Poison Frogs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To explain how populations with distinct warning signals coexist in close parapatry, we experimentally assessed intrinsic mechanisms acting as reproductive barriers within three poison-frog species from the Peruvian Amazon belonging to a Müllerian mimetic ring (Ranitomeya variabilis, Ranitomeya imitator and Ranitomeya fantastica). We tested the role of prezygotic and postzygotic isolation barriers between phenotypically different ecotypes of each species, using no-choice mating experiments and offspring survival analysis. Our results show that prezygotic mating preference did not occur except for one specific ecotype of R. imitator, and that all three species were able to produce viable inter-population F1 hybrids. However, while R. variabilis and R. imitator hybrids were able to produce viable F2 generations, we found that for R. fantastica, every F1 hybrid males were sterile while females remained fertile. This unexpected result, echoing with Haldane\'s rule of speciation, validated phylogenetic studies which tentatively diagnose these populations of R. fantastica as two different species. Our work suggests that postzygotic genetic barriers likely participate in the extraordinary phenotypic diversity observed within Müllerian mimetic Ranitomeya populations, by maintaining species boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intra-specific aggressive interactions play a prominent role in the life of many animals. While studies have found evidence for repeatability in boldness, activity, and exploration in amphibians, we know relatively little about consistent among-individual variation in aggressiveness, despite its importance for male-male competition and territoriality. Amphibians, and Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) in particular, are highly suitable for investigating among-individual variation in aggressiveness, as most species exhibit strong territoriality in at least one of the sexes. In the present study, we aimed to fill this gap in knowledge, by investigating within- and between-individual variation in territorial aggression in a semi-natural population of the Neotropical poison frog Allobates femoralis (Dendrobatidae) in French Guiana. We conducted repeated, standardized behavioral tests to assess if the level of territorial aggression is consistent within and different between individuals. Further, we tested a possible link between body size and level of territorial aggression. We found moderate repeatability in territorial aggressiveness, but no link to age and/or body size. In conclusion, our study represents the first documentation of repeatable aggressive behavior in a territorial context in amphibians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An animal\'s behavioral phenotype comprises several traits, which are hierarchically structured in functional units. This is manifested in measured behaviors often being correlated, partly reflecting the need of a coordinated functional response. Unfortunately, we still have limited understanding whether consistent differences in animal behaviors are due to underlying physiological constraints or a result of plastic adaptation to their current environment. Therefore, characterizing the spatial distribution of behaviors can provide important insights into causes and consequences of behavioral variation. In the present study, we quantified behaviors in a wild, free-ranging population of the Neotropical frog Allobates femoralis. We investigated how these behaviors were linked to the frogs\' natural and social environment and quantified the extent to which these behaviors consistently differed among individuals (i.e., animal personality). We assessed levels of aggressiveness, exploration, and boldness by measuring several underlying behaviors expressed in a set of experimental assays, and found evidence for consistent among-individual differences along these axes. Contrary to our expectation, there was no relationship between individual behaviors and their natural environment, but we found a plastic response of males to changes in female density, which might reflect how individuals cope with their socio-ecological environment.
    UNASSIGNED: How are behavioral phenotypes distributed across space? Here, we studied an entire free-ranging population of poison frogs, and investigated if the personality traits aggressiveness, exploration, and boldness are linked to the frogs\' natural or social environment. We found that behavioral traits were non-randomly distributed across the population, suggesting that the spatial arrangement of behavioral traits reflects how individuals cope with their complex natural and social environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aposematic organisms rely on their conspicuous appearance to signal that they are defended and unpalatable. Such phenotypes are strongly tied to survival and reproduction. Aposematic colors and patterns are highly variable; however, the genetic, biochemical, and physiological mechanisms producing this conspicuous coloration remain largely unidentified. Here, we identify genes potentially affecting color variation in two color morphs of Ranitomeya imitator: the orange-banded Sauce and the redheaded Varadero morphs. We examine gene expression in black and orange skin patches from the Sauce morph and black and red skin patches from the Varadero morph. We identified genes differentially expressed between skin patches, including those that are involved in melanin synthesis (e.g. mlana, pmel, tyrp1), iridophore development (e.g. paics, ppat, ak1), pteridine synthesis (e.g. gch1, pax3-a, xdh), and carotenoid metabolism (e.g. dgat2, rbp1, scarb2). In addition, using weighted correlation network analysis, we identified the top 50 genes with high connectivity from the most significant network associated with gene expression differences between color morphs. Of these 50 genes, 13 were known to be related to color production (gch1, gmps, gpr143, impdh1, mc1r, pax3-a, pax7, ppat, rab27a, rlbp1, tfec, trpm1, xdh).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome size varies greatly across the tree of life and transposable elements are an important contributor to this variation. Among vertebrates, amphibians display the greatest variation in genome size, making them ideal models to explore the causes and consequences of genome size variation. However, high-quality genome assemblies for amphibians have, until recently, been rare. Here, we generate a high-quality genome assembly for the dyeing poison frog, Dendrobates tinctorius. We compare this assembly to publicly available frog genomes and find evidence for both large-scale conserved synteny and widespread rearrangements between frog lineages. Comparing conserved orthologs annotated in these genomes revealed a strong correlation between genome size and gene size. To explore the cause of gene-size variation, we quantified the location of transposable elements relative to gene features and find that the accumulation of transposable elements in introns has played an important role in the evolution of gene size in D. tinctorius, while estimates of insertion times suggest that many insertion events are recent and species-specific. Finally, we carry out population-scale mobile-element sequencing and show that the diversity and abundance of transposable elements in poison frog genomes can complicate genotyping from repetitive element sequence anchors. Our results show that transposable elements have clearly played an important role in the evolution of large genome size in D. tinctorius. Future studies are needed to fully understand the dynamics of transposable element evolution and to optimize primer or bait design for cost-effective population-level genotyping in species with large, repetitive genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of individual animals to defend a territory as well as various phenotypic and behavioral traits may be targets of sexual selection used by males to evaluate their competitors or by females to choose males. A frequent question in animal behavior is whether male traits and characteristics of their territory are correlated and what are the mechanisms that may mediate such associations when they exist. Because hormones link phenotype to behavior, by studying the role of testosterone in territoriality one may come closer to understanding the mechanisms mediating correlations or lack thereof between characteristics of territories and of males. We evaluated whether variation in characteristics of territories (size and quality) are correlated with variation in morphology, coloration, testosterone, heterozygosity, and calls in two species of poison frogs. The Amazonian frog Allobates aff. trilineatus exhibits male care and defends territories only during the breeding season, while the endangered frog Oophaga lehmanni displays maternal care and defends territories throughout the year. We found that morphological traits (body length, weight, thigh size), call activity, and testosterone levels correlated with size and various indicators of quality of the territory. However, the direction of these correlations (whether positive or negative) and which specific morphological, acoustic traits or testosterone level variables covaried depended on the species. Our findings highlight an endocrine pathway as part of the physiological machinery that may underlie the interplay between male traits and territorial behavior. We were able to identify some male traits related to territory attributes, but whether females choose males based on these traits requires further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adelphobates contains three species, and the inaccurate identification of A. quinquevittatus and the scarcity of records of A. castaneoticus complicate inference of their distributions; the latter species occurs in sympatry with A. galactonotus. Our objective was to revise the distributions of Adelphobates by compiling data and modeling habitat suitability, as range limits may be shaped by landscape features and biotic interactions. We initially analyzed the existence of operational taxonomic units within the nominal species and subsequently inferred the observed and potential distributions, taking into account the possible independent lineages for the three species, and we also generated a molecular timetree to understand the chronology of interspecific diversification events. Adelphobates quinquevittatus was found to have a more easterly distribution than previously described, and specimens with phenotypic variation were found to occur in areas inconsistent with the modeling, and A. castaneoticus was concentrated in the Tapajós-Xingu interfluve, surrounded by A. galactonotus. Models indicated that the right bank of the Xingu River is suitable for both species, indeed, both were found there. Despite Adelphobates species having their distributions delimited by major Amazonian rivers, estimated divergence times predate the formation of the modern river network, suggesting that other mechanisms were involved in their diversification.






  • 文章类型: News
    Exposing monitor lizards to thousands of young cane toads helped them survive once the adult toads invaded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How do chemically defended animals resist their own toxins? This intriguing question on the concept of autotoxicity is at the heart of how species interactions evolve. In this issue of Molecular Ecology (Molecular Ecology, 2024, 33), Bodawatta and colleagues report on how Papua New Guinean birds coopted deadly neurotoxins to create lethal mantles that protect against predators and parasites. Combining chemical screening of the plumage of a diverse collection of passerine birds with genome sequencing, the researchers unlocked a deeper understanding of how some birds sequester deadly batrachotoxin (BTX) from their food without poisoning themselves. They identified that birds impervious to BTX bear amino acid substitutions in the toxin-binding site of the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.4, whose function is essential for proper contraction and relaxation of vertebrate muscles. Comparative genetic and molecular docking analyses show that several of the substitutions associated with insensitivity to BTX may have become prevalent among toxic birds through positive selection. Intriguingly, poison dart frogs that also co-opted BTX in their lethal mantles were found to harbour similar toxin insensitivity substitutions in their Nav1.4 channels. Taken together, this sets up a powerful model system for studying the mechanisms behind convergent molecular evolution and how it may drive biological diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) are famous for their aposematic species, having a combination of diverse color patterns and defensive skin toxins, yet most species in this family are inconspicuously colored and considered non-aposematic. Epipedobates is among the youngest genus-level clades of Dendrobatidae that includes both aposematic and inconspicuous species. Using Sanger-sequenced mitochondrial and nuclear markers, we demonstrate deep genetic divergences among inconspicuous species of Epipedobates but relatively shallow genetic divergences among conspicuous species. Our phylogenetic analysis includes broad geographic sampling of the inconspicuous lineages typically identified as E. boulengeri and E. espinosai, which reveals two putative new species, one in west-central Colombia (E. sp. 1) and the other in north-central Ecuador (E. aff. espinosai). We conclude that E. darwinwallacei is a junior subjective synonym of E. espinosai. We also clarify the geographic distributions of inconspicuous Epipedobates species including the widespread E. boulengeri. We provide a qualitative assessment of the phenotypic diversity in each nominal species, with a focus on the color and pattern of inconspicuous species. We conclude that Epipedobates contains eight known valid species, six of which are inconspicuous. A relaxed molecular clock analysis suggests that the most recent common ancestor of Epipedobates is ∼11.1 million years old, which nearly doubles previous estimates. Last, genetic information points to a center of species diversity in the Chocó at the southwestern border of Colombia with Ecuador. A Spanish translation of this text is available in the supplementary materials.





