
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the constrain in proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) conservation is gastrointestinal helminth (GH) infection. Here, we conducted a study to determine the prevalence of GHs in captive proboscis monkeys in Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia.
    METHODS: Twenty fecal samples were collected from three groups (i.e., nursery cage [NC] [n = 1], communal show cage [SC] [n = 8], and free-ranging colonies [FC] [n = 11]). The fecal samples have been examined through McMaster and sugar floatation techniques.
    RESULTS: The total prevalence of GH infection was 85.00% (17/20). We confirmed infection of Trichuris sp., Ascaris sp., Strongyloides sp., and Hymenolepis nana with Trichuris eggs was dominant. Although the prevalence of infection was high, the number of eggs per gram (epg) was low.
    CONCLUSIONS: GH infection in captive proboscis monkeys in Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia, is highly prevalent. These results were useful for future research, control, and prevention of zoonotic potency purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhanced survival and reproduction are associated with an individual\'s direct and indirect social connections with members of a group. Yet, the role of these connections is little known in a vast range of primate species. We studied female Central Himalayan Langur (CHL) to investigate the link between four specific attributes (dominance rank, age, genetic relatedness, and the presence of females carrying infants) and a female\'s direct and indirect social relationships. By analyzing grooming networks, we revealed different behavioral strategies: high-ranking females form relationships with many females (high degree), whereas females with dependent infants have strong relationships (high strength and eigenvector). Subadult females are important individuals that hold the social network together (high betweenness), while an immigrant female strategy is to integrate herself into the group by forming strong bonds with females who themselves have strong bonds (high eigenvector). Our study sheds light on how behavioral strategies shape female CHL grooming networks, which may help them to secure fitness and survival advantages.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primates are among the most threatened taxa globally, therefore, there is a need to estimate and monitor their populations. Kashmir Gray Langur Semnopithecus ajax is an endangered species for which there is no population estimate. We used double-observer method to estimate its population size in the Kashmir region of North-Western Himalaya. We walked 1284 km across 31 survey blocks spanning all three divisions of Kashmir viz., North, Central, and South Kashmir, covering an area of 411 km2. We counted a minimum of 1367 individual langurs from 27 groups. The detection probability for observer 1 (0.719) and observer 2 (0.656) resulted in a population estimate of 1496 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1367-1899) across 30 groups (with a mean group size of 51), giving a density estimate of 3.64 (3.33-4.62) langurs/km². We found double-observer surveys to be suitable for the population estimation of langurs, and we make recommendations on how to effectively conduct primate surveys, especially in mountainous ecosystems. Our records extend the species distribution range beyond stated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Our findings also highlight that the Kashmir Himalaya is a stronghold of the species, where conservation efforts should focus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel Gram-positive strain WQ 127069T that was isolated from the soil of Baima Snow Mountain, a habitat of highly endangered Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti), was subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the isolate belongs to the genus Paenibacillus, showing 98.4 and 96.08 % sequence similarity to the type strains Paenibacillus periandrae PM10T and Paenibacillus foliorum LMG 31456T, respectively. The G+C content of the genomic DNA of strain WQ127069T was 45.6 mol%. The predominant isoprenoid quinone was MK-7, and meso-diaminopimelic acid was present in peptidoglycan. The major cellular fatty acids were antiiso-C15 : 0, iso-C15 : 0 and C16 : 0. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine. The whole genome average nucleotide identity and digital DNA-DNA hybridization values between strain WQ 127069T and strain PM10T were 93.2 and 52.5 %, respectively. Growth occurred at 5-40 °C (optimally at 20-35 °C), pH 6-8 (optimally at pH7.0) and with 0.5-2 % (w/v) NaCl (optimally at 0.5 %). On the basis of the taxonomic evidence, a novel species, Paenibacillus baimaensis sp. nov., is proposed. The type strain is WQ 127069T (=KCTC 43480T=CCTCC AB 2022381T).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Guizhou golden monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is a critically endangered wildlife species, and understanding its diet composition may be useful for assessing its feeding strategies. DNA metabarcoding was used to determine the dietary diversity of R. brelichi. DNA was extracted from 31 faecal samples and amplified chloroplast rbcL and mitochondrial COI DNA was sequenced using the Illumina NovaSeq platform. A comparative analysis of the sequences revealed that the five most abundant plant genera were Magnolia, Morinda, Viburnum, Tetradium and Eurya. In winter, R. brelichi mostly consumed shrubs, herbs and shrubs/trees according to the habit of plant genera with higher abundances comparatively. The five most abundant families in animal diet were Psychodidae, Trichinellidae, Staphylinidae, Scarabaeidae and Trichoceridae. This study is the first to show the composition of the winter animal diets of R. brelichi based on DNA metabarcoding. These results provide an important basis for understanding the diet of wild R. brelichi, which inhabits only the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Populations of rare and endangered species are nowadays in peril due to large-scale habitat conversion, and even sizeable and stable populations are confronted with unexpected challenges. We conducted a full census of a proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) population in Balikpapan Bay and located 292 one-male-multifemale units and 67 all-male units in 2022. Using data on average group size, subsampled from Balikpapan Bay, we estimated a total population size of 3907 individuals. The rate of proboscis monkey habitat loss in Balikpapan Bay has been slowing down to the current 0.69% per year. It is predicted that habitat recovery may exceed habitat loss after 13 years. The Indonesian capital city relocation was announced in 2019 with spatial plans designed to cover a total land area of 2,560 km2 across various habitats until 2045. A total number of 1449 individuals (37.08% of the population) were found on 80.55 km2 (41.29%) of habitat that overlapped with current spatial plans of Nusantara Capital city. The construction work just started; before that, the government had already claimed it would be a \"smart, green, beautiful, and sustainable city\". We, therefore, include our recommendations to mitigate the impact of the construction and to pursue the goal to construct the most sustainable capital city, concerning local biodiversity and thus become a pioneer in a new direction of proboscis monkey conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamics of animal social structures are heavily influenced by environmental patterns of competition and cooperation. In folivorous colobine primates, prevailing theories suggest that larger group sizes should be favored in rainforests with a year-round abundance of food, thereby reducing feeding competition. Yet, paradoxically, larger groups are frequently found in high-altitude or high-latitude montane ecosystems characterized by a seasonal scarcity of leaves. This contradiction is posited to arise from cooperative benefits in heterogeneous environments. To investigate this hypothesis, we carried out a six-year field study on two neighboring groups of golden snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus roxellana), a species representing the northernmost distribution of colobine primates. Results showed that the groups adjusted their movement and habitat selection in response to fluctuating climates and spatiotemporal variability of resources, indicative of a dynamic foraging strategy. Notably, during the cold, resource-scarce conditions in winter, the large group occupied food-rich habitats but did not exhibit significantly longer daily travel distances than the smaller neighboring group. Subsequently, we compiled an eco-behavioral dataset of 52 colobine species to explore their evolutionary trajectories. Analysis of this dataset suggested that the increase in group size may have evolved via home range expansion in response to the cold and heterogeneous climates found at higher altitudes or latitudes. Hence, we developed a multi-benefits framework to interpret the formation of larger groups by integrating environmental heterogeneity. In cold and diverse environments, even smaller groups require larger home ranges to meet their dynamic survival needs. The spatiotemporal distribution of high-quality resources within these expanded home ranges facilitates more frequent interactions between groups, thereby encouraging social aggregation into larger groups. This process enhances the benefits of collaborative actions and reproductive opportunities, while simultaneously optimizing travel costs through a dynamic foraging strategy.
    环境中动物的竞争与合作模式影响其社会形态。经典模型预测植食性灵长类在植物资源丰富的地区如热带雨林,食物竞争较小,倾向于形成大群。实际观察模式却显示大群常出现在植物季节性凋落的高海拔或高纬度山地生态系统。栖息地异质性假说认为该矛盾可能来源于异质性环境中的集体合作收益。为检验该假说,我们首先以植食性灵长类中分布最北的川金丝猴( Rhinopithecus roxellana)为对象,对两个不同规模的邻域猴群进行了连续6年的野外追踪。家域分析发现两个猴群均采取动态觅食策略,即根据季节性气候变化和时空异质的食物资源实时调整移动行为,选择食物丰富多样的高质量栖息地作为核心家域。群间比较显示,大群中有显著更多的性成熟个体,栖息于食物更丰富的斑块,且冬季未发生显著更长距离的觅食性移动。我们进一步构建含52个物种的疣猴亚科行为-生态数据集以确定演化路径。其中一种路径显示高海拔高纬度环境中的寒冷及季节性气候可促进家域面积增大,从而间接导致群体规模增加。因此,我们引入一个综合栖息地异质性假说的多重利益框架来解释金丝猴大型群体的形成。在寒冷、资源异质的环境中,即使小群也需要超大家域满足动态生存需求。在这样的超大家域中,高质量食物的时空特异性使得原始小群间相遇概率增加,集体行动可获得较高的食物和繁殖机会等多重收益,并且可通过动态觅食策略控制移动成本,从而促进社会聚集为大型群体。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Raising offspring imposes energetic costs, especially for female mammals. Consequently, seasons favoring high energy intake and sustained positive energy balance often result in a conception peak. Factors that may weaken this coordinated effect include premature offspring loss and adolescent subfertility. Furthermore, seasonal ingestion of phytochemicals may facilitate conception peaks. We examined these factors and potential benefits of a conception peak (infant survival and interbirth interval) in Phayre\'s leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus).
    Data were collected at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand (78 conceptions). We estimated periods of high energy intake based on fruit and young leaf feeding and via monthly energy intake rates. Phytochemical intake was based on fecal progestin. We examined seasonality (circular statistics and cox proportional hazard models) and compared consequences of timing (infant survival and interbirth intervals, t-test, and Fisher exact test).
    Conceptions occurred in all months but peaked from May to August. This peak coincided with high fecal progestin rather than presumed positive energy balance. Primipara conceived significantly later than multipara. Neither infant survival nor interbirth intervals were related to the timing of conception.
    Periods of high energy intake may not exist and would not explain the conception peak in this population. However, the presumed high intake of phytochemicals was tightly linked to the conception peak. Timing conceptions to the peak season did not provide benefits, suggesting that the clustering of conceptions may be a mere by-product of phytochemical intake. To confirm this conclusion, seasonal changes in phytochemical intake and hormone levels need to be studied more directly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    White-cheeked macaque Macaca leucogenys is a recently described primate species discovered by camera-trap surveys in the Medog region in 2015. The species was thought to be narrowly distributed in southeastern Tibet. However, knowledge on the distribution and conservation of the species is quite limited. Based on a systematic camera-trapping survey, we report the occurrence of the species in the Gaoligong Mountains, over 350 km southeast of the nearest known population. We recorded 3025 photographs of white-cheeked macaques representing 481 independent records from 59 camera-trap stations with total trapping efforts of 18,437 camera days. Notably, part of the newly discovered locations of the white-cheeked macaque are outside of nature reserves without any formal protection and management. Our survey also confirms the occurrence of ten primate species in the Gaoligong Mountains, accounting for 35.7% of China\'s primates, including the Skywalker hoolock gibbon Hoolock tianxing and the Myanmar snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri etc. These findings reveal a new distribution record for the white-cheeked macaque and further highlight the conservation values of Gaoligong Mountains for globally threatened primate species. We also provide a preliminary report on the daily activity patterns of this endangered species, which enriches the bio-ecological data of the poorly studied species. We believe the report has significant implications for understanding the ecology of the species and improving conservation planning.





