Plant defense mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed inoculation with entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) causes plant-mediated effects against arthropod herbivores, but the responses vary among EPF isolates. We used a wheat model system with three isolates representing Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium spp. causing either negative or positive effects against the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. Activities of six carbohydrate enzymes increased in plants showing biomass build-up after EPF inoculations. However, only aldolase activity showed positive correlation with R. padi numbers. Plants inoculated with M. robertsii hosted fewest aphids and showed increased activity of superoxide dismutase, implying a defense strategy of resistance towards herbivores. In M. brunneum-inoculated plants, hosting most R. padi, activities of catalase and glutathione reductase were increased suggesting enhanced detoxification responses towards aphids. However, M. brunneum simultaneously increased plant growth indicating that this isolate may cause the plant to tolerate herbivory. EPF seed inoculants may therefore mediate either tolerance or resistance towards biotic stress in plants in an isolate-dependent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biocompounds are metabolites synthesized by plants, with clinically proven capacity in preventing and treating degenerative diseases in humans. Carbon-based nanomaterials (CNMs) are atomic structures that assume different hybridization and shape. Due to the reactive property, CNMs can induce the synthesis of metabolites, such as biocompounds in cells and various plant species, by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). In response, plants positively or negatively regulate the expression of various families of genes and enzymes involved in physiological and metabolomic pathways of plants, such as carbon and nitrogen metabolism, which are directly involved in plant development and growth. Likewise, ROS can modulate the expression of enzymes and genes related to the adaptation of plants to stress, such as the glutathione ascorbate cycle, the shikimic acid, and phenylpropanoid pathways, from which the largest amount of biocompounds in plants are derived. This document exposes the ability of three CNMs (fullerene, graphene, and carbon nanotubes) to positively or negatively regulate the activity of enzymes and genes involved in various plant species\' primary and secondary metabolism. The mechanism of action of CNMs on the production of biocompounds and the effect of the translocation of CNMs on the growth and content of primary metabolites in plants are described. Adverse effects of CNMs on plants, prospects, and possible risks involved are also discussed. The use of CNMs as inducers of biocompounds in plants could have implications and relevance for human health, crop quality, and plant adaptation and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most plants produce large amounts of seeds to disperse their progeny in the environment. Plant viruses have evolved to avoid plant resistance mechanisms and use seeds for their dispersal. The presence of plant pathogenic viruses in seeds and suppression of plant host defenses is a major worldwide concern for producers and seed companies because undetected viruses in the seed can represent a significant threat to yield in many economically important crops. The vertical transmission of plant viruses occurs directly through the embryo or indirectly by getting in pollen grains or ovules. Infection of plant viruses during the early development of the seed embryo can result in morphological or genetic changes that cause poor seed quality and, more importantly, low yields due to the partial or ubiquitous presence of the virus at the earliest stages of seedling development. Understanding transmission of plant viruses and the ability to avoid plant defense mechanisms during seed embryo development will help identify primary inoculum sources, reduce virus spread, decrease severity of negative effects on plant health and productivity, and facilitate the future of plant disease management during seed development in many crops. In this article, we provide an overview of the current knowledge and understanding of plant virus transmission during seed embryo development, including the context of host-virus interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tuta absoluta (\"leafminer\"), is a major pest of tomato crops worldwide. Controlling this insect is difficult due to its efficient infestation, rapid proliferation, and resilience to changing weather conditions. Furthermore, chemical pesticides have only a short-term effect due to rapid development of T. absoluta strains. Here, we show that a variety of tomato cultivars, treated with external phenylalanine solutions exhibit high resistance to T. absoluta, under both greenhouse and open field conditions, at different locations. A large-scale metabolomic study revealed that tomato leaves absorb and metabolize externally given Phe efficiently, resulting in a change in their volatile profile, and repellence of T. absoluta moths. The change in the volatile profile is due to an increase in three phenylalanine-derived benzenoid phenylpropanoid volatiles (BPVs), benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, and 2-phenylethanol. This treatment had no effect on terpenes and green leaf volatiles, known to contribute to the fight against insects. Phe-treated plants also increased the resistance of neighboring non-treated plants. RNAseq analysis of the neighboring non-treated plants revealed an exclusive upregulation of genes, with enrichment of genes related to the plant immune response system. Exposure of tomato plants to either benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, or 2-phenylethanol, resulted in induction of genes related to the plant immune system that were also induced due to neighboring Phe-treated plants. We suggest a novel role of phenylalanine-derived BPVs as mediators of plant-insect interactions, acting as inducers of the plant defense mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metal pollution threatens plant growth and development as well as ecological stability. Here, we synthesize current research on the interplay between plants and their microbial symbionts under heavy metal stress, highlighting the mechanisms employed by microbes to enhance plant tolerance and resilience. Several key strategies such as bioavailability alteration, chelation, detoxification, induced systemic tolerance, horizontal gene transfer, and methylation and demethylation, are examined, alongside the genetic and molecular basis governing these plant-microbe interactions. However, the complexity of plant-microbe interactions, coupled with our limited understanding of the associated mechanisms, presents challenges in their practical application. Thus, this review underscores the necessity of a more detailed understanding of how plants and microbes interact and the importance of using a combined approach from different scientific fields to maximize the benefits of these microbial processes. By advancing our knowledge of plant-microbe synergies in the metabolism of heavy metals, we can develop more effective bioremediation strategies to combat the contamination of soil by heavy metals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant-microbe interactions play a crucial role in shaping plant health and survival. In recent years, the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in mediating intercellular communication between plants and microbes has emerged as an intriguing area of research. EVs serve as important carriers of bioactive molecules and genetic information, facilitating communication between cells and even between different organisms. Pathogenic bacteria leverage extracellular vesicles (EVs) to amplify their virulence, exploiting their cargo rich in toxins and virulence factors. Conversely, beneficial microbes initiate EV secretion to stimulate plant immune responses and nurture symbiotic relationships. The transfer of EV-packed small RNAs (sRNAs) has been demonstrated to facilitate the modulation of immune responses. Furthermore, harnessing the potential of EVs holds promise for the development of innovative diagnostic tools and sustainable crop protection strategies. This review highlights the biogenesis and functions of EVs in bacteria and their importance in plant defense, and paves the way for future research in this exciting field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metal concentrations exceeding permissible limits threaten human life, plant life, and all other life forms. Different natural and anthropogenic activities emit toxic heavy metals in the soil, air, and water. Plants consume toxic heavy metals from their roots and foliar part inside the plant. Heavy metals may interfere with various aspects of the plants, such as biochemistry, bio-molecules, and physiological processes, which usually translate into morphological and anatomical changes. They use various strategies to deal with the toxic effects of heavy metal contamination. Some of these strategies include restricting heavy metals to the cell wall, vascular sequestration, and synthesis of various biochemical compounds, such as phyto-chelators and organic acids, to bind the free moving heavy metal ions so that the toxic effects are minimized. This review focuses on several aspects of genetics, molecular, and cell signaling levels, which integrate to produce a coordinated response to heavy metal toxicity and interpret the exact strategies behind the tolerance of heavy metals stress. It is suggested that various aspects of some model plant species must be thoroughly studied to comprehend the approaches of heavy metal tolerance to put that knowledge into practical use.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    This is an excerpt giving an overview of the Special Issue: Biology and Management of Sap-Sucking Pests [...].







  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Plant-insect interactions are basic components of biodiversity conservation. To attain the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the interactions in urban and in suburban systems should be better understood to maintain the health of green infrastructure. The role of ground-level ozone (O3) as an environmental stress disrupting interaction webs is presented. Ozone mixing ratios in suburbs are usually higher than in the center of cities and may reduce photosynthetic productivity at a relatively higher degree. Consequently, carbon-based defense capacities of plants may be suppressed by elevated O3 more in the suburbs. However, contrary to this expectation, grazing damages by leaf beetles have been severe in some urban centers in comparison with the suburbs. To explain differences in grazing damages between urban areas and suburbs, the disruption of atmospheric communication signals by elevated O3 via changes in plant-regulated biogenic volatile organic compounds and long-chain fatty acids are considered. The ecological roles of plant volatiles and the effects of O3 from both a chemical and a biological perspective are presented. Ozone-disrupted plant volatiles should be considered to explain herbivory phenomena in urban and suburban systems.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version of this article contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s11676-020-01287-4) to authorized users.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to activate PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). However, our knowledge of PTI signaling remains limited. In this report, we introduce Lumi-Map, a high-throughput platform for identifying causative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for studying PTI signaling components. In Lumi-Map, a transgenic reporter plant line is produced that contains a firefly luciferase (LUC) gene driven by a defense gene promoter, which generates luminescence upon PAMP treatment. The line is mutagenized and the mutants with altered luminescence patterns are screened by a high-throughput real-time bioluminescence monitoring system. Selected mutants are subjected to MutMap analysis, a whole-genome sequencing-based method of rapid mutation identification, to identify the causative SNP responsible for the luminescence pattern change. We generated nine transgenic Arabidopsis reporter lines expressing the LUC gene fused to multiple promoter sequences of defense-related genes. These lines generate luminescence upon activation of FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2) by flg22, a PAMP derived from bacterial flagellin. We selected the WRKY29-promoter reporter line to identify mutants in the signaling pathway downstream of FLS2. After screening 24,000 ethylmethanesulfonate-induced mutants of the reporter line, we isolated 22 mutants with altered WRKY29 expression upon flg22 treatment (abbreviated as awf mutants). Although five flg22-insensitive awf mutants harbored mutations in FLS2 itself, Lumi-Map revealed three genes not previously associated with PTI. Lumi-Map has the potential to identify novel PAMPs and their receptors as well as signaling components downstream of the receptors.[Formula: see text] Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.





