Posidonia oceanica

Oposidonia oceanica
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Balearic Islands, a top tourist destination for sunny beaches, face physical and chemical pressures from human activities, impacting keystone species like the endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica and its associated microbiome. This study evaluated the effects of ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles and three commercial sunscreens with varying protection factors (50 or 90) and chemical complexities (1- SPF50_E \"eco-friendly\"; 2- SPF50 not \"eco-friendly\"; 3- SPF90 not \"eco-friendly\") on five heterotrophic bacteria (Pseudomonas azotifigens, Marinobacterium litorale, Thiothrix nivea, Sedimenticola thiotaurini and Cobetia sp) and two autotrophic cyanobacteria (Halothece sp. and Fischerella muscicola) associated to P. oceanica, as well as a natural leaf epiphytic community. Results indicated that TiO2 affected all heterotrophic bacteria, while ZnO was toxic to only two species, while autotrophs were unaffected. Commercial sunscreens impacted three heterotrophs and the natural epiphytic community, while autotrophs were only affected by SPF50. SPF50_E reduced phosphorus uptake, and both SPF50 and SPF90 decreased alkaline phosphatase activity. Reactive oxygen species production was mainly induced by SPF90, followed by SPF50_E and SPF50. Generally, the smallest bacteria were most sensitive to UV-filters (UVFs). This study indicates that UVFs exposure may alter the epiphytic community structure of P. oceanica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory cutaneous disease characterized by elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines and adipokine Lipocalin-2 (LCN-2). Recently, natural plant-based products have been studied as new antipsoriatic compounds. We investigate the ability of a leaf extract of the marine plant Posidonia oceanica (POE) to inhibit psoriatic dermatitis in C57BL/6 mice treated with Imiquimod (IMQ). One group of mice was topically treated with IMQ (IMQ mice) for 5 days, and a second group received POE orally before each topical IMQ treatment (IMQ-POE mice). Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) score, thickness, and temperature of the skin area treated with IMQ were measured in both groups. Upon sacrifice, the organs were weighed, and skin biopsies and blood samples were collected. Plasma and lesional skin protein expression of IL-17, IL-23, IFN-γ, IL-2, and TNF-α and plasma LCN-2 concentration were evaluated by ELISA. PASI score, thickness, and temperature of lesional skin were reduced in IMQ-POE mice, as were histological features of psoriatic dermatitis and expression of inflammatory cytokines and LCN-2 levels. This preliminary study aims to propose P. oceanica as a promising naturopathic anti-inflammatory treatment that could be introduced in Complementary Medicine for psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the presence and impact of UV filters in Posidonia oceanica meadows in Formentera, a Mediterranean tourist hotspot. It highlights the distribution of inorganic (TiO2 and ZnO) and organic UV filters (UVFs) in different environmental matrices, their accumulation in seagrass tissues and their impact on the seagrass health. In the overlying and canopy waters of P. oceanica, Zn concentrations surpassed Ti, with three organic UVFs (benzophenone-3 [BP-3], avobenzone and homosalate [HMS]) consistently detected. Ti concentrations were generally higher than Zn in rhizosphere sediments, along with recurrent presence of octocrylene, HMS, 2-ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (EHMC), and 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC). Maximum Zn concentrations were found in canopy waters (3052.9 ng L-1). Both Ti and Zn were found in all P. oceanica tissues and leaf epiphytes across all study sites. Additional UVFs like octocrylene, avobenzone, and BP-8 were also detected in P. oceanica tissues and epiphytes. Elevated levels of octocrylene in leaf epiphytes (2112.1 ng g-1 dw) and avobenzone in leaves (364.2 ng g-1 dw) and leaf epiphytes (199.6 ng g-1 dw) were observed in the Port of La Savina, the island\'s main entry port. Octocrylene concentrations (up to 2575 ng g-1 dw) in rhizosphere sediments near sewage discharge points exceeded reported maxima, highlighting wastewater treatment plants as significant sources of organic UVFs. Correlational analyses suggested that the accumulation of octocrylene, avobenzone, and BP-3 negatively impacted P. oceanica\'s conservation status, affecting global density, density at 100 % cover, and leaf morphometry. Positive correlations were observed between leaf polyphenols (antioxidants) and concentrations of avobenzone, benzophenone-8 (BP-8), and BP-3, indicating potential oxidative stress induced by UVFs in P. oceanica. Our study underscores the pervasive presence of UV filters in P. oceanica habitats, with implications for seagrass health and conservation, especially in areas of high tourism and sewage discharge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile 1813 banquette provides precious ecosystem services for Mediterranean beach nourishment and protection, representing an important way of energy transfer through marine-coastal habitats. It is surprising to note how it is poorly investigated, especially concerning its double role as potential sink and source of chemicals. In particular, few studies exist about the metal (loid)s occurrence and no data are available on emerging contaminants, such as Rare Earth Elements (REEs). The present research investigated for the first time the concentrations of twenty-eight metal(loid)s and fifteen REEs in a well-structured banquette along the Italian coast (Central Tyrrhenian Sea) showing that (i) metal(loid)s and REEs occur in banquettes, with higher relative concentrations of some metal(loid)s (B, Sr, Mn, Fe, Al, Zn) and REEs (Ce, Y, La, Nd) with no statistically significant seasonal variations; (ii) Posidonia banquettes may represent an interesting biological model for chemicals monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the proximity of ecosystems to tipping points is a critical yet complex task, heightened by the growing severity of climate change and local anthropogenic stressors on ecosystem integrity. Spatial Early Warning Signals (EWS) have been recognized for their potential in preemptively signaling regime shifts to degraded states, but their performance in natural systems remains uncertain. In this study, we investigated the performance of \'recovery length\' - the spatial extent of recovery from a perturbation - and spatial EWS as early warnings of regime shifts in Posidonia oceanica meadows. Our experimental approach involved progressively thinning the P. oceanica canopy, from 0 to 100%, at the edge of a dead-matte area - a structure formed by dead P. oceanica rhizomes and colonized by algal turfs - to promote the propagation of algal turfs. We calculated recovery length as the distance from the dead-matte edge to the point where algal turfs colonized the canopy-thinned region. Our results showed a linear increase in recovery length with canopy thinning, successfully anticipated the degradation of P. oceanica. While spatial skewness decline with increased canopy degradation, other spatial EWS, such as Moran correlation at lag-1, low-frequency spatial spectra, and spatial variance, were ineffective in signaling this degradation. These findings underscore the potential of recovery length as a reliable early warning indicator of regime shifts in marine coastal ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat-priming improves plants\' tolerance to a recurring heat stress event. The underlying molecular mechanisms of heat-priming are largely unknown in seagrasses. Here, ad hoc mesocosm experiments were conducted with two Mediterranean seagrass species, Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa. Plants were first exposed to heat-priming, followed by a heat-triggering event. A comprehensive assessment of plant stress response across different levels of biological organization was performed at the end of the triggering event. Morphological and physiological results showed an improved response of heat-primed P. oceanica plants while in C. nodosa both heat- and non-primed plants enhanced their growth rates at the end of the triggering event. As resulting from whole transcriptome sequencing, molecular functions related to several cellular compartments and processes were involved in the response to warming of non-primed plants, while the response of heat-primed plants involved a limited group of processes. Our results suggest that seagrasses acquire a primed state during the priming event, that eventually gives plants the ability to induce a more energy-effective response when the thermal stress event recurs. Different species may differ in their ability to perform an improved heat stress response after priming. This study provides pioneer molecular insights into the emerging topic of seagrass stress priming and may benefit future studies in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of limiting global warming, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) gained the centrality of several international climate change mitigation projects being the most effective carbon storage sink among Mediterranean seagrasses. To assess and monitor the change of environmental conditions and economic values of natural resources, the present study moves from the insights of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting to assess the economic value of the carbon sequestration and storage capacity of the Mediterranean-endemic seagrass P. oceanica at the Tremiti Islands Marine Protected Area. The economic value is compared across: i. the reference study by Pergent-Martini et al.; ii. the ecological condition-based approach; and iii. the unit value transfer. Based on the obtained outcomes, an ecosystem-based approach would prevent biases in the accounting of the ecosystem-service provision capacity of P. oceanica and help the policy maker to implement adequate public investment policies to mitigate its overall degradation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Restoration of coastal ecosystems, particularly those dominated by seagrasses, has become a priority to recover the important ecosystem services they provide. However, assessing restoration outcomes as a success or failure remains still difficult, probably due to the unique features of seagrass species and the wide portfolio of practices used on transplanting actions. Here, several traits (maximum leaf length, number of leaves, leaf growth rate per shoot, and leaf elemental carbon and nitrogen contents) of transplanted seagrass Posidonia oceanica were compared to reference meadows in five sites of Western Mediterranean Sea in which restoration were completed in different times. Results have evidenced the resilience of transplanted P. oceanica shoots within a few years since restoration, as traits between treatments changed depending on the elapsed time since settlement. The highlighted stability of the restoration time effect suggests that the recovery of the plants is expected in four years after transplanting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the use of Posidonia oceanica for making products beneficial for human health. Firstly, we demonstrated that the antioxidant defense (i.e., SOD and APX activity) of P. oceanica\'s living leaves (LP) has low efficacy, as they partly neutralize the produced H2O2. However, high H2O2 levels led LP to produce, as a response to oxidative stress, high phenolic content, including chicoric acid, p-coumaric acid, caftaric acid, trans-cinnamic and rutin hydrate, as shown by UHPLC-DAD analysis. In addition, LP extracts inhibited intestinal cancer cell proliferation. Moreover, P. oceanica\'s beach casts consisting of either Wet \'Necromass\' (WNP) or Dry \'Necromass\' (DNP) were used for preparing extracts. Both DNP and WNP exhibited antioxidant and antiproliferative activities, although lower as compared to those of LP extracts. Although both P. oceanica\'s meadows and beach casts are considered priority habitats in the Mediterranean Sea due to their high ecological value, legislation framework for beach casts forbidding their removal is still missing. Our results suggested that both LP and DNP could be utilized for the production of high-added value products promoting human health, provided that a sustainability management strategy would be applied for P. oceanica\'s meadows and beach casts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seagrass wrack plays multiple ecological roles in coastal habitats but is often removed from beaches and used for economical processing, neglecting its potential role in sustaining dune plant establishment under changing climate scenarios. Rainwater shortage is a major stress for seedlings and reduced precipitations are expected in some coastal areas. We investigated in mesocosm how wrack influenced seedling performance of Cakile maritima, Thinopyrum junceum, and Calamagrostis arenaria under current and reduced precipitation. We also assessed wrack water holding capacity and leachate chemical/physical properties. Wrack stimulated seedling growth while reduced precipitation decreased root development. Wrack mitigated the effects of reduced precipitation on T. junceum and C. arenaria biomass. Wrack retained water up to five-fold its weight, increased water pH, conductivity, and nutrient content. Wrack promotes dune colonization by vegetation even under rainwater shortage. Thus, the maintenance of this natural resource on beaches is critical for improving dune resilience against climate changes.





