Plus-end tracking proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cardiac sodium channel NaV1.5 is an essential modulator of cardiac excitability, with decreased NaV1.5 levels at the plasma membrane and consequent reduction in sodium current (INa) leading to potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias. NaV1.5 is distributed in a specific pattern at the plasma membrane of cardiomyocytes, with localization at the crests, grooves, and T-tubules of the lateral membrane and particularly high levels at the intercalated disc region. NaV1.5 forms a large macromolecular complex with and is regulated by interacting proteins, some of which are specifically localized at either the lateral membrane or intercalated disc. One of the NaV1.5 trafficking routes is via microtubules (MTs), which are regulated by MT plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs). In our search for mechanisms involved in targeted delivery of NaV1.5, we here provide an overview of previously demonstrated interactions between NaV1.5 interacting proteins and +TIPs, which potentially (in)directly impact on NaV1.5 trafficking. Strikingly, +TIPs interact extensively with several intercalated disc- and lateral membrane-specific NaV1.5 interacting proteins. Recent work indicates that this interplay of +TIPs and NaV1.5 interacting proteins mediates the targeted delivery of NaV1.5 at specific cardiomyocyte subcellular domains, while also being potentially relevant for the trafficking of other ion channels. These observations are especially relevant for diseases associated with loss of NaV1.5 specifically at the lateral membrane (such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy), or at the intercalated disc (for example, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy), and open up potential avenues for development of new anti-arrhythmic therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For many cell types, directional locomotion depends on their maintaining filopodia at the leading edge. Filopodia lack any Ca2+-binding structural protein but respond to store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE).
    SOCE was induced by first replacing the medium with Ca2+-free salt solution with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). This lowers Ca2+ in the ER and causes stromal interacting molecule (STIM) to be translocated to the cell surface. After this priming step, CPA was washed out, and Ca2+ influx restored by addition of extracellular Ca2+. Intracellular Ca2+ levels were measured by calcium orange fluorescence. Regulatory mechanisms were identified by pharmacological treatments. Proteins mediating SOCE were localized by immunofluorescence and analyzed after image processing.
    Depletion of the ER Ca2+ increased filopodia prevalence briefly, followed by a spontaneous decline that was blocked by inhibitors of endocytosis. Intracellular Ca2+ increased continuously for ~ 50 min. STIM and a transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) protein were found in separate compartments, but an aquaporin unrelated to SOCE was present in both. STIM1- and TRPC1-bearing vesicles were trafficked on microtubules. During depletion, STIM1 migrated to the surface where it coincided with Orai in punctae, as expected. TRPC1 was partially colocalized with Vamp2, a rapidly releasable pool marker, and with phospholipases (PLCs). TRPC1 retreated to internal compartments during ER depletion. Replenishment of extracellular Ca2+ altered the STIM1 distribution, which came to resemble that of untreated cells. Vamp2 and TRPC1 underwent exocytosis and became homogeneously distributed on the cell surface. This was accompanied by an increased prevalence of filopodia, which was blocked by inhibitors of TRPC1/4/5 and endocytosis.
    Because the media were devoid of ligands that activate receptors during depletion and Ca2+ replenishment, we could attribute filopodia extension to SOCE. We propose that the Orai current stimulates exocytosis of TRPC-bearing vesicles, and that Ca2+ influx through TRPC inhibits PLC activity. This allows regeneration of the substrate, phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2), a platform for assembling proteins, e. g. Enabled and IRSp53. TRPC contact with PLC is required but is broken by TRPC dissemination. This explains how STIM1 regulates the cell\'s ability to orient itself in response to attractive or repulsive cues. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While it is well established that microtubules (MTs) facilitate various stages of virus replication, how viruses actively control MT dynamics and functions remains less well understood. Recent work has begun to reveal how several viruses exploit End-Binding (EB) proteins and their associated microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs), in particular to enable loading of viral particles onto MTs for retrograde transport during early stages of infection. Distinct from other viruses studied to date, at mid- to late stages of its unusually protracted replication cycle, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) increases the expression of all three EB family members. This occurs coincident with the formation of a unique structure, termed the assembly compartment (AC), which serves as a Golgi-derived MT organizing center. Together, the AC and distinct EB proteins enable HCMV to increase the formation of dynamic and acetylated microtubule subsets to regulate distinct aspects of the viral replication cycle. Here, we reveal that HCMV also exploits EB-independent +TIP pathways by specifically increasing the expression of transforming acidic coiled coil protein 3 (TACC3) to recruit the MT polymerase, chTOG, from initial sites of MT nucleation in the AC out into the cytosol, thereby increasing dynamic MT growth. Preventing TACC3 increases or depleting chTOG impaired MT polymerization, resulting in defects in early versus late endosome organization in and around the AC as well as defects in viral trafficking and spread. Our findings provide the first example of a virus that actively exploits EB-independent +TIP pathways to regulate MT dynamics and control late stages of virus replication. IMPORTANCE Diverse viruses rely on host cell microtubule networks to transport viral particles within the dense cytoplasmic environment and to control the broader architecture of the cell to facilitate their replication. However, precisely how viruses regulate the dynamic behavior and function of microtubule filaments remains poorly defined. We recently showed that the assembly compartment (AC) formed by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) acts as a Golgi-derived microtubule organizing center. Here, we show that at mid- to late stages of infection, HCMV increases the expression of transforming acidic coiled coil protein 3 (TACC3) to control the localization of the microtubule polymerase, chTOG. This, in turn, enables HCMV to generate dynamic microtubule subsets that organize endocytic vesicles in and around the AC and facilitate the transport of new viral particles released into the cytosol. Our findings reveal the first instance of viral targeting of TACC3 to control microtubule dynamics and virus spread.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has long been established that neuronal growth cone navigation depends on changes in microtubule (MT) and F-actin architecture downstream of guidance cues. However, the mechanisms by which MTs and F-actin are dually coordinated remain a fundamentally unresolved question. Here, we report that the well-characterized MT polymerase, XMAP215 (also known as CKAP5), plays an important role in mediating MT-F-actin interaction within the growth cone. We demonstrate that XMAP215 regulates MT-F-actin alignment through its N-terminal TOG 1-5 domains. Additionally, we show that XMAP215 directly binds to F-actin in vitro and co-localizes with F-actin in the growth cone periphery. We also find that XMAP215 is required for regulation of growth cone morphology and response to the guidance cue, Ephrin A5. Our findings provide the first strong evidence that XMAP215 coordinates MT and F-actin interaction in vivo We suggest a model in which XMAP215 regulates MT extension along F-actin bundles into the growth cone periphery and that these interactions may be important to control cytoskeletal dynamics downstream of guidance cues. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microtubules (MTs) are polarized polymers with highly dynamic plus ends that stochastically switch between growth and shrinkage phases. In eukaryotic cells, a plethora of MT-associated proteins (MAPs) regulate the dynamics and higher-order organization of MTs to mediate distinct cellular functions. Plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) are a group of MAPs that specifically accumulate at the growing MT plus ends, where they modulate the behavior of the MT plus ends and mediate interactions with cellular targets. Although several functionally important + TIP proteins have been characterized in yeast and animals, little is known about this group of proteins in plants.
    We report here that two homologous MAPs from Arabidopsis thaliana, Growing Plus-end Tracking 1 (GPT1) and GPT2 (henceforth GPT1/2), contain basic MT-binding regions at their central and C-terminal regions, and bind directly to MTs in vitro. Interestingly, GPT1/2 preferentially accumulated at the growing plus ends of cortical MTs in interphase Arabidopsis cells. When the GPT1/12-decorated growing plus ends switched to rapid depolymerization, GPT1/2 dissociated from the MT plus ends. Conversely, when the depolymerizing ends were rescued and started to polymerize again, GPT1/2 were immediately recruited to the growing MT tips. This tip tracking behavior of GPT proteins does not depend on the two established plant + TIPs, End-Binding protein 1 (EB1) and SPIRAL1 (SPR1).
    The Arabidopsis MAPs GPT1 and GPT2 bind MTs directly through their basic regions. These MAPs track the plus ends of growing MTs independently of EB1 and SPR1 and represent a novel plant-specific + TIP family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton is of pivotal importance for neuronal development and function. One such regulatory mechanism centers on microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs): structurally and functionally diverse regulatory factors, which can form complex macromolecular assemblies at the growing microtubule plus-ends. +TIPs modulate important properties of microtubules including their dynamics and their ability to control cell polarity, membrane transport and signaling. Several neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases are associated with mutations in +TIPs or with misregulation of these proteins. In this review, we focus on the role and regulation of +TIPs in neuronal development and associated disorders.





