Policy Process

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New vaccine policy adoption is a complex process, especially in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs), requiring country policymakers to navigate challenges such as competing priorities, human and financial resource constraints, and limited logistical capacity. Since the Expanded Programme on Immunization\'s (EPI) beginning, most new vaccine introductions under this structure have not been aimed at adult populations. The majority of adult vaccines offered under the EPI are not typically tested among and tailored for pregnant persons, except those that are specifically recommended for pregnancy. Given that new maternal vaccines, including RSV and GBS vaccines, are on the horizon, it is important to understand what barriers may arise during the policy development and vaccine introduction process. In this study, we sought to understand information needs among maternal immunization policymakers and decision-makers in Kenya for new vaccine maternal policy adoption through in-depth interviews with 20 participants in Nakuru and Mombasa counties in Kenya. Results were mapped to an adapted version of an established framework by Levine et al., (2010) focused on new vaccine introduction in LMICs. Participants reported that the policy process for new maternal vaccine introduction requires substantial evidence as well as coordination among diverse stakeholders. Importantly, our findings suggest that the process for new maternal vaccines does not end with the adoption of a new policy, as intended recipients and various actors can determine the success of a vaccine program. Previous shortcomings, in Kenya, and globally during HPV vaccine introduction show the need to allocate adequate resources in education of communities given the sensitive target group. With maternal vaccines targeting a sensitive group - pregnant persons- in the pipeline, we are at an opportune time to understand how to ensure successful vaccine introduction with optimal acceptance and uptake, while also addressing vaccine hesitancy to increase population benefit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased imports of plants and timber through global trade networks provide frequent opportunities for the introduction of novel plant pathogens that can cross-over from commercial to natural environments, threatening native species and ecosystem functioning. Prevention or management of such outbreaks relies on a diversity of cross-sectoral stakeholders acting along the invasion pathway. Yet, guidelines are often only produced for a small number of stakeholders, missing opportunities to consider ways to control outbreaks in other parts of the pathway. We used the infection of common juniper with the invasive pathogen Phytophthora austrocedri as a case study to explore the utility of decision tools for managing outbreaks of plant pathogens in the wider environment. We invited stakeholders who manage or monitor juniper populations or supply plants or management advice to participate in a survey exploring their awareness of, and ability to use, an existing decision tree produced by a coalition of statutory agencies augmented with new distribution maps designed by the authors. Awareness of the decision tree was low across all stakeholder groups including those planting juniper for restoration purposes. Stakeholders requested that decision tools contain greater detail about environmental conditions that increase host vulnerability to the pathogen, and clearer examples of when management practices implicated in pathogen introduction or spread should not be adopted. The results demonstrate the need to set clear objectives for the purpose of decision tools and to frame and co-produce them with many different stakeholders, including overlooked groups, such as growers and advisory agents, to improve management of pathogens in the wider environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This qualitative study maps the process of drafting and consulting on Nepal\'s mental health legislation from 2006 to 2017. A total of 14 people were interviewed and interviews were analysed thematically. These themes were subsequently interpreted in light of Shiffman and Smith\'s policy analysis framework, as the process was found to be at the agenda-setting stage. Two groups of actors were identified with different views on appropriate policy content and how the policy process should be conducted. The first group included psychiatrists who initiated and controlled the drafting process and who did not consider people with psychosocial disabilities to be equal partners. The psychiatrists viewed forced detention and treatment as upholding people\'s right to health and lobbied the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) to pass the draft acts to parliament. The second included the rights-based civil society actors and lawyers who saw the right to equality before the law as of utmost priority, opposed forced detention and treatment, and actively blocked the draft acts at the MoHP. There is no clear legal definition of mental health and illness in Nepal, legal and mental capacity are not differentiated, and people with mental and behavioural conditions are assumed to lack capacity. The analysis indicates that there were few favourable conditions to support the progression of this policy into law. It is unclear whether the drafters or blockers will prevail in the future, but we predict that professionals will continue to have more input into content than service users due to national policy dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is growing scholarly interest in what leads to global or national prioritization of specific health issues. By retrospectively analysing agenda setting for India\'s national burn programme, this study aimed to better understand how the agenda-setting process influenced its design, implementation and performance. We conducted document reviews and key informant interviews with stakeholders and used a combination of analytical frameworks on policy prioritization and issue framing for analysis. The READ (readying material, extracting data, analysing data and distilling findings) approach was used for document reviews, and qualitative thematic analysis was used for coding and analysis of documents and interviews. The findings suggest three critical features of burns care policy prioritization in India: challenges of issue characteristics, divergent portrayal of ideas and its framing as a social and/or health issue and over-centralization of agenda setting. First, lack of credible indicators on the magnitude of the problem and evidence on interventions limited issue framing, advocacy and agenda setting. Second, the policy response to burns has two dimensions in India: response to gender-based intentional injuries and the healthcare response. While intentional burns have received policy attention, the healthcare response was limited until the national programme was initiated in 2010 and scaled up in 2014. Third, over-centralization of agenda setting (dominated by a few homogenous actors, located in the national capital, with attention focused on the national ministry of health) contributed to limitations in programme design and implementation. We note following elements to consider when analysing issues of significant burden but limited priority: the need to analyse how actors influence issue framing, the particularities of issues, the inadequacy of any one dominant frame and the limited intersection of frames. Based on this analysis in India, we recommend a decentralized approach to agenda setting and for the design and implementation of national programmes from the outset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mozambique ranks fifth on the list of tobacco producing countries in Africa, while also being a Party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Tobacco farming is regarded by some governments as a strategic economic commodity for export and remains deeply entrenched within Mozambique\'s political and economic landscape. This study uses a qualitative description methodology to identify tensions, conflicts and alignment or misalignment in policy on tobacco across government sectors and levels in Mozambique. We conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 33 key informants from sectors across national and subnational levels including health, agriculture, economic and commercial sectors, as well as non-state actors from civil society organizations, the tobacco industry, farmers unions and associations and individual farmers. Incoherence was present across sectoral mandates, perspectives on industry\'s presence in the country and regions and between FCTC provisions and informant perceptions of tobacco production as a development strategy. Despite tobacco being viewed as an important economic commodity by many informants, there was also widespread dissatisfaction with tobacco from both farmers and some government officials. There were indications of an openness to shifting to a policy that emphasizes alternatives to tobacco growing. The findings also illustrate where points of convergence exist across sectors and where opportunities for aligning tobacco policy with the provisions of the FCTC can occur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Government inquiries present a policy window for advocates to influence policy. Evidence on how to write influential submissions, however, is sparse. We aimed to identify features of successful written submissions to the Parliament of Australia\'s Inquiry into Food Pricing and Food Security in Remote Indigenous Communities (Inquiry).
    METHODS: A scoping review was conducted to identify influential features of written submissions to government inquiries. A content analysis of a sub-sample of government Inquiry submissions and their recommendations was then coded for influential features. The frequency of submission recommendations incorporated into the final Inquiry report was recorded, as was their link to influential features.
    RESULTS: Thirty features were identified. Results from 21 submissions indicate that when writing a submission to a government inquiry, advocates should: (1) ensure their submission is clear and concise; (2) convey the authority of both the writer and supporting evidence; and (3) where possible, align submission recommendations with the government agenda.
    CONCLUSIONS: We encourage future research to test the framework of influential features on other inquiry topics and in other countries to increase the reliability of results.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study consolidates and presents a list of features that advocates can consider incorporating when writing a submission to a government inquiry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Only a few states have adopted a paid family leave (PFL) policy in the United States of America. Local media described the 2019 Oregon PFL legislation as \"the most progressive\" policy in the country, with coalitions as crucial policy advocates. This case study applies the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to examine policy learning and negotiated agreements as causal mechanisms to explain the adoption of the PFL. We identified three modes of policy learning: previous policy cycles, learning from other coalitions, and learning from community organizations. ACF explains the evolution of negotiated agreements based on the stability of coalition belief systems, including consensus on leave time, inclusivity, and cost-sharing contributions. ACF helps describe how coalitions adopted progressive ideas such as equity. However, ACF\'s elements that allow a deeper exploration of narratives were missing. Future studies should include interviews with coalition members and compare state policies to assess strategies. Future policy initiatives could integrate feedback from community organizations into policy strategies.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Due to constraints on institutional capacity and financial resources, the road to universal health coverage (UHC) involves difficult policy choices. To assist with these choices, scholars and policy makers have done extensive work on criteria to assess the substantive fairness of health financing policies: their impact on the distribution of rights, duties, benefits and burdens on the path towards UHC. However, less attention has been paid to the procedural fairness of health financing decisions. The Accountability for Reasonableness Framework (A4R), which is widely applied to assess procedural fairness, has primarily been used in priority-setting for purchasing decisions, with revenue mobilization and pooling receiving limited attention. Furthermore, the sufficiency of the A4R framework\'s four criteria (publicity, relevance, revisions and appeals, and enforcement) has been questioned. Moreover, research in political theory and public administration (including deliberative democracy), public finance, environmental management, psychology, and health financing has examined the key features of procedural fairness, but these insights have not been synthesized into a comprehensive set of criteria for fair decision-making processes in health financing. A systematic study of how these criteria have been applied in decision-making situations related to health financing and in other areas is also lacking. This paper addresses these gaps through a scoping review. It argues that the literature across many disciplines can be synthesized into 10 core criteria with common philosophical foundations. These go beyond A4R and encompass equality, impartiality, consistency over time, reason-giving, transparency, accuracy of information, participation, inclusiveness, revisability and enforcement. These criteria can be used to evaluate and guide decision-making processes for financing UHC across different country income levels and health financing arrangements. The review also presents examples of how these criteria have been applied to decisions in health financing and other sectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of healthcare data analytics is anticipated to play a significant role in future public health policy formulation. Therefore, this study examines how big data analytics (BDA) may be methodically incorporated into various phases of the health policy cycle for fact-based and precise health policy decision-making. So, this study explores the potential of BDA for accurate and rapid policy-making processes in the healthcare industry. A systematic review of literature spanning 22 years (from January 2001 to January 2023) has been conducted using the PRISMA approach to develop a conceptual framework. The study introduces the emerging topic of BDA in healthcare policy, goes over the advantages, presents a framework, advances instances from the literature, reveals difficulties and provides recommendations. This study argues that BDA has the ability to transform the conventional policy-making process into data-driven process, which helps to make accurate health policy decision. In addition, this study contends that BDA is applicable to the different stages of health policy cycle, namely policy identification, agenda setting as well as policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Currently, descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics are used for public health policy decisions on data obtained from several common health-related big data sources like electronic health reports, public health records, patient and clinical data, and government and social networking sites. To effectively utilize all of the data, it is necessary to overcome the computational, algorithmic and technological obstacles that define today\'s extremely heterogeneous data landscape, as well as a variety of legal, normative, governance and policy limitations. Big data can only fulfill its full potential if data are made available and shared. This enables public health institutions and policymakers to evaluate the impact and risk of policy changes at the population level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historically healthcare services have largely developed on an incremental basis, with various piecemeal changes and some notable policy leaps that illustrate a punctuated equilibrium health policy process. More recently policy-makers have attempted, successfully and unsuccessfully, to reconfigure healthcare services to address perceived problems in the delivery of important services such as stroke, cancer, and trauma. Perry et al provide a welcome addition to research in this area by focusing on the importance of history in a reconfiguration of cancer services in Greater Manchester (GM). Perry et al analyse how and why this configuration was successful after several failed attempts in the past and in this commentary, I want to reflect on the explanatory role health policy analysis can contribute to studying the reconfiguration of healthcare services.





