Premature chromosome condensation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In major radiological events, rapid assays to detect ionizing radiation exposure are crucial for effective medical interventions. The purpose of these assays is twofold: to categorize affected individuals into groups for initial treatments, and to provide definitive dose estimates for continued care and epidemiology. However, existing high-throughput cytogenetic biodosimetry assays take about 3 days to yield results, which delays critical interventions. We have developed a multiwell-based variant of the chemical-induced G0-phase Premature Chromosome Condensation Assay that delivers same-day results. Our findings revealed that using a concentration of phosphatase inhibitor lower than recommended significantly increases the yield of cells with highly condensed chromosomes. These chromosomes exhibited increased fragmentation in a dose-dependent manner, enabling to quantify radiation damage using a custom Deep Learning algorithm. This algorithm demonstrated reasonable performance in categorizing doses into distinct treatment groups (84% and 80% accuracy for three and four iso-treatment dose bins, respectively) and showed reliability in determining the actual doses received (correlation coefficient of 0.879). This method is amendable to full automation and has the potential to address the need for same-day, high-throughput cytogenetic test for both dose categorization and dose reconstruction in large-scale radiation emergencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High dose radiation exposures are rare. However, medical management of such incidents is crucial due to mortality and tissue injury risks. Rapid radiation biodosimetry of high dose accidental exposures is highly challenging, considering that they usually involve non uniform fields leading to partial body exposures. The gold standard, dicentric assay and other conventional methods have limited application in such scenarios. As an alternative, we propose Premature Chromosome Condensation combined with Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (G0-PCC-FISH) as a promising tool for partial body exposure biodosimetry. In the present study, partial body exposures were simulated ex-vivo by mixing of uniformly exposed blood with unexposed blood in varying proportions. After G0-PCC-FISH, Dolphin\'s approach with background correction was used to provide partial body exposure dose estimates and these were compared with those obtained from conventional dicentric assay and G0-PCC-Fragment assay (conventional G0-PCC). Dispersion analysis of aberrations from partial body exposures was carried out and compared with that of whole-body exposures. The latter was inferred from a multi-donor, wide dose range calibration curve, a-priori established for whole-body exposures. With the dispersion analysis, novel multi-parametric methodology for discerning the partial body exposure from whole body exposure and accurate dose estimation has been formulated and elucidated with the help of an example. Dose and proportion dependent reduction in sensitivity and dose estimation accuracy was observed for Dicentric assay, but not in the two PCC methods. G0-PCC-FISH was found to be most accurate for the dose estimation. G0-PCC-FISH has potential to overcome the shortcomings of current available methods and can provide rapid, accurate dose estimation of partial body and high dose accidental exposures. Biological dose estimation can be useful to predict progression of disease manifestation and can help in pre-planning of appropriate & timely medical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an extension to a previous study, a linear calibration curve covering doses from 0 to 10 Gy was constructed and evaluated in the present study using calyculin A-induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) by scoring excess PCC objects. The main aim of this study was to assess the applicability of this PCC assay for doses below 2 Gy that are critical for triage categorization. Two separate blind tests involving a total of 6 doses were carried out; 4 out of 6 dose estimates were within the 95% confidence limits (95% CL) with the other 2 just outside. In addition, blood samples from five cancer patients undergoing external beam radiotherapy (RT) were also analyzed, and the results showed whole-body dose estimates statistically comparable to the dicentric chromosome assay (DCA) results. This is the first time that calyculin A-induced PCC was used to analyze clinical samples by scoring excess objects. Although dose estimates for the pre-RT patient samples were found to be significantly higher than the mean value for the healthy donors and were also significantly higher than those obtained using DCA, all these pre-treatment patients fell into the same category as those who may have received a low dose (<1 Gy) and do not require immediate medical care during emergency triage. Additionally, for radiological accidents with unknown exposure scenario, PCC objects and rings can be scored in parallel for the assessment of both low- and high-dose exposures. In conclusion, scoring excess objects using calyculin A-induced PCC is confirmed to be another potential biodosimetry tool in radiological emergency particularly in mass casualty scenarios, even though the data need to be interpreted with caution when cancer patients are among the casualties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast carcinomas (BC) are among the most frequent cancers in women. Studies on radiosensitivity and ionizing radiation response of BC cells are scarce and mainly focused on intrinsic molecular mechanisms but do not include clinically relevant features as chromosomal rearrangements important for radiotherapy. The main purpose of this study was to compare the ionizing radiation response and efficiency of repair mechanisms of human breast carcinoma cells (Cal 51) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) for different doses and radiation qualities (60Co γ-rays, 150 MeV and spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) proton beams). The radiation response functions obtained using the conventional metaphase assay and premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique enabled us to determine the number of chromosomal breaks at different time after irradiation. Both cytogenetic assays used confirmed the higher biological radiosensitivity for proton beams in tumor cells compared to PBL, corresponding to higher values of the linear LQ parameter α. additionally, the ratio of the LQ parameters β/α describing efficiency of the repair mechanisms, obtained for chromosome aberrations, showed higher numbers for PBL than for Cal 51 for all exposures. Similar results were observed for the ratio of PCC breaks determined directly after irradiation to that obtained 12 h later. This parameter (t0/t12) showed faster decrease of the repair efficiency with increasing LET value for Cal 51 cells. This finding supports the use of the proton therapy for breast cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The survival of cells depends on their ability to replicate correctly genetic material. Cells exposed to replication stress can experience a number of problems that may lead to deregulated proliferation, the development of cancer, and/or programmed cell death. In this article, we have induced prolonged replication arrest via hydroxyurea (HU) treatment and also premature chromosome condensation (PCC) by co-treatment with HU and caffeine (CF) in the root meristem cells of Vicia faba. We have analyzed the changes in the activities of retinoblastoma-like protein (RbS807/811ph). Results obtained from the immunocytochemical detection of RbS807/811ph allowed us to distinguish five unique activity profiles of pRb. We have also performed detailed 3D modeling using Blender 2.9.1., based on the original data and some final conclusions. 3D models helped us to visualize better the events occurring within the nuclei and acted as a high-resolution aid for presenting the results. We have found that, despite the decrease in pRb activity, its activity profiles were mostly intact and clearly recognizable, with some local alterations that may correspond to the increased demand in transcriptional activity. Our findings suggest that Vicia faba\'s ability to withstand harsh environments may come from its well-developed and highly effective response to replication stress.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The astonishing survival abilities of Vicia faba, one the earliest domesticated plants, are associated, among other things, to the highly effective replication stress response system which ensures smooth cell division and proper preservation of genomic information. The most crucial pathway here seems to be the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase (ATM)/ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinase (ATR)-dependent replication stress response mechanism, also present in humans. In this article, we attempted to take an in-depth look at the dynamics of regeneration from the effects of replication inhibition and cell cycle checkpoint overriding causing premature chromosome condensation (PCC) in terms of DNA damage repair and changes in replication dynamics. We were able to distinguish a unique behavior of replication factors at the very start of the regeneration process in the PCC-induced cells. We extended the experiment and decided to profile the changes in replication on the level of a single replication cluster of heterochromatin (both alone and with regard to its position in the nucleus), including the mathematical profiling of the size, activity and shape. The results obtained during these experiments led us to the conclusion that even \"chaotic\" events are dealt with in a proper degree of order.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA double-strand breaks are the crucial lesions underlying the formation of chromosomal aberrations, their formation and kinetics have been extensively studied, although dynamics of the repair process has not been fully understood. By using a combination of different cytogenetic techniques to analyze cells in G0, G2 and M phase, in the present study we perform a follow up study of the dynamics of different radiation induced chromosomal aberrations. Data here presented show that in G0 phase chromosome fragments lacking telomere signals (incomplete chromosome elements, ICE) show a slow repair, but when repair occurs tend to reconstitute the original chromosomes, and those that do not repair seem to be selected by interphase cell death and cell cycle checkpoints. In contrast, complete chromosome aberrations, as dicentrics, show a very fast formation kinetics. Similar frequencies of dicentrics were observed in G0, G2 and M cells, indicating that this chromosome-type of aberration can progress through the cell cycle without negative selection. Our study reinforce the hypothesis that ICE are strongly negatively selected from G2 to M phase. However, the G2/M checkpoint seems to be not involved in this selection. The ICE frequencies observed after G2/M abrogation by caffeine are similar to the ones without abrogation, and clearly lower to the ones observed in G2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To physically and cytogenetically screen medical personnel of Department of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine, Holy Cross Cancer Center, Kielce, Poland (DENM) who are occupationally exposed to 131I.
    METHODS: The exposure was monitored by whole-body and finger ring dosimeters. The thyroid iodine intake was measured by a whole-body spectrometer equipped with two semiconductor gamma radiation detectors. A cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay and the premature chromosome condensation technique were used to assess the aberration score. Cytogenetic analyses were carried out on a group of 29 workers and were compared to 32 controls (healthy donors), matched for gender and age.
    RESULTS: On average, the exposed group showed a significantly higher frequency of genetic damage and a higher proliferation index compared to the control group. Smoking status, age and duration of exposure influenced the observed effects in both groups. No differences in measured biomarkers were observed after stratification of the exposed group into two subgroups based on the measured 131I activity below and above 6 Bq.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that radiation protection principles based on whole-body and finger ring dosimetry, supported by activity measurements with a whole-body spectrometer, may be insufficient to monitor the absorbed dose estimation of the nuclear medicine staff who are occupationally exposed to 131I. Furthermore, their future health risks are influenced by confounders. Direct assessments comparing physical and biological dose estimations on the larger group are needed to accurately monitor occupational radiation exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: The premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique is used to study exposure to external radiation through the determination of chromosome fragments observed in interphase cells. The presence of large telomeric signals in CHO cells interferes with the detection of PCC fragments and the identification of dicentric chromosomes. We present an improved method for the fusion of G0-lymphocytes with mitotic Akodon cells (few chromosomes and weakly-staining telomeric sequences) to induce PCC in combination with rapid quantification of dicentric chromosomes and centric rings as an alternative to the classical CHO cell fusion technique.Materials and methods: Whole blood from three healthy volunteers was γ-irradiated with 0, 2, or 4 Gy. Following a 24 h incubation post-exposure at 37 °C, chromosome spreads of isolated lymphocytes were prepared by standard PCC procedures using mitotic Akodon cells.Results: The percentage of scorable fusions, measured by telomere/centromere (T/C) staining, for Akodon-induced PCC was higher than that for CHO-induced PCC, irrespective of radiation exposure. Importantly, both techniques gave the same result for biodosimetry evaluation.Conclusion: The mitotic Akodon cell-induced PCC fusion assay, in combination with the scoring of dicentric chromosomes and rings by T/C staining of G0-lymphocytes is a suitable alternative for fast and reliable dose estimation after accidental radiation exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many toxic agents can cause DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), which are in most cases quickly repaired by the cellular machinery. Using ionising radiation, we explored the kinetics of DNA lesion signaling and structural chromosome aberration formation at the intra- and inter-chromosomal level. Using a novel approach, the classic Premature Chromosome Condensation (PCC) was combined with γ-H2AX immunofluorescence staining in order to unravel the kinetics of DNA damage signalisation and chromosome repair. We identified an early mechanism of DNA DSB joining that occurs within the first three hours post-irradiation, when dicentric chromosomes and chromosome exchanges are formed. The slower and significant decrease of \"deleted chromosomes\" and 1 acentric telomere fragments observed until 24 h post-irradiation, leads to the conclusion that a second and error-free repair mechanism occurs. In parallel, we revealed remaining signalling of γ-H2AX foci at the site of chromosome fusion long after the chromosome rearrangement formation. Moreover there is important signalling of foci on the site of telomere and sub-telomere sequences suggesting either a different function of γ-H2AX signalling in these regions or an extreme sensibility of the telomere sequences to DNA damage that remains unrepaired 24 h post-irradiation. In conclusion, chromosome repair happens in two steps, including a last and hardly detectable one because of restoration of the chromosome integrity.






