
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we have shown for the first time altered expression of the vascular smooth muscle (VSM) KATP channel subunits in segments of the human internal mammary artery (HIMA) in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Functional properties of vascular KATP channels in the presence of T2DM, and the interaction between its subunits and endogenous ligands known to relax this vessel, were tested using the potassium (K) channels opener, pinacidil. HIMA is the most commonly used vascular graft in cardiac surgery. Previously it was shown that pinacidil relaxes HIMA segments through interaction with KATP (SUR2B/Kir6.1) vascular channels, but it is unknown whether pinacidil sensitivity is changed in the presence of T2DM, considering diabetes-induced vascular complications commonly seen in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). KATP subunits were detected in HIMA segments using Western blot and immunohistochemistry analyses. An organ bath system was used to interrogate endothelium-independent vasorelaxation caused by pinacidil. In pharmacological experiments, pinacidil was able to relax HIMA from patients with T2DM, with sensitivity comparable to our previous results. All three KATP subunits (SUR2B, Kir6.1 and Kir6.2) were observed in HIMA from patients with and without T2DM. There were no differences in the expression of the SUR2B subunit. The expression of the Kir6.1 subunit was lower in HIMA from T2DM patients. In the same group, the expression of the Kir6.2 subunit was higher. Therefore, KATP channels might not be the only method of pinacidil-induced dilatation of T2DM HIMA. T2DM may decrease the level of Kir6.1, a dominant subunit in VSM of HIMA, altering the interaction between pinacidil and those channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium overload is the key trigger in cardiac microvascular ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, and calreticulin (CRT) is a calcium buffering protein located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Additionally, the role of pinacidil, an antihypertensive drug, in protecting cardiac microcirculation against I/R injury has not been investigated. Hence, this study aimed to explore the benefits of pinacidil on cardiac microvascular I/R injury with a focus on endothelial calcium homeostasis and CRT signaling. Cardiac vascular perfusion and no-reflow area were assessed using FITC-lectin perfusion assay and Thioflavin-S staining. Endothelial calcium homeostasis, CRT-IP3Rs-MCU signaling expression, and apoptosis were assessed by real-time calcium signal reporter GCaMP8, western blotting, and fluorescence staining. Drug affinity-responsive target stability (DARTS) assay was adopted to detect proteins that directly bind to pinacidil. The present study found pinacidil treatment improved capillary density and perfusion, reduced no-reflow and infraction areas, and improved cardiac function and hemodynamics after I/R injury. These benefits were attributed to the ability of pinacidil to alleviate calcium overload and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs). Moreover, the DARTS assay showed that pinacidil directly binds to HSP90, through which it inhibits chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) degradation of CRT. CRT overexpression inhibited IP3Rs and MCU expression, reduced mitochondrial calcium inflow and mitochondrial injury, and suppressed endothelial apoptosis. Importantly, endothelial-specific overexpression of CRT shared similar benefits with pinacidil on cardiovascular protection against I/R injury. In conclusion, our data indicate that pinacidil attenuated microvascular I/R injury potentially through improving CRT degradation and endothelial calcium overload.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flavonoids, ubiquitously distributed in the plant world, are regularly ingested with diets rich in fruit, vegetables, wine, and tea. During digestion, they are partially absorbed in the stomach. The present work aimed to assess the in vitro effects of quercetin and ten structurally related flavonoids on the rat gastric fundus smooth muscle, focussing on ATP-dependent K+ (Kir6.1) channels, which play a central role in the regulation of resting membrane potential, membrane excitability and, consequently, of gastric motility. Whole-cell currents through Kir6.1 channels (IKir6.1) were recorded with the patch-clamp technique and the mechanical activity of gastric fundus smooth muscle strips was studied under isometric conditions. Galangin ≈ tamarixetin > quercetin > kaempferol > isorhamnetin ≈ luteolin ≈ fisetin > (±)-taxifolin inhibited pinacidil-evoked, glibenclamide-sensitive IKir6.1 in a concentration-dependent manner. Morin, rutin, and myricetin were ineffective. The steric hindrance of the molecule and the number and position of hydroxyl groups on the B ring played an important role in the activity of the molecule. Molecular docking simulations revealed a possible binding site for flavonoids in the C-terminal domain of the Kir6.1 channel subunit SUR2B, in a flexible loop formed by residues 251 to 254 of chains C and D. Galangin and tamarixetin, but not rutin relaxed both high K+- and carbachol-induced contraction of fundus strips in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, both flavonoids shifted to the right the concentration-relaxation curves to either pinacidil or L-cysteine constructed in strips pre-contracted by high K+, rutin being ineffective. In conclusion, IKir6.1 inhibition exerted by dietary flavonoids might counterbalance their myorelaxant activity, affect gastric accommodation or, at least, some stages of digestion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gain-of-function of KATP channels, resulting from mutations in either KCNJ8 (encoding inward rectifier sub-family 6 [Kir6.1]) or ABCC9 (encoding sulphonylurea receptor [SUR2]), cause Cantú syndrome (CS), a channelopathy characterized by excess hair growth, coarse facial appearance, cardiomegaly, and lymphedema. Here, we established a pipeline for rapid analysis of CS mutation consequences in Landing pad HEK 293 cell lines stably expressing wild type (WT) and mutant human Kir6.1 and SUR2B. Thallium-influx and cell membrane potential, reported by fluorescent Tl-sensitive Fluozin-2 and voltage-sensitive bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol (DiBAC4(3)) dyes, respectively, were used to assess channel activity. In the Tl-influx assay, CS-associated Kir6.1 mutations increased sensitivity to the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel activator, pinacidil, but there was strikingly little effect of pinacidil for any SUR2B mutations, reflecting unexpected differences in the molecular mechanisms of Kir6.1 versus SUR2B mutations. Compared with the Tl-influx assay, the DiBAC4(3) assay presents more significant signal changes in response to subtle KATP channel activity changes, and all CS mutants (both Kir6.1 and SUR2B), but not WT channels, caused marked hyperpolarization, demonstrating that all mutants were activated under ambient conditions in intact cells. Most SUR2 CS mutations were markedly inhibited by <100 nM glibenclamide, but sensitivity to inhibition by glibenclamide, repaglinide, and PNU37883A was markedly reduced for Kir6.1 CS mutations. Understanding functional consequences of mutations can help with disease diagnosis and treatment. The analysis pipeline we have developed has the potential to rapidly identify mutational consequences, aiding future CS diagnosis, drug discovery, and individualization of treatment. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: We have developed new fluorescence-based assays of channel activities and drug sensitivities of Cantú syndrome (CS) mutations in human Kir6.1/SUR2B-dependent KATP channels, showing that Kir6.1 mutations increase sensitivity to potassium channel openers, while SUR2B mutations markedly reduce K channel opener (KCO) sensitivity. However, both Kir6.1 and SUR2B CS mutations are both more hyperpolarized than WT cells under basal conditions, confirming pathophysiologically relevant gain-of-function, validating DiBAC4(3) fluorescence to characterize hyperpolarization induced by KATP channel activity under basal, non KCO-activated conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium channels play an important role in the basal tone and dilation of cerebral resistance arterioles in response to many stimuli. However, the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on specific potassium channel function remains unknown. The first goal of this study was to determine the influence of PAE on the reactivity of cerebral arterioles to activation of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP ) and BK channels. Our second goal was to determine whether oxidative stress contributed to potassium channel dysfunction of cerebral arterioles following PAE.
    We fed Sprague-Dawley dams a liquid diet with or without alcohol (3% EtOH) for the duration of their pregnancy (21 to 23 days). We examined in vivo responses of cerebral arterioles in control and PAE male and female offspring (14 to 16 weeks after birth) to activators of potassium channels (Iloprost [BK channels] and pinacidil [KATP channels]), before and following inhibition of oxidative stress with apocynin.
    We found that PAE impaired dilation of cerebral arterioles in response to activation of potassium channels with iloprost and pinacidil, and this impairment was similar in male and female rats. In addition, treatment with apocynin reversed the impaired vasodilation to iloprost and pinacidil in PAE rats to levels observed in control rats. This effect of apocynin also was similar in male and female rats.
    PAE induces dysfunction in the ability of specific potassium channels to dilate cerebral arterioles which appears to be mediated by an increase in oxidative stress. We suggest that these alterations in potassium channel function may contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral vascular abnormalities and/or behavioral/cognitive deficits observed in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective: To determine the electrophysiological effects and related mechanisms of late sodium current inhibitors on hearts with short QT intervals. Methods: The electrophysiological study was performed on isolated Langendorff perfused rabbit hearts. A total of 80 New Zealand White rabbits were used and 34 hearts without drug treatment were defined as control group A, these hearts were then treated with IKATP opener pinacidil, defined as pinacidil group A. Then, 27 hearts from pinacidil group A were selected to receive combined perfusion with sodium channel inhibitors or quinidine, a traditional drug used to treat short QT syndrome, including ranolazine combined group (n=9), mexiletine combined group (n=9), and quinidine combined group (n=9). Nineteen out of the remaining 46 New Zealand rabbits were selected as control group B (no drug treatments, n=19), and then treated with pinacidil, defined as pinacidil group B (n=19). The remaining 27 rabbits were treated with sodium inhibitors or quinidine alone, including ranolazine alone group (n=9), mexiletine alone group (n=9), and quinidine alone group (n=9). Electrocardiogram (ECG) physiological parameters of control group A and pinacidil group A were collected. In control group B and pinacidil group B, programmed electrical stimulation was used to induce ventricular arrhythmias and ECG was collected. ECG physiological parameters and ventricular arrhythmia status of various groups were analyzed. The concentrations of pinacidil, ranolazine, mexiletine and quinidine used in this study were 30, 10, 30 and 1 μmol/L, respectively. Results: Compared with control group A, the QT interval, 90% of the repolarization in epicardial and endocardial monophasic action potential duration (MAPD90-Epi, MAPD90-Endo) was shortened, the transmural dispersion of repolarization (TDR) was increased, and the effective refractor period (ERP) and post-repolarization refractoriness (PRR) were reduced in pinacidil group A (all P<0.05). Compared with the pinacidil group A, MAPD90-Epi, MAPD90-Endo, QT interval changes were reversed in quinidine combined group and mexiletine combined group (all P<0.05), but not in ranolazine combined group. All these three drugs reversed the pinacidil-induced increases of TDR and the decreases of ERP and PRR. The induced ventricular arrhythmia rate was 0 in control group B, and increased to 10/19 (χ2=13.6, P<0.05) in pinacidil group B during programmed electrical stimulation. Compared with the pinacidil group B, incidences of ventricular arrhythmia decreased to 11% (1/9), 11% (1/9) and 0 (0/9) (χ2=4.5, 4.5, 7.4, P<0.05) respectively in ranolazine group, mexiletine group and quinidine group. Conclusions: Inhibition of late sodium current does not increase but even decreases the risk of malignant arrhythmia in hearts with a shortened QT interval. The antiarrhythmic mechanism might be associated with the reversal of the increase of TDR and the decrease of refractoriness (including both ERP and PRR) of hearts with shortened QT interval.
    目的: 探讨抑制晚钠电流的药物对短QT间期心脏可能的电生理作用及其机制。 方法: 采用Langendorff灌流装置制备兔离体心脏电生理研究模型。选择新西兰大耳白兔80只,首先任意选取34只,未用药时为对照A组(n=34)、给予IKATP开放剂吡那地尔后为吡那地尔A组(n=34),再从吡那地尔A组中选取27只,联用钠通道抑制剂或传统的用于治疗短QT综合征的药物奎尼丁后分为雷诺嗪联用组(n=9)、美西律联用组(n=9)、奎尼丁联用组(n=9)。在剩余的46只新西兰兔中选取19只,未用药时为对照B组(n=19),给予吡那地尔后为吡那地尔B组(n=19)。其余27只分为雷诺嗪单用组(n=9)、美西律单用组(n=9)、奎尼丁单用组(n=9)。采集对照A组、吡那地尔A组的心电生理参数,在对照B组、吡那地尔B组中采用程序电刺激诱发室性心律失常并采集心电图。采集吡那地尔联用组和单用药物组的心电生理参数,同时诱发室性心律失常并采集心电图。吡那地尔、雷诺嗪、美西律、奎尼丁药物浓度分别为30、10、30、1 μmol/L。 结果: 与对照A组相比,吡那地尔A组的QT间期、心外膜和心内膜动作电位复极化完成90%处的时程(MAPD90)缩短、跨室壁复极离散度(TDR)增大、有效不应期(ERP)和复极后不应期(PRR)降低(P<0.05)。与吡那地尔A组相比,美西律联用组、奎尼丁联用组心外膜和心内膜MAPD90和QT间期延长(P<0.05),雷诺嗪联用组则不发生改变;TDR在3个联用组均显著降低,但ERP和PRR则延长(P<0.05)。程序电刺激时对照B组室性心律失常诱发率为0,吡那地尔B组升高至10/19(χ²=13.6,P<0.05)。雷诺嗪联用组、美西律联用组和奎尼丁联用组室性心律失常的诱发率分别为1/9、1/9和0,均低于吡那地尔B组(χ²=4.5、4.5、7.4,P均<0.05)。 结论: 在QT间期缩短的心脏,抑制晚钠电流不会加重电生理异常,而且会降低恶性心律失常发生的危险性,其机制与逆转短QT情况下TDR的增大和不应期(包括ERP及PRR)的缩短有关。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The T wave of the electrocardiogram (ECG) reflects ventricular repolarization. Repolarization heterogeneity is associated with reentrant arrhythmias. Several T-wave markers (including QT interval) have been associated with ventricular arrhythmias, but studies linking such markers to underlying local repolarization time (RT) inhomogeneities are lacking. We aimed to investigate the relation of several T-wave markers to controlled drug-induced regional RT gradients in intact pig hearts.
    Repolarization time gradients were created by regional infusion of dofetilide and pinacidil in four atrially paced porcine Langendorff-perfused hearts placed inside a torso tank. From the 12-lead ECG on the torso tank, the mean, maximum, and dispersion (max-min) of QTtime , JTtime , Tpeak-end , Twidth , TQratio , dV/dtmax , Tarea , Tamp , and T-upslope duration were determined, as well as upslope end difference between leads V1 and V6 .
    Temporal T-wave parameters Tpeak-end , Twidth, and TQratio show a significant and high correlation with RT gradient, best reflected by mean value. Tarea (mean, max and dispersion) and dV/dtmax dispersion show only a moderate significant correlation. T-upslope duration shows a significant correlation in particular for mean values. Mean, maximum, or dispersion of QTtime and V1 -V6 upslope end difference were not significantly correlated with RT gradient.
    Composite 12-lead ECG T-wave parameters Tpeak-end , Twidth , TQratio , upslope duration, and Tarea show a good correlation with underlying RT heterogeneity, whereas standard clinical metrics such as QTtime do not reflect local RT heterogeneity. The composite T-wave metrics may thus provide better insights in arrhythmia susceptibility than traditional QTtime metrics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxidative stress induces functional changes in arteries. Therefore, the effect of myo-inositol, a possible anti-inflammatory/antioxidant agent was studied on human plasma and rat thoracic arteries. Aortic rings from male Wistar rats (3 months of age) were incubated with myo-inositol (1, 10 and 100 μM, 120 min) and analyzed using the gas chromatography (GC) method. In another experiment, aortic rings were protected first with myo-inositol (1 µM, 60 min) and then subjected to a thromboxane receptor agonist (U-46619, 0.1 nM, 60 min). Therefore, these four groups under the following conditions were studied: (i) the control in the vehicle; (ii) myo-inositol; (iii) the vehicle plus U-46619; (iv) myo-inositol plus U-46619. The hemostatic parameters of human plasma and an H2O2/Fe2+ challenge for lipid and protein peroxidation were also performed. Myo-inositol was not absorbed into the pre-incubated aortic rings as measured by the GC method (0.040 µg/mg, p ≥ 0.8688). The effect of myo-inositol was more significant in the impaired arteries due to U-46619 incubation, which resulted in an improved response to acetylcholine (% Emax: 58.47 vs. 86.69), sodium nitroprusside (logEC50: −7.478 vs. −8.076), CORM-2 (% Emax: 44.08 vs. 83.29), pinacidil (logEC50: −6.489 vs. −6.988) and noradrenaline (logEC50: −7.264 vs. −6.525). This was most likely a possible response to increased nitric oxide release (×2.6-fold, p < 0001), and decreased hydrogen peroxide production (×0.7-fold, p = 0.0012). KCl-induced membrane depolarization was not modified (p ≥ 0.4768). Both the plasma protein carbonylation (×0.7-fold, p = 0.0006), and the level of thiol groups (×3.2-fold, p = 0.0462) were also improved, which was not significant for TBARS (×0.8-fold, p = 0.0872). The hemostatic parameters were also not modified (p ≥ 0.8171). A protective effect of myo-inositol was demonstrated against prooxidant damage to human plasma and rat thoracic arteries, suggesting a strong role of this nutraceutical agent on vasculature which may be of benefit against harmful environmental effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seeds of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) contain a large amount of protein (26.3%), dietary fiber (27.5%), and fatty acids (33.2%), including linoleic, α-linolenic, and some amount of γ-linolenic acid. In our study, obese male Zucker rats (n = 6) at 8 weeks of age were supplemented for a further 4 weeks with either ground hemp seeds (12% diet) or lipid fractions in the form of hemp seed oil (4% diet). Hemp oil decreased blood plasma HDL-cholesterol (x0.76, p ≤ 0.0001), triglycerides (x0.55, p = 0.01), and calculated atherogenic parameters. Meanwhile, hemp seeds decreased HDL-cholesterol (x0.71, p ≤ 0.0001) and total cholesterol (x0.81, p = 0.006) but not the atherogenic index. The plasma antioxidant capacity of water-soluble compounds was decreased by the seeds (x0.30, p = 0.0015), which in turn was associated with a decrease in plasma uric acid (x0.18, p = 0.03). Dietary hemp seeds also decreased plasma urea (x0.80, p = 0.02), while the oil decreased the plasma total protein (x0.90, p = 0.05). Hemp seeds and the oil decreased lipid peroxidation in the blood plasma and in the heart (reflected as malondialdehyde content), improved contraction to noradrenaline, and up-regulated the sensitivity of potassium channels dependent on ATP and Ca2+. Meanwhile, acetylcholine-induced vasodilation was improved by hemp seeds exclusively. Dietary supplementation with ground hemp seeds was much more beneficial than the oil, which suggests that the lipid fractions are only partially responsible for this effect.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have confirmed that 50 µmol/l pinacidil postconditioning (PPC) activates the nuclear factor‑E2 related factor 2 (Nrf2)‑antioxidant responsive element (ARE) pathway, which protects the myocardium from ischemia‑reperfusion (IR) injury; however, whether this is associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation remains unclear. In the present study, a Langendorff rat model of isolated myocardial IR was established to investigate the mechanism of PPC at different concentrations, as well as the association between the rat myocardial Nrf2‑ARE signaling pathway and ROS. A total of 48 rats were randomly divided into the following six groups (n=8 per group): i) Normal; ii) IR iii) 10 µmol/l PPC (P10); iv) 30 µmol/l PPC (P30); v) 50 µmol/l PPC (P50); and vi) N‑(2‑mercaptopropionyl)‑glycine (MPG; a ROS scavenger) + 50 µmol/l pinacidil (P50 + MPG). At the end of reperfusion (T3), compared with the IR group, the P10, P30 and P50 groups exhibited improved cardiac function, such as left ventricular development pressure, heart rate, left ventricular end‑diastolic pressure, +dp/dtmax, myocardial cell ultrastructure and mitochondrial Flameng score. Furthermore, the P10 and P50 groups demonstrated the weakest and most marked improvements, respectively. Additionally, in the P10, P30 and P50 groups, the residual ROS content at the end of reperfusion was highly negatively correlated with relative expression levels of Nrf2 gene and protein. Higher pinacidil concentration was associated with higher ROS generation at 5 min post‑reperfusion (T2), although this was significantly lower compared with the IR group, as well as with increased expression levels of antioxidant proteins and phase II detoxification enzymes downstream of the Nrf2 and Nrf2‑ARE pathways. This result was associated with a stronger ability to scavenge ROS during reperfusion, leading to lower levels of ROS at the end of reperfusion (T3) and less myocardial damage. The optimal myocardial protective effect was achieved by 50 mmol/l pinacidil. However, cardiac function of the P50 + MPG group was significantly decreased, ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes was significantly impaired and the relative expression levels of genes and proteins in the Nrf2‑ARE pathway were decreased. The aforementioned results confirmed that different PPC concentrations promoted early generation of ROS and activated the Nrf2‑ARE signaling pathway following reperfusion, regulated expression levels of downstream antioxidant proteins and alleviated myocardial IR injury in rats. Treatment with 50 mmol/l pinacidil resulted in the best myocardial protection.





