
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent years, with the increasing demand for seedless grape varieties that have lower production costs, are disease resistant/tolerant and require less chemical pesticides, the embryo recovery technique has begun to be used more in table grape breeding studies. However, the desired high success rate has not yet been achieved in these studies. Although there are different reasons for this, especially the grape varieties selected for cross-breeding and the timing of transferring the embryos to medium are among the most important reasons. In this study, focusing on these two important factors, the embryos obtained from different hybridization combinations were transferred to agar medium at different weeks for 4 years and the most successful combination and time were determined. In addition, seedless and large berry grape varieties and some seeded varieties that are resistant/tolerant to fungal diseases were selected as parents because they can provide resistance to disease infections in vitro and thus increase the success rate.
    RESULTS: The results obtained from the study showed that the selected variety and combination significantly affected the success rate in embryo rescue. Especially in combinations with the \'Yalova Seedless\' variety as the female parent, more successful results were obtained compared to combinations of other varieties. When \'Yalova Seedless\' variety was pollinated with pollen of \'Red Globe\', \'Muscat Bailey A\' and \'Exalta\' varieties, more seedlings were obtained with the help of embryo rescue. The results obtained over four years showed that the best sampling time after pollination was the eighth week and then the seventh week.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to the results obtained, it has been shown that the selected varieties and the sampling time significantly affect the success rate in embryo rescue studies. Therefore, higher success rates can be achieved in comprehensive breeding studies in which they will be included as pollinators, especially in different seeded varieties that are resistant to diseases and have larger berry size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three morning glory species in the genus Argyreia Lour., A. lycioides (Choisy) Traiperm & Rattanakrajang, A. mekongensis Gagnep & Courchet, and A. versicolor (Kerr) Staples & Traiperm, were found co-occurring and co-flowering. Argyreia mekongensis and A. versicolor are rare, while A. lycioides is near threatened and distributed throughout Myanmar and Thailand. We investigated key floral characters (floral morphology and phenology, as well as the micromorphology of the floral nectary disc and staminal trichomes) and screened for important chemical compounds hypothesized to contribute to pollinator attraction. Our findings demonstrate that some aspects of floral morphology (e.g., corolla size, limb presence, and floral color) of the three studied congeners exhibit significant differences. Moreover, pollinator composition appears to be influenced by floral shape and size; morning glory species with wider corolla tubes were pollinated by larger bees. The morphology of the floral nectary disc was similar in all species, while variation in staminal trichomes was observed across species. Glandular trichomes were found in all three species, while non-glandular trichomes were found only in A. versicolor. Histochemical results revealed different compounds in the floral nectary and staminal trichomes of each species, which may contribute to both floral attraction and defense. These findings demonstrate some segregation of floral visitors among sympatric co-flowering morning glory species, which appears to be influenced by the macro- and micromorphology of flowers and their chemical compounds. Moreover, understanding the floral morphology and chemical attractants of these sympatric co-flowering Argyreia species may help to maintain their common pollinators in order to conserve these rare and endangered species, especially A. versicolor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osmia excavata is an excellent pollinator in nature and plays a vital role in the conservation of agro-ecosystems and food security. Given the important role of the gut bacterial community in host health and regulation of host growth and development, using 16S rRNA gene sequencing data, the present study explored the composition of the gut bacterial community and its diversity at different life stages (eggs, young larvae, old larvae, young pupae, old pupae, and 1-day-old adults in cocoons) of the solitary bee Osmia excavata. The results showed that the core phyla in the gut of O. excavata at different life stages were Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, and Actinobacteriota, and the core genera were Sodalis, Tyzzerella, and Ralstonia. The highest intestinal bacterial diversity was found in the Egg period, and the lowest bacterial alpha diversity was found in the 1-day-old Adult period; the bacterial diversity of O. excavata showed a process of decreasing, as it was growing from the Egg period to the 1-day-old Adult period. Our study found that O. excavata undergoes a significant change in the structure of the gut flora when it grows from the young pupae to old pupae stage, a period of growth that coincides with the process of cocooning and isolation from the external environment after food depletion. This suggests that food and environmental factors are key contributors to the structure of the bacterial community in the gut of solitary bees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have witnessed heightened scrutiny of the non-target sublethal effects of pesticides on behavioural and physiological traits of insects. Traditionally, attention has focused on investigating pesticides\' primary modes of action, often overlooking the potential secondary mechanisms. This review brings forth the nuanced impacts of sublethal pesticide exposure on the immune system of target and non-target insect species. Pesticides, such as for example neonicotinoids, suppress immune response, while others, like certain organophosphates and some insect growth regulators (IGRs), appear to bolster immunocompetence under certain circumstances. Beyond their individual impacts, the synergic effects of pesticide mixtures on insect immunity are garnering increasing interest. This review thus summarizes recent advances in the immunomodulatory effects of pesticides, detailing both mechanisms and consequences of such interactions. The implications of these effects for ecosystem preservation and viability of beneficial organisms, such as pollinators and natural enemies of pests, are discussed. The review also considers further research directions on pesticide secondary modes of action and explores potential implications for integrated pest management (IPM) programs, as several model organisms studied are crop pest species. While current data provide an expansive overview of how insect innate immunity is modulated, concrete endpoints remain elusive requiring further research into pesticide secondary modes of actions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant protection products (PPP) are extensively used to protect plants against harmful organisms, but they also have unintended effects on non-target organisms, especially terrestrial invertebrates. The impact of PPP on ecosystem functions provided by these non-target invertebrates remains, however, unclear. The objectives of this article were to review PPP impacts on the ecosystem functions provided by pollinators, predators and parasitoids, and soil organisms, and to identify the factors that aggravate or mitigate PPP effects. The literature highlights that PPP alter several ecosystem functions: provision and maintenance of biodiversity, pollination, biotic interactions and habitat completeness in terrestrial ecosystems, and organic matter and soil structure dynamics. However, there are still a few studies dealing with ecosystem functions, with sometimes contradictory results, and consequences on agricultural provisioning services remain unclear. The model organisms used to assess PPP ecotoxicological effects are still limited, and should be expanded to better cover the wide functional diversity of terrestrial invertebrates. Data are lacking on PPP sublethal, transgenerational, and \"cocktail\" effects, and on their multitrophic consequences. In empirical assessments, studies on PPP unintended effects should consider agricultural-pedoclimatic contexts because they influence the responses of non-target organisms and associated ecosystem functions to PPP. Modeling might be a promising way to account for the complex interactions among PPP mixtures, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analysed the wild bee community sampled from 1921 to 2018 at a nature preserve in southern Michigan, USA, to study long-term community shifts in a protected area. During an intensive survey in 1972 and 1973, Francis C. Evans detected 135 bee species. In the most recent intensive surveys conducted in 2017 and 2018, we recorded 90 species. Only 58 species were recorded in both sampling periods, indicating a significant shift in the bee community. We found that the bee community diversity, species richness and evenness were all lower in recent samples. Additionally, 64% of the more common species exhibited a more than 30% decline in relative abundance. Neural network analysis of species traits revealed that extirpation from the reserve was most likely for oligolectic ground-nesting bees and kleptoparasitic bees, whereas polylectic cavity-nesting bees were more likely to persist. Having longer phenological ranges also increased the chance of persistence in polylectic species. Further analysis suggests a climate response as bees in the contemporary sampling period had a more southerly overall distribution compared to the historic community. Results exhibit the utility of both long-term data and machine learning in disentangling complex indicators of bee population trajectories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Bombus (bumble bees) includes approximately 265 species, many of which are in decline in North America and Europe. To estimate colony abundance of bumble bees in natural and agricultural habitats, sibship relationships are often reconstructed from genetic data with the assumption that colonies have 1 monandrous queen. However, some species such as the North American common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens Cresson) can display low levels of polyandry, which may bias estimates of colony abundance based on monandrous sibship reconstructions. To accurately quantify rates of polyandry in wild and commercially mated queens of this species, we empirically estimated mating frequencies using a novel statistical model and genotypes from 730 bees. To genotype individuals, we used a highly polymorphic set of microsatellites on colonies established from 20 wild-caught gynes and 10 commercial colonies. We found multiple fathers in 3 of the wild colonies and 3 of the commercial colonies. This resulted in average effective mating frequencies of 1.075 ± 0.18 and 1.154 ± 0.25 for wild and commercial colonies, respectively. These findings agree with previous reports of low rates of polyandry for B. impatiens. Using a large empirical dataset, we demonstrate that assuming monandry for colony abundance estimation in species that violate this assumption results in an overestimation of the number of colonies. Our results emphasize the importance of studying mating frequencies in social species of conservation concern and economic importance for the accuracy of colony abundance estimation and for understanding their ecology and sociobiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Partamona helleri is an important pollinator in the Neotropics. However, this bee faces an increased risk of pesticide exposure, potentially affecting both individual bees and entire colonies. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of the herbicide tebuthiuron on behavior, antioxidant activity, midgut morphology, and signaling pathways related to cell death, cell proliferation and differentiation in P. helleri workers. tebuthiuron significantly reduced locomotor activity and induced morphological changes in the midgut. The activity of the detoxification enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione S-transferase increased after exposure, indicating a detoxification mechanism. Furthermore, the herbicide led to alterations in the number of positive cells for signaling-pathway proteins in the midgut of bees, suggesting induction of apoptotic cell death and disruption of midgut epithelial regeneration. Therefore, tebuthiuron may negatively impact the behavior, antioxidant activity, morphology, and physiology of P. helleri workers, potentially posing a threat to the survival of this non-target organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hunt bumble bee, Bombus huntii, is a widely distributed pollinator in western North America. The species produces large colony sizes in captive rearing conditions, experiences low parasite and pathogen loads, and has been demonstrated to be an effective pollinator of tomatoes grown in controlled environment agriculture systems. These desirable traits have galvanized producer efforts to develop commercial B. huntii colonies for growers to deliver pollination services to crops. To better understand B. huntii biology and support population genetic studies and breeding decisions, we sequenced and assembled the B. huntii genome from a single haploid male. High-fidelity sequencing of the entire genome using PacBio, along with HiC sequencing, led to a comprehensive contig assembly of high continuity. This assembly was further organized into a chromosomal arrangement, successfully identifying 18 chromosomes spread across the 317.4 Mb assembly with a BUSCO score indicating 97.6% completeness. Synteny analysis demonstrates shared chromosome number (n = 18) with B. terrestris, a species belonging to a different subgenus, matching the expectation that presence of 18 haploid chromosomes is an ancestral trait at least between the subgenera Pyrobombus and Bombus sensu stricto. In conclusion, the assembly outcome, alongside the minimal tissue sampled destructively, showcase efficient techniques for producing a comprehensive, highly contiguous genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global challenge to increase agricultural production goes along with the need of decreasing pesticide risks. The European Union (EU) therefore evaluates and controls the risks posed by pesticides by regulating their authorisation through the science-based Risk Assessment process. Member States can however act in derogation to this process and grant the Emergency Authorisation (EA) of pesticides that are currently non-authorised. To protect the health of humans and the environment, Emergency Authorisations are only permitted in exceptional circumstances of agricultural emergency: their use should be limited (i.e., cannot exceed 120 days and one growing season) and concurrent research on alternative strategies must be enforced. Here, we assessed the impact of the Emergency Authorisations process to human and environmental health. Bees, bioindicators of environmental health, were used as model species. Our research demonstrates that i) Emergency Authorisations are widely used throughout EU Member States (annually granted Emergency Authorisationsmin-max, 2017-2021 = 593-660); ii) 12 % of Emergency Authorisations granted the use of pesticides for longer than prescribed by EU regulations; iii) 37 % of Emergency Authorisations were repeatedly granted over time by the same Member State for the same agricultural purpose (i.e., to control the same pest on the same crop); iv) 21 % of Emergency Authorisations granted the use of Active Substances non-approved by risk assessment (EA-ASs Type3) which consequently contaminate the environment (44 % of environmental biomonitoring studies found EA-AS Type3) while being significantly more toxic to pollinators than regularly approved ASs. To facilitate the implementation of sustainable control strategies towards a safer environment for humans and other animals, we identified the most frequent agricultural emergencies and the key research needs. This first quantitative assessment of the Emergency Authorisation process unveils an enduring state of agricultural emergency that acts in derogation of the EU Regulation, leading to broad human, animal, and environmental implications.





