (small effects), and less developed trauma protective factors and prosocial behavior (medium effects) among students with a refugee background compared to their non-refugee peers. However, the findings also demonstrated that half of the refugee students did not have any scores that fall in the clinical range of the psychological and behavioral problems assessed. The results underline the need to promote protective factors such as positive self-image, self-regulation skills, safety and relations in the classroom and prosocial behavior among students with a refugee background.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After the recent hard attempts felt on a global scale, notably in the health sector, the steady efforts of scientists have been materialized in maybe one of the most expected findings of the last decades, i.e. the launching of the COVID-19 vaccines. Although it is not our goal to plead for vaccination, as the decision in this regard is a matter of individual choice, we believe it is necessary and enlightening to analyze how one\'s educational status interferes with COVID-19 vaccination. There are discrepancies between world states vis-à-vis their well-being and their feedback to crises, and from the collection of features that can segregate the states in handling vaccination, in this paper, the spotlight is on education. We are referring to this topic because, generally, researches converge rather on the linkage between economic issues and COVID-19 vaccination, while education levels are less tackled in relation to this. To notice the weight of each type of education (primary, secondary, tertiary) in this process, we employ an assortment of statistical methods, for three clusters: 45 low-income countries (LICs), 72 middle-income countries (MICs) and 53 high-income countries (HICs). The estimates suggest that education counts in the COVID-19 vaccination, the tertiary one having the greatest meaning in accepting it. It is also illustrated that the imprint of education on vaccination fluctuates across the country groups scrutinized, with HICs recording the upper rates. The heterogeneity of COVID-19 vaccination-related behaviors should determine health authorities to treat this subject differently. To expand the COVID-19 vaccines uptake, they should be in an ongoing dialogue with all population categories and, remarkably, with those belonging to vulnerable communities, originated mostly in LICs. Education is imperative for vaccination, and it would ought to be on the schedule of any state, for being assimilated into health strategies and policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drawing is a form of creative expression that children enjoy from a young age. Drawing is also an effective and engaging strategy for exploring children\'s comprehension of the natural world. Examination of the content, colours, and developmental changes of children\'s drawings can provide us with valuable insights into how understanding of plant life develops during childhood. In this regard, previous studies have analysed the relationship that the representations that children draw when graphically expressing their understanding of the plant world have with the variables gender and educational level. This line of research has established that children\'s drawings of the plant world vary significantly when those drawn by older children are compared with those drawn by younger students and that the differences between girls and boys seem irrelevant. However, no studies have investigated the combined influence that both variables (gender and educational level) have on children\'s representation of the plant world. This study investigated this influence by examining 251 drawings by young children (aged 4-7 years). The results indicated that gender and educational level influenced key pictorial elements. Thus, that when comparing the understanding of biological phenomena through drawings between girls and boys, it is important to control for educational level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present study examined the association of BMI, fat mass, physical activity engagement (PA), maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), screen time and academic performance (AP) with Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence in a sample of high socio-economic status (SES) children.
    METHODS: A non-randomised design was used. A multilinear regression model was developed using backward elimination. Analysis included variables pertaining to age, BMI, VO2max, fat percentage, AP, PA engagement and screen time. All participants had a high SES and so this variable was not included as a predictor. Data met the assumptions required for multiple regressions in terms of linearity, homoscedasticity, normality, independence and non-multicollinearity.
    METHODS: Two state and three mixed funding schools in Granada, Spain.
    METHODS: Data were collected from 244 children aged between 10 and 12 years.
    RESULTS: Better AP, higher PA engagement and lower screen time were found to be predictive of MD adherence. These variables explained 22·9 % of the variance in data measuring adolescent MD adherence.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that, in addition to SES, PA, AP and screen time are important components to consider when targeting improvements in MD adherence in children. It is, therefore, concluded that interventions targeting improvements in PA, AP and screen time are needed to promote MD adherence in children, regardless of SES.





