
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is an incurable hereditary disease caused by expansion of the CAG repeats in the HTT gene encoding the mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT). Despite numerous studies in cellular and animal models, the mechanisms underlying the biological role of mHTT and its toxicity to striatal neurons have not yet been established and no effective therapy for HD patients has been developed so far. We produced and characterized a new line of dermal fibroblasts (HDDF, Huntington\'s disease dermal fibroblasts) from a patient with a confirmed HD diagnosis. We also studied the growth characteristics of HDDF cells, stained them for canonical markers, karyotyped these cells, and investigated their phenotype. HDDF cells was successfully reprogrammed into induced striatal neurons via transdifferentiation. The new fibroblast line can be used as a cell model to study the biological role of mHTT and manifestations of HD pathogenesis in both fibroblasts and induced neuronal cells obtained from them by reprogramming techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are devastating neurodegenerative disorders characterized by abnormal expansion of glutamine repeats within specific proteins. The aggregation of polyQ proteins is a critical pathological hallmark of these diseases. Arginine was identified as a promising inhibitory compound because it prevents polyQ-protein monomers from forming intra- and intermolecular β-sheet structures and hinders polyQ proteins from aggregating to form oligomers. Such an aggregation inhibitory effect was not observed in other amino acids. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of the aggregation inhibition and the factors that differentiate arginine from other amino acids, in terms of the inhibition of the polyQ-protein aggregation, remain poorly understood. Here, we performed replica-permutation molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the molecular mechanism by which arginine inhibits the formation of the intramolecular β-sheet structure of a polyQ monomer. We found that the intramolecular β-sheet structure with more than four β-bridges of the polyQ monomer with arginine is more unstable than without any ligand and with lysine. We also found that arginine has 1.6-2.1 times more contact with polyQ than lysine. In addition, we revealed that arginine forms more hydrogen bonds with the main chain of the polyQ monomer than lysine. More hydrogen bonds formed between arginine and polyQ inhibit polyQ from forming the long intramolecular β-sheet structure. It is known that intramolecular β-sheet structure enhances intermolecular β-sheet structure between proteins. These effects are thought to be the reason for the inhibition of polyQ aggregation. This study provides insights into the molecular events underlying arginine\'s inhibition of polyQ-protein aggregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are a group of inherited neurodegenerative disorders caused by expanded cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) repeats encoding proteins with abnormally expanded polyglutamine tract. A total of nine polyQ disorders have been identified, including Huntington\'s disease, six spinocerebellar ataxias, dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), and spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). The diseases of this class are each considered rare, yet polyQ diseases constitute the largest group of monogenic neurodegenerative disorders. While each subtype of polyQ diseases has its own causative gene, certain pathologic molecular attributes have been implicated in virtually all of the polyQ diseases, including protein aggregation, proteolytic cleavage, neuronal dysfunction, transcription dysregulation, autophagy impairment, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Although animal models of polyQ disease are available helping to understand their pathogenesis and access disease-modifying therapies, there is neither a cure nor prevention for these diseases, with only symptomatic treatments available. In this paper, we analyze data from the CAS Content Collection to summarize the research progress in the class of polyQ diseases. We examine the publication landscape in the area in effort to provide insights into current knowledge advances and developments. We review the most discussed concepts and assess the strategies to combat these diseases. Finally, we inspect clinical applications of products against polyQ diseases with their development pipelines. The objective of this review is to provide a broad overview of the evolving landscape of current knowledge regarding the class of polyQ diseases, to outline challenges, and evaluate growth opportunities to further efforts in combating the diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease associated with autophagy disorder and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here, we identified therapeutic potential of perillaldehyde (PAE), a monoterpene compound obtained from Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt., in the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) model of HD, which included lifespan extension, healthspan improvement, decrease in polyglutamine (polyQ) aggregation, and preservation of mitochondrial network. Further analyses indicated that PAE was able to induce autophagy and mitochondrial unfolded protein reaction (UPRmt) activation and positively regulated expression of associated genes. In lgg-1 RNAi C. elegans or C. elegans with UPRmt-related genes knockdown, the effects of PAE treatment on polyQ aggregation or rescue polyQ-induced toxicity were attenuated, suggesting that its neuroprotective activity depended on autophagy and UPRmt. Moreover, we found that pharmacological and genetic activation of UPRmt generally protected C. elegans from polyQ-induced cytotoxicity. Finally, PAE promoted serotonin synthesis by upregulating expression of TPH-1, and serotonin synthesis and neurosecretion were required for PAE-mediated UPRmt activation and its neuroprotective activity. In conclusion, PAE is a potential therapy for polyQ-related diseases including HD, which is dependent on autophagy and cell-non-autonomous UPRmt activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder resulting from abnormal expansion of an uninterrupted polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat in its disease protein, ataxin-7 (ATXN7). ATXN7 is part of Spt-Ada-Gcn5 acetyltransferase (SAGA), an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional coactivation complex with critical roles in chromatin remodeling, cell signaling, neurodifferentiation, mitochondrial health and autophagy. SCA7 is dominantly inherited and characterized by genetic anticipation and high repeat-length instability. Patients with SCA7 experience progressive ataxia, atrophy, spasticity, and blindness. There is currently no cure for SCA7, and therapies are aimed at alleviating symptoms to increase quality of life. Here, we report novel Drosophila lines of SCA7 with polyQ repeats in wild-type and human disease patient range. We find that ATXN7 expression has age- and polyQ repeat length-dependent reduction in fruit fly survival and retinal instability, concomitant with increased ATXN7 protein aggregation. These new lines will provide important insight on disease progression that can be used in the future to identify therapeutic targets for SCA7 patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s Disease (HD) is caused by an abnormal expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) domain within the first exon of the huntingtin protein (htt). This expansion promotes disease-related htt aggregation into amyloid fibrils and the formation of proteinaceous inclusion bodies within neurons. Fibril formation is a complex heterogenous process involving an array of aggregate species such as oligomers, protofibrils, and fibrils. In HD, structural abnormalities of membranes of several organelles develop. In particular, the accumulation of htt fibrils near the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) impinges upon the membrane, resulting in ER damage, altered dynamics, and leakage of Ca2+. Here, the aggregation of htt at a bilayer interface assembled from ER-derived liposomes was investigated, and fibril formation directly on these membranes was enhanced. Based on these observations, simplified model systems were used to investigate mechanisms associated with htt aggregation on ER membranes. As the ER-derived liposome fractions contained residual Ca2+, the role of divalent cations was also investigated. In the absence of lipids, divalent cations had minimal impact on htt structure and aggregation. However, the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+ played a key role in promoting fibril formation on lipid membranes despite reduced htt insertion into and association with lipid interfaces, suggesting that the ability of divalent cations to promote fibril formation on membranes is mediated by induced changes to the lipid membrane physicochemical properties. With enhanced concentrations of intracellular calcium being a hallmark of HD, the ability of divalent cations to influence htt aggregation at lipid membranes may play a role in aggregation events that lead to organelle abnormalities associated with disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyglutamine (polyQ) sequences undergo repeat-length dependent formation of disease-associated, amyloid-like cross-β core structures with kinetics and aggregate morphologies often influenced by the flanking sequences. In Huntington\'s disease (HD), the httNT segment on the polyQ\'s N-terminal flank enhances aggregation rates by changing amyloid nucleation from a classical homogeneous mechanism to a two-step process requiring an ɑ-helix-rich oligomeric intermediate. A folded, helix-rich httNT tetrameric structure suggested to be this critical intermediate was recently reported. Here we employ single alanine replacements along the httNT sequence to assess this proposed structure and refine the mechanistic model. We find that Ala replacement of hydrophobic residues within simple httNT peptides greatly suppresses helicity, supporting the tetramer model. These same helix-disruptive replacements in the httNT segment of an exon-1 analog greatly reduce aggregation kinetics, suggesting that an ɑ-helix rich multimer - either the tetramer or a larger multimer - plays an on-pathway role in nucleation. Surprisingly, several other Ala replacements actually enhance helicity and/or amyloid aggregation. The spatial localization of these residues on the tetramer surface suggests a self-association interface responsible for formation of the octomers and higher-order multimers most likely required for polyQ amyloid nucleation. Multimer docking of the tetramer, using the protein-protein docking algorithm ClusPro, predicts this symmetric surface to be a viable tetramer dimerization interface. Intriguingly, octomer formation brings the emerging polyQ chains into closer proximity at this tetramer-tetramer interface. Further supporting the potential importance of tetramer super-assembly, computational docking with a known exon-1 aggregation inhibitor predicts ligand contacts with residues at this interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The causative genes for neurodegenerative polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases produce homopolymeric polyglutamine (polyQ), polyserine (polyS), polyalanine (polyA), polycysteine (polyC), and polyleucine (polyL) sequences by repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN) translation. The cytotoxicity of the intracellular polyQ and RAN products has been extensively investigated. However, little is known about the toxicity of the extracellular polyQ and RAN products on the membranes of viable cells. Because polyQ aggregates induce a deflated morphology of a model membrane, we hypothesized that extracellular polyQ and RAN products might affect the membrane properties of viable cells. In this study, we demonstrated that exogenous polyS fibrils but not polyS or polyQ non-fibril aggregates altered the thermal phase transition behavior of a model membrane composed of a phosphatidylcholine bilayer using differential scanning calorimetry. PolyS fibrils induced morphological changes in viable red blood cells (RBCs). However, both polyS and polyQ non-fibril aggregates had no effects on RBCs. These results highlight the possibility that extracellular fibrils generated from RAN products may alter the properties of neuronal cell membranes, which may contribute to changes in the brain pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) arises from the abnormal expansion of CAG repeats in the huntingtin gene (HTT), resulting in the production of the mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT) with a polyglutamine stretch in its N-terminus. The pathogenic mechanisms underlying HD are complex and not yet fully elucidated. However, mHTT forms aggregates and accumulates abnormally in neuronal nuclei and processes, leading to disruptions in multiple cellular functions. Although there is currently no effective curative treatment for HD, significant progress has been made in developing various therapeutic strategies to treat HD. In addition to drugs targeting the neuronal toxicity of mHTT, gene therapy approaches that aim to reduce the expression of the mutant HTT gene hold great promise for effective HD therapy. This review provides an overview of current HD treatments, discusses different therapeutic strategies, and aims to facilitate future therapeutic advancements in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is the most common dominantly inherited ataxia. Currently, no preventive or disease-modifying treatments exist for this progressive neurodegenerative disorder, although efforts using gene silencing approaches are under clinical trial investigation. The disease is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the mutant gene, ATXN3, producing an enlarged polyglutamine tract in the mutant protein. Similar to other paradigmatic neurodegenerative diseases, studies evaluating the pathogenic mechanism focus primarily on neuronal implications. Consequently, therapeutic interventions often overlook non-neuronal contributions to disease. Our lab recently reported that oligodendrocytes display some of the earliest and most progressive dysfunction in SCA3 mice. Evidence of disease-associated oligodendrocyte signatures has also been reported in other neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer\'s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson\'s disease, and Huntington\'s disease. Here, we assess the effects of anti-ATXN3 antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatment on oligodendrocyte dysfunction in premanifest and symptomatic SCA3 mice. We report a severe, but modifiable, deficit in oligodendrocyte maturation caused by the toxic gain-of-function of mutant ATXN3 early in SCA3 disease that is transcriptionally, biochemically, and functionally rescued with anti-ATXN3 ASO. Our results highlight the promising use of an ASO therapy across neurodegenerative diseases that requires glial targeting in addition to affected neuronal populations.





