Predator–prey model

捕食者 - 食饵模型
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parameter inference and uncertainty quantification are important steps when relating mathematical models to real-world observations and when estimating uncertainty in model predictions. However, methods for doing this can be computationally expensive, particularly when the number of unknown model parameters is large. The aim of this study is to develop and test an efficient profile likelihood-based method, which takes advantage of the structure of the mathematical model being used. We do this by identifying specific parameters that affect model output in a known way, such as a linear scaling. We illustrate the method by applying it to three toy models from different areas of the life sciences: (i) a predator-prey model from ecology; (ii) a compartment-based epidemic model from health sciences; and (iii) an advection-diffusion reaction model describing the transport of dissolved solutes from environmental science. We show that the new method produces results of comparable accuracy to existing profile likelihood methods but with substantially fewer evaluations of the forward model. We conclude that our method could provide a much more efficient approach to parameter inference for models where a structured approach is feasible. Computer code to apply the new method to user-supplied models and data is provided via a publicly accessible repository.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trophic interaction modifications (TIM) are widespread in natural systems and occur when a third species indirectly alters the strength of a trophic interaction. Past studies have focused on documenting the existence and magnitude of TIMs; however, the underlying processes and long-term consequences remain elusive. To address this gap, we experimentally quantified the density-dependent effect of a third species on a predator\'s functional response. We conducted short-term experiments with ciliate communities composed of a predator, prey and non-consumable \'modifier\' species. In both communities, increasing modifier density weakened the trophic interaction strength, due to a negative effect on the predator\'s space clearance rate. Simulated long-term dynamics indicate quantitative differences between models that account for TIMs or include only pairwise interactions. Our study demonstrates that TIMs are important to understand and predict community dynamics and highlights the need to move beyond focal species pairs to understand the consequences of species interactions in communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research paper investigates discrete predator-prey dynamics with two logistic maps. The study extensively examines various aspects of the system\'s behavior. Firstly, it thoroughly investigates the existence and stability of fixed points within the system. We explores the emergence of transcritical bifurcations, period-doubling bifurcations, and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations that arise from coexisting positive fixed points. By employing central bifurcation theory and bifurcation theory techniques. Chaotic behavior is analyzed using Marotto\'s approach. The OGY feedback control method is implemented to control chaos. Theoretical findings are validated through numerical simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the Antarctic, the whale population had been reduced dramatically due to the unregulated whaling. It was expected that Antarctic krill, the main prey of whales, would grow significantly as a consequence and exploratory krill fishing was practiced in some areas. However, it was found that there has been a substantial decline in abundance of krill since the end of whaling, which is the phenomenon of krill paradox. In this paper, to study the krill-whale interaction we revisit a harvested predator-prey model with Holling I functional response. We find that the model admits at most two positive equilibria. When the two positive equilibria are located in the region { ( N , P ) | 0 ≤ N < 2 N c , P ≥ 0 } , the model exhibits degenerate Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation with codimension up to 3 and Hopf bifurcation with codimension up to 2 by rigorous bifurcation analysis. When the two positive equilibria are located in the region { ( N , P ) | N > 2 N c , P ≥ 0 } , the model has no complex bifurcation phenomenon. When there is one positive equilibrium on each side of N = 2 N c , the model undergoes Hopf bifurcation with codimension up to 2. Moreover, numerical simulation reveals that the model not only can exhibit the krill paradox phenomenon but also has three limit cycles, with the outmost one crosses the line N = 2 N c under some specific parameter conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper investigates the complex dynamics of a ratio-dependent predator-prey model incorporating the Allee effect in prey and predator harvesting. To explore the joint effect of the harvesting effort and diffusion on the dynamics of the system, we perform the following analyses: (a) The stability of non-negative constant steady states; (b) The sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a Hopf bifurcation, Turing bifurcation, and Turing-Hopf bifurcation; (c) The derivation of the normal form near the Turing-Hopf singularity. Moreover, we provide numerical simulations to illustrate the theoretical results. The results demonstrate that the small change in harvesting effort and the ratio of the diffusion coefficients will destabilize the constant steady states and lead to the complex spatiotemporal behaviors, including homogeneous and inhomogeneous periodic solutions and nonconstant steady states. Moreover, the numerical simulations coincide with our theoretical results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how tipping points arise is critical for population protection and ecosystem robustness. This work evaluates the impact of environmental stochasticity on the emergence of tipping points in a predator-prey system subject to the Allee effect and Holling type IV functional response, modeling an environment in which the prey has high group cohesion. We analyze the relationship between stochasticity and the probability and time that predator and prey populations in our model tip between different steady states. We evaluate the safety from extinction of different population values for each species, and accordingly assign extinction warning levels to these population values. Our analysis suggests that the effects of environmental stochasticity on tipping phenomena are scenario-dependent but follow a few interpretable trends. The probability of tipping towards a steady state in which one or both species go extinct generally monotonically increased with noise intensity, while the probability of tipping towards a more favorable steady state (in which more species were viable) usually peaked at intermediate noise intensity. For tipping between two equilibria where a given species was at risk of extinction in one equilibrium but not the other, noise affecting that species had greater impact on tipping probability than noise affecting the other species. Noise in the predator population facilitated quicker tipping to extinction equilibria, whereas prey noise instead often slowed down extinction. Changes in warning level for initial population values due to noise were most apparent near attraction basin boundaries, but noise of sufficient magnitude (especially in the predator population) could alter risk even far away from these boundaries. Our model provides critical theoretical insights for the conservation of population diversity: management criteria and early warning signals can be developed based on our results to keep populations away from destructive critical thresholds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coffee is a relevant agricultural product in the global economy, with the amount and quality of the bean being seriously affected by the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), CBB, its principal pest. One of the ways to deal with this beetle is through biological control agents, like ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), some of which are characterized by naturally inhabiting coffee plantations and feeding on CBB in all their life stages. Our paper considers a predator-prey interaction between these two insects through a novel mathematical model based on ordinary differential equations, where the state variables correspond to adult CBBs, immature CBBs, and ants from one species, without specifying whether preying on the CBB is among their feeding habits, in both adult and immature stages. Through this new mathematical model, we could qualitatively predict the different dynamics present in the system as some meaningful parameters were varied, filling the existing gap in the literature and envisioning ways to manage pests. Mathematically, the system\'s equilibrium points were determined, and its stability was studied through qualitative theory. Bifurcation theory and numerical simulations were applied to illustrate the stability of the results, which were interpreted as conditions of the coexistence of the species, as well as conditions for eradicating the pest, at least theoretically, through biocontrol action in combination with other actions focused on eliminating only adult CBBs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A natural biological system under human interventions may exhibit complex dynamical behaviors which could lead to either the collapse or stabilization of the system. The bifurcation theory plays an important role in understanding this evolution process by modeling and analyzing the biological system. In this paper, we examine two types of biological models that Fred Brauer made pioneer contributions: predator-prey models with stocking/harvesting and epidemic models with importation/isolation. First we consider the predator-prey model with Holling type II functional response whose dynamics and bifurcations are well-understood. By considering human interventions such as constant harvesting or stocking of predators, we show that the system under human interventions undergoes imperfect bifurcation and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation, which induces much richer dynamical behaviors such as the existence of limit cycles or homoclinic loops. Then we consider an epidemic model with constant importation/isolation of infective individuals and observe similar imperfect and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations when the constant importation/isolation rate varies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we revisit a predator-prey model with specialist and generalist predators proposed by Hanski et al. (J Anim Ecol 60:353-367, 1991) , where the density of generalist predators is assumed to be a constant. It is shown that the model admits a nilpotent cusp of codimension 4 or a nilpotent focus of codimension 3 for different parameter values. As the parameters vary, the model can undergo cusp type (or focus type) degenerate Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations of codimension 4 (or 3). Our results indicate that generalist predation can induce more complex dynamical behaviors and bifurcation phenomena, such as three small-amplitude limit cycles enclosing one equilibrium, one or two large-amplitude limit cycles enclosing one or three equilibria, three limit cycles appearing in a Hopf bifurcation of codimension 3 and dying in a homoclinic bifurcation of codimension 3. In addition, we show that generalist predation stabilizes the limit cycle driven by specialist predators to a stable equilibrium, which clearly explains the famous Fennoscandia phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A characteristic of ecosystems is the existence of manifold of independencies which are highly complex. Various mathematical models have made considerable contributions in gaining a better understanding of the predator-prey interactions. The main components of any predator-prey models are, firstly, how the different population classes grow and secondly, how the prey and predator interacts. In this paper, the two populations\' growth rates obey the logistic law and the carrying capacity of the predator depends on the available number of prey are considered. Our aim is to clarify the relationship between models and Holling types functional and numerical responses in order to gain insights into predator interferences and to answer an important question how competition is carried out. We consider a predator-prey model and a two-predator one-prey model to explain the idea. The novel approach is explained for the mechanism measurement of predator interference through depending on numerical response. Our approach gives good correspondence between an important real data and computer simulations.





