Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)

多环芳烃 (PAH)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) is a source of atmospheric emission for polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), compounds known to have toxic effects on humans. Estimating emissions and assessing the chemical fate of PACs requires measured or predicted physical-chemical properties such as Henry\'s law constants (H), that can be used to predict chemical transfer into the atmosphere. OSPW is a complex water-based mixture that is highly variable in composition and nature and contains both organic and inorganic ions. This study uses COSMO-RS solvation theory to estimate and compare Henry\'s law constants for a set of PACs in both water and theoretically modelled OSPW, to assess the expected deviation that occurs from pure water H values due to the ionic content within OSPW. Experimental measurements of Henry\'s law constants for PACs in pure water and OSPW using EVA-coated passive dosing and sampler beads were also made in support of our theoretical predictions. For the theory work, OSPW composition data for the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta were used to model a simulated OSPW environment with realistic sodium, chloride, fluoride, sulfate, potassium, bicarbonate, and naphthenic acid concentrations. Theory results indicate that the combined presence of these ions at OSPW concentrations has a negligible effect on H values, causing on average a 3% or 0.014 log unit deviation. By comparison, temperature has a much larger influence on H values, with estimations showing an average 0.20 log unit increase for a 5 °C increase in temperature. The experimental results demonstrate that Henry\'s law constants can be accurately and precisely measured with this technique in pure water but with less precision in OSPW. Nevertheless, the experimental results support the conclusion that Henry\'s law constants for OSPW can be accurately estimated assuming a pure water phase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heteroatom-containing analogues, constitute an important environmental contaminant class. For decades, limited numbers of priority PAHs have been routinely targeted in pollution investigations, however, there is growing awareness for the potential occurrence of thousands of PACs in the environment. In this study, untargeted Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry was used for the molecular characterisation of PACs in a sediment core from Chiswick Ait, in the River Thames, London, UK. Using complex mixture analysis approaches, including aromaticity index calculations, the number of molecular PAC components was determined for eight core depths, extending back to the 1930s. A maximum of 1676 molecular compositions representing PACs was detected at the depth corresponding to the 1950s, and a decline in PAC numbers was observed up the core. A case linking the PACs to London\'s coal consumption history is presented, alongside other possible sources, with some data features indicating pyrogenic origins. The overall core profile trend in PAC components, including compounds with oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and chlorine atoms, is shown to broadly correspond to the 16 priority PAH concentration profile trend previously determined for this core. These findings have implications for other industry-impacted environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are persistent environmental pollutants, which occasionally appear as contaminants in consumer products. Upon dermal contact, transfer of PAH into the stratum corneum (s.c.) and migration through the skin may occur, resulting in this class of highly toxic compounds to become bioavailable. In this study, dermal penetration through human and porcine skin of 24 PAH, comprising broad molar mass (M: 152-302 g/mol) and octanol-water partition coefficient (logP: 3.9-7.3) ranges, was evaluated via Franz diffusion cell in vitro assays. More lipophilic and potentially more toxic PAH had decreased permeation rates through the rather lipophilic s.c. into the more hydrophilic viable (epi-)dermis. Furthermore, human skin was less permeable than pigskin, a commonly used surrogate in skin penetration studies. In particular, the s.c. of human skin retains a greater share of PAH, an effect that is more pronounced for smaller PAH. Additionally, we compared the skin permeation kinetics of different PAH in pigskin. While small PAH (M < 230 g/mol, logP < 6) permeate the skin quickly and are detected in the receptor fluid after 2 h, large PAH (M > 252 g/mol, logP ≥ 6) do not fully permeate the skin up to 48 h. This indicates that highly lipophilic PAH do not become bioavailable as readily as their smaller congeners when transferred to the skin surface. Our data suggest that pigskin could be used as a surrogate for worst case scenario estimates of dermal PAH permeation through human skin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits for both infants and mothers, promoting optimal growth and development while offering protection against various illnesses and diseases. This study investigated the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine pesticides (OCP) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in human milk sampled in Zadar (Croatia). The primary objectives were twofold: firstly, to evaluate the individual impact of each compound on the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) value, and secondly, to assess associated health risks. Notably, this study presents pioneering and preliminary insights into PAH levels in Croatian human milk, contributing to the limited research on PAH in breast milk worldwide. PCB and OCP levels in Croatian human milk were found to be relatively lower compared to worldwide data. Conversely, PAH levels were comparatively higher, albeit with lower detection frequencies. A negative correlation was established between organic contaminant levels and antioxidative capacity, suggesting a potential link between higher antioxidative potential and lower organic contaminant levels. Diagnostic ratio pointed towards traffic emissions as the primary source of the detected PAH. The presence of PAH suggests potential health risk, underscoring the need for further in-depth investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The combustion of traditional fuels in low-income countries, including those in sub-Saharan Africa, leads to extensive indoor particle exposure. Yet, the related health consequences in this context are understudied. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro toxicity of combustion-derived particles relevant for Sub-Saharan household environments. Particles (< 2.5 µm) were collected using a high-volume sampler during combustion of traditional Ethiopian biomass fuels: cow dung, eucalyptus wood and eucalyptus charcoal. Diesel exhaust particles (DEP, NIST 2975) served as reference particles. The highest levels of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found in wood (3219 ng/mg), followed by dung (618 ng/mg), charcoal (136 ng/mg) and DEP (118 ng/mg) (GC-MS). BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells and THP-1 derived macrophages were exposed to particle suspensions (1-150 µg/mL) for 24 h. All particles induced concentration-dependent genotoxicity (comet assay) but no pro-inflammatory cytokine release in epithelial cells, whereas dung and wood particles also induced concentration-dependent cytotoxicity (Alamar Blue). Only wood particles induced concentration-dependent cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in macrophage-like cells, while dung particles were unique at increasing secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α). In summary, particles derived from combustion of less energy dense fuels like dung and wood had a higher PAH content and were more cytotoxic in epithelial cells. In addition, the least energy dense and cheapest fuel, dung, also induced pro-inflammatory effects in macrophage-like cells. These findings highlight the influence of fuel type on the toxic profile of the emitted particles and warrant further research to understand and mitigate health effects of indoor air pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although microbial degradation is a key sink of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in surface seawaters, there is a dearth of field-based evidences of regional divergences in biodegradation and the effects of PAHs on site-specific microbial communities. We compared the magnitude of PAH degradation and its impacts in short-term incubations of coastal Mediterranean and the Maritime Antarctica microbiomes with environmentally relevant concentrations of PAHs. Mediterranean bacteria readily degraded the less hydrophobic PAHs, with rates averaging 4.72 ± 0.5 ng L h-1. Metatranscriptomic responses showed significant enrichments of genes associated to horizontal gene transfer, stress response, and PAH degradation, mainly harbored by Alphaproteobacteria. Community composition changed and increased relative abundances of Bacteroidota and Flavobacteriales. In Antarctic waters, there was no degradation of PAH, and minimal metatranscriptome responses were observed. These results provide evidence for factors such as geographic region, community composition, and pre-exposure history to predict PAH biodegradation in seawater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Up to 50 % of total PM2.5 emissions are due to particles derived from the automotive sector, and both exhaust and non-exhaust emissions contribute to the pollution of urban areas. Fuel incomplete combustion, or lubricant degradation due to high temperatures during the combustion process, are responsible for exhaust emissions. The non-exhaust ones concern brakes, tires and road surface-wear emissions and road resuspension contribution. The present study aims to provide a methodological approach for a detailed chemical characterization of wear friction products by means of a large array of techniques including spectroscopic tools, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), chromatography, morphological and elemental analysis. The dust sample derived from the wear of a brake pad material was collected after a Noise & Vibration Harshness (NVH) test under loads similar to a Worldwide Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) braking cycle. The TGA shows that only a small fraction is burned during the test in an oxidizing environment, testifying that the sample consists mostly of metals (more than 90 %). Fe exhibits the highest concentrations (50-80 %, even in the form of oxides). Also other kinds of metals, such as Zn, Al, Mg, Si, S, Sn, Mn, occur in small quantities (about 1-2% each). This finding is confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The organic fraction of the debris, investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy, has an evident aromatic character, probably due to oxidative phenomena occurring during the braking cycle test. Noteworthy, the extraction of the dust sample with organic solvents, revealed for the first time the presence of ultrafine particles (UFPs), even in the range of few nanometers (nanoparticles), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), recognized as highly toxic compounds. The simultaneous presence of toxic organic carbon and metals makes of concern the non-exhaust emissions and mandatory a deep insight on their structure and detailed composition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the concerted effort of Eisenia fetida and rhamnolipid JBR-425 in combination with a five-member bacterial consortium exhibiting elevated degradation levels of low and high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from soil contaminated with Digboi crude oil. Application of bacterial consortium (G2) degraded 30-89% of selected PAH from the artificial soil after a 45-day post-exposure, in which chrysene showed the highest level of degradation with 89% and benzo(a)pyrene is the lowest with 30%, respectively. Moreover, an acute exposure study observed that earthworm biomass decreased, and mortality rates increased with increasing crude oil concentrations (0.25 to 2%). Earthworms with a 100% survival rate at 1% crude oil exposure suggest the tolerance potential and its mutual involvement in the bioremediation of crude oil with selected bacterial consortia. Bacterial consortium assisted with E. fetida (G3) showed 98% chrysene degradation with a slight change in benzo(a)pyrene degradation (35%) in crude oil spiked soil. Besides, the most dominant PAH in crude oil found in the current work, fluoranthene, undergoes 93% and 70% degradation in G3 and G5 groups, respectively. However, rhamnolipid JBR-425 coupled with the bacterial consortium (G5) has resulted in 97% degradation of chrysene and 33% for benzo(a)pyrene. Overall, bacterial consortium assisted with earthworm group has shown better degradation of selected PAH than bacterial consortium with biosurfactant. Catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GST) activity and MDA content was found to be reduced in earthworms after sub-lethal exposure, suggesting oxidative stress prevalence via reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hence, the findings of the present work suggest that the application of a bacterial consortium, along with earthworm E. fetida, has huge potential for field restoration of contaminated soil with PAH and ecosystem sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent Iraqi battles against ISIS in 2014 and 2015 resulted in the destruction or severe damage to several refineries\' infrastructure. This, along with other factors, has led to the release and accumulation of a wide range of hazardous chemicals into the environment, for instance, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Thus, for the first time, a comprehensive 16 PAHs measurements campaign over the course of six months near the oil refineries along the Tigris River and its estuaries was investigated. The 16 PAHs concentrations in surface water and the sediments for the following oil refineries: Baiji, Kirkuk, Al-Siniyah, Qayyarah, Al-Kasak, Daura, South Refineries Company, and Maysan were examined. The overall findings indicated that the 16 PAHs concentrations ranged from 567.8 to 3750.7 ng/L for water and 5619.2-12795.0 ng/g for sediment. Water samples in South Refineries Company recorded the highest PAH concentrations while Baiji oil refinery registered the highest PAH concentrations in the sediment samples. The percentages of high molecular weight PAH (5-6 rings) in water and sediment samples were the highest, ranging from 49.41% to 81.67% and from 39.06% to 89.39% of total PAH for water and sediment, respectively. The majority of 16 PAHs measured in water and sediment samples of the Tigris River were derived from pyrogenic sources. Based on sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), most sites showed a possible effect range with occasional biological effects of most of the PAH concentrations in all sediments\' samples. The calculated incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) value was high risk with adverse health effects, including cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conventional PAH analytical methods are time-consuming and expensive, limiting their utility in time sensitive events (i.e. oil spills and floods) or for widespread environmental monitoring. Unreliable and inefficient screening methods intended to prioritize samples for more extensive analyses exacerbate the issue. Antibody-based biosensor technology was implemented as a quantitative screening method to measure total PAH concentration in adult oysters (Crassostrea virginica) - a well-known bioindicator species with ecological and commercial significance. Individual oysters were analyzed throughout the historically polluted Elizabeth River watershed (Virginia, USA). Significant positive association was observed between biosensor and GC-MS measurements that persisted when the method was calibrated for different regulatory subsets of PAHs. Mapping of PAH concentrations in oysters throughout the watershed demonstrates the utility of this technology for environmental monitoring. Through a novel extension of equilibrium partitioning, biosensor technology shows promise as a cost-effective analysis to rapidly predict whole animal exposure to better assess human health risk as well as improve monitoring efforts.





