Primary cell culture

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although tumor cells undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) typically exhibit spindle morphology in experimental models, such histomorphological evidence of EMT has predominantly been observed in rare primary spindle carcinomas. The characteristics and transcriptional regulators of spontaneous EMT in genetically unperturbed non-spindled carcinomas remain underexplored.
    METHODS: We used primary culture combined with RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq), and in situ RNA-seq to explore the characteristics and transcription factors (TFs) associated with potential spontaneous EMT in non-spindled breast carcinoma.
    RESULTS: Our primary culture revealed carcinoma cells expressing diverse epithelial-mesenchymal traits, consistent with epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity. Importantly, carcinoma cells undergoing spontaneous EMT did not necessarily exhibit spindle morphology, even when undergoing complete EMT. EMT was a favored process, whereas mesenchymal-epithelial transition appeared to be crucial for secondary tumor growth. Through scRNA-seq, we identified TFs that were sequentially and significantly upregulated as carcinoma cells progressed through the EMT process, which correlated with increasing VIM expression. Once upregulated, the TFs remained active throughout the EMT process. ZEB1 was a key initiator and sustainer of EMT, as indicated by its earliest significant upregulation in the EMT process, its exact correlation with VIM expression, and the reversal of EMT and downregulation of EMT-upregulated TFs upon ZEB1 knockdown. The correlation between ZEB1 and vimentin expression in triple-negative breast cancer and metaplastic breast carcinoma tumor cohorts further highlighted its role. The immediate upregulation of ZEB2 following that of ZEB1, along with the observation that the knockdown of ZEB1 or ZEB2 downregulates both ZEB1 and ZEB2 concomitant with the reversal of EMT, suggests their functional cooperation in EMT. This finding, together with that of a lack of correlation of SNAI1, SNAI2, and TWIST1 expression with the mesenchymal phenotype, indicated EMT-TFs have a context-dependent role in EMT. Upregulation of EMT-related gene signatures during EMT correlated with poor patient outcomes, highlighting the biological importance of the model. Elevated EMT gene signatures and increased ZEB1 and ZEB2 expression in vimentin-positive compared to vimentin-negative carcinoma cells within the corresponding primary tumor tissue confirmed ZEB1 and ZEB2 as intrinsic, instead of microenvironmentally-induced, EMT regulators, and vimentin as an in vivo indicator of EMT.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide insights into the characteristics and transcriptional regulators of spontaneous EMT in primary non-spindled carcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell culture experiments can support characterization of enzymatic activities in healthy and tumorous human tissues. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) enables simultaneous measurement of several steroids from a single sample, facilitating analysis of molecular pathways involved in steroid biosynthesis. We developed a reliable but fast method for quantification of cortisol, cortisone and aldosterone in cell culture supernatant. Validation, including investigation of matrix-matched calibration, was performed for two different cell types. Utility of the method was demonstrated in the study of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD11B2) activity under conditions of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid excess in different cell types. Aldosterone, cortisol and cortisone were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) with methyl tert-butyl ether from 1 mL of cell culture supernatant. Steroids were separated on a Kinetex biphenyl column (50 ×2.1 mm, 2.6 µm) with gradient elution of water and methanol containing 2 mM ammonium format and analysed in multiple reaction monitoring mode after positive electrospray ionization. Application of the method included cell culture experiments with two different primary cell types, human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (HCSMC) and human coronary artery endothelial cells (EC). Cells were treated with different concentrations of cortisol, aldosterone and mifepristone, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist and quantitative PCR was performed. The method exhibits high precision (CV ≤ 6 %) and accuracy (deviation from nominal concentration ≤ 6 %) for concentrations above the limit of quantification (LoQ) which is 0.11, 0.56 and 0.69 nmol/L for aldosterone, cortisone and cortisol, respectively. Calibration curves did not differ when prepared in media or solvent. The method enabled us to confirm activity of HSD11B2 and concentration dependent conversion of cortisol to cortisone in HCSMC (median conversion ratio at 140 nM cortisol = 1.46 %). In contrast we did not observe any HSD11B2 activity in EC. Neither addition of high aldosterone, nor addition of 1 µM mifepristone had impact on glucocorticoid concentrations. Quantitative PCR revealed expression of HSD11B1 and HSD11B2 in HCSMC but not in EC. We present a fast and reliable method for quantification of cortisol, cortisone and aldosterone in cell culture supernatants. The method enabled us to study HSD11B2 activity in two different cell types and will support future experiments investigating mechanisms of target organ damage in conditions of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid excess.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basal cells are adult stem cells in the airway epithelium and regenerate differentiated cell populations, including the mucosecretory and ciliated cells that enact mucociliary clearance. Human basal cells can proliferate and produce differentiated epithelium in vitro. However, studies of airway epithelial differentiation mostly rely on immunohistochemical or immunofluorescence-based staining approaches, meaning that a dynamic approach is lacking, and quantitative data is limited. Here, we use a lentiviral reporter gene approach to transduce primary human basal cells with bioluminescence reporter constructs to monitor airway epithelial differentiation longitudinally. We generated three constructs driven by promoter sequences from the TP63, MUC5AC and FOXJ1 genes to quantitatively assess basal cell, mucosecretory cell and ciliated cell abundance, respectively. We validated these constructs by tracking differentiation of basal cells in air-liquid interface and organoid (\'bronchosphere\') cultures. Transduced cells also responded appropriately to stimulation with interleukin 13 (IL-13; to increase mucosecretory differentiation and mucus production) and IL-6 (to increase ciliated cell differentiation). These constructs represent a new tool for monitoring airway epithelial cell differentiation in primary epithelial and/or induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) cell cultures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary neuronal cultures allow for in vitro analysis of early developmental processes such as axon pathfinding and growth dynamics. When coupled with methods to visualize and measure microtubule dynamics, this methodology enables an inside look at how the cytoskeleton changes in response to extracellular signaling cues. Here, we describe the culturing conditions and tools required to extract primary cortical neurons from postnatal mouse brains and visualize cytoskeletal components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproduction by egg-laying (oviparity) or live-bearing (viviparity) is a genetically determined trait fundamental to the biology of amniotes. Squamates are an emerging model for the genetics of reproductive mode yet lack cell culture models valuable for exploring molecular mechanisms. Here, we report a novel primary culture model for reproductive biology: cell cultures derived from the oviduct tissues (infundibulum, uterus and vagina) of oviparous and viviparous common lizards (Lacertidae: Zootoca vivipara). We maintained and expanded these cultures for over 100 days, including repeated subculturing and successful revival of cryopreserved cells. Immunocytochemical investigation suggested expression of both epithelial and fibroblast-like proteins, and RNA sequencing of cultured cells as compared to in vivo oviduct tissue showed changes in gene expression in response to the cell culture environment. Despite this, we confirmed the maintenance of distinct gene expression patterns in viviparous and oviparous cells after 60+ days of cell culture, finding 354 differentially expressed genes between viviparous and oviparous cells. Furthermore, we confirmed the expression of 15 viviparity-associated candidate genes in cells maintained for 60+ days in culture. Our study demonstrates the feasibility and utility of oviduct cell culture for molecular analysis of reproductive mode and provides a tool for future genetic experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Stable isotope tracers have been increasingly used in preclinical cancer model systems, including cell culture and mouse xenografts, to probe the altered metabolism of a variety of cancers, such as accelerated glycolysis and glutaminolysis and generation of oncometabolites. Comparatively little has been reported on the fidelity of the different preclinical model systems in recapitulating the aberrant metabolism of tumors.
    OBJECTIVE: We have been developing several different experimental model systems for systems biochemistry analyses of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC1) using patient-derived tissues to evaluate appropriate models for metabolic and phenotypic analyses.
    METHODS: To address the issue of fidelity, we have carried out a detailed Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics study of freshly resected tissue slices, mouse patient derived xenografts (PDXs), and cells derived from a single patient using both 13C6-glucose and 13C5,15N2-glutamine tracers.
    RESULTS: Although we found similar glucose metabolism in the three models, glutamine utilization was markedly higher in the isolated cell culture and in cell culture-derived xenografts compared with the primary cancer tissue or direct tissue xenografts (PDX).
    CONCLUSIONS: This suggests that caution is needed in interpreting cancer biochemistry using patient-derived cancer cells in vitro or in xenografts, even at very early passage, and that direct analysis of patient derived tissue slices provides the optimal model for ex vivo metabolomics. Further research is needed to determine the generality of these observations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cell culture is a powerful model system to address fundamental questions about organismal physiology at the cellular level, especially for species that are difficult, or impossible, to study under natural or semi-natural conditions. Due to their ease of use, primary fibroblast cultures are the dominant model system, but studies using both somatic and germ cells are also common. Using these models, genome evolution and phylogenetic relationships, the molecular and biochemical basis of differential longevities among species, and the physiological consequences of life history evolution have been studied in depth. With the advent of new technologies such as gene editing and the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), the field of molecular evolutionary physiology will continue to expand using both descriptive and experimental approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) is an avian member of the hepatotropic DNA viruses, or hepadnaviridae. It shares with the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) a similar genomic organization and replication strategy via reverse transcription, but is simpler than HBV in lacking the X gene and in expressing just two coterminal envelope proteins: Large (L) and small (S). DHBV has been extensively used as a convenient and valuable animal model for study of the hepadnaviral life cycle, and for drug screening in vitro but also in vivo. Ducks and primary duck hepatocytes (PDHs) are inexpensive, easily accessible, and readily infected with DHBV. The high levels of genome replication and protein expression in duck liver and PDHs also facilitate monitoring of viral life cycle using conventional molecular biology techniques such as Southern blot for replicative DNA and covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), Northern blot for viral RNAs, and Western blot for viral proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of chromosomes varies tremendously across species. It is not clear whether having more or fewer chromosomes could be advantageous. The probability of non-disjunction should theoretically decrease with smaller karyotypes, but too long chromosomes should enforce spatial constraint for their segregation during the mitotic anaphase. Here, we propose a new experimental cell system to acquire novel insights into the mechanisms underlying chromosome segregation. We collected the endemic Australian ant Myrmecia croslandi, the only known species with the simplest possible karyotype of a single chromosome in the haploid males (and one pair of chromosomes in the diploid females), since males are typically haploid in hymenopteran insects. Five colonies, each with a queen and a few hundreds of workers, were collected in the Canberra district (Australia), underwent karyotype analysis to confirm the presence of a single pair of chromosomes in worker pupae, and were subsequently maintained in the laboratory in Paris (France). Starting from dissociated male embryos, we successfully conducted primary cell cultures comprised of single-chromosome cells. This could be developed into a unique model that will be of great interest for future genomic and cell biology studies related to mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental teaching is an important part of postgraduate training in basic and clinical medicine. While primary cell isolation and identification are among the most important research techniques for medical graduate students, most graduate students do not understand and master these techniques before starting their research experience. In particular, many students lack training in this field, and high-quality teaching and learning materials are still very sparse. Here, we designed a practical experiment course for graduate students engaged in research. The target students usually have research projects involving primary cell culture in their future research, making the course highly applicable for the students. The lab exercise focused on the methods of primary cell isolation (including mechanical grinding method, explant culture method and enzymatic digestion method) and identification (including flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining). It aimed to help students master the conceptual, principle, technical, operation, and analytical skills related to primary cell culture and contributed to their foundation for future research. Students generally reflect that they have initially mastered the isolation and identification of primary cell culture as a result of the course. Student feedback also indicates significantly increased confidence in the practical application of primary cell culture in the future. Here, we provide our experience for others who may want to implement similar courses.





