Photosystem I Protein Complex

光系统 I 蛋白质复合物
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Cd induces photosynthetic inhibition and oxidative stress damage in H. citrina, which mobilizes the antioxidant system and regulates the expression of corresponding genes to adapt to Cd and Pb stress. Cd and Pb are heavy metals that cause severe pollution and are highly hazardous to organisms. Physiological measurements and transcriptomic analysis were combined to investigate the effect of 5 mM Cd or Pb on Hemerocallis citrina Baroni. Cd significantly inhibited H. citrina growth, while Pb had a minimal impact. Both Cd and Pb suppressed the expression levels of key chlorophyll synthesis genes, resulting in decreased chlorophyll content. At the same time, Cd accelerated chlorophyll degradation. It reduced the maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem (PS) II, damaging the oxygen-evolving complex and leading to thylakoid dissociation. In contrast, no such phenomena were observed under Pb stress. Cd also inhibited the Calvin cycle by down-regulating the expression of Rubisco and SBPase genes, ultimately disrupting the photosynthetic process. Cd impacted the light reaction processes by damaging the antenna proteins, PS II and PS I activities, and electron transfer rate, while the impact of Pb was weaker. Cd significantly increased reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde accumulation, and inhibited the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the expression levels of the corresponding genes. However, H. citrina adapted to Pb stress by the recruitment of antioxidant enzymes and the up-regulation of their corresponding genes. In summary, Cd and Pb inhibited chlorophyll synthesis and hindered the light capture and electron transfer processes, with Cd exerting great toxicity than Pb. These results elucidate the physiological and molecular mechanisms by which H. citrina responds to Cd and Pb stress and provide a solid basis for the potential utilization of H. citrina in the greening of heavy metal-polluted lands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Coulomb coupling between transition densities of the pigments in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes, termed excitonic coupling, is a key factor for the description of optical spectra and energy transfer. A challenging question is the quantification of the screening of the excitonic coupling by the optical polarizability of the environment. We use the equivalence between the sophisticated quantum chemical polarizable continuum (PCM) model and the simple electrostatic Poisson-TrEsp approach to analyze the distance and orientation dependence of the dielectric screening between chlorophylls in photosystem I trimers. On the basis of these calculations we find that the vacuum couplings Vmn(0) and the couplings in the dielectric medium Vmn=fmnVmn(0) are related by the empirical screening factor fmn=0.60+39.6θ(|κmn|-1.17)exp(-0.56Rmn/Å), where κmn is the usual orientational factor of the dipole-dipole coupling between the pigments, Rmn is the center-to-center distance, and the Heaviside-function θ(|κmn|-1.17) ensures that the exponential distance dependence only contributes for in-line type dipole geometries. We are confident that the present expression can be applied also to other pigment-protein complexes with chlorophyll or related pigments of similar shape. The variance between the Poisson-TrEsp and the approximate coupling values is found to decrease by a factor of 8 and 3-4 using the present expression, instead of an exponential distance dependent or constant screening factor, respectively, assumed previously in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of oxygenic photosynthesis is primarily driven by two multiprotein complexes known as photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI). PSII facilitates the light-induced reactions of water-splitting and plastoquinone reduction, while PSI functions as the light-driven plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase. In contrast to the highly conserved structure of PSII among all oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms, the structures of PSI exhibit remarkable variations, especially for photosynthetic organisms that grow in special environments. In this review, we make a concise overview of the recent investigations of PSI from photosynthetic microorganisms including prokaryotic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae from the perspective of structural biology. All known PSI complexes contain a highly conserved heterodimeric core; however, their pigment compositions and peripheral light-harvesting proteins are substantially flexible. This structural plasticity of PSI reveals the dynamic adaptation to environmental changes for photosynthetic organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bio-nanohybrid devices featuring natural photocatalysts bound to a nanostructure hold great promise in the search for sustainable energy conversion. One of the major challenges of integrating biological systems is protecting them against harsh environmental conditions while retaining, or ideally enhancing their photophysical properties. In this mainly computational work we investigate an assembly of cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) embedded in a metal-organic framework (MOF), namely the zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-8. This complex has been reported experimentally [Bennett et al., Nanoscale Adv., 2019, 1, 94] but so far the molecular interactions between PS I and the MOF remained elusive. We show via absorption spectroscopy that PS I remains intact throughout the encapsulation-release cycle. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations further confirm that the encapsulation has no noticeable structural impact on the photosystem. However, the MOF building blocks frequently coordinate to the Mg2+ ions of chlorophylls in the periphery of the antenna complex. High-level quantum mechanical calculations reveal charge-transfer interactions, which affect the excitonic network and thereby may reversibly change the fluorescence properties of PS I. Nevertheless, our results highlight the stability of PS I in the MOF, as the reaction center remains unimpeded by the heterogeneous environment, paving the way for applications in the foreseeable future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthesis converting solar energy to chemical energy is one of the most important chemical reactions on earth. In cyanobacteria, light energy is captured by antenna system phycobilisomes (PBSs) and transferred to photosynthetic reaction centers of photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI). While most of the protein complexes involved in photosynthesis have been characterized by in vitro structural analyses, how these protein complexes function together in vivo is not well understood. Here we implemented STAgSPA, an in situ structural analysis strategy, to solve the native structure of PBS-PSII supercomplex from the cyanobacteria Arthrospira sp. FACHB439 at resolution of ~3.5 Å. The structure reveals coupling details among adjacent PBSs and PSII dimers, and the collaborative energy transfer mechanism mediated by multiple super-PBS in cyanobacteria. Our results provide insights into the diversity of photosynthesis-related systems between prokaryotic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic red algae but are also a methodological demonstration for high-resolution structural analysis in cellular or tissue samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fusion of hydrogenases and photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) has proven to be a promising strategy for the production of sustainable biofuels. Type I (iron-sulfur-containing) RCs, acting as photosensitizers, are capable of promoting electrons to a redox state that can be exploited by hydrogenases for the reduction of protons to dihydrogen (H2). While both [FeFe] and [NiFe] hydrogenases have been used successfully, they tend to be limited due to either O2 sensitivity, binding specificity, or H2 production rates. In this study, we fuse a peripheral (stromal) subunit of Photosystem I (PS I), PsaE, to an O2-tolerant [FeFe] hydrogenase from Clostridium beijerinckii using a flexible [GGS]4 linker group (CbHydA1-PsaE). We demonstrate that the CbHydA1 chimera can be synthetically activated in vitro to show bidirectional activity and that it can be quantitatively bound to a PS I variant lacking the PsaE subunit. When illuminated in an anaerobic environment, the nanoconstruct generates H2 at a rate of 84.9 ± 3.1 µmol H2 mgchl-1 h-1. Further, when prepared and illuminated in the presence of O2, the nanoconstruct retains the ability to generate H2, though at a diminished rate of 2.2 ± 0.5 µmol H2 mgchl-1 h-1. This demonstrates not only that PsaE is a promising scaffold for PS I-based nanoconstructs, but the use of an O2-tolerant [FeFe] hydrogenase opens the possibility for an in vivo H2 generating system that can function in the presence of O2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some cyanobacteria can do photosynthesis using not only visible but also far-red light that is unused by most other oxygenic photoautotrophs because of its lower energy content. These species have a modified photosynthetic apparatus containing red-shifted pigments. The incorporation of red-shifted pigments decreases the photochemical efficiency of photosystem I and, especially, photosystem II, and it might affect the distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems with possible consequences on the activity of the entire electron transport chain. To investigate the in vivo effects on photosynthetic activity of these pigment changes, we present here the adaptation of a spectroscopic method, based on a physical phenomenon called ElectroChromic Shift (ECS), to the far-red absorbing cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina and Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC7203. ECS measures the electric field component of the trans-thylakoid proton motive force generated by photosynthetic electron transfer. We show that ECS can be used in these cyanobacteria to investigate in vivo the stoichiometry of photosystem I and photosystem II and their absorption cross-section, as well as the overall efficiency of light energy conversion into electron transport. Our results indicate that both species use visible and far-red light with similar efficiency, despite significant differences in their light absorption characteristics. ECS thus represents a new non-invasive tool to study the performance of naturally occurring far-red photosynthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosystem I (PSI) serves as a model system for studying fundamental processes such as electron transfer (ET) and energy conversion, which are not only central to photosynthesis but also have broader implications for bioenergy production and biomimetic device design. In this study, we employed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to investigate key light-induced charge separation steps in PSI isolated from several green algal and cyanobacterial species. Following photoexcitation, rapid sequential ET occurs through either of two quasi-symmetric branches of donor/acceptor cofactors embedded within the protein core, termed the A and B branches. Using high-frequency (130 GHz) time-resolved EPR (TR-EPR) and deuteration techniques to enhance spectral resolution, we observed that at low temperatures prokaryotic PSI exhibits reversible ET in the A branch and irreversible ET in the B branch, while PSI from eukaryotic counterparts displays either reversible ET in both branches or exclusively in the B branch. Furthermore, we observed a notable correlation between low-temperature charge separation to the terminal [4Fe-4S] clusters of PSI, termed FA and FB, as reflected in the measured FA/FB ratio. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanistic diversity of PSI\'s ET across different species and underscore the importance of experimental design in resolving these differences. Though further research is necessary to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and the evolutionary significance of these variations in PSI charge separation, this study sets the stage for future investigations into the complex interplay between protein structure, ET pathways, and the environmental adaptations of photosynthetic organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteria are important targets for biotechnological applications due to their ability to grow in a wide variety of environments, rapid growth rates, and tractable genetic systems. They and their bioproducts can be used as bioplastics, biofertilizers, and in carbon capture and produce important secondary metabolites that can be used as pharmaceuticals. However, the photosynthetic process in cyanobacteria can be limited by a wide variety of environmental factors such as light intensity and wavelength, exposure to UV light, nutrient limitation, temperature, and salinity. Carefully considering these limitations, modifying the environment, and/or selecting cyanobacterial species will allow cyanobacteria to be used in biotechnological applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosystem I (PSI) from Fittonia albivenis, an Acanthaceae ornamental plant, is notable among green plants for its red-shifted emission spectrum. Here, we solved the structure of a PSI-light harvesting complex I (LHCI) supercomplex from F. albivenis at 2.46-Å resolution using cryo-electron microscopy. The supercomplex contains a core complex of 14 subunits and an LHCI belt with four antenna subunits (Lhca1-4) similar to previously reported angiosperm PSI-LHCI structures; however, Lhca3 differs in three regions surrounding a dimer of low-energy chlorophylls (Chls) termed red Chls, which absorb far-red beyond visible light. The unique amino acid sequences within these regions are exclusively shared by plants with strongly red-shifted fluorescence emission, suggesting candidate structural elements for regulating the energy state of red Chls. These results provide a structural basis for unraveling the mechanisms of light harvest and transfer in PSI-LHCI of under canopy plants and for designing Lhc to harness longer-wavelength light in the far-red spectral range.





