Prechordal mesendoderm

  • 文章类型: Review
    For almost a century, developmental biologists have appreciated that the ability of the embryonic organizer to induce and pattern the body plan is intertwined with its differentiation into axial mesoderm. Despite this, we still have a relatively poor understanding of the contribution of axial mesoderm to induction and patterning of different body regions, and the manner in which axial mesoderm-derived information is interpreted in tissues of changing competence. Here, with a particular focus on the nervous system, we review the evidence that axial mesoderm notochord and prechordal mesoderm/mesendoderm act as organizers, discuss how their influence extends through the different axes of the developing organism, and describe how the ability of axial mesoderm to direct morphogenesis impacts on its role as a local organizer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adult hypothalamus is subdivided into distinct domains: pre-optic, anterior, tuberal and mammillary. Each domain harbours an array of neurones that act together to regulate homeostasis. The embryonic origins and the development of hypothalamic neurones, however, remain enigmatic. Here, we summarise recent studies in model organisms that challenge current views of hypothalamic development, which traditionally have attempted to map adult domains to correspondingly located embryonic domains. Instead, new studies indicate that hypothalamic neurones arise from progenitor cells that undergo anisotropic growth, expanding to a greater extent than other progenitors, and grow in different dimensions. We describe in particular how a multipotent Shh/ Fgf10-expressing progenitor population gives rise to progenitors throughout the basal hypothalamus that grow anisotropically and sequentially: first, a subset displaced rostrally give rise to anterior-ventral/tuberal neuronal progenitors; then a subset displaced caudally give rise to mammillary neuronal progenitors; and, finally, a subset(s) displaced ventrally give rise to tuberal infundibular glial progenitors. As this occurs, stable populations of Shh+ive and Fgf10+ive progenitors form. We describe current understanding of the mechanisms that induce Shh+ive /Fgf10+ive progenitors and begin to direct their differentiation to anterior-ventral/tuberal neuronal progenitors, mammillary neuronal progenitors and tuberal infundibular progenitors. Taken together, these studies suggest a new model for hypothalamic development that we term the \"anisotropic growth model\". We discuss the implications of the model for understanding the origins of adult hypothalamic neurones.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classical descriptions of the hypothalamus divide it into three rostro-caudal domains but little is known about their embryonic origins. To investigate this, we performed targeted fate-mapping, molecular characterisation and cell cycle analyses in the embryonic chick. Presumptive hypothalamic cells derive from the rostral diencephalic ventral midline, lie above the prechordal mesendoderm and express Fgf10Fgf10+ progenitors undergo anisotropic growth: those displaced rostrally differentiate into anterior cells, then those displaced caudally differentiate into mammillary cells. A stable population of Fgf10+ progenitors is retained within the tuberal domain; a subset of these gives rise to the tuberal infundibulum - the precursor of the posterior pituitary. Pharmacological approaches reveal that Shh signalling promotes the growth and differentiation of anterior progenitors, and also orchestrates the development of the infundibulum and Rathke\'s pouch - the precursor of the anterior pituitary. Together, our studies identify a hypothalamic progenitor population defined by Fgf10 and highlight a role for Shh signalling in the integrated development of the hypothalamus and pituitary.






