Plastic fragmentation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of microplastics (MPs) found in the environment originate from plastic fragmentation occurring in the environment and are influenced by environmental factors such as UV irradiation and biotic interactions. However, the effects of river drying on plastic fragmentation remain unknown, despite the global prevalence of watercourses experiencing flow intermittence. This study investigates, through laboratory experiments, the coupled effects of drying duration and UV irradiation on PVC film fragmentation induced by artificial mechanical abrasion. This study shows that PVC film fragmentation increases with drying duration through an increase in the abundance and size of formed MPs as well as mass loss from the initial plastic item, with significant differences for drying durations >50% of the experiment duration. The average abundance of formed MPs in treatments exposed to severe drying duration was almost two times higher than in treatments nonexposed to drying. Based on these results, we developed as a proof of concept an Intermittence-Based Plastic Fragmentation Index that may provide insights into plastic fragmentation occurring in river catchments experiencing large hydrological variability. The present study suggests that flow intermittence occurring in rivers and streams can lead to increasing plastic fragmentation, unraveling new insights into plastic pollution in freshwater systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study employs X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to analyze plastic samples subjected to degradation processes with the aim to gain insight on the relevant chemical processes and disclose fragmentation mechanisms. Two model plastics, namely polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene (PE), are selected and analyzed before and after artificial UV radiation-triggered weathering, under simulated environmental hydrodynamic conditions, in fresh and marine water for different time intervals. The object of the study is to identify and quantify chemical groups possibly evidencing the occurrence of hydrolysis and oxidation reactions, which are the basis of degradation processes in the environment, determining macroplastic fragmentation. Artificially weathered plastic samples are analyzed also by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy. Changes in surface chemistry with weathering are revealed by XPS, involving the increase in chemical moieties (hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl functionalities) which can be correlated with the degradation processes responsible for macroplastic fragmentation. On the other hand, the absence of significant modifications upon plastics weathering evidenced by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy confirms the importance of investigating plastics surface, which represents the very first part of the materials exposed to degradation agents, thus revealing the power of XPS studies for this purpose. The XPS data on experimentally weathered particles are compared with ones obtained on microplastics collected from real marine environment for investigating the occurring degradation processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The threat of microplastics to marine animals and habitats is increasing, which may affect sea turtle nesting grounds. The Qilianyu Islands are the largest remaining green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting grounds in China. Despite being far from the mainland, microplastic pollution cannot be ignored. In this study, the level of microplastic pollution in surface sediments from three different zones, namely, the bottom, intertidal, and supratidal zone, was investigated on North Island, Qilianyu Islands. The results showed that the abundance of microplastics in the supratidal zone was significantly higher than that in the bottom zone and intertidal zone (r = 3.65, p = 0.011), with the highest average abundance of microplastics located on the southwest coast of North Island. In the bottom zone, only plastic blocks (88%) and fibers (12%) were found. The main types of microplastics in the intertidal and supratidal zones were plastic blocks (48%) and foam (42%), with polyethylene (PE) (40%) and polystyrene (PS) (34%) being the predominant components. These types and components of microplastics differed from those in the surrounding seawater, but corresponding types and components were found in the plastic debris on the beach. Meanwhile, it was also observed that there were multiple instances of fragmented plastic on the beach. Thus, we suggest that the microplastics on the beach in North Island were mainly derived from the fragmentation of microplastic debris, indicating secondary microplastics. It is recommended to further strengthen the regular cleaning of plastic debris on the beach, especially the removal of small plastic debris, in order to reduce the pollution from secondary microplastics generated by the fragmentation of beach plastic debris and to better protect China\'s most important sea turtle nesting site in the South China Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mountain rivers are typically seen as relatively pristine ecosystems, supporting numerous goods (e.g., water resources) for human populations living not only in the mountain regions but also downstream from them. However recent evidence suggests that mountain river valleys in populated areas can be substantially polluted by macroplastic (plastic item >25 mm). It is unknown how distinct characteristics of mountain rivers modulate macroplastic routes through them, which makes planning effective mitigation strategies difficult. To stimulate future works on this gap, we present a conceptual model of macroplastic transport pathways through mountain river. Based on this model, we formulate four hypotheses on macroplastic input, transport and mechanical degradation in mountain rivers. Then, we propose designs of field experiments that allow each hypothesis to be tested. We hypothesize that some natural characteristics of mountain river catchments can accelerate the input of improperly disposed macroplastic waste from the slope to the river. Further, we hypothesize that specific hydromorphological characteristics of mountain rivers (e.g., high flow velocity) accelerate the downstream transport rate of macroplastic and together with the presence of shallow water and coarse bed sediments it can accelerate mechanical degradation of macroplastic in river channels, accelerating secondary microplastic production. The above suggests that mountain rivers in populated areas can act as microplastic factories, which are able to produce more microplastic from the same amount of macroplastic waste inputted into them (in comparison to lowland rivers that have a different hydromorphology). The produced risks can not only affect mountain rivers but can also be transported downstream. The challenge for the future is how to manage the hypothesized risks, especially in mountain areas particularly exposed to plastic pollution due to waste management deficiencies, high tourism pressure, poor ecological awareness of the population and lack of uniform regional and global regulations for the problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic particles move three-dimensionally through the ocean, but modeling studies often do not consider size-dependent vertical transport processes. In addition, microplastic fragmentation in ocean environments remains poorly understood, despite fragments making up the majority of microplastic pollution in terms of the number of particles and despite its potential role in mass removal. Here, we first investigate the role of particle size and density on the large-scale transport of microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea and next analyze how fragmentation may affect transport and mass loss of plastics. For progressively smaller particle sizes, microplastics are shown to be less likely to be beached and more likely to reach open water. Smaller particles also generally get mixed deeper, resulting in lower near-surface concentrations of small particles despite their higher total abundance. Microplastic fragmentation is shown to be dominated by beach-based fragmentation, with ocean-based fragmentation processes likely having negligible influence. However, fragmentation remains a slow process acting on decadal time scales and as such likely does not have a major influence on the large-scale distribution of microplastics and mass loss over periods less than 3 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Old-growth forests host a rich diversity of invertebrate assemblages. Among them, saproxylic insects play a fundamental role in the nutrient cycle and ecosystem functioning. In these environments, coevolution between insect and plants have reached a stable equilibrium over millions of years. These delicate ecosystems are threatened mainly by habitat loss and fragmentation, and to date, they have to face the new \"plastic threat.\" Plastics are widespread in all biomes and ecosystems accumulating throughout the years due to their low degradation rate. Once accumulated, large pieces of plastics can be degraded into smaller particles, the latter representing a great threat to biodiversity and ecosystem health, producing detrimental effects on biota. Since the effects of plastics on terrestrial systems remain largely unexplored, this study aimed at contributing to increasing the knowledge on the interaction between plastics and terrestrial biota. We put our emphasis on the novel and broad topic of plastic degradation by saproxylic beetle larvae, describing how they fragmented macroplastics into microplastics. To investigate whether saproxylic cetonid larvae could degrade expanded polystyrene, we performed an experiment. Thus, we put larvae collected in the field in an expanded polystyrene box. We observed that larvae dug in the thickness of the box fragmenting macroplastics into microplastics and producing a total of 3441 particles. Then, we removed the larvae from the EPS box and isolated them in glass jars filled with natural substrate. The substrate was checked for EPS microplastics previously ingested and now egested by larvae. Additionally, we pointed out that plastics remained attached to cetonid larvae setae, with a mean number of 30.7 ± 12.5 items. Although preliminary, our results highlighted that microplastics attached to saproxylic cetonid larvae might be transported into habitats and transferred along the food web. In conclusion, plastic pollution might affect vulnerable species and ecosystem services representing a risk also for human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The risk of plastic debris, and specifically micro(nano)plastic particles, to ecosystems remains to be fully characterized. One particular issue that warrants further characterization is the hazards associated with chemical additives within micro(nano)plastic as they are not chemically bound within the polymers and can be persistent and biologically active. Most plastics contain additives and are therefore potential vectors for the introduction of these chemicals into the environment as they leach from plastic, a process that can be accelerated through degradation and weathering processes. There are knowledge gaps on the ecotoxicological effects of plastic additives and how they are released from parent plastic materials as they progressively fragment from the meso to micro and nano scale. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of the ecotoxicity of plastic additives and identifies research needs to characterize the hazard they present to exposed biota. The potential ecological risk of chemical additives is of international concern so key differences in governance between the European Union and New Zealand to appropriately characterize their risk are highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predators ingest microplastics directly from the environment and indirectly via trophic transfer, yet studies have not investigated the contribution of each pathway to microplastic ingestion in fish. We assessed the relative importance of the two exposure routes using mysids (Neomysis spp.) and a benthic fish (Myoxocephalus brandti) as a model prey-predator system. We first exposed the mysids to fluorescent polyethylene beads (27-32 μm) at concentrations of 200 and 2000 μg/L. We then exposed the fish to water containing the same concentrations of polyethylene beads or to nine mysids pre-exposed to polyethylene beads. We quantified the size and overall mass of polyethylene beads in mysids and in fish to assess polyethylene beads fragmentation by the mysids. Mysids ingested 2-3 more polyethylene beads from water containing the higher concentration, and fish ingested 3-11 times more polyethylene beads via trophic transfer than from the water column. The percentage of fragmented particles was higher in mysids and in fish fed bead-exposed mysids, suggesting that the mysids can fragment polyethylene beads. Our experiments demonstrate that trophic transfer is a major route of microplastic ingestion by fish and that prey such as mysids can fragment microplastics. Small particles can translocate from the digestive system into tissues and exert adverse physiological effects. Trophic transfer of microplastics may therefore pose more serious threats to organisms at higher trophic levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (<5 mm) are present in marine ecosystems worldwide where they can be ingested by a wide range of organisms from different trophic levels. In this study we analyzed the gastrointestinal tract of 443 specimens of Stellifer brasiliensis (124 juveniles, 254 subadults, and 65 adults) sampled in tropical beaches adjacent to the Paraíba River estuary. We found 1-3 microplastics in 42 fishes (9.48%), averaging 1.31 ± 0.52 microplastics per fish. The number of ingested microplastics by the different ontogenetic stages was statistically similar, but the adults had a higher ingestion frequency (13.8%). Among subadults, the condition factor of fishes that ingested microplastics was significantly smaller (p < 0.05) than those that had not ingested them. The ingestion of microplastics by the different ontogenetic stages of S. brasiliensis reflects the availability of this pollutant in the studied environment and highlights the vulnerability of fishes and other organisms through food webs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic particles and fibers are increasingly being detected in our surface and ground waters as well as within a wide range of aquatic species. Their presence in the environment is largely due to in situ generation from physical and chemical weathering of larger plastics, and thus has left environmental community concerned in the post-banned era of microbead use in personal care products through the passage of Microbead-Free Waters Act in the United States. To improve understanding of secondary microplastic formation, accelerated weathering has been conducted on four materials (high-density polyethylene, high impact polystyrene, nylon 6, and polypropylene) under ultraviolet radiation (equivalent to 44 days in full sun) in simulated seawater. Physical and chemical characterization of the plastics were completed following ultraviolet exposure. This simulated weathering generated microfibers from high-density polyethylene and nylon 6, while high impact polystyrene and polypropylene did not physically degrade. The techniques used were applied to sediment samples containing plastic pellets collected from Cox Creek in Port Comfort, TX (near a large plastics manufacturer), which were purified for analysis and were found to contain microplastics composed of polypropylene and polyethylene. These findings can be used to determine degradation pathways and plastic source tracking, which can facilitate risk assessment and environmental management.





