Population genomics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horseshoe bats (genus Rhinolophus, family Rhinolophidae) represent an important group within chiropteran phylogeny due to their distinctive traits, including constant high-frequency echolocation, rapid karyotype evolution, and unique immune system. Advances in evolutionary biology, supported by high-quality reference genomes and comprehensive whole-genome data, have significantly enhanced our understanding of species origins, speciation mechanisms, adaptive evolutionary processes, and phenotypic diversity. However, genomic research and understanding of the evolutionary patterns of Rhinolophus are severely constrained by limited data, with only a single published genome of R. ferrumequinum currently available. In this study, we constructed a high-quality chromosome-level reference genome for the intermediate horseshoe bat ( R. affinis). Comparative genomic analyses revealed potential genetic characteristics associated with virus tolerance in Rhinolophidae. Notably, we observed expansions in several immune-related gene families and identified various genes functionally associated with the SARS-CoV-2 signaling pathway, DNA repair, and apoptosis, which displayed signs of rapid evolution. In addition, we observed an expansion of the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) region and a higher copy number of the HLA- DQB2 gene in horseshoe bats compared to other chiropteran species. Based on whole-genome resequencing and population genomic analyses, we identified multiple candidate loci (e.g., GLI3) associated with variations in echolocation call frequency across R. affinis subspecies. This research not only expands our understanding of the genetic characteristics of the Rhinolophus genus but also establishes a valuable foundation for future research.
    菊头蝠物种(菊头蝠属,菊头蝠科)是蝙蝠众多科中的一个重要类群,它们具有多个显著区别于其他蝙蝠的特征,例如特化的高恒定频率回声定位信号、快速的核型进化以及独特的免疫系统。利用高质量参考基因组和全基因组数据进行的进化研究,使我们对物种起源、物种形成、适应性进化和表型变异有了更深入的见解。然而,目前有限的基因组数据(仅有一种菊头蝠物种(马铁菊头蝠, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)的基因组已发表)限制了我们对菊头蝠进化模式的深入理解。在该研究中,我们构建了高质量染色体水平的中菊头蝠( R. affinis)参考基因组。通过比较基因组分析,我们揭示了与菊头蝠物种病毒耐受性相关的潜在遗传特征,包括多个与免疫反应相关的基因家族发生了显著扩张,以及多个与SARS-CoV-2信号通路、DNA修复和细胞凋亡功能相关的基因,发生了快速进化。此外,与其他蝙蝠相比,我们发现菊头蝠基因组中的MHC-2区域有所扩张,尤其是 HLA-DQB2基因呈现更高的拷贝数。最后,通过对中菊头蝠种群进行全基因组重测序分析,我们鉴定到了多个与中菊头蝠亚种回声定位频率变异相关的候选基因(例如基因 GLI3)。我们的工作不仅加深了对菊头蝠类群遗传特征的理解,还为将来蝙蝠比较基因组学研究提供了重要的数据基础。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the proximate and ultimate causes of phenotypic variation is fundamental in evolutionary research, as such variation provides the substrate for selection to act upon. Although trait variation can arise due to selection, the importance of neutral processes is sometimes understudied. We presented the first reference-quality genome of the Red Diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber) and used range-wide \'omic data to estimate the degree to which neutral and adaptive evolutionary processes shaped venom evolution. We characterized population structure and found substantial genetic differentiation across two populations, each with distinct demographic histories. We identified significant differentiation in venom expression across age classes with substantially reduced but discernible differentiation across populations. We then used conditional redundancy analysis to test whether venom expression variation was best predicted by neutral divergence patterns or geographically-variable (a)biotic factors. Snake size was the most significant predictor of venom variation, with environment, prey availability, and neutral sequence variation also identified as significant factors, though to a lesser degree. By directly including neutrality in the model, our results confidently highlight the predominant, yet not singular, role of life history in shaping venom evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) diverged from one of its wild relatives, the teosinte Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, in the lowlands of southwest Mexico approximately 9000 years ago. Following this divergence, maize rapidly expanded throughout the Americas, becoming a staple food. This dispersal was accompanied by significant demographic and selective changes, leading to the development of numerous local varieties with a complex evolutionary history that remains incompletely understood. In recent years, genomic advances have challenged traditional models of maize domestication and spread to South America. At least three distinct genetic lineages associated with different migratory waves have been described: ancestral Andean, ancestral Lowland, and Pan-American. Additionally, the significant role of the teosinte Zea mays ssp. mexicana, in the evolution of modern maize has been recently uncovered. Genomic studies have shed light into highland adaptation processes, revealing largely independent adaptation events in Meso- and South America. As new evidence emerges, the regional complexity underlying maize diversity and the need for comprehensive, multi-scale approaches become evident. In the face of climate change and evolving agricultural landscapes, the conservation of native maize in South America is of growing interest, with genomics serving as an invaluable tool for identifying and preserving the genetic variability of locally adapted germplasm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The South American archaeological record has ample evidence of the socio-cultural dynamism of human populations in the past. This has also been supported through the analysis of ancient genomes, by showing evidence of gene flow across the region. While the extent of these signals is yet to be tested, the growing number of ancient genomes allows for more fine-scaled hypotheses to be evaluated. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity of individuals associated with the Inka ritual, Qhapaq hucha. As part of this ceremony, one or more individuals were buried with Inka and local-style offerings on mountain summits along the Andes, leaving a very distinctive record. Using paleogenomic tools, we analyzed three individuals: two newly-generated genomes from El Plomo Mountain (Chile) and El Toro Mountain (Argentina), and a previously published genome from Argentina (Aconcagua Mountain). Our results reveal a complex demographic scenario with each of the individuals showing different genetic affinities. Furthermore, while two individuals showed genetic similarities with present-day and ancient populations from the southern region of the Inka empire, the third individual may have undertaken long-distance movement. The genetic diversity we observed between individuals from similar cultural contexts supports the highly diverse strategies the Inka implemented while incorporating new territories. More broadly, this research contributes to our growing understanding of the population dynamics in the Andes by discussing the implications and temporality of population movements in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central goal in evolutionary biology is to understand how different evolutionary processes cause trait change in wild populations. However, quantifying evolutionary change in the wild requires linking trait change to shifts in allele frequencies at causal loci. Nevertheless, datasets that allow for such tests are extremely rare and existing theoretical approaches poorly account for the evolutionary dynamics that likely occur in ecological settings. Using a decade-long integrative phenome-to-genome time-series dataset on wild threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we identified how different modes of selection (directional, episodic, and balancing) drive microevolutionary change in correlated traits over time. Most strikingly, we show that feeding traits changed by as much 25% across 10 generations which was driven by changes in the genetic architecture (i.e., in both genomic breeding values and allele frequencies at genetic loci for feeding traits). Importantly, allele frequencies at genetic loci related to feeding traits changed at a rate greater than expected under drift, suggesting that the observed change was a result of directional selection. Allele frequency dynamics of loci related to swimming traits appeared to be under fluctuating selection evident in periodic population crashes in this system. Our results show that microevolutionary change in a wild population is characterized by different modes of selection acting simultaneously on different traits, which likely has important consequences for the evolution of correlated traits. Our study provides one of the most thorough descriptions to date of how microevolutionary processes result in trait change in a natural population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Introgression has repeatedly been shown to play an important role in the adaptation of species to extreme environments, yet how introgression enables rodents with specialized subterranean lifestyle to acclimatize to high altitudes is still unclear. Myospalacinae is a group of subterranean rodents, among which the high-altitude plateau zokors (Eospalax baileyi) and the low-altitude Gansu zokors (E. cansus) are sympatrically distributed in the grassland ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Together, they provide a model for the study of the role of introgression in the adaptation of low-altitude subterranean rodents to high altitudes.
    RESULTS: Applying low-coverage whole-genome resequencing and population genetics analyses, we identified evidence of adaptive introgression from plateau zokors into Gansu zokors, which likely facilitated the adaptation of the latter to the high-altitude environment of the QTP. We identified positively selected genes with functions related to energy metabolism, cardiovascular system development, calcium ion transport, and response to hypoxia which likely made critical contributions to adaptation to the plateau environment in both plateau zokors and high-altitude populations of Gansu zokors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Introgression of genes associated with hypoxia adaptation from plateau zokors may have played a role in the adaptation of Gansu zokors to the plateau environment. Our study provides new insights into the understanding of adaptive evolution of species on the QTP and the importance of introgression in the adaptation of species to high-altitude environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic regions sometimes show patterns of genetic variation distinct from the genome-wide population structure. Such deviations have often been interpreted to represent effects of selection. However, systematic investigation of whether and how non-selective factors, such as recombination rates, can affect distinct patterns has been limited. Here, we associate distinct patterns of genetic variation with reduced recombination rates in a songbird, the Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), using a new reference genome assembly, whole-genome resequenc- ing data and recombination maps. We find that distinct patterns of genetic variation reflect haplotype structure at genomic regions with different prevalence of reduced recombination rate across populations. At low-recombining regions shared in most populations, distinct patterns reflect conspicuous haplotypes segregating in multiple populations. At low-recombining regions found only in a few populations, distinct patterns represent variance among cryptic haplotypes within the low-recombining populations. With simulations, we confirm that these distinct patterns evolve neutrally by reduced recombination rate, on which the effects of selection can be overlaid. Our results highlight that distinct patterns of genetic variation can emerge through evolutionary reduction of local recombination rate. The recombination landscape as an evolvable trait therefore plays an important role determining the heterogeneous distribution of genetic variation along the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theropithecus gelada, the last surviving species of this genus, occupy a unique and highly specialised ecological niche in the Ethiopian highlands. A subdivision into three geographically defined populations (Northern, Central and Southern) has been tentatively proposed for this species on the basis of genetic analyses, but genomic data have been investigated only for two of these groups (Northern and Central). Here we combined newly generated whole genome sequences of individuals sampled from the population living south of the East Africa Great Rift Valley with available data from the other two gelada populations to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the species. Integrating genomic and paleoclimatic data we found that gene-flow across populations and with Papio species tracked past climate changes. The isolation and climatic conditions experienced by Southern geladas during the Holocene shaped local diversity and generated diet-related genomic signatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extinction risk of the giant panda has been demoted from \"endangered\" to \"vulnerable\" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, but its habitat is more fragmented than ever before, resulting in 33 isolated giant panda populations according to the fourth national survey released by the Chinese government. Further comprehensive investigations of the genetic background and in-depth assessments of the conservation status of wild populations are still necessary and urgently needed. Here, we sequenced the genomes of 612 giant pandas with an average depth of ~26× and generated a high-resolution map of genomic variation with more than 20 million variants covering wild individuals from six mountain ranges and captive representatives in China. We identified distinct genetic clusters within the Minshan population by performing a fine-grained genetic structure. The estimation of inbreeding and genetic load associated with historical population dynamics suggested that future conservation efforts should pay special attention to the Qinling and Liangshan populations. Releasing captive individuals with a genetic background similar to the recipient population appears to be an advantageous genetic rescue strategy for recovering the wild giant panda populations, as this approach introduces fewer deleterious mutations into the wild population than mating with differentiated lineages. These findings emphasize the superiority of large-scale population genomics to provide precise guidelines for future conservation of the giant panda.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





