
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive engagement is a crucial factor that shapes successful learning outcomes, but our understanding of the factors that influence such engagement in the smart classroom context remains limited. This study aims to narrow this research gap by exploring the relationships among college students\' perceptions of the smart learning environment, perceived usefulness of mobile technology, achievement emotions, and cognitive engagement. A total of 1293 college students completed an online questionnaire survey, and 1076 valid responses were received. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the interrelationships among these factors. The results revealed that students\' perceptions of the smart classroom environment and perceived usefulness of mobile technology as well as two achievement emotions (pride and anxiety) significantly impact cognitive engagement. Both pride and anxiety act as mediators in the relationships among perceptions of smart classroom environments, the perceived usefulness of mobile technology, and cognitive engagement, in which context the mediating effect of pride is stronger than that of anxiety. These findings have practical implications for instructors, who should focus on implementing strategies that promote positive achievement emotions when students use mobile technology in smart classrooms. Additionally, these findings can inform the design and construction of smart classroom environments. Moreover, our study has limitations due to reliance on online data collection and self-reported data, which may introduce biases and measurement errors. Future research should incorporate multimodal data and advanced technologies for a comprehensive assessment to better understand students\' engagement in smart learning environments, while also considering individual factors and the educational context to enhance the effectiveness of mobile technology in supporting students\' emotions and achievement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Displaying nonverbal pride after a boxing match leads to judgements of success. However, it is not clear the extent to which this effect generalises nor whether it can override competing information. An experimental design had 214 participants watch two boxing clips that were manipulated so that one was evenly matched and the other had a fighter with an advantage (i.e. demonstrating more skill). Nonverbal behaviour at the completion of the fight varied between fighters (pride versus neutral). When the fight was evenly matched, the fighters displaying nonverbal pride were judged as winning the fight, but the fighter did not garner increased social influence. In contrast, when fighters demonstrated superior skill, the more skilled fighters who displayed neutral postures rather than the less-skilled ones displaying pride were judged as winning the fight, and the skilled fighters garnered increased social influence. These results suggest that in a boxing context, a pride bias works in evenly matched scenarios, but when differences in skill are more clearly present, a skill bias is more pronounced and leads to more social influence. Furthermore, perceptions of skill were associated with judgments of victory across stimuli, suggesting the importance of skill perceptions in such judgments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental agency of their children\'s language learning is often determined by their perceptions of the significance of the language in both family and society levels. Based on a larger ethnography conducted in Sydney from 2017 to 2020, this study investigates the language ideologies of Chinese immigrant parents from the People\'s Republic of China in the recent decades, regarding the maintenance of their children\'s Chinese heritage language(s). Drawing on the concept of language as pride and profit shifting between communities across time and space, this study reveals that Chinese parents primarily emphasize the economic benefits associated with Chinese languages when it comes to preserving their heritage language(s). While the significance of cultural pride and identity remains evident, there is a notable shift where the concept of pride is merging with that of profit concerning the importance of Chinese heritage language. However, the commodification of Chinese and identity, privileging \"national\" mandarin while marginalizing \"regional\" others, impedes the transmission of diverse Chinese heritage languages other than Mandarin. Simultaneously, the value-laden calculation of language prioritizes the \"most\" prestigious English, often at the expense of \"heritage\" Mandarin, regardless of its acknowledged economic potential. The findings illustrate how language ideologies and practices within the Chinese diaspora are shaped by power conflicts between English and Mandarin Chinese, hierarchical distinctions between Mandarin and non-Mandarin Chinese, and subtle stratification within regional Chinese languages. The research underscores the challenges faced by minority communities in preserving their heritage languages, particularly those with limited economic capital or political influence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In ethnically and linguistically diverse societies, disadvantaged groups often face pressures to acquire and speak the advantaged group\'s language to achieve social inclusion and economic mobility. This work investigates how using the advantaged group\'s language affects disadvantaged group members\' in-group pride and collective self-esteem, relative to using their native language. Across six experimental studies involving Palestinian citizens of Israel (total N = 1,348), we test two competing hypotheses: Disadvantaged group members may experience greater in-group pride when using a) their native language, due to its emotional significance (the nativity hypothesis), or b) the language of the advantaged group, due to activation of habituated compensatory responses to dominance relations (the identity enhancement hypothesis). We found that respondents reported significantly higher in-group pride when responding to a Hebrew survey when compared to performing the same activity in Arabic (Studies 1a and 1b), regardless of whether the researchers administering the survey were identified as Jewish or Arab (Studies 2a and 2b). Study 3 replicated this effect while employing the \"bogus pipeline\" technique, suggesting the pride expression was authentic, not merely driven by social desirability. Finally, Study 4 (pre-registered) examined additional measures of positive regard for the in-group, finding that participants described their group more positively in an attribute selection task, and reported greater collective self-esteem, when surveyed in Hebrew, rather than in Arabic. Taken together, these findings suggest that language use influences disadvantaged group members\' perceptions and feelings concerning their group when those languages are associated with relative position in an intergroup hierarchy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the main and interactive effects of identity-based challenges, discrimination, and Multiracial pride on psychological distress in Biracial emerging adults. Additionally, we examined whether these associations may differ by Biracial sub-group (e.g., Black-White, Asian-White, Latinx-White, and minority-minority) given their unique racial experiences. Participants were 326 Biracial emerging adults (Mage = 19.57 years old; 75.2% female) recruited from three public universities in the United States for an online survey. For all Biracial groups, identity-based challenges were associated with greater psychological distress. After testing a series of competing multi-group regression models, results indicated that the relations between distress and our predictors: identity-based challenges, discrimination, and Multiracial pride do indeed differ across Biracial sub-group. The most apparent and unique differences were displayed by the Black-White Biracial sub-group. These findings highlight identity-based challenges as a unique risk in the Biracial population and suggest that a principled comparison between Biracial sub-groups is necessary to tease apart group-specific associations between these constructs and psychological distress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of vanity in its longstanding theoretical association with narcissism. This is particularly germane, as the conceptualization and measurement of narcissism have evolved in recent years. This is observed in the development of spectrum and/or dimensional models of narcissism, concomitant with the conceptual developments of vanity that have emerged since its original inclusion in the Narcissism Personality Inventory. Specifically, our research question evaluated whether vanity remains as traditionally construed, i.e., as a facet of narcissism, or is better conceptualized as a distinct construct separated from the earlier models of narcissism and therefore provide novel implications in understanding personality and social behavior. Based on the traits of pride, empathy, and several social behavior variables, it was hypothesized that a differentiation between narcissism and vanity would be observed. The participants were 441 undergraduate students from a large public midwestern university who participated in a self-report online survey. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted. The results revealed that the characterization of vanity is limited to pride and an absence of empathy and social behavior. Findings reaffirm behavior patterns of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism regarding selflessness, image management, and sensitivity to others. The core motivations of vanity are explicated as based on social comparison theory to assess one\'s subjective and/or objective value though it is not characterized as a \"social\" trait or by social behavior, in contrast to how narcissism is characterized. Based on our findings and an improved understanding of the narcissism model, we conclude that vanity is more closely related to the grandiose dimension of narcissism and discuss how the underlying motivations of vanity improve our understanding of grandiose narcissism. We discuss the implications that these findings provide to the developing, modern conceptualizations of narcissism and affirm and expand our understanding of vanity in personality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beliefs about conflict and uncertainty over felt emotions-for Joy, Pride, Sadness, Jealousy and Envy events-were studied by means of Yes/No and Why questions. Each participant (N = 1,156) judged a typical antecedent for a single emotion-e.g., Jealousy: story protagonist SP sees his or her partner kiss someone. The Yes/No results showed that SP was frequently expected to experience both phenomena, the more so the greater the event impact (Yes range: 40-86%). Beliefs associated with Yes answers (BY) were categorized into 4 categories: (BY1) reason-emotion opposition-felt emotions are unreasonable, inadequate ways of reacting; (BY2) ambivalent emotions-e.g., joy and sadness; (BY3) unclear emotions; (BY4) other causes-e.g., focused on event implications, SP\'s personality. No conflict or uncertainty answers (BN; range 14-60%) mirrored BY categories: (BN1) no reason-emotion opposition, (BN2) no ambivalent emotions, (BN3) clear emotions, (BN4) other causes. Attributions and beliefs about causes did not generally differ by gender. As a collective entity, expressed beliefs were complex, focusing on one or more emotion component-e.g., appraisal, regulation, expression-as well as on emotion intensity, duration, and on self-concept issues. Overall, expressed beliefs seemed to imply a malleability theory of emotions, and emotion awareness. Results overall confirmed the hypotheses that conflict and uncertainty attributions are more likely for: unpleasant experiences; when emotions are norm-incongruent for the judged event; when mixed, ambivalent emotions are felt. The study confirms that people interpret emotion processes according to their lay theories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study examined differences in the experience of pride between individuals with and without social anxiety disorder (SAD), and is the first to examine both the effects of context on pride and the temporal relationship between pride and anxiety in participants\' daily lives. Eighty-eight participants took part in the study, half (n = 44) met diagnostic criteria for SAD and half (n = 44) did not. Both groups completed an experience sampling measurement (ESM) to assess the levels of pride and anxiety and the nature of interpersonal contexts in which these emotions were experienced every day for 21 consecutive days. Using multilevel linear modeling, our findings suggest that pride is diminished among individuals with SAD, that situations percieved as highly neagative and positive, or as highly meaningful and positive are associated with the highest levels of pride, and that the experience of pride is associated with subsequent reductions in anxiety among individuals with SAD. These findings point to the role of pride in the disorder and can be used to inform and enhance therapeutic interventions for SAD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We are approaching the third decade since the establishment of the very first proteomics repositories back in the mid-\'00s. New experimental approaches and technologies continuously enrich the field while producing vast amounts of mass spectrometry data. Together with initiatives to establish standard terminology and file formats, proteomics is rapidly transforming into a mature component of systems biology. Here we describe the ProteomeXchange consortium repositories. We specifically search, collect and evaluate public human tissue datasets (categorized as \"complete\" by the repository) submitted in 2015-2022, to both map the existing information and assess the data set reusability. Human tissue data are variably represented in the repositories reviewed, ranging between 10% and 25% of the total data submitted, with cancers being the most represented, followed by neuronal and cardiovascular diseases. About half of the retrieved data sets were found to lack annotations or metadata necessary to directly replicate the analysis. This poses a rough challenge to data reusability and highlights the need to increase awareness of the mage-tab file format for metadata in the community. Overall, proteomics repositories have evolved greatly over the past 7 years, as they have grown in size and become equipped with various powerful applications and tools that enable data searching and analytical tasks. However, to make the most of this potential, priority must be given to finding ways to secure detailed metadata for each submission, which is likely the next major milestone for proteomics repositories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In its relation to eating disorders, pride is one of the self-conscious emotions least analyzed, and requires valid and reliable instruments for its measurement. This study aimed to examine the factor structure and the psychometric properties of the Pride in Eating Pathology Scale (PEP-S), in the Spanish general population, as well as between-sex differences in PEP-S scores.
    METHODS: Of the 1483 participants aged 18 to 34 (M = 21.99; SD = 3.09), 954 were women (65.2%) and the majority were university students (78.8%). Psychometric properties of the scale were tested in a cross-sectional design using cross-validation, i.e., exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and estimation of invariance (sex).
    RESULTS: The four-factor structure found was similar to the original scale with invariance across sex and internal consistency (ordinal alpha .99) and stability (.85). Evidence of convergent validity and differences between sexes were found. Specifically, women scored higher on all the factors, including the healthier sense of pride.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PEP-S scale is an instrument with evidence of validity and reliability in the Spanish population. Although it still has to be tested in a clinical population, it constitutes a promising instrument for the evaluation of the self-conscious emotion, pride.
    The study of eating disorders emphasizes the role of certain emotions, such as pride, for example, in achieving a low weight or controlling eating behavior. We propose the Spanish validation of the Pride in Eating Pathology Scale (PEP-S), developed by Faija et al. (2017), to measure this type of complex or self-conscious emotions. This article confirms the usefulness of the PEP-S in the context of the general population, different from the context of the clinical population in which it was validated, which implies a generalization of its possibilities. In addition, as a novelty, it includes male participants, who are also subjected to the social pressure on body and appearance. This validation of the PEP-S was carried out in a large sample of men and women aged 18 to 34, a time of life when concerns about the body and eating behavior acquire importance. It is worth special mention that the results of its designers were confirmed, with psychometric indicators guaranteeing that the instrument can be used with consistency of measurement (reliability) and usefulness (validity) in the general population. Men and women respond to the instrument the same, that is, they understand the scale the same way. The scores of women on the PEP-S are higher in terms of pride about the body and eating behavior. Future studies should test these promising results in a clinical population.





