Política pública

Politica publica
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Providing a general overview of the European Union\'s health workforce mobility under the challenges facing health systems regarding the supply of health workers.
    METHODS: We use a descriptive method, based on the analysis of secondary data, qualitative and quantitative, concerning the European Semester from the European Union, complemented with statistical data from both the Union and some international organisations.
    RESULTS: The mobility of health professionals in the Union, associated to strong reliance on recruiting abroad and shortages due to emigration, was identified as a challenge in the European Semester process in a significant number of times during 2017-2023. The pandemic aggravated pre-existing shortages and the need to strike a balance between maintaining the resolution capacity of health systems while abiding by the free movement of health professionals. The information shows that Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia could be flagged with an \"issuer profile\". Luxembourg, Ireland, Malta, and Sweden could be flagged with a \"recipient profile\". We benefited from improvements in the information system concerning the Union\'s health workforce. Further advances regarding the harmonisation of health professions\' definition are needed, especially for nurses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The European Union faces internal migrations of health professionals. Mobility is used as a solution to shortages. The pandemic aggravated pre-existing shortages bringing to the forefront the need to strike a balance between health objectives and internal market objectives. Member States are immersed in health reforms, some financed with European Funds. Promoting health workforce planning and forecasting would emerge as a necessary action, including improving harmonised information. Drawing in a systematic way on the available information from the European Semester reports may provide some clues to give answers to policymaking concerning health professionals\' mobility.






  • 文章类型: Review
    To develop a gender sensitivity index and analyse the regional mental health plans in force in 2021 in terms of their gender sensitivity.
    We reviewed the regional mental health plans in force in 2021 using an ad hoc questionnaire design based on a review of documents and reports on gender sensitivity in health policies. We construct an index based on both the symbolic and operative sensibility of plans.
    Of the seven plans reviewed, four scored less than 13 out of 26. The maximum score was 18 and the minimum 2. Symbolic gender sensitivity was higher than operational sensitivity.
    Mental health plans have a low or very low degree of gender sensitivity. Not considering gender as a determinant of mental health in the formulation of specific health plans may reduce the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing gender inequalities in mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identify improvement proposals for approaching violence against women through the evaluation of 2009s Protocol for approaching Violence Against Women in Health Care in Cataluña (PAVIM).
    Qualitative ethnographic study, 2019.
    Public Health Care in Catalonia.
    One hundred eighty one participants, of which: 104 health care professionals, 43 women\'s associations and/or experts in violence against women and 34 experts on health and violence against women.
    Intentional sampling. Eighteen focus groups and 34 semi-structured interviews. Evaluation with a gender and intersectional perspective.
    Results are structured along PAVIM\'s phases.
    mandatory and institutionally recognized training for the whole professional team, with a gender and intersectional perspective. Detection: diagnostic code standardization for violence against women and improve coordination between primary care, emergency service, pediatrics and Assistance to Sexual and Reproductive Health. Care and recovery: territorial equity in the applied resources on cases of violence against women care (in the 9 sanitary regions of Catalonia) and improves communication between health and associative fields.
    The improvement proposals identified are those that have generated a greater consensus among participants and are the most interesting to primary care. As limitations, stand out the temporality and heterogeneity of the Catalan territory.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some conservationists believe that free-ranging cats pose an enormous risk to biodiversity and public health and therefore should be eliminated from the landscape by any means necessary. They further claim that those who question the science or ethics behind their arguments are science deniers (merchants of doubt) seeking to mislead the public. As much as we share a commitment to conservation of biodiversity and wild nature, we believe these ideas are wrong and fuel an unwarranted moral panic over cats. Those who question the ecological or epidemiological status of cats are not science deniers, and it is a false analogy to compare them with corporate and right-wing special interests that perpetrate disinformation campaigns over issues, such as smoking and climate change. There are good conservation and public-health reasons and evidence to be skeptical that free-ranging cats constitute a disaster for biodiversity and human health in all circumstances. Further, there are significant and largely unaddressed ethical and policy issues (e.g., the ethics and efficacy of lethal management) relative to how people ought to value and coexist with cats and native wildlife. Society is better served by a collaborative approach to produce better scientific and ethical knowledge about free-ranging cats.
    Pánico Moral por los Gatos Resumen Algunos conservacionistas creen que los gatos sueltos representan un riesgo enorme para la biodiversidad y la salud pública, por lo que deberían ser eliminados del paisaje a como dé lugar. Los conservacionistas además alegan que quienes cuestionan la ciencia o la ética detrás de estos argumentos son negadores de la ciencia (mercaderes de la duda) que buscan desinformar al público. Por mucho que compartamos un compromiso con la conservación de la biodiversidad y la fauna silvestre, creemos que estás ideas están equivocadas y alimentan un pánico moral injustificado por los gatos. Aquellos que cuestionan el estado ecológico o epidemiológico de los gatos no son negadores de la ciencia y es una analogía falsa compararlos con los intereses especiales de los corporativos y de la derecha política, los cuales perpetúan las campañas de desinformación de temas como el cigarro y el cambio climático. Existen razones y evidencias de conservación y salud pública para ser escépticos sobre el argumento de que los gatos sueltos constituyen un desastre para la biodiversidad y la salud humana bajo todas las circunstancias. Además, hay temas éticos y políticos que no reciben atención (p. ej.: la ética y la eficacia del manejo letal) relativos a cómo las personas deberían valorar y coexistir con los gatos y la fauna nativa. La sociedad se beneficia más con una estrategia colaborativa para producir un mejor conocimiento científico y ético sobre los gatos que viven sueltos.
    一些保护主义者认为流浪猫对生物多样性和公共健康造成了巨大威胁, 因此应该不择手段地消灭它们。他们还进一步声称, 那些质疑他们论点背后的科学性或伦理道德的人, 是企图误导公众的科学否认者 (贩卖怀疑的商人) 。虽然我们同样地致力于保护生物多样性和野性自然, 但我们认为这些想法是错误的, 并助长了对猫不必要的道德恐慌。那些质疑猫的生态学问题或流行病学状况的人并不是科学否认者, 将他们与在吸烟和气候变化等问题上进行虚假宣传的企业和右翼特殊利益集团进行比较是不恰当的。我们有充分的保护和公共卫生方面的理由和证据来质疑流浪猫一律对生物多样性和人类健康造成了灾难。此外, 还有一些重大的道德和政策问题(如处死流浪猫的道德问题和效率)没有得到解决, 这些问题涉及到人们应该如何看待猫和其它当地野生动物的价值, 以及如何与之共存。只有通过合作的方式更好地理解流浪猫的科学和伦理知识, 才能更好地为社会服务。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focuses on actions at the political and administrative level in Spain in relation to the implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). We analysed a whole range of different formal initiatives taken by the political and administrative actors involved. The information was obtained from official public data sources. As of February 2018, PrEP had not been implemented. The decision is dependent on both state and regional governments. The Ministry of Health and some Autonomous Regions are working on different interventions, but without providing an implementation timetable. The political parties have kept a very low profile in terms of initiatives related to the implementation of PrEP. From a legal point of view, proceedings are passing back and forth with the extension of the patent. The role of intergovernmental and interdepartmental institutions is very important for the implementation of PrEP in Spain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyse how reproductive health strategies have been incorporated into the everyday activities of the services and the resulting transformation of professional and user practices.
    Cartographic research taking a multi-sited ethnographic approach that seeks to reveal the processes of transformation. Data generation techniques featuring participant observation and situated interviews. Discourse analysis of the text corpus using three analytical axes based on three main lines of action promoted by the strategies.
    We identified transformations in: 1) demedicalisation: an increase in midwives\' know-how and autonomy, changes in episiotomy practice and the facilitation of bonding practices; 2) warmth of care: incorporation of women\'s needs and expectations and improvements in the comfortableness of birth settings, especially in assistance at physiological birth; and 3) participation: actions that foster shared decision-making and the involvement of the persons accompanying women in labour.
    Above all, transformation is visible in the incorporation of new attitudes, sensibilities and practices that have developed around the old structures, especially during physiological childbirth. The more technological areas have been less permeable to change. Risk management in decision-making and addressing diversity are identified as areas where transformation is less evident.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research findings documenting the issues and challenges of boys prebirth through age 5 years have barely penetrated the arena of public policy making nor has it permeated the public agenda of politicians, government, or other funding stakeholders. The purpose of this article is to articulate pathways for researchers to enter into the policy-making process. We review critical issues related to implementing the process of public policy. We argue that the policy process needs to be informed by more dynamic theoretical models of human development, and that researchers and clinicians need to be exposed more deeply to the processes required to inform and subsequently change public policy. We contend that most quantitative research on boys at risk occurs at the micro- and the mesosystem level rather than at the exo- and the macrosystem levels where structural societal policies embedded in economic and racial inequities contribute to risk. Researchers, clinicians, and policy makers need to create collaborative partnerships designed to develop, advocate, and implement more evidence-based policies designed to enhance the quality of life for boys at risk.





