Post-embryonic Growth

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drastic increases in myofiber number and size are essential to support vertebrate post-embryonic growth. However, the collective cellular behaviors that enable these increases have remained elusive. Here, we created the palmuscle myofiber tagging and tracking system for in toto monitoring of the growth and fates of ~5000 fast myofibers in developing zebrafish larvae. Through live tracking of individual myofibers within the same individuals over extended periods, we found that many larval myofibers readily dissolved during development, enabling the on-site addition of new and more myofibers. Remarkably, whole-body surveillance of multicolor-barcoded myofibers further unveiled a gradual yet extensive elimination of larval myofiber populations, resulting in near-total replacement by late juvenile stages. The subsequently emerging adult myofibers are not only long-lasting, but also morphologically and functionally distinct from the larval populations. Furthermore, we determined that the elimination-replacement process is dependent on and driven by the autophagy pathway. Altogether, we propose that the whole-body replacement of larval myofibers is an inherent yet previously unnoticed process driving organismic muscle growth during vertebrate post-embryonic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The root system commonly lies underground, where it provides anchorage for the aerial organs, as well as nutrients and water. Both endogenous and environmental cues contribute to the establishment of the root system. Among the endogenous cues, microRNAs (miRNAs), transcription factors, and phytohormones modulate root architecture. miRNAs belong to a subset of endogenous hairpin-derived small RNAs that post-transcriptionally control target gene expression, mostly transcription factors, comprising the miRNA regulatory hubs. Phytohormones are signaling molecules involved in most developmental processes. Some miRNAs and targets participate in more than one hormonal pathway, thereby providing new bridges in plant hormonal crosstalk. Unraveling the intricate network of molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment of root systems is a central aspect in the development of novel strategies for plant breeding to increase yield and optimize agricultural land use. In this review, we summarize recent findings describing the molecular mechanisms associated with the interplay between miRNA regulatory hubs and phytohormones to ensure the establishment of a proper root system. We focus on post-embryonic growth and development of primary, lateral, and adventitious roots. In addition, we discuss novel insights for future research on the interaction between miRNAs and phytohormones in root architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patterning of a continuously growing naive field in the context of a life-long growing organ such as the teleost eye is of high functional relevance. Intrinsic and extrinsic signals have been proposed to regulate lineage specification in progenitors that exit the stem cell niche in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). The proper cell-type composition arising from those progenitors is a prerequisite for retinal function. Our findings in the teleost medaka (Oryzias latipes) uncover that the Notch-Atoh7 axis continuously patterns the CMZ. The complement of cell types originating from the two juxtaposed progenitors marked by Notch or Atoh7 activity contains all constituents of a retinal column. Modulation of Notch signalling specifically in Atoh7-expressing cells demonstrates the crucial role of this axis in generating the correct cell-type proportions. After transiently blocking Notch signalling, retinal patterning and differentiation is re-initiated de novo Taken together, our data show that Notch activity in the CMZ continuously structures the growing retina by juxtaposing Notch and Atoh7 progenitors that give rise to distinct complementary lineages, revealing coupling of de novo patterning and cell-type specification in the respective lineages.






