
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Play is thought to serve different purposes at different times during ontogeny. The nature and frequency of play are expected to change accordingly over the developmental trajectory and with socio-ecological context. Orangutans offer the opportunity to disentangle the ontogenetic trajectories of solitary and social play with their extended immature phase, and socio-ecological variation among populations and species. We evaluated the frequency of play in 39 immature individuals across two populations (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii, at Tuanan, Borneo, and P. abelii at Suaq, Sumatra), age (0-11 years), sex, and social context, using more than 11 500 h of full-day focal observation data. We found independent age trajectories of different play types, with solitary object and solitary locomotor peaking before social play. Social play partners changed during ontogeny, and male immatures were more likely to engage in non-mother social play than females. Overall, social play was more frequent at Suaq than Tuanan, linked to the more frequent availability of partners. Furthermore, per time in association with conspecifics, Tuanan immatures were as likely to engage in social play as their peers at Suaq, suggesting similar intrinsic motivation. Increasing fruit availability correlated with both longer associations and increased social play frequency in the less sociable population of Tuanan, but not at Suaq. Our findings on orangutans support evidence from other species that different play types follow different developmental trajectories, vary with sex, social opportunities, and ecological context. Although drawing functional inferences is challenging, the distinct developmental trajectories reflecting adult sociability and behavioral repertoires may indicate that play serves several, non-mutually exclusive functions during ontogeny.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10764-023-00414-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When presented with the option of either an immediate benefit or a larger, later reward, we may behave impatiently by choosing instant gratification. Nonetheless, when we can make the same decision ahead of time and plan for the future, we tend to make more patient choices. Here, we explored whether great apes share this core feature of human decision-making, often referred to as dynamic inconsistency. We found that orangutans, bonobos, and gorillas tended to act impatiently and with considerable variability between individuals when choosing between an immediate reward and a larger-later reward, which is a commonly employed testing method in the field. However, with the inclusion of a front-end delay for both alternatives, their decisions became more patient and homogeneous. These results show that great apes are dynamically inconsistent. They also suggest that, when choosing between future outcomes, they are more patient than previously reported. We advocate for the inclusion of diverse time ranges in comparative research, especially considering the intertwinement of intertemporal choices and future-oriented behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the recent genome assembly NHGRI_mPonAbe1-v2.0_NCBI (GCF_028885655.2) of orangutan chromosome 13, we computed the precise alpha satellite higher-order repeat (HOR) structure using the novel high-precision GRM2023 algorithm with Global Repeat Map (GRM) and Monomer Distance (MD) diagrams. This study rigorously identified alpha satellite HORs in the centromere of orangutan chromosome 13, discovering a novel 59mer HOR-the longest HOR unit identified in any primate to date. Additionally, it revealed the first intertwined sequence of three HORs, 18mer/27mer/45mer HORs, with a common aligned \"backbone\" across all HOR copies. The major 7mer HOR exhibits a Willard\'s-type canonical copy, although some segments of the array display significant irregularities. In contrast, the 14mer HOR forms a regular Willard\'s-type HOR array. Surprisingly, the GRM2023 high-precision analysis of chromosome 13 of human genome assembly T2T-CHM13v2.0 reveals the presence of only a 7mer HOR, despite both the orangutan and human genome assemblies being derived from whole genome shotgun sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We identified five distinct full-length human mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) genes containing either 984 amino acids (MR-984) or 988 amino acids (MR-988), which can be distinguished by the presence or absence of Lys, Cys, Ser, and Trp (KCSW) in their DNA-binding domain (DBD) and mutations at codons 180 and 241 in their amino-terminal domain (NTD). Two human MR-KCSW genes contain either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Val-241) in their NTD, and three human MR-984 genes contain either (Ile-180, Ala-241), (Val-180, Val-241), or (Ile-180, Val-241). Human MR-KCSW with (Ile-180, Ala-241) has not been cloned. In contrast, chimpanzees contain four MRs: two MR-988s with KCSW in their DBD, or two MR-984s without KCSW in their DBD. Chimpanzee MRs only contain (Ile180, Val-241) in their NTD. A chimpanzee MR with either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD has not been cloned. Gorillas and orangutans each contain one MR-988 with KCSW in the DBD and one MR-984 without KCSW, and these MRs only contain (Ile-180, Val-241) in their NTD. A gorilla MR or orangutan MR with either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD has not been cloned. Together, these data suggest that human MRs with (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD evolved after humans and chimpanzees diverged from their common ancestor. Considering the multiple functions in human development of the MR in kidney, brain, heart, skin, and lungs, as well as MR activity in interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor, we suggest that the evolution of human MRs that are absent in chimpanzees may have been important in the evolution of humans from chimpanzees. Investigation of the physiological responses to corticosteroids mediated by the MR in humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans may provide insights into the evolution of humans and their closest relatives.






  • 文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human centromeres have been traditionally very difficult to sequence and assemble owing to their repetitive nature and large size1. As a result, patterns of human centromeric variation and models for their evolution and function remain incomplete, despite centromeres being among the most rapidly mutating regions2,3. Here, using long-read sequencing, we completely sequenced and assembled all centromeres from a second human genome and compared it to the finished reference genome4,5. We find that the two sets of centromeres show at least a 4.1-fold increase in single-nucleotide variation when compared with their unique flanks and vary up to 3-fold in size. Moreover, we find that 45.8% of centromeric sequence cannot be reliably aligned using standard methods owing to the emergence of new α-satellite higher-order repeats (HORs). DNA methylation and CENP-A chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments show that 26% of the centromeres differ in their kinetochore position by >500 kb. To understand evolutionary change, we selected six chromosomes and sequenced and assembled 31 orthologous centromeres from the common chimpanzee, orangutan and macaque genomes. Comparative analyses reveal a nearly complete turnover of α-satellite HORs, with characteristic idiosyncratic changes in α-satellite HORs for each species. Phylogenetic reconstruction of human haplotypes supports limited to no recombination between the short (p) and long (q) arms across centromeres and reveals that novel α-satellite HORs share a monophyletic origin, providing a strategy to estimate the rate of saltatory amplification and mutation of human centromeric DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used pathogen genomics to test orangutan specimens from a museum in Bonn, Germany, to identify the origin of the animals and the circumstances of their death. We found monkeypox virus genomes in the samples and determined that they represent cases from a 1965 outbreak at Rotterdam Zoo in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans and several other species of animals have demonstrated the ability to use familiarity to recognize that they have seen images before. In prior experiments, orangutans failed to show use of familiarity in memory tasks, even when other solutions were not available. We tested for evidence of habituation, a decreased response to repeated stimuli, as a behavioral indicator that repeated images were familiar to subjects. Monkeys and orangutans selected the smallest target out of four while computerized images were presented as distractors. Latency to complete the target-finding task was compared between conditions in which the distractor image was a familiar, repeating image, a novel, never-before-seen image, or no distractor was present. Rhesus macaques showed significant habituation, and significantly more habituation than orangutans, in each of four experiments. Orangutans showed statistically reliable habituation in only one of the four experiments. These results are consistent with previous research in which orangutans failed to demonstrate familiarity. Because we expect that familiarity and habituation are evolutionarily ancient memory processes, we struggle to explain these surprising, but consistent findings. Future research is needed to determine why orangutans respond to computerized images in this peculiar way.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rarity of Pongo fossils with precise absolute dating from the Middle Pleistocene hampers our understanding of the taxonomy and spatiotemporal distribution of Quaternary orangutans in southern China. Here, we report a newly discovered sample of 113 isolated teeth of fossil Pongo from Zhongshan Cave in the Bubing Basin, Guangxi, southern China. We describe the Pongo specimens from Zhongshan Cave and compare them metrically to other samples of fossil Pongo species (i.e., Pongo weidenreichi, Pongo devosi, Pongo duboisi, Pongo palaeosumatrensis, Pongo javensis, and Pongo sp.) and to extant orangutans (i.e., Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii). The Zhongshan Pongo assemblage is dated using U-series and coupled electron spin resonance/U-series methods. Our results reasonably constrain the Zhongshan Pongo assemblage to 184 ± 16 ka, which is consistent with the biostratigraphic evidence. The Zhongshan Pongo teeth are only 6.5% larger on average than those of extant Pongo. The Zhongshan teeth are smaller overall than those of Pongo from all other cave sites in southern China, and they currently represent the smallest fossil orangutans in southern China. Based on their dental size, and the presence of a well-developed lingual pillar and lingual cingulum on the upper and lower incisors, an intermediate frequency of lingual cingulum remnants on the upper molars, and a higher frequency of moderate to heavy wrinkling on the upper and lower molars, we provisionally assign the Zhongshan fossils to P. devosi. Our results confirm earlier claims that P. weidenreichi is replaced by a smaller species in southern China, P. devosi, by the late Middle Pleistocene. The occurrence of P. devosi in Zhongshan Cave further extends its spatial and temporal distribution. The Pongo specimens from Zhongshan provide important new evidence to demonstrate that the dental morphological features of Pongo in southern China changed substantially during the late Middle Pleistocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstruction of fossil hominin manual behaviors often relies on comparative analyses of extant hominid hands to understand the relationship between hand use and skeletal morphology. In this context, the intermediate phalanges remain understudied. Thus, here we investigate cortical bone morphology of the intermediate phalanges of extant hominids and compare it to the cortical structure of the proximal phalanges, to investigate the relationship between cortical bone structure and inferred loading during manual behaviors.
    Using micro-CT data, we analyze cortical bone structure of the intermediate phalangeal shaft of digits 2-5 in Pongo pygmaeus (n = 6 individuals), Gorilla gorilla (n = 22), Pan spp. (n = 23), and Homo sapiens (n = 23). The R package morphomap is used to study cortical bone distribution, cortical thickness and cross-sectional properties within and across taxa.
    Non-human great apes generally have thick cortical bone on the palmar shaft, with Pongo only having thick cortex on the peaks of the flexor sheath ridges, while African apes have thick cortex along the entire flexor sheath ridge and proximal to the trochlea. Humans are distinct in having thicker dorsal shaft cortex as well as thick cortex at the disto-palmar region of the shaft.
    Variation in cortical bone distribution and properties of the intermediate phalanges is consistent with differences in locomotor and manipulative behaviors in extant great apes. Comparisons between the intermediate and proximal phalanges reveals similar patterns of cortical bone distribution within each taxon but with potentially greater load experienced by the proximal phalanges, even in knuckle-walking African apes. This study provides a comparative context for the reconstruction of habitual hand use in fossil hominins and hominids.





