
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cilia are finger-like sensory organelles that extend from the bodies of most cell types and have a distinct lipid and protein composition from the plasma membrane. This partitioning is maintained by a diffusion barrier that restricts the entry of non-ciliary proteins, and allows the selective entry of proteins harboring a ciliary targeting sequence (CTS). However, CTSs are not stereotyped and previously reported sequences are insufficient to drive efficient ciliary localisation across diverse cell types. Here, we describe a short peptide sequence that efficiently targets transmembrane proteins to primary cilia in all tested cell types, including human neurons. We generate human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines stably expressing a transmembrane construct bearing an extracellular HaloTag and intracellular fluorescent protein, which enables the bright, specific labeling of primary cilia in neurons and other cell types to facilitate studies of cilia in health and disease. We demonstrate the utility of this resource by developing an image analysis pipeline for the automated measurement of primary cilia to detect changes in their length associated with altered signaling or disease state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kidney organoids - 3D representations of kidneys made either from pluripotent or tissue stem cells - have been available for well over a decade. Their application could confer notable benefits over longstanding in vivo approaches with the potential for clinically aligned human cells and reduced ethical burdens. They been used, at a proof-of-concept level, in development in disease modeling (including with patient-derived stem cells), and in screening drugs for efficacy/toxicity. They differ from real kidneys: they represent only foetal-stage tissue, in their simplest forms they lack organ-scale anatomical organization, they lack a properly arranged vascular system, and include non-renal cells. Cell specificity may be improved by better techniques for differentiation and/or sorting. Sequential assembly techniques that mimic the sequence of natural development, and localized sources of differentiation-inducing signals, improve organ-scale anatomy. Organotypic vascularization remains a challenge: capillaries are easy, but the large vessels that should serve them are absent from organoids and, even in cultured real kidneys, these large vessels do not survive without blood flow. Transplantation of organoids into hosts results in their being vascularized (though probably not organotypically) and in some renal function. It will be important to transplant more advanced organoids, with a urine exit, in the near future to assess function more stringently. Transplantation of human foetal kidneys, followed by nephrectomy of host kidneys, keeps rats alive for many weeks, raising hope that, if organoids can be produced even to the limited size and complexity of foetal kidneys, they may one day be useful in renal replacement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cleavage of zygotes generates totipotent blastomeres. In human 8-cell blastomeres, zygotic genome activation (ZGA) occurs to initiate the ontogenesis program. However, capturing and maintaining totipotency in human cells pose significant challenges. Here, we realize culturing human totipotent blastomere-like cells (hTBLCs). We find that splicing inhibition can transiently reprogram human pluripotent stem cells into ZGA-like cells (ZLCs), which subsequently transition into stable hTBLCs after long-term passaging. Distinct from reported 8-cell-like cells (8CLCs), both ZLCs and hTBLCs widely silence pluripotent genes. Interestingly, ZLCs activate a particular group of ZGA-specific genes, and hTBLCs are enriched with pre-ZGA-specific genes. During spontaneous differentiation, hTBLCs re-enter the intermediate ZLC stage and further generate epiblast (EPI)-, primitive endoderm (PrE)-, and trophectoderm (TE)-like lineages, effectively recapitulating human pre-implantation development. Possessing both embryonic and extraembryonic developmental potency, hTBLCs can autonomously generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro without external cell signaling. In summary, our study provides key criteria and insights into human cell totipotency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hyaluronan (HA) is an extracellular glycosaminoglycan polysaccharide with widespread roles throughout development and in healthy and neoplastic tissues. In pluripotent stem cell culture it can support both stem cell renewal and differentiation. However, responses to HA in culture are influenced by interaction with a range of cognate factors and receptors including components of blood serum supplements, which alter results. These may contribute to variation in cell batch production yield and phenotype as well as heighten the risks of adventitious pathogen transmission in the course of cell processing for therapeutic applications. MAIN: Here we characterise differentiation of a human embryo/pluripotent stem cell derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell (hESC/PSC-MSC)-like cell population by culture on a planar surface coated with HA in serum-free media qualified for cell production for therapy. Resulting cells met minimum criteria of the International Society for Cellular Therapy for identification as MSC by expression of. CD90, CD73, CD105, and lack of expression for CD34, CD45, CD14 and HLA-II. They were positive for other MSC associated markers (i.e.CD166, CD56, CD44, HLA 1-A) whilst negative for others (e.g. CD271, CD71, CD146). In vitro co-culture assessment of MSC associated functionality confirmed support of growth of hematopoietic progenitors and inhibition of mitogen activated proliferation of lymphocytes from umbilical cord and adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells, respectively. Co-culture with immortalized THP-1 monocyte derived macrophages (Mɸ) concurrently stimulated with lipopolysaccharide as a pro-inflammatory stimulus, resulted in a dose dependent increase in pro-inflammatory IL6 but negligible effect on TNFα. To further investigate these functionalities, a bulk cell RNA sequence comparison with adult human bone marrow derived MSC and hESC substantiated a distinctive genetic signature more proximate to the former.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cultivation of human pluripotent stem cells on a planar substrate of HA in serum-free culture media systems is sufficient to yield a distinctive developmental mesenchymal stromal cell lineage with potential to modify the function of haematopoietic lineages in therapeutic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have indicated that clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P) is highly specific for psychotic disorders other than pluripotential to various serious mental illnesses. However, not all CHR-P develop psychotic disorder only, and psychosis can occur in non-psychotic disorders as well. Our prospective cohort study aims to investigate the characteristics and clinical outcomes of a pluripotent high-risk group with the potential to develop a diverse range of psychiatric disorders.
    METHODS: The SPRIM study is a prospective naturalistic cohort program that focuses on the early detection of those at risk of developing serious mental illness, including psychosis (CHR-P), bipolar (CHR-B), and depressive disorder (CHR-D), as well as undifferentiated risk participants (UCHR). Our study has a longitudinal design with a baseline assessment and eight follow-up evaluations at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 months to determine whether participants have transitioned to psychosis or mood disorders.
    RESULTS: The SPRIM sample consisted of 90 CHR participants. The total cumulative incidence rate of transition was 53.3% (95% CI 32.5-77.2). CHR-P, CHR-B, CHR-D, and UCHR had cumulative incidence rates of 13.7% (95% CI 3.4-46.4), 52.4% (95% CI 28.1-81.1), 66.7% (95% CI 24.6-98.6) and 54.3% (95% CI 20.5-93.1), respectively. The cumulative incidence of psychosis, bipolar, and depressive disorder among all participants was 3.3% (95% CI 0.8-11.5), 45.7% (95% CI 24.4-73.6), and 11.2% (95% CI 3.1-36.2), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that the concept of pluripotent high-risk for a diverse range of psychiatric disorders is an integrative approach to examining transdiagnostic interactions between illnesses with a high transition rate and minimizing stigma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) are a promising cell source for cardiac regenerative medicine and in vitro modeling. However, hPSC-CMs exhibit immature structural and functional properties compared with adult cardiomyocytes. Various electrical, mechanical, and biochemical cues have been applied to enhance hPSC-CM maturation but with limited success. In this work, we investigated the potential application of the semiconducting polymer poly{[N,N\'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5\'-(2,2\'-bithiophene)} (P(NDI2OD-T2)) as a light-sensitive material to stimulate hPSC-CMs optically. Our results indicated that P(NDI2OD-T2)-mediated photostimulation caused cell damage at irradiances applied long-term above 36 μW/mm2 and did not regulate cardiac monolayer beating (after maturation) at higher intensities applied in a transient fashion. However, we discovered that the cells grown on P(NDI2OD-T2)-coated substrates showed significantly enhanced expression of cardiomyocyte maturation markers in the absence of a light exposure stimulus. A combination of techniques, such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, which we applied to investigate the interface of the cell with the n-type coating, revealed that P(NDI2OD-T2) impacted the nanostructure, adsorption, and viscoelasticity of the Matrigel coating used as a cell adhesion promoter matrix. This modified cellular microenvironment promoted the expression of cardiomyocyte maturation markers related to contraction, calcium handling, metabolism, and conduction. Overall, our findings demonstrate that conjugated polymers such as P(NDI2OD-T2) can be used as passive coatings to direct stem cell fate through interfacial engineering of cell growth substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The strength of stem cell therapy is the regeneration of tissues by synergistic pleiotropic effects. Among many stem cell types, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are comprised of heterogenous population are widely used for clinical applications with the expectation of pleiotropic bystander effects. Muse cells are pluripotent-like/macrophage-like stem cells distributed in the bone marrow, peripheral blood, and organ connective tissues as cells positive for the pluripotent surface marker stage-specific-embryonic antigen -3. Muse cells comprise ~1% to several percent of MSCs. While Muse cells and MSCs share several characteristics, such as mesenchymal surface marker expression and their bystander effects, Muse cells exhibit unique characteristics not observed in MSCs. These unique characteristics of Muse cells include selective homing to damaged tissue after intravenous injection rather than being trapped in the lung like MSCs, replacement of a wide range of damaged/apoptotic cells by differentiation through phagocytosis, and long-lasting immunotolerance for donor cell use. In this review, we focus on the basic properties of Muse cells clarified through preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by intravenous injection of donor-Muse cells without HLA-matching tests or immunosuppressant treatment. MSCs are considered to differentiate into osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic cells, whereas the range of their differentiation has long been debated. Muse cells may provide clues to the wide-ranging differentiation potential of MSCs that are observed with low frequency. Furthermore, the utilization of Muse cells may provide a novel strategy for clinical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: High heterogeneity of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) due to different degrees of differentiation of cell subpopulations poses a considerable challenge in preclinical studies. The cells at a pluripotent-like stage represent a stem cell population of interest for many researchers worldwide, which is worthy of identification, isolation, and functional characterization. In the current study, we asked whether Wharton\'s jelly-derived MSCs (WJ-MSCs) which express stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4) can be considered as a pluripotent-like stem cell population. Methods: SSEA-4 expression in different culture conditions was compared and the efficiency of two cell separation methods were assessed: Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). After isolation, SSEA-4+ cells were analyzed for the following parameters: the maintenance of the SSEA-4 antigen expression after cell sorting, stem cell-related gene expression, proliferation potential, clonogenicity, secretome profiling, and the ability to form spheres under 3D culture conditions. Results: FACS allowed for the enrichment of SSEA-4+ cell content in the population that lasted for six passages after sorting. Despite the elevated expression of stemness-related genes, SSEA-4+ cells neither differed in their proliferation and clonogenicity potential from initial and negative populations nor exhibited pluripotent differentiation repertoire. SSEA-4+ cells were observed to form smaller spheroids and exhibited increased survival under 3D conditions. Conclusion: Despite the transient expression of stemness-related genes, our findings could not fully confirm the undifferentiated pluripotent-like nature of the SSEA-4+ WJ-MSC population cultured in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lethal zoonosis alveolar echinococcosis is caused by tumour-like growth of the metacestode stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis within host organs. We previously demonstrated that metacestode proliferation is exclusively driven by somatic stem cells (germinative cells), which are the only mitotically active parasite cells that give rise to all differentiated cell types. The Echinococcus gene repertoire required for germinative cell maintenance and differentiation has not been characterised so far. We herein carried out Illumina sequencing on cDNA from Echinococcus metacestode vesicles, from metacestode tissue depleted of germinative cells, and from Echinococcus primary cell cultures. We identified a set of ~1,180 genes associated with germinative cells, which contained numerous known stem cell markers alongside genes involved in replication, cell cycle regulation, mitosis, meiosis, epigenetic modification, and nucleotide metabolism. Interestingly, we also identified 44 stem cell associated transcription factors that are likely involved in regulating germinative cell differentiation and/or pluripotency. By in situ hybridization and pulse-chase experiments, we also found a new general Echinococcus stem cell marker, EmCIP2Ah, and we provide evidence implying the presence of a slow cycling stem cell sub-population expressing the extracellular matrix factor Emkal1. RNA-Seq analyses on primary cell cultures revealed that metacestode-derived Echinococcus stem cells display an expanded differentiation capability and do not only form differentiated cell types of the metacestode, but also cells expressing genes specific for protoscoleces, adult worms, and oncospheres, including an ortholog of the schistosome praziquantel target, EmTRPMPZQ. Finally, we show that primary cell cultures contain a cell population expressing an ortholog of the tumour necrosis factor α receptor family and that mammalian TNFα accelerates the development of metacestode vesicles from germinative cells. Taken together, our analyses provide a robust and comprehensive characterization of the Echinococcus germinative cell transcriptome, demonstrate expanded differentiation capability of metacestode derived stem cells, and underscore the potential of primary germinative cell cultures to investigate developmental processes of the parasite. These data are relevant for studies into the role of Echinococcus stem cells in parasite development and will facilitate the design of anti-parasitic drugs that specifically act on the parasite germinative cell compartment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regenerative medicine, which utilizes stem cells for tissue and organ repair, holds immense promise in healthcare. A comprehensive understanding of stem cell characteristics is crucial to unlock their potential. This study explores the pivotal role of optical microscopy in advancing regenerative medicine as a potent tool for stem cell research. Advanced optical microscopy techniques enable an in-depth examination of stem cell behavior, morphology, and functionality. The review encompasses current optical microscopy, elucidating its capabilities and constraints in stem cell imaging, while also shedding light on emerging technologies for improved stem cell visualization. Optical microscopy, complemented by techniques like fluorescence and multiphoton imaging, enhances our comprehension of stem cell dynamics. The introduction of label-free imaging facilitates noninvasive, real-time stem cell monitoring without external dyes or markers. By pushing the boundaries of optical microscopy, researchers reveal the intricate cellular mechanisms underpinning regenerative processes, thereby advancing more effective therapeutic strategies. The current study not only outlines the future of regenerative medicine but also underscores the pivotal role of optical microscopy in both structural and functional stem cell imaging.





