
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diversity of nemerteans along the Pacific coast of the United States is regarded as well characterized, but there remain many cryptic, undescribed, and \"orphan\" species (those known only in their larval form). Recent sampling of nemerteans in Oregon and Washington has begun to fill in these taxonomic gaps, but nemertean diversity in California has received relatively little attention over the past 60 years. During the summers of 2019 and 2020, nemertean specimens were collected from 20 locations in the Bodega Bay region of northern California, USA, including rocky intertidal shores, sandy beaches, mudflats, and other habitats. Based on morphological assessment and DNA sequence analysis (partial Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S rRNA genes), our surveys identified 34 nemertean species. Only 13 of these (38%) can be confidently assigned to described species. Another 11 represent species that are new to science, including members of the genera Riserius, Nipponnemertes, Poseidonemertes, Zygonemertes, Nemertellina, Oerstedia, and three species of uncertain affiliation. The remaining ten species include undescribed or cryptic species of uncertain status that have been found previously along the Pacific Coast of North America. Our surveys also document extensions of known geographic ranges for multiple species, including the first records in California of Antarctonemertesphyllospadicola, Cephalothrixhermaphroditica, and Maculauraoregonensis. This is the first report of the genus Nemertellina in the northeast Pacific and Riserius in California. Overall, our findings highlight how much remains to be learned about the diversity and distribution of nemerteans in the northeast Pacific.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-body regeneration, the ability to reconstruct complete individuals from small fragments, is rare among ribbon worms (phylum Nemertea) but present in the pilidiophoran species Lineus sanguineus. This species can regenerate complete individuals from a tiny midbody section, and even from a quarter of a piece, provided it retains a fragment of a lateral nerve cord. While a few other unrelated species of ribbon worms are also excellent regenerators, L. sanguineus is unique in having evolved its regenerative abilities quite recently and thus offers an exceptional opportunity to gain insight into the evolutionary mechanisms of regeneration enhancement. Interestingly, both its sister species Lineus lacteus and Lineus pseudolacteus, a third species derived from the recent hybridization of the other two, differ in their regeneration abilities: while L. lacteus is uncapable of regenerating a lost head, L. pseudolacteus is capable of anterior regeneration, albeit at a slower rate than L. sanguineus. L. sanguineus has a worldwide distribution in temperate shores of both hemispheres, is readily found at intertidal habitats, and can survive, feed and be bred through asexual replication with minimal effort in laboratory settings. All the above make this species a superb candidate for studies of regenerative biology. In this chapter, we present protocols to collect, identify and breed L. sanguineus to study the extraordinary whole-body regeneration abilities found in this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The valenciniid heteronemertean Baseodiscus delineatus (Delle Chiaje, 1825) was originally described from Naples, Italy, and shows a circumglobal distribution from tropical to temperate seas in both hemispheres. To investigate its reproductive biology, we performed intermittent year-round sampling from 2014 to 2018 in Misaki on the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan. Of the 40 specimens obtained, 11 were males, while 29 were immature. No female specimen was confirmed during the sampling period. We additionally observed that B. delineatus is fissiparous. A male individual in captivity reproduced asexually by spontaneous posterior fragmentation, an ability that is described here for the first time among Valenciniidae. Autotomy occurred every 2-10 days, with each of the tail fragments having undergone anterior regeneration, which took about 24-36 days before completion of internal organs, such as ocelli, cerebral organs, brain, alimentary canal, rhynchocoel, and proboscis. A review of the literature suggests that the species was absent in the Misaki region 120 years ago. We assume a recent settlement of a male founder, which has putatively reproduced asexually to yield a clonal, unisexual population in Misaki.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The heteronemertean Kulikovia alborostrata (Takakura, 1898) was originally described as Lineus alborostratus based on material from Misaki, Japan. Although this species was regarded as consisting of two color variants, purple and brown-yellow, the identity of these variants has never been examined based on topotypes. In this study, we performed a multi-locus phylogeny reconstruction, species delimitation analyses, and cross-fertilization experiments to examine the species status of Takakura\'s original taxon concept consisting of these color variants. Our results suggest that the purple type is identical to Lineus alborostratus Takakura, 1898 auct. (currently Kulikovia alborostrata), whereas the brown-yellow type is conspecific with Lineus fulvus Iwata, 1954, originally established from Hokkaido. These two species appear to have a sister-taxon relationship and are reproductively isolated from each other by prezygotic mechanisms involving gamete incompatibility, minimally separated with 2.8% (16S rRNA) and 14.4% (COI) uncorrected p-distances. We propose that the purple type be considered as representing the true identity of the nominal species Lineus alborostratus (currently assigned to the genus Kulikovia) to maintain the common usage of the name. Although Takakura\'s type material is not extant, we consider that neotypification is unnecessary in this case because no taxonomic/nomenclatural confusion persists. We also propose to transfer Lineus fulvus to yield Kulikovia fulva comb. nov.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fine structure of mature pseudocnidae of 32 species of nemerteans, representatives of 20 genera, six families, and two classes was investigated with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pseudocnidae are composed of four layers (cortex, medulla, precore layer, and core) in most species investigated, but the degree of development and position of each layer can vary between different species. The secretion products comprising immature pseudocnidae segregate into separate layers: a thin envelope, which subsequently separates into the cortex and medulla and an extensive internal layer. We distinguish two pseudocnida types: type I is characterized by a two-layered core and type II by a three-layered core. Type I pseudocnidae are present in archinemertean species, Carinoma mutabilis, and in all pilidiophoran species, except Heteronemertea sp. 5DS; type II pseudocnidae occur in all studied species of Tubulanidae and the basal Heteronemertea sp. 5DS. Based on the structure of the discharged pseudocnidae observed in eleven species of palaeonemerteans and in eight species of pilidiophorans, we distinguish three different mechanisms (1-3) of core extrusion/discharge with the following characteristics and distribution: (1) the outer core layer is everted simultaneously with the tube-like layer and occurs in type I pseudocnidae of most species; (2) the extruded core is formed by both eversion of the outer core layer and medullar layer, and occurs in type I pseudocnidae of Micrura cf. bella; (3) the eversion of the outer core layer begins together with the core rod and core rod lamina and occurs in type II pseudocnidae. Morpho-functional comparison with other extrusomes (cnidae, sagittocysts, rhabdtites, and paracnids) confirm that pseudocnidae are homologous structures that are unique to nemerteans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nemertea is a phylum of worms with a simple internal morphology; nemerteans\' spermatozoon morphology can be used for their classification and phylogenetic analyses. The aim of the present study was to describe spermatozoa of the nemerteans Hubrechtella juliae and Sonnenemertes cantelli from the basal groups of the class Pilidiophora at the ultrastructure level. Both species have primitive (\'compact-head\' sensu Stricker and Folsom, 1998) spermatozoa with ovoid head and five mitochondria in the midpiece, but differ in the structure of acrosomal complex: in Hubrechtella juliae, the single lens-shaped acrosomal vesicle contains an area of moderate electron density not enclosed by a separate membrane; in Sonnenemertes cantelli, the acrosome shows a unique morphology and contains a few electron-dense vesicles with irregular shapes and positions and one more electron-lucent elongated vesicle. Such a pattern of the acrosomal complex organization is described for Nemertea for the first time. An assumption is made that the states \"two or more mitochondria\" and \"posterior acrosomal ring component\" may be synapomorphies of Hubrechtiiformes+Heteronemertea (class Pilidiophora), whereas \"the posterior margin of the acrosomes forms an acrosomal ring component\" is presumably an autapomorphy of the family Lineidae s.l. The results suggest that spermatozoa provide a useful source of characters for nemertean systematics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micrura alaskensis Coe, 1901 is a common intertidal heteronemertean known from eastern and northwest Pacific (Alaska to Ensenada, Mexico and Akkeshi, Japan, respectively). It is an emerging model system in developmental biology research. We present evidence from morphology of the adults, gametes, and sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA genes that it is not one, but a complex of five, cryptic species. All five of these species co-occur at least in part of their geographic range (e.g. southern Oregon). Preliminary cross-hybridization experiments suggest that at least some of these species are reproductively isolated. The five species share characteristics of adult morphology (e.g. accessory buccal glands) and at least four are known to possess a unique larval morphotype--pilidium maculosum. We propose that these characters define a new genus, Maculaura gen. nov., which contains the following five species: Maculaura alaskensis comb. nov., Maculaura aquilonia sp. nov., Maculaura cerebrosa sp. nov., Maculaura oregonensis sp. nov., and Maculaura magna sp. nov. It is unclear which of the five species Coe originally encountered and described. We chose to retain the name \"alaskensis\" for the species that current researchers know as \"Micrura alaskensis\", although, presently, it is only known from Washington and Oregon, and has not been collected from Alaska. Maculaura aquilonia sp. nov. is the only member of the genus we have encountered in Alaska, and we show that it also occurs in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resolving the deep relationships of ancient animal lineages has proven difficult using standard Sanger-sequencing approaches with a handful of markers. We thus reassess the relatively well-studied phylogeny of the phylum Nemertea (ribbon worms)-for which the targeted gene approaches had resolved many clades but had left key phylogenetic gaps-by using a phylogenomic approach using Illumina-based de novo assembled transcriptomes and automatic orthology prediction methods. The analysis of a concatenated data set of 2,779 genes (411,138 amino acids) with about 78% gene occupancy and a reduced version with 95% gene occupancy, under evolutionary models accounting or not for site-specific amino acid replacement patterns results in a well-supported phylogeny that recovers all major accepted nemertean clades with the monophyly of Heteronemertea, Hoplonemertea, Monostilifera, being well supported. Significantly, all the ambiguous patterns inferred from Sanger-based approaches were resolved, namely the monophyly of Palaeonemertea and Pilidiophora. By testing for possible conflict in the analyzed supermatrix, we observed that concatenation was the best solution, and the results of the analyses should settle prior debates on nemertean phylogeny. The study highlights the importance, feasibility, and completeness of Illumina-based phylogenomic data matrices.





