Population based survey

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sugar intake is a major nutritional factor in the development of dental caries. To further clarify its contribution to oral health-related diseases, population-based investigations are recommended. To facilitate economic and reliable assessment of sugar intake, a short form of the approved Marburg Sugar Index (MSI) was developed.
    According to the principles of item reduction based on original data, a six-item-short form was constructed. A total of 468 participants (aged 15-81) answered the short form together with the long form in a counterbalanced cross-over design, and with two questionnaires concerning self-efficacy and decisional balance in oral health to verify construct validity.
    Comparable item characteristics to the original MSI and a high correlation with the long form prove the usefulness of the short form, which was processed by the participants in less than one minute. Low correlations to the other two constructs show discriminant validity.
    The new short form of the MSI (MSI-S) can replace the long form, especially in population-based studies with no restrictions on assessment quality but with sufficient time saved to add other variables necessary to explore oral health-related issues.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.780696.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Popular media coverage of psychedelics use, growing research into this class of compounds for psychiatry and decriminalization initiatives, are transforming the public perception of psychedelics. However, little is known about levels of knowledge and psychedelic mushroom (PM) use among American adults. Methods: We examined PM use and various measures of health status, quality of life, and self-reported mental health outcome measures obtained through a national on-line, cross-sectional survey of adults with a demographic composition representative of the US adult population by region, gender, age, and race (weighted N = 251,297,495) from November 2020-March 2021. Results: General mental health and well-being were popular reasons for PM use (63.6%), although use for medically-diagnosed (31.8%) and self-diagnosed (19.0%) conditions was also common. PM users reported more depression and anxiety as reflected in higher GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores. Factors predictive of PM use included being male [OR 1.54 95%CI 1.09-2.15] and having higher Charlson Comorbidity Index scores [OR 1.42; 95%CI 1.22-1.65]. Self-reported PM use was less likely among participants with health insurance [OR = 0.50 (0.35-0.72)], increased age [OR = 0.92 (0.90-0.93)] and, relative to those living in the west US census region, living in the northeast [OR = 0.27 (0.15-0.50)], midwest [OR = 0.34 (0.20-0.56)], and south [OR = 0.38 (0.26-0.55)]. Discussion and Conclusions: A significant number of Americans are already \"self-medicating\" with PM and as growing positive media coverage of psychedelics drives public interest in the health benefits of PM, this number will increase. The association between PM use and poor mental health requires further research to inform policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Epidemiological data is essential for planning; however, all-age population-based surveys are resource intensive. Rapid Assessment of Cataract Surgical Services methodology was developed in India in 1995 and subsequently promoted by the World Health Organisation for use worldwide. The commonly used Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) evolved from this in 2005, constraining surveys to populations aged 50 or more based on the report \'The Epidemiology of Blindness in Nepal\' (SEVA, 1988), where 78.7% of blindness occurred in people aged 50+. The purpose of this study is to examine whether more recent total-population-based surveys continue to find a similar proportion of blindness in the population aged 50+.Methods:A systematic literature review identified all population-based surveys of blindness published 1996-2017. Data extraction was undertaken by two independent researchers and compared.Results:The proportions of blindness (presenting visual acuity (PVA) <3/60) and moderate/severe visual impairment (MSVI) (PVA <6/18-3/60) from total population-based surveys in people aged 50+ ranged from 90% (Mali, 1996) to 45.8% (South Korea, 2015); the mean proportions across all surveys were 73.1% (95% CI, 60.4-85.8%) for blindness, and 73.8% (95% CI, 54.8-92.8) for MSVI. No trend over time or association with GDP was identified.Conclusion:This systematic literature review supports the rationale for constraining surveys to the population aged 50+ as this will greatly reduce sample size but still include a high proportion of total cases of blindness; paucity of total population-based surveys highlights the ongoing need for RAAB in service planning internationally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Injuries are becoming an increasingly important public health challenge globally, and are responsible for 9% of deaths. Beyond their impact on health and well-being, fatal and non-fatal injuries also affect social and economic development for individuals concerned. Kenya has limited data on the magnitude and factors associated with injuries. This study sought to determine the magnitude and risk factors for injuries in Kenya and to identify where the largest burden lies.
    METHODS: A national population-based household survey was conducted from April-June 2015 among adults age 18-69 years. A three-stage cluster sample design was used to select clusters, households and eligible individuals based on WHO guidelines. We estimated the prevalence of injuries, identified factors associated with injuries and the use of protective devices/practices among road users. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify potential factors associated with injuries.
    RESULTS: A total of 4484 adults were included in the study. Approximately 15% had injuries from the past 12 months, 60.3% were males. Four percent of the respondents had been injured in a road traffic crash, 10.9% had experienced unintentional injuries other than road traffic injuries while 3.7% had been injured in violent incidents. Among drivers and passengers 12.5% reported always using a seatbelt and 8.1% of the drivers reported driving while drunk. The leading causes of injuries other than road traffic crashes were falls (47.6%) and cuts (34.0%). Males (p = 0.001), age 18-29 (p < 0.05) and smokers (p = 0.001) were significantly more likely to be injured in a road traffic crash. A higher social economic status (p = 0.001) was protective against other unintentional injuries while students had higher odds for such types of injuries. Heavy episodic drinking (p = 0.001) and smoking (p < 0.05) were associated with increased likelihood of occurrence of a violent injury.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study found that male, heavy episodic drinkers, current smokers and students were associated with various injury types. Our study findings highlight the need to scale up interventions for injury prevention for specific injury mechanisms and target groups. There is need for sustained road safety mass media campaigns and strengthened enforcement on helmet wearing, seatbelt use and drink driving.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People with diabetes experience an elevated risk of psychological distress compared with people without diabetes. It is unclear how much of this elevated risk is attributable to the greater levels of physical disability in people with diabetes, and how this risk varies according to sociodemographic and health-behavioural characteristics. This study quantified levels of psychological distress in people with and without diabetes, considering these factors.
    Cross-sectional analysis of questionnaire data.
    Men and women aged ≥45 years, in the 45 and Up Study, from New South Wales, Australia.
    236 441 people who completed the baseline postal questionnaire (distributed from 1 January 2006-31 December 2008), with valid data for diabetes status and psychological distress.
    High psychological distress (Kessler-10 >22). Modified Poisson regression with robust error variance was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PRs), comparing prevalence of high psychological distress among those with and without diabetes and across physical functional limitation (PFL) levels, adjusting for potential confounders.
    Overall, 8.4% (19 803/236 441) of participants reported diabetes. 11.8% (2339) of individuals with diabetes and 7.2% (15 664) without diabetes had high psychological distress: age-adjusted and sex-adjusted PR=1.89 (95% CI 1.81 to 1.97), becoming 1.58 (1.52 to 1.65) and 1.22 (1.17 to 1.27) following additional adjustment for sociodemographic factors, health behaviours and additionally for PFL, respectively. Compared with individuals with neither diabetes nor PFL, the adjusted PRs for high psychological distress were: 1.37 (1.17 to 1.60) with diabetes but no PFL, 7.33 (7.00 to 7.67) without diabetes but with severe PFL and 8.89 (8.36 to 9.46) with both diabetes and severe PFL.
    People with diabetes have a 60% greater risk of high psychological distress than people without diabetes; a substantial proportion of this elevation is attributable to higher levels of disability with diabetes, especially factoring in measurement error. Psychological distress is strongly related to physical impairment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment, cataract surgical coverage (CSC), visual outcome of cataract surgery, and barriers to uptake cataract surgery in Timor-Leste.
    METHODS: In a nationwide rapid assessment of avoidable blindness (RAAB), the latest population (1,066,409) and household data were used to create a sampling frame which consists of 2,227 population units (study clusters) from all 13 districts, with populations of 450-900 per unit. The sample size of 3,350 was calculated with the assumed prevalence of blindness at 4.5% among people aged ≥50 years with a 20% tolerable error, 95% CI, and a 90% response rate. The team was trained in the survey methodology, and inter-observer variation was measured. Door-to-door visits, led by an ophthalmologist, were made in preselected study clusters, and data were collected in line with the RAAB5 survey protocol. An Android smart phone installed with mRAAB software was used for data collection.
    RESULTS: The age-gender standardized prevalence of blindness, severe visual impairment, and visual impairment were 2.8%, (1.8-3.8), 1.7% (1.7-2.3), and 8.1% (6.6-9.6), respectively. Cataract was the leading cause of blindness (79.4%). Blindness was more prevalent in the older age group and in women. CSC was 41.5% in cataract blind eyes and 48.6% in cataract blind people. Good visual outcome in the cataract-operated eyes was 62% (presenting) and 75.2% (best corrected). Two important barriers to not using available cataract surgical services were accessibility (45.5%) and lack of attendants to accompany (24.8%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in Timor-Leste remains high. CSC is unacceptably low; gender inequity in blindness and CSC exists. Lack of access is the prominent barrier to cataract surgery.






