Phytochrome B

植物色素 B
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian clock is an endogenous oscillator, and its importance lies in its ability to impart rhythmicity on downstream biological processes, or outputs. Our knowledge of output regulation, however, is often limited to an understanding of transcriptional connections between the clock and outputs. For instance, the clock is linked to plant growth through the gating of photoreceptors via rhythmic transcription of the nodal growth regulators, PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs), but the clock\'s role in PIF protein stability is less clear. Here, we identified a clock-regulated, F-box type E3 ubiquitin ligase, CLOCK-REGULATED F-BOX WITH A LONG HYPOCOTYL 1 (CFH1), that specifically interacts with and degrades PIF3 during the daytime. Additionally, genetic evidence indicates that CFH1 functions primarily in monochromatic red light, yet CFH1 confers PIF3 degradation independent of the prominent red-light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB). This work reveals a clock-mediated growth regulation mechanism in which circadian expression of CFH1 promotes sustained, daytime PIF3 degradation in parallel with phyB signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The increasing ambient temperature significantly impacts plant growth, development, and reproduction. Uncovering the temperature-regulating mechanisms in plants is of high importance, for increasing our fundamental understanding of plant thermomorphogenesis, for its potential in applied science, and for aiding plant breeders in improving plant thermoresilience. Thermomorphogenesis, the developmental response to warm temperatures, has been primarily studied in seedlings and in the regulation of flowering time. PHYTOCHROME B and PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs), particularly PIF4, are key components of this response. However, the thermoresponse of other adult vegetative tissues and reproductive structures has not been systematically evaluated, especially concerning the involvement of phyB and PIFs.
    RESULTS: We screened the temperature responses of the wild type and several phyB-PIF4 pathway Arabidopsis mutant lines in combined and integrative phenotyping platforms for root growth in soil, shoot, inflorescence, and seed. Our findings demonstrate that phyB-PIF4 is generally involved in the relay of temperature signals throughout plant development, including the reproductive stage. Furthermore, we identified correlative responses to high ambient temperature between shoot and root tissues. This integrative and automated phenotyping was complemented by monitoring the changes in transcript levels in reproductive organs. Transcriptomic profiling of the pistils from plants grown under high ambient temperature identified key elements that may provide insight into the molecular mechanisms behind temperature-induced reduced fertilization rate. These include a downregulation of auxin metabolism, upregulation of genes involved auxin signalling, miRNA156 and miRNA160 pathways, and pollen tube attractants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that phyB-PIF4 involvement in the interpretation of temperature signals is pervasive throughout plant development, including processes directly linked to reproduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants exploit phenotypic plasticity to adapt their growth and development to prevailing environmental conditions. Interpretation of light and temperature signals is aided by the circadian system, which provides a temporal context. Phenotypic plasticity provides a selective and competitive advantage in nature but is obstructive during large-scale, intensive agricultural practices since economically important traits (including vegetative growth and flowering time) can vary widely depending on local environmental conditions. This prevents accurate prediction of harvesting times and produces a variable crop. In this study, we sought to restrict phenotypic plasticity and circadian regulation by manipulating signaling systems that govern plants\' responses to environmental signals. Mathematical modeling of plant growth and development predicted reduced plant responses to changing environments when circadian and light signaling pathways were manipulated. We tested this prediction by utilizing a constitutively active allele of the plant photoreceptor phytochrome B, along with disruption of the circadian system via mutation of EARLY FLOWERING3. We found that these manipulations produced plants that are less responsive to light and temperature cues and thus fail to anticipate dawn. These engineered plants have uniform vegetative growth and flowering time, demonstrating how phenotypic plasticity can be limited while maintaining plant productivity. This has significant implications for future agriculture in both open fields and controlled environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed germination represents a determinant for plants to enter ecosystems and is thus regarded as a key ecological and agronomic trait. It is tightly regulated by a variety of environmental cues to ensure that seeds germinate under favorable conditions. Here, we characterize BBX32, a B-box zinc-finger protein, as an imbibition-stimulated positive regulator of seed germination. Belonging to subgroup V of the BBX family, BBX32 exhibits distinct characteristics compared with its close counterparts within the same subgroup. BBX32 is transiently induced at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels in the embryo upon water absorption. Genetic evidence indicates that BBX32 acts upstream of the master transcription factor PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 1 (PIF1) to facilitate light-induced seed germination. BBX32 directly interacts with PIF1, suppressing its protein-interacting and DNA-binding capabilities, thereby relieving PIF1\'s repression on seed germination. Furthermore, the imbibition-stimulated BBX32 functions in parallel with the light-induced transcription regulator HFR1 to collectively attenuate the transcriptional activities of PIF1. The BBX32-PIF1 de-repression module serves as a molecular connection that enables plants to integrate signals of water availability and light exposure, effectively coordinating the initiation of seed germination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, significant improvements in maize yield have been largely attributed to increased plant density of upright hybrid varieties rather than increased yield per plant. However, dense planting triggers shade avoidance responses (SARs) that optimize light absorption but impair plant vigor and performance, limiting yield improvement through increasing plant density. In this study, we demonstrated that high-density-induced leaf angle narrowing and stem/stalk elongation are largely dependent on phytochrome B (phyB1/B2), the primary photoreceptor responsible for perceiving red (R) and far-red (FR) light in maize. We found that maize phyB physically interacts with the LIGULELESS1 (LG1), a classical key regulator of leaf angle, to coordinately regulate plant architecture and density tolerance. The abundance of LG1 is significantly increased by phyB under high R:FR light (low density) but rapidly decreases under low R:FR light (high density), correlating with variations in leaf angle and plant height under various densities. In addition, we identified the homeobox transcription factor HB53 as a target co-repressed by both phyB and LG1 but rapidly induced by canopy shade. Genetic and cellular analyses showed that HB53 regulates plant architecture by controlling the elongation and division of ligular adaxial and abaxial cells. Taken together, these findings uncover the phyB-LG1-HB53 regulatory module as a key molecular mechanism governing plant architecture and density tolerance, providing potential genetic targets for breeding maize hybrid varieties suitable for high-density planting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The involvement of the microRNA miR165a in the light-dependent mechanisms of regulation of target genes in maize (Zea mays) has been studied. The light-induced change in the content of free miR165a was associated with its binding by the AGO10 protein and not with a change in the rate of its synthesis from the precursor. The use of knockout Arabidopsis plants for the phytochrome A and B genes demonstrated that the presence of an active form of phytochrome B causes an increase in the level of the RNA-induced silencing miR165a complex, which triggers the degradation of target mRNAs. The two fractions of vesicles from maize leaves, P40 and P100 that bind miR165a, were isolated by ultracentrifugation. The P40 fraction consisted of larger vesicles of the size >0.170 µm, while the P100 fraction vesicles were <0.147 µm. Based on the quantitative PCR data, the predominant location of miR165a on the surface of extracellular vesicles of both fractions was established. The formation of the active form of phytochrome upon the irradiation of maize plants with red light led to a redistribution of miR165a, resulting in an increase in its proportion inside P40 vesicles and a decrease in P100 vesicles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The red and far-red light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) transmits light signals following cytosol-to-nuclear translocation to regulate transcriptional networks therein. This necessitates changes in protein-protein interactions of phyB in the cytosol, about which little is presently known. Via introduction of a nucleus-excluding G767R mutation into the dominant, constitutively active phyBY276H (YHB) allele, we explore the functional consequences of expressing a cytosol-localized YHBG767R variant in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings. We show that YHBG767R elicits selective constitutive photomorphogenic phenotypes in dark-grown phyABCDE null mutants, wild type and other phy-deficient genotypes. These responses include light-independent apical hook opening, cotyledon unfolding, seed germination and agravitropic hypocotyl growth with minimal suppression of hypocotyl elongation. Such phenotypes correlate with reduced PIF3 levels, which implicates cytosolic targeting of PIF3 turnover or PIF3 translational inhibition by YHBG767R. However, as expected for a cytoplasm-tethered phyB, YHBG767R elicits reduced light-mediated signaling activity compared with similarly expressed wild-type phyB in phyABCDE mutant backgrounds. YHBG767R also interferes with wild-type phyB light signaling, presumably by formation of cytosol-retained and/or otherwise inactivated heterodimers. Our results suggest that cytosolic interactions with PIFs play an important role in phyB signaling even under physiological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants perceive the presence and defence status of their neighbours through light and volatile cues, but how plants integrate both stimuli is poorly understood. We investigated if and how low Red to Far red light (R:FR) ratios, indicative of shading or canopy closure, affect maize (Zea mays) responses to herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), including the green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. We modulated light signalling and perception by using FR supplementation and a phyB1phyB2 mutant, and we determined volatile release as a response readout. To gain mechanistic insights, we examined expression of volatile biosynthesis genes, hormone accumulation, and photosynthesis. Exposure to a full blend of HIPVs or (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate induced maize volatile release. Short-term FR supplementation increased this response. In contrast, prolonged FR supplementation or constitutive phytochrome B inactivation in phyB1phyB2 plants showed the opposite response. Short-term FR supplementation enhanced photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate-induced JA-Ile levels. We conclude that a FR-enriched light environment can prompt maize plants to respond more strongly to HIPVs emitted by neighbours, which might be explained by changes in photosynthetic processes and phytochrome B signalling. Our findings reveal interactive responses to light and volatile cues with potentially important consequences for plant-plant and plant-herbivore interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flowering is a vital agronomic trait that determines the economic value of most ornamental plants. The flowering time of rose (Rosa spp.) is photoperiod insensitive and is thought to be tightly controlled by light intensity, although the detailed molecular mechanism remains unclear. Here, we showed that rose plants flower later under low-light (LL) intensity than under high-light (HL) intensity, which is mainly related to the stability of PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (RcPIFs) mediated by OPEN STOMATA 1-Like (RcOST1L) under different light intensity regimes. We determined that HL conditions trigger the rapid phosphorylation of RcPIFs before their degradation. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified the kinase RcOST1L as interacting with RcPIF4. Moreover, RcOST1L positively regulated rose flowering and directly phosphorylated RcPIF4 on serine 198 to promote its degradation under HL conditions. Additionally, phytochrome B (RcphyB) enhanced RcOST1L-mediated phosphorylation of RcPIF4 via interacting with the active phyB-binding motif. RcphyB was activated upon HL and recruited RcOST1L to facilitate its nuclear accumulation, in turn leading to decreased stability of RcPIF4 and flowering acceleration. Our findings illustrate how RcPIF abundance safeguards proper rose flowering under different light intensities, thus uncovering the essential role of RcOST1L in the RcphyB-RcPIF4 module in flowering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photobodies (PBs) are membraneless subnuclear organelles that self-assemble via concentration-dependent liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of the plant photoreceptor and thermosensor phytochrome B (PHYB). The current PHYB LLPS model posits that PHYB phase separates randomly in the nucleoplasm regardless of the cellular or nuclear context. Here, we established a robust Oligopaints method in Arabidopsis to determine the positioning of individual PBs. We show surprisingly that even in PHYB overexpression lines - where PHYB condensation would be more likely to occur randomly - PBs positioned at twelve distinct subnuclear locations distinguishable by chromocenter and nucleolus landmarks, suggesting that PHYB condensation occurs nonrandomly at preferred seeding sites. Intriguingly, warm temperatures reduce PB number by inducing the disappearance of specific thermo-sensitive PBs, demonstrating that individual PBs possess different thermosensitivities. These results reveal a nonrandom PB nucleation model, which provides the framework for the biogenesis of spatially distinct individual PBs with diverse environmental sensitivities within a single plant nucleus.





