Posterior urethra

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bladder neck contracture and vesicourethral anastomotic stenosis are difficult to manage endoscopically, and open repair is associated with high rates of incontinence. In recent years, there have been increasing reports of robotic-assisted bladder neck reconstruction in the literature. However, existing studies are small, heterogeneous case series. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of robotic-assisted bladder neck reconstruction to better evaluate patency and incontinence outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a systematic review of PubMed from first available date to May 2023 for all studies evaluating robotic-assisted reconstructive surgery of the bladder neck in adult men. Articles in non-English, author replies, editorials, pediatric-based studies, and reviews were excluded. Outcomes of interest were patency and incontinence rates, which were pooled when appropriate.
    UNASSIGNED: After identifying 158 articles on initial search, we included only ten studies that fit all aforementioned criteria for robotic-assisted bladder neck reconstruction. All were case series published from March 2018 to March 2022 ranging from six to 32 men, with the median follow-up of 5-23 months. A total of 119 patients were included in our analysis. A variety of etiologies and surgical techniques were described. Patency rates ranged from 50% to 100%, and pooled patency was 80% (95/119). De novo incontinence rates ranged from 0% to 33%, and pooled incontinence was 17% (8/47). Our findings were limited by small sample sizes, relatively short follow-ups, and heterogeneity between studies.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite limitations, current available evidence suggests comparable patency outcomes and improved incontinence outcomes for robotic bladder neck reconstruction compared to open repair. Additional prospective studies with longer-term follow-ups are needed to confirm these findings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Penetrating posterior urethral trauma from gunshot wounds (GSW) is rare and requires prompt treatment to minimize complications. Data regarding the management of such cases is scarce in the literature and poorly addressed in the guidelines. Different management approaches exist, including urinary diversion with immediate versus delayed urethroplasty/fistula repair. We present our case series to add to our experience to the literature. Three patients aged 18-44 presented with ballistic posterior urethra injuries from GSW. Initial management involved urethral catheter placement, with one patient requiring operative placement of urethral and suprapubic catheters (SPTs). Complications included recurrent membranous stricture, urinary retention, rectourethral fistula, and erectile dysfunction (ED). Posterior urethral injuries from GSW are complex as they can be either isolated or affect adjacent organs. Bladder, ureteral, and urethral injuries must be ruled out. Unlike bladder neck injuries, immediate urethroplasty/fistula repair would be very challenging and not advised for standard prostatic or membranous injuries. Urethral catheter or suprapubic tube is recommended and can result in fistula closure and urethral patency. It is critical to maintain close follow-up with the patient due to the possibility of stricture recurrence. Urethroplasty in a delayed fashion can be very successful.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Hamartoma is a mass formed by the proliferation and disorder of two or more kinds of cells inherent in normal organs or anatomical parts, which can occur in any part of the body. The most common hamartoma are kidney hamartoma, spleen hamartoma, liver hamartoma, and lung hamartoma. Urethral hamartoma is extremely rare in clinical practice.
    UNASSIGNED: Combined with literature review, the diagnosis and treatment process of a child with posterior urethral hamartoma and hypospadias in our hospital were analyzed. The patient was cured after surgical treatment, the lesion was completely removed, the appearance was satisfactory, and there was no recurrence, urethral stricture, urethral fistula, and other complications. The pathological results of this case support the histological diagnosis of hamartoma, which provides reference for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of congenital malformation and tumor of urogenital in children.
    UNASSIGNED: When a child has posterior urethral hamartoma, the symptoms may not be very typical, and it is often combined with urethral malformation. Therefore, it is necessary to perform careful physical examination combined with pathological examination to be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Under normal circumstances, the prognosis of urethral hamartoma is good. However, more cases are needed to be observed for verification, and a long-term effective follow-up after surgery is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To identify cystourethrogram (CUG) findings that independently predict the outcome of posterior urethroplasty (PU) following pelvic fracture urethral injury (PFUI).
    UNASSIGNED: Findings of CUG included the location of the proximal end of the bulbar urethra in zones A (superficial) or B (deep) according to its relationship with the pubic arch. Others included the presence of pelvic arch fracture, bladder neck, and posterior urethral appearance. The primary outcome was the need for reintervention either endoscopically or by redo urethroplasty. Independent predictors were modeled using a logistic regression model and a nomogram was constructed and internally validated using 100-bootstrap resampling. Time-to-event analysis was performed to validate the results.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 196 procedures in 158 patients were analyzed. The success rate was 83.7% with 32 (16.3%) procedures requiring direct vision internal urethrotomy, urethroplasty, or both in 13 (6.6%), 12 (6.1%), and 7 (3.6%) patients, respectively. On multivariate analysis, bulbar urethral end located at zone B (odds ratio [OR]: 3.1; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1-8.5; p = 0.02), pubic arch fracture (OR: 3.9; 95%CI: 1.5-9.7; p = 0.003), and previous urethroplasty (OR: 4.2; 95% CI: 1.8-10.1; p = 0.001) were independent predictors. The same predictors were significant in the time-to-event analysis. The nomogram discrimination was 77.3% and 75% in the current data and after validation.
    UNASSIGNED: The location of the proximal end of the bulbar urethra and redo urethroplasty could predict the need for reintervention after PU for PFUI. The nomogram could be used preoperatively for patient counseling and procedure planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Webster described a step-based perineal approach for repairing the posterior urethra in patients with pelvic fracture urethral injury (PFUI). The higher the complexity of the step, the higher the morbidity for the patient and the lower the surgical outcomes. We evaluated the outcomes of anastomotic urethroplasty (especially Step 4 or higher) or substitution urethroplasty in patients with PFUI at our center. Between 2013 to 2021, we retrospectively collected data on patients with PFUI. Surgical procedures were categorized according to the Webster classification and rates of each step were reported. The success rate was defined as Qmax above 10 mL/s and no need for further treatment. In this period, 737 male patients with PFUI were surgically treated. Notably, 18.8%, 17.6%, 46%, 1.8%, and 5.6% of included patients received steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the abdominoperineal approach, respectively. In 68 (9.2%) patients, the substitution of urethroplasty with a pedicled preputial tube (PPT) was needed. The success rate was 69.2% in Step 4, 74.4% in the abdominoperineal approach, and 86.4% in PPT; however, recurrence-free survival was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.22). Step 4 perineal anastomotic urethroplasty represents a surgical option in the armamentarium of PFUI treatment. Indications should be carefully reviewed to improve patient selection and avoid surgical failure, stopping at the step which first gives a tension-free anastomosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Crucial requirement of exstrophy bladder repair is to make patients continent as well as to preserve kidney functions. We analyzed our patients\' data retrospectively to study their continence and to find out the justification behind continence and preservation of renal functions.
    UNASSIGNED: We selected files of 18 fully continent patients from 52 patients operated. Eleven out of 18 patients were presented from beginning and 7 were referred after around 8 to 14 years, as incontinent bladder following good repair of bladder neck and posterior urethra. Eleven were operated with complete primary repair of exstrophy along with pubic osteotomy minimal and were kept on cystostomy track (CT) till augmentation to vent out vesical pressure. In seven patients, we did reduction of caliber of posterior urethra and bladder neck along with CT followed by augmentation after 6 months.
    UNASSIGNED: All 18 patients are maintaining dry period for 24 h. Two patients had enuresis but are manageable with partial fluid restriction from evening. Seventeen out of 18 patients are maintaining their renal functions.
    UNASSIGNED: No tension abdominal wall closure with rectus muscle apposition is essential to preserve repaired bladder exstrophy. Osteotomy prevents lateral drag to overcome failure of whole reconstruction. Increased \"systolic\" vesical pressure from contraction of small bladder might destroy the mechanism of continence and renal functions. Hence, venting of vesical pressure through CT is obligatory till augmentation which is of necessity to be done as early as possible to create a low-pressure continent system.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a case of antenatally detected fetal megacystis caused by an obstructing posterior urethral polyp. Antenatal and postnatal ultrasounds showed bladder wall thickening and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, most marked antenatally. A working diagnosis of posterior urethral valves was therefore made. However, further postnatal assessment with a micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) combined with a retrograde urethrogram identified a pedunculated urethral polyp as the cause. The addition of a retrograde urethrogram as an adjunct to the MCUG in the diagnosis of posterior urethral polyp has not previously been reported, and in this case provided diagnostic confidence of this rare condition, allowing for definitive surgical planning.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a clinical case of a patient with a post radical robot-assisted prostatectomy recurrent vesicourethral anastamotic stenosis. Successful simplified transvesical correction with buccal mucosa graft fixed by self-anchoring automated V-Loc suture through the needle for epidural anestesia without knot formation was the unique feature of case presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Posterior urethral valves (PUV) is a leading cause of chronic renal failure in childhood. Bladder and posterior urethral deformity in infants with PUV are highly variable on initial voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). Some types of deformity may be more important than others in determining the severity of the condition. Identification of specific VCUG features may allow for a simple, early screening assessment for patients.
    Determine whether morphologic features on the initial VCUG correlate to renal outcomes as measured by the creatinine nadir in the first year after ablation.
    Children with PUV treated by primary valve ablation before 12 months old and followed >1 year were identified. Initial diagnostic VCUG was evaluated for the bladder height to width ratio (HW-B), posterior urethral height to width ratio (HW-PU), and posterior-anterior urethral ratio (PA-UR). A trabeculation grade was assigned by three pediatric urologists, and reflux was noted. Univariable analyses with chi-square and t-test were used to compare bladder and posterior urethral morphology factors among those who obtained a creatinine nadir <0.8 or ≥0.8 mg/dL in the first year after ablation. Linear regression was performed to correlate morphology values with true creatinine nadir.
    A total of 120 boys were ablated at mean age of 40.5 days (range 0-342) and followed for 5.9 years (± 3.85). Among these, 21 (17.5%) had a creatinine nadir ≥0.8 mg/dL. Mean overall HW-B and mean PA-UR were not significantly different between those with creatinine nadir <0.8 versus ≥0.8 mg/dL. Bladder trabeculation grade was not associated with creatinine nadir. For the entire cohort, only the difference in HW-PU was statistically significant between creatinine nadir groups with a much higher ratio among those with a nadir ≥0.8 (p < 0.001). Linear regression demonstrated a significant positive correlation between the HW-PU and creatinine nadir (R 2 = 0.097, p = 0.002). The presence of bilateral reflux is significantly associated with creatinine nadir ≥0.8 mg/dL (p = 0.001).
    We investigate for the first time the association of morphology features on the initial VCUG with renal outcome in PUV patients. Posterior urethral deformity as quantified by a higher HW-PU ratio is significantly correlated with a higher creatinine nadir, whereas measured bladder morphology metrics are not. HW-PU may be an indirect measure of the severity of obstruction in posterior urethral valves.
    The HW-PU appears to be a meaningful early morphologic metric for renal outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PUV patients managed with primary vesicostomy instead of primary valve ablation (PVA) historically are preterm, low-birth-weight (LBW) infants with inadequate urethral size. We previously described progressive urethral dilation (PUD) as an effective method of enhancing the likelihood of PVA in these infants, allowing equal access to PVA as an initial management method.
    We aim to characterize renal outcomes in patients managed with PUD + PVA and compare this to outcomes with PVA alone. We also re-examine the effect of LBW and gestational age on renal outcomes in PUV with a cohort treated uniformly by PVA.
    We performed retrospective review of 78 neonates with PUV treated with PVA prior to 10 weeks of age with >1 year of follow up. Before valve ablation, boys either underwent PUD (serial upsizing of a smaller bore urethral catheter to an 8Fr catheter; PUD + PVA) or non-dilation (smaller bore catheter was maintained; PVA-only). PUD + PVA versus PVA-only was compared using chi-square and t-test. Logistic regression was performed to assess the effect of PUD, preterm (<37 weeks), LBW (<2.5 kg), and other predictors on the final outcomes of CKD3+ and ESRD.
    31 of 78 patients underwent PUD + PVA. Mean follow up was 5.2 years (SD 3.4), with no significant difference between PUD + PVA and PVA-only. The PUD + PVA group included significantly lower gestational age infants with lower birth weight and ablation weight. There was no significant effect of PUD on final CKD3+ or ESRD outcome on univariable or multivariable analysis. When adjusted for other variables, only Cr nadir >0.5 remained an independent predictor of CKD3+ (OR 41.2; p < 0.001) and ESRD (OR 18.9; p = 0.015).
    We previously demonstrated that PUD is an effective means to achieve PVA in small neonates who might otherwise require vesicostomy. The data herein demonstrates no significant effect of PUD on renal outcomes. In this unique cohort of newborns treated with PVA, only creatinine nadir and not gestational age or an independent predictor of outcomes.
    In small preterm infants who would have been excluded from PVA due to limited urethral size, PUD + PVA confers the same renal outcomes as PVA alone in larger infants. This novel data will assist in the risk-benefit analysis of using PUD before PVA in newborns diagnosed with PUV. When primary intervention is uniformly PVA, preterm birth and LBW are not independent predictors of renal outcomes.





