Plaque forming units

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plaque assay method enables the quantification of infectious baculovirus when defined as plaque forming units (PFU). It allows to determine the amount of infectious virus needed to infect the cells at a specific multiplicity of infection (MOI). Serial dilutions of baculovirus stock are added to the Sf9 cells monolayer followed by addition of 5% Agarose overlay. Six days after infection clear infection halos are observed using a neutral red solution. Here we describe the quantification of recombinant baculovirus expression vector (rBEV) carrying a transgene in an rAAV expression cassette. Reproducible quantification of PFU is obtained with this method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophage therapy targeting the increasingly resistant Vibrio cholerae is highly needed. Hence, studying the phenotypic behavior of potential phages under different conditions is a prerequisite to delivering the phage in an active infective form. The objective of this study was to characterize phage VP4 (vB_vcM_Kuja), an environmental vibriophage isolated from River Kuja in Migori County, Kenya in 2015. The phenotypic characteristics of the phage were determined using a one-step growth curve, restriction digestion profile, pH, and temperature stability tests. The results revealed that the phage is stable through a wide range of temperatures (20-50°C) and maintains its plaque-forming ability at pH ranging from 6 to 12. The one-step growth curve showed a latent period falling between 40 and 60 min, while burst size ranged from 23 to 30 plaque-forming units/10 µl at the same host strain. The restriction digestion pattern using EcoRI, SalI, HindIII, and XhoI enzymes showed that HindIII could cut the phage genome. The phage DNA could not be restricted by the other three enzymes. The findings of this study can be used in future studies to determine phage-host interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), which is an ongoing pandemic that has significantly affected the health, economy, and socio-economic status of individuals worldwide. Laboratory research using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models has been accelerated to understand the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, such experimental research involving SARS-CoV-2 is restricted to biocontainment/safety level-3 (BSL-3) settings, due to the high pathogenicity of this virus. Since many of the downstream analyses of SARS-CoV-2-infected biological samples need to be conducted in a non-BSL3 setting, it is important to ensure that the samples are fully decontaminated and safe for subsequent analysis. Here, we report the effectiveness of standard procedures used to fix cells and tissues for pathological analysis, including 2% or 4% paraformaldehyde, 50%-70% ethanol, 10% neutral buffered formalin and ultrafiltration using membranes with a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) ranging from 3 to 30 kDa, for inactivating or eliminating SARS-CoV-2. We validated these methods in experimental laboratory samples, such as viral inoculum in cell culture media, SARS-CoV-2 infected host cells and animal tissue lysates. We found that 15 minutes\' treatment of viral inoculum (105 plaque-forming units; PFU) or SARS-CoV-2 infected cells with paraformaldehyde or 70% ethanol resulted in complete inactivation of the virus. The treatment of infected hamster lung tissues with 10% neutral buffered formalin also fully inactivated the virus. However, only 3 kDa ultracentrifuge filter was effective in eliminating the virus to an undetectable limit in the filtrate. Our validated methods are useful for decontaminating biological samples to reduce infection risk and safe handling in BSL2 facilities.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens that produces significant economic losses to the poultry industry. The disease is caused by Gallid alpha herpesvirus-1 (GaHV-1), commonly known as the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV). Vaccination remains necessary for the control of the disease. Due to the inherent virulence of live attenuated vaccines, in particular that of the chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccines, the use of ILT viral vector recombinant vaccines has significantly expanded worldwide as a safer vaccination strategy. However, the protective efficacy of recombinant ILT vaccines can be compromised by the use of fractional doses and improper handling and administration of the vaccine. The objective of this study was twofold: 1) to evaluate the protection efficacy induced by a commercial recombinant HVT-LT (rHVT-LT) vaccine when administered in ovo to broilers at three standardized doses (6000 plaque-forming units [PFU], 3000 PFU, and 1000 PFU), and 2) to assess the potential of rHVT-LT-vaccinated chickens to spread virus to contact chickens after challenge. Independently of the vaccine dose, vaccinated chickens showed reduction in clinical signs, maintained body weight gain after challenge, and lessened the challenge virus replication in the trachea at a rate of 52%-65%. However, in spite of this reduction, transmission of challenge virus from rHVT-LT-vaccinated (6000/Ch, 3000/Ch) to contact-naive chickens was evident. This study is the first to support that rHVT-LT vaccination did not prevent spread of challenge virus to contact birds.
    Eficacia de la protección de una vacuna con un herpesvirus de los pavos (HVT) recombinante contra el virus de la laringotraqueitis infecciosa (ILTV) administrada in ovo en pollos de engorde en tres dosis estandarizadas. La laringotraqueítis infecciosa (ILT, por sus siglas en inglés) es una enfermedad respiratoria altamente contagiosa de los pollos que produce importantes pérdidas económicas para la industria avícola. La enfermedad es causada por el alfa herpesvirus-1 del pollo (GaHV-1), conocido comúnmente como el virus de la laringotraqueitis infecciosa (ILTV). La vacunación sigue siendo necesaria para el control de la enfermedad. Debido a la virulencia inherente de las vacunas atenuadas vivas, en particular la de las vacunas con origen embrion de pollo (CEO), el uso de vacunas contra la laringotraqueítis con vectores virales recombinantes se ha extendido significativamente en todo el mundo como una estrategia de vacunación más segura. Sin embargo, la eficacia protectora de las vacunas recombinantes contra la laringotraqueítis puede verse comprometida por el uso de dosis fraccionarias y por el manejo y administración inadecuados de la vacuna. El objetivo de este estudio fue doble: 1) evaluar la eficacia de la protección inducida por una vacuna comercial recombinante HVT-LT (rHVT-LT) cuando se administró in ovo en pollos de engorde en tres dosis estandarizadas (6000 unidades formadoras de placa [PFU], 3000 PFU y 1000 PFU), y 2) para evaluar el potencial de los pollos vacunados con rHVT-LT para propagar el virus a los pollos en contacto después del desafío. Independientemente de la dosis de la vacuna, los pollos vacunados mostraron una reducción en los signos clínicos, mantuvieron el aumento de peso corporal después del desafío y disminuyeron la replicación del virus de desafío en la tráquea a una tasa de 52% -65%. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta reducción, la transmisión del virus de desafío de los pollos vacunados con rHVT-LT con 6000 unidades formadoras de placa y desafiados o con 3000 unidades formadoras de placa y también desafiados a los pollos susceptibles en contacto fue evidente. Este estudio es el primero en demostrar que la vacunación con rHVT-LT no impidió la propagación del virus de desafío a las aves en contacto.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cell culture infections with vaccinia virus the number of counted virus particles is substantially higher than the number of plaques obtained by titration. We found that standard vaccine preparations of recombinant Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara produce only about 20-30% plaque-forming virions in fully permissive cell cultures. To evaluate the biological activity of the non-plaque-forming particles, we generated recombinant viruses expressing fluorescent reporter proteins under transcriptional control of specific viral early and late promoters. Live cell imaging and automated counting by fluorescent microscopy indicated that virtually all virus particles can enter cells and switch on viral gene expression. Although most of the non-plaque-forming infections are arrested at the level of viral early gene expression, we detected activation of late viral transcription in 10-20% of single infected cells. Thus, non-plaque-forming particles are biologically active, and likely contribute to the immunogenicity of vaccinia virus vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic targets of broad relevance are likely located in pathogenic pathways common to disorders of various etiologies. Screening for targets of this type revealed CCN genes to be consistently upregulated in multiple cardiomyopathies. We developed RNA interference (RNAi) to silence CCN2 and found this single-target approach to block multiple proinflammatory and profibrotic pathways in activated primary cardiac fibroblasts (PCFBs). The RNAi-strategy was developed in murine PCFBs and then investigated in \"individual\" human PCFBs grown from human endomyocardial biopsies (EMBs). Screening of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) sequences for high silencing efficacy and specificity yielded RNAi adenovectors silencing CCN2 in murine or human PCFBs, respectively. Comparison of RNAi with CCN2-modulating microRNA (miR) vectors expressing miR-30c or miR-133b showed higher efficacy of RNAi. In murine PCFBs, CCN2 silencing resulted in strongly reduced expression of stretch-induced chemokines (Ccl2, Ccl7, Ccl8), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP2, MMP9), extracellular matrix (Col3a1), and a cell-to-cell contact protein (Cx43), suggesting multiple signal pathways to be linked to CCN2. Immune cell chemotaxis towards CCN2-depleted PCFBs was significantly reduced. We demonstrate here that this RNAi strategy is technically applicable to \"individual\" human PCFBs, too, but that these display individually strikingly different responses to CCN2 depletion. Either genomically encoded factors or stable epigenetic modification may explain different responses between individual PCFBs. The new RNAi approach addresses a key regulator protein induced in cardiomyopathies. Investigation of this and other molecular therapies in individual human PCBFs may help to dissect differential pathogenic processes between otherwise similar disease entities and individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Jiawei-Yupingfeng-Tang (JYT) is a Chinese herbal formula that is widely used to treat respiratory tract illness. However, the effect of JYT on respiratory viruses remains unknown. The influenza virus (IFV) and the human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) cause millions of cases of severe illness per year, and many of these illnesses develop into lethal pneumonia. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether JYT can be used to treat these infections.
    METHODS: The effect of JYT against IFV and HRSV was tested using a plaque reduction assay in the lower respiratory tract cell line A549. The expression of ICAM-1 was determined by real-time RT-PCR and western blotting. A mouse model infected with lethal influenza developing into interstitial pneumonia was used to evaluate the effect of JYT in vivo.
    RESULTS: JYT extract inhibited both IFV and HRSV in a dose-dependent manner when given before, during and after a viral infection. JYT was effective in blocking the entry of the virus. Furthermore, pre-treatment with JYT reduced the susceptibility of cells to the invasion of HRSV by inhibiting the expression of ICAM-1. Importantly, JYT extract increased the survival rate of lethal influenza-infected mice, prolonged the survival time and alleviated the virus-induced lung lesions, which is comparable with the effects of ribavirin treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data support JYT as an alternative modality to be used in the treatment of respiratory viral infection induced by HRSV and IFV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biofouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs) remains a primary challenge for their wider application, despite the growing acceptance of MBRs worldwide. Research studies on membrane fouling are extensive in the literature, with more than 200 publications on MBR fouling in the last 3 years; yet, improvements in practice on biofouling control and management have been remarkably slow. Commonly applied cleaning methods are only partially effective and membrane replacement often becomes frequent. The reason for the slow advancement in successful control of biofouling is largely attributed to the complex interactions of involved biological compounds and the lack of representative-for-practice experimental approaches to evaluate potential effective control strategies. Biofouling is driven by microorganisms and their associated extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) and microbial products. Microorganisms and their products convene together to form matrices that are commonly treated as a black box in conventional control approaches. Biological-based antifouling strategies seem to be a promising constituent of an effective integrated control approach since they target the essence of biofouling problems. However, biological-based strategies are in their developmental phase and several questions should be addressed to set a roadmap for translating existing and new information into sustainable and effective control techniques. This paper investigates membrane biofouling in MBRs from the microbiological perspective to evaluate the potential of biological-based strategies in offering viable control alternatives. Limitations of available control methods highlight the importance of an integrated anti-fouling approach including biological strategies. Successful development of these strategies requires detailed characterization of microorganisms and EPS through the proper selection of analytical tools and assembly of results. Existing microbiological/EPS studies reveal a number of implications as well as knowledge gaps, warranting future targeted research. Systematic and representative microbiological studies, complementary utilization of molecular and biofilm characterization tools, standardized experimental methods and validation of successful biological-based antifouling strategies for MBR applications are needed. Specifically, in addition, linking these studies to relevant operational conditions in MBRs is an essential step to ultimately develop a better understanding and more effective and directed control strategy for biofouling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiac remodeling resulting from impairment of myocardial integrity leads to heart failure, through still incompletely understood mechanisms. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) system has been implicated in tissue maintenance, but its role in the adult heart is not well defined. We hypothesized that the FGF system plays a role in the maintenance of cardiac homeostasis, and the impairment of cardiomyocyte FGF signaling leads to pathological cardiac remodeling. We showed that FGF signaling is required for connexin 43 (Cx43) localization at cell-cell contacts in isolated cardiomyocytes and COS7 cells. Lack of FGF signaling led to decreased Cx43 phosphorylation at serines 325/328/330 (S325/328/330), sites known to be important for assembly of gap junctions. Cx43 instability induced by FGF inhibition was restored by the Cx43 S325/328/330 phospho-mimetic mutant, suggesting FGF-dependent phosphorylation of these sites. Consistent with these in vitro findings, cardiomyocyte-specific inhibition of FGF signaling in adult mice demonstrated mislocalization of Cx43 at intercalated discs, whereas localization of N-cadherin and desmoplakin was not affected. This led to premature death resulting from impaired cardiac remodeling. We conclude that cardiomyocyte FGF signaling is essential for cardiomyocyte homeostasis through phosphorylation of Cx43 at S325/328/330 residues which are important for the maintenance of gap junction.





